Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
We will get it done now.
You have until January, and you have to remove the filibuster.
And then it goes to court.
Good luck.
Sandra Day O'Conner also said the new radical right wing justices aren't following Stari Decisis like their suppose to be.
Ah. You disagree with Brown v Board of Education.
Good to know.
They are legislating from the bench.
Which you don't care about when you agree with the decisions.
But they are our countries version of the Moolah's in Iran setting strict conservative laws.
Which you don't care about when you agree with the decisions.
Medicare and Social Security both need to go. Obviously lefty politicians will fight the common sense move to reign in spending.
See everyone. In fact every republican politician dreams of ening social security like they did pensions. Of course they didn’t eliminate theirs
Democraps have been screaming that the Republicans will take away Soc Security SINCE FDR STARTED IT.
It is just a cheap campaign trick.
What do the Demon rats have to run on ????OPEN BORDERS ??? SCREWING HOMELESS AMERICANS ??? STARTING A WAR WITH RUSSIA ??WILD INFLATION ??? RENT FOOD GAS DOUBLE ??? YAY BIDIOT and your Mindwashed Idiot followers.

Gas under Barak Hussein X : 4:00$
Gas under Trump : 2:00$
Gas under Bidiot : 4:00$

Proof that Demotards are brain dead.
A blatant lie.
Ask any Republican anywhere what they'd like to do to social security and see what they say. I defy you to find one republican who doesn't want to make cuts to the program AND eventually phase it out. End it.
I vote to retain Social Security.
Okey Dokey brain dead Democrats.lets say for the sake of
sheer stupidity as Joe Madison { Sirius XM Talk Radio Host .}
pulled last week.That a couple callers to his Show asked about
Social Security and what If.Dumb as a brick Madison acted
shy { like a first for the Loudmouth Black Activist } and said he didn't
know.All the guy had to say was simple.Even IF the GOP won both
the House and the senate and crafted a bill to end or limit SS
The President has Veto powers.Old dumb as a brick { the other
Joe } would have to do is Veto any passed legislation ... Period.
So you’re against women making their own decisions
A) the fallacy regarding Rape, incest and health of the mother justifies killing babies.
B) The remaining 94.5% of the 62,507,884 lives lost since 1973 are because of the woman making her
own decision.
A decision NOT to use birth control, the decision to have a few moments of pleasure versus
killing a future president, inventor of time travel, a future musician, or performer or just another person who
will contribute to the GDP. Consider in 2 generations over 45,924,160 were killed.
These 45 million deaths if alive today would have added to the 2022 GDP of $25 Trillion,
another 30% ($7 trillion...) to the GDP.
And who knows what inventions, laws, contributions to our lives these 45 million that were killed by
women who were making their "own decisions" not to use birth control, or hold down their sexual
A) the fallacy regarding Rape, incest and health of the mother justifies killing babies.
B) The remaining 94.5% of the 62,507,884 lives lost since 1973 are THE because of the woman making her
own decision.
A decision NOT to use birth control, the decision to have a few moments of pleasure versus
killing a future president, inventor of time travel, a future musician, or performer or just another person who
will contribute to the GDP. Consider in 2 generations over 45,924,160 were killed.
These 45 million deaths if alive today would have added to the 2022 GDP of $25 Trillion,
another 30% ($7 trillion...) to the GDP.
And who knows what inventions, laws, contributions to our lives these 45 million that were killed by
women who were making their "own decisions" not to use birth control, or hold down their sexual
Tell women not me. If I know you are full of shit what must they think?
Those people if alive today would be over using our natural resources. We already overshoot the amount we use long before the end of the year.

And a lot of them would be neglected or unwanted. That's the definition of abortion. Terminate an unwanted child. So expect prisons to fill up. 70% of prisoners don't have daddies. Neither will 70% of these babies who should have been aborted.
Tell women not me. If I know you are full of shit what must they think?
Those people if alive today would be over using our natural resources. We already overshoot the amount we use long before the end of the year.

And a lot of them would be neglected or unwanted. That's the definition of abortion. Terminate an unwanted child. So expect prisons to fill up. 70% of prisoners don't have daddies. Neither will 70% of these babies who should have been aborted.
So the women are responsible for their own bodies? Then why would these responsible women have unprotected sex, get a few moments pleasure at the expense of over 60 million human beings? Not asking you anyway as obviously you aren't a woman. But much of the rest of your point is again validation of the responsibility of these women who evidently aren't capable so at least the law should be passed to sterilize irresponsible women after their first Abortion . What actually as statistics proof is that ...
About half of all U.S. women having an abortion have had one previously.
Guttmacher’s latest available figures are from 2020, when it says there were 930,160 abortions nationwide, up from 916,460 in 2019.
So half of 930,160 abortions were done by women who've killed babies before.
Women making a request for a 2nd abortion should be sterilized as they ARE NOT responsible.
And they should be HAPPY about that because they aren't KILLING another human and they are not
giving up their right to their body. We would NOT give a gun to a person that has killed two people before
would we? So why allow irresponsible women to have the right to killing humans?
See everyone. In fact every republican politician dreams of ening social security like they did pensions. Of course they didn’t eliminate theirs
Those two programs are among the greatest things this nation has ever created......by far. No reason to get rid of them other than to hurt working people by forcing them to work longer....which hurts a nation big time.
Those two programs are among the greatest things this nation has ever created......by far. No reason to get rid of them other than to hurt working people by forcing them to work longer....which hurts a nation big time.
Are you a Republican? If you are, tell your Republican friends. You just spoke truth.
No. -You- quote them, and cite the source.
Your claim, onus is on you to back it.
And you know you cannot.
Are you one of those Republicans who likes, defends and supports social security? Initforme came out as pro social security. I don't believe he's being truthful but he said the right thing.
What's that?
You -can't- meet the challenge put to you?
No surprise.
If you want to end social security because you think it's socialism, why can't you admit it? And can you find me a Republican politician who likes social security?

I say every Republican politician wants to end social security just like they want to make abortion murder.

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