Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
All I see here is your admission that you cannot show where any Republican said he wants to end SS.
You will do nothing to change this.
It's easy to defeat you stupid

Permanently terminating the employee payroll tax along the lines President Trump had proposed would have emptied the Social Security’s trust fund by 2026 or earlier.

They won't tell you what they are doing. It's like making abortion illegal in America. We all know that's their end goal but none of them will admit that today. Why is that? Oh yea, because it's not politically popular thing to do. But still Republicans will do it. If they win.
I hope so but I am not going to bet on it happening.

I just found this

The trust funds are currently projected to be exhausted by 2035. At that point, the annual tax revenue for Social Security “would be sufficient to pay 79 percent of program cost, declining to 73 percent for 2094,” the Social Security Board of Trustees said this year. That assumes Congress takes no action to address the shortfall.

So my warning that Republicans will one day cut social security 20% in order to "save" the program is right in line with this. They'll have to cut everyone's social security 21% excuse me. And then in 2094 cut it down to 73%.

I'll live if they give me 79% of what I got coming to me.

I just found this

The trust funds are currently projected to be exhausted by 2035. At that point, the annual tax revenue for Social Security “would be sufficient to pay 79 percent of program cost, declining to 73 percent for 2094,” the Social Security Board of Trustees said this year. That assumes Congress takes no action to address the shortfall.

So my warning that Republicans will one day cut social security 20% in order to "save" the program is right in line with this. They'll have to cut everyone's social security 21% excuse me. And then in 2094 cut it down to 73%.

I'll live if they give me 79% of what I got coming to me.

Yea but right now, on USMB, and in the current political parties, only one party wants to do away with Social Security. Republicans. They won't admit it until it's too late. Hell, if they can blame it on Democats, I'm sure they will. Like NAFTA. They invented it but today they'll only say, "Clinton Signed It".

But they invented it! And they later removed the regulations Clinton put in to protect American workers and the environment.
You keep saying that...
...and yet, you cannot prove your claim to be true.
Why do you need to lie to make a point?
Hey idiot! The title of the thread is "WILL Republicans end social security"

How can I prove they will?

I'm showing you how Republican politicians have tried to make cuts. And I'm showing you USMB and former Republican Politicians who admit they want to end the program. They want to privatize it. Which is a very bad idea.

If we got into a debate about ending social security or letting you take the money you put in and investing it yourself into your own private investment, which would you choose? So like you, all Republican politicians want to do that.

They don't give a fuck about the 60% who won't save a fucking dime and never have any savings. This is why social security is great. Even a minimum wage fool will get $700 a month when they retire for the rest of their lives.

And yea, some people will die before they ever collect one penny.

And yea, it does suck that their families don't get anything when that happens. If it was a private investment and they died at age 59, their families would get the money left. With social security, it's just gone. But that's the gamble we all take. If you live to be 100, ss is great. If you only live to age 66 and only collected 1 year, it kind of sucks

Without social security, we would have sooooo many 70 and 80 year olds who have to work because they have no money. Even 90 year olds. You Republicans don't think about that do ya?
Obama used to be anti-gay marriage:
What's your point?
You showed me a picture of when Biden taxed social security. How long ago was that?

Nixon was a Republican. He admitted some times abortion was necessary. He used this example, "like when a white woman gets pregnant by a black man". LOL Hardly a good reason to get an abortion don't you think?

So I showed you when Trump was pro choice.

Can you show me any pro social security Republicans who openly advocate for the program and appreciate what it does?
Those two programs are among the greatest things this nation has ever created......by far. No reason to get rid of them other than to hurt working people by forcing them to work longer....which hurts a nation big time.
Actually most intelligent people would love to have this instead.
Called Venture Capital Insurance Corp (VCIC) it is like your FDIC in that VCIC is meant for investors
less than $20,000 per investment. It provides a principal guarantee like FDIC in that any investment
made in VCIC would be guaranteed by VCIC up to $20,000 per investment. As a consequence the
venture firm would be paying a premium much like the banks pay FDIC on deposits. And if the venture firm goes bust, VCIC guarantees the VCIC investor's investment up to $20,000 per Venture.
So while the odds of a new venture going bust are obviously risky BUT combined with the periodic audits by the VCIC staff (like FDIC does with banks) the risks are reduced. Plus evaluation of a new venture candidate will be more rigorous.

BUT the rewards to the small $20k investor (and again limited to small investors) are greater than
SS! Consequently if SS were to adopt the VCIC mechanism more smaller investors would have greater principals than just dumping into SS and it going towards the Federal expenditures.
You showed me a picture of when Biden taxed social security. How long ago was that?
Nixon was a Republican. He admitted some times abortion was necessary. He used this example, "like when a white woman gets pregnant by a black man". LOL Hardly a good reason to get an abortion don't you think?
So I showed you when Trump was pro choice.
So... you don't have a point.
It's not my fault you cannot back your claims.
Throughout the 3 ½ years of his presidency, Donald Trump has disrupted nearly every major institution of government, save one. He has politicized the military, upended strategic alliances that have been a bedrock of US foreign policy for 75 years, overturned civil rights protections, undone the postal service, and—with help from a Republican Congress—remade much of the federal income tax code.

But in his 2016 campaign, Trump vowed to leave Social Security untouched. And he has, somewhat uncharacteristically, kept that promise. Until now.

On Saturday, in a press briefing to promote a package of unilateral initiatives aimed at responding to the COVID-19 economic slump, Trump declared a longer-term goal. He announced that if reelected, he would “terminate” the payroll tax that funds Social Security and (perhaps) the payroll tax that supports the hospital insurance piece of Medicare. Currently, employers and employees each pay 6.2 percent of wages up to $137,700 for Social Security and 1.45 percent of wages for Medicare, with no cap.

This is what Trump said on Saturday: “If I’m victorious on Nov. 3, I plan to forgive these taxes and make permanent cuts to the payroll tax. I’m going to make them all permanent. In other words, I’ll extend beyond the end of the year and terminate the tax.”

What did he really mean? Who knows? On Sunday, Trump aides were furiously trying to walk back his comments

But replacing a dedicated payroll tax with income taxes or other general fund revenues would fundamentally alter Social Security. Its status as a social insurance program, funded by a dedicated tax (or contribution), would be muddled at best. Instead of operating as a guaranteed entitlement supported by that dedicated tax, it would be subject to annual meddling by Congress.

Trump has been remarkably silent about his tax agenda for a second term. He’s vowed to permanently extend the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and promised unspecified middle-income tax cuts (he did that again on Saturday). But he’s never explained what those new tax cuts would look like. He also talked on Saturday about somehow cutting capital gains taxes, but without saying what he’d do.

His only new explicit tax promise seems to be to repeal (or at least permanently cut) Social Security—and maybe Medicare—payroll taxes. It’s an odd choice given the enormous popularity of the programs, especially among older voters who are critical to his reelection. Eighty percent of those 65 and older (and three-quarters of all Americans) oppose Social Security benefit cuts—a certain outcome if the program’s funding is eliminated or even reduced.

On the other hand, for a president who has disrupted most everything else government does, he was going to get to Social Security sooner or later.

Onus is on you to back your claim.
And you know you cannot.
I just did. Oh, and Bush tried to eliminate social security too. Republicans have been trying to undo social security for as long as Democrats have been trying to get healthcare reform passed. We succeeded and it helped millions of Americans get insured. You want to cut everyone's benefits 21% if not eliminate them via "sorry we're broke and can't afford them"
Nothing here changes the fact you cannot provde an example of Repubkican saying he wants to end SocSec.
Your claim to that effect is a lie.
Trump proved it doesn't matter what I can prove. It's what people believe that matters. And tell a lie, or something you believe to be true, enough times, it becomes fact.

Fact is, Republicans want to end social security. And you can't even demonstrate that to be false. Feet to the fire, you know it's true. Republicans want to abort that program.

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