Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
You;re embarrassing yourself. Stop.
Just admit you made a claim you cannot prove and move on.
Or, keep lying.
Your call.
Doesn't matter. I know we always say this is the most important election ever but it really is. Do we elect election deniers and crooks just because of inflation? Do we want the Supreme Court banning abortion? I think not. Ladies? Should we vote for Nazi's just because the economy isn't perfect right now? Does anyone think Republicans will fix things?
Doesn't matter. I know we always say this is the most important election ever but it really is. Do we elect election deniers and crooks just because of inflation? Do we want the Supreme Court banning abortion? I think not. Ladies? Should we vote for Nazi's just because the economy isn't perfect right now? Does anyone think Republicans will fix things?
And so you support this?
You and Biden's alternative will cost the average household $4,582.24 per month for 10 years ($67 Trillion) to build wind turbines for electricity plants and EV cars to support the 14 TRILLION kWh

Biden Promises ‘No More Drilling’ Just Days After Demanding More Drilling
“no more drilling...there is no more drilling...I haven’t formed any new drilling.”

"I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”...

So why would any fossil fuel company spend money on drilling or mining if Biden guarantees to put them out of business?
If the fossil fuel companies are to be rid of and there is "NO MORE Drilling" why spend any money? Purely a stupid comment!
Doesn't matter. I know we always say this is the most important election ever but it really is. Do we elect election deniers and crooks just because of inflation? Do we want the Supreme Court banning abortion? I think not. Ladies? Should we vote for Nazi's just because the economy isn't perfect right now? Does anyone think Republicans will fix things?

Election deniers may win because the party in power has either not fixed the problems or made the problems worse. There's also the fact that the party or left-wing groups have donated more than $50 million to get these people on the ballot in the first place. Why would they do that if they're supposedly such a threat to democracy? To make it easier to maintain power if they win, and to campaign & get donor money to "regain democracy" if they lose.

The fact that we're on the cusp of midterms and you're resorting to fearmongering goes to show how much trouble your party is tomorrow. The democrats have controlled the WH and both houses of Congress. Shouldn't they be spending a LOT more time touting their accomplishments and showing its positive effects on Americans? Second, you REALLY think that abortion is going to drive the ladies to the polls to vote democrat? More women are concerned on a daily basis on cost of groceries and the cost of gas than abortion. The ones who have abortion as their issue are people who are well off enough so that they don't have to worry about the economy or crime.

The fact that the democrats have routinely NOT LISTENED to what the VOTERS care about is going to be the reason why they're about to lose, IMO, both parts of Congress.
And so you support this?
You and Biden's alternative will cost the average household $4,582.24 per month for 10 years ($67 Trillion) to build wind turbines for electricity plants and EV cars to support the 14 TRILLION kWh
View attachment 722190

Biden Promises ‘No More Drilling’ Just Days After Demanding More Drilling
“no more drilling...there is no more drilling...I haven’t formed any new drilling.”

"I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”...

So why would any fossil fuel company spend money on drilling or mining if Biden guarantees to put them out of business?
If the fossil fuel companies are to be rid of and there is "NO MORE Drilling" why spend any money? Purely a stupid comment!

Yes, we are destroying the planet. Go Green.
Yes, we are destroying the planet. Go Green.
So you have no problem with your electric bill going from in 2021, the average U.S. household spent $122 per month on electricity, with the average U.S. resident consuming 892 kilowatt-hours per month, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration How Much Is the Average Electric Bill? - NerdWallet
to $4,582.24 per month because Biden hates fossil fuels?
Tell me something "bobo".... and by the way there is ONLY one economic and valid answer:
You are a tire retailer business that depends solely on consumers spending $50,000/month to meet all your bills of running the business including the tires that you sell. But each tire you buy and re-sell are made from 7 gallons of oil. Approximately one half of the cost of making a tire is represented by the rubber content. https://flora.insead.edu/fichiersti_wp/inseadwp1996/96-58.pdf
BUT because Biden wants to "rid of fossil fuels", i.e. OIL..
"I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”...

So if the tire manufacturer will no longer be able to buy the oil of which 2 billion tires are made from 300 million barrels of oil A YEAR)Products made from petroleum | Ranken Energy Corporation
What will be the price that the tire retailer will HAVE to charge YOU for a set of new Tires?
AND that has NOTHING to do with the fact your electric bill has gone from an average today of $122/month to if
Biden gets his way replaces all electric generating plants and forces EVs on you of $4,582 / month to change all power plants to wind turbines and IF all cars/trucks ARE NOT EVs... but Biden replaces power plants to wind turbines
the average American household will pay $1,333.12 per month for the $20 Trillion COST utilities will have to pay for the 4,940,000 new Wind turbines. Are you ready for that?
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Onus is on you to prove your claim.
And you can't
Because it is a lie.

I just heard Scott from Florida is challenging Mitch for control of the Senate. And this Scott character is against social security and medicare. He is one of the rare republicans who admit he'd like to privatize those things. We all know he's only saying what you all want but won't admit. But at least he's a good example of a Republican who admits he doesn't love these popular social programs. It's one reason why he won't become the head of the GOP in the Senate. Too honest about his goals. You have to be sneaky like they were with Roe.
Onus is on you to prove your claim.
And you can't
Because it is a lie.

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu (R) said Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Rick Scott (R-Fla.) cost the GOP in the midterm elections with their respective comments on abortion and Social Security.

Graham “didn’t do anybody any favors” when he proposed a 15-week national abortion ban, nor did Scott with his comments in support of requiring Congress to renew Social Security every five years instead of it being automatically renewed.

Yes Republicans will fuck with our social security. Don't vote for them if you want your social security.

Sununu said Scott is a “great senator” but scared people about the future of Social Security and Medicare.

They should be scared. He was being honest.
I just heard Scott from Florida is challenging Mitch for control of the Senate. And this Scott character is against social security and medicare. He is one of the rare republicans who admit he'd like to privatize those things. We all know he's only saying what you all want but won't admit. But at least he's a good example of a Republican who admits he doesn't love these popular social programs. It's one reason why he won't become the head of the GOP in the Senate. Too honest about his goals. You have to be sneaky like they were with Roe.
Nothing here proves your claim.
Keep grasping.
Nothing here proves your claim.
Keep grasping.
What did Rick Scott say that made people think as Senate Majority Leader he would make cuts to social security and medicare?

Listen liar. You were saying the same thing about abortion. Hell, some of you are still trying to suggest your end goal on abortion isn't to outlaw it. You're a liar. But I guess it's okay as long as your lyin for the lord, or Trump.

Rick made Republicans in the Senate uncomfortable because he said out loud what most Republicans won't say in public. It's like when Trump said Bush lied us into Iraq. No other Republican could get away with saying that but Trump did and it won over a lot of people who like me know Bush lied us into Iraq.
What did Rick Scott say that made people think as Senate Majority Leader he would make cuts to social security and medicare?
Dunno. Tell us.
Cite your source and copy/paste the text.
Then show how this proves your claim.
Yes, we are destroying the planet. Go Green.
Where is your proof?
You provide no links, no substantiation. Who are you God? If so why are you using the Internet and on this forum specifically?
Besides if you know so much that we are destroying the planet why are you using the internet?
Our major finding is that the Internet uses an average of about 5 kWh to support the utilization of every GB of data,
On average, North American internet users consumed 536 GB of broadband data per month in 2021.
Overall, 31% of Americans say they go online on a daily basis
About three-in-ten U.S. adults say they are ‘almost constantly’ online
Assuming there are 300 million Americans or 93 million or monthly kWh used: 249,240,000,000 kWh per month
So why are you burning up trees, fossil fuels etc to use the internet???
How selfish for someone who wants to keep from destroying the world!
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Dunno. Tell us.
Cite your source and copy/paste the text.
Then show how this proves your claim.

Just like we don't need any more proof you guys want to ban abortion and make the practice a crime, we don't need proof you would love to privatize/end/kill/murder social security and medicare.

You already admitted it to us years ago.

In 1980 Reagan sowed the fear that Medicare would mean socialism and that it would lead to the destruction of our freedom."

Where is your proof?
You provide no links, no substantiation. Who are you God? If so why are you using the Internet and on this forum specifically?
Besides if you know so much that we are destroying the planet why are you using the internet?
Our major finding is that the Internet uses an average of about 5 kWh to support the utilization of every GB of data,
On average, North American internet users consumed 536 GB of broadband data per month in 2021.
Overall, 31% of Americans say they go online on a daily basis
About three-in-ten U.S. adults say they are ‘almost constantly’ online
Assuming there are 300 million Americans or 93 million or monthly kWh used: 249,240,000,000 kWh per month
So why are you burning up trees, fossil fuels etc to use the internet???
How selfish for someone who wants to keep from destroying the world!
Go to NASA's website. And if you have a better source than them, provide it please.

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