Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
hahha oooooooook
Have you read them?

I did. A long time ago. I even posted about Trump's lie about the House version. He called it a repeal and replace of Obamacare three times in one sentence.

That's how his hoaxes work. Say something three times and the rubes will bleev it.
Have you read them?

I did. A long time ago. I even posted about Trump's lie about the House version. He called it a repeal and replace of Obamacare three times in one sentence.

That's how his hoaxes work. Say something three times and the rubes will bleev it.
No, I didn't read every word, nor did you. But yes, those were a few proposals
And don't sign this bill if you are a democrat. They'll call it bi partisan and try to pin it on you. Ask any Republican it was Hillary who lied us into Iraq because she voted for it. Obama was smart. He didn't. That's why he was the nominee not Hillary.
Obama took his senate seat in 2005.
The vote to authorize force in Iraq was 2002.
Obama took his senate seat in 2005.
The vote to authorize force in Iraq was 2002.
Oh yea. But he was an outspoken opponent against the war

Obama publicly spoke out against the war in October 2002, before the U.S. Senate voted on the authorization of military force.

Trump also repeatedly claimed he had opposed the war in Iraq before it started and had warned that it would “destabilize the Middle East.” (We found no evidence of that.)
No, I didn't read every word, nor did you. But yes, those were a few proposals
Those were not repeals, much less replacements, of Obamacare.

And I most certainly did read them. It's a thing I do since propagandists depend on you rubes NOT reading them so they can lie to you and that you will parrot what they tell you to parrot.

There are tax repeals and some shuffling around, but no total repeal of Obamacare.

There never was a replacement, man. You were hoaxed. Sorry.
Obama took his senate seat in 2005.
The vote to authorize force in Iraq was 2002.
But everybody didn’t just take Obama “at his word.” He spoke at an anti-war rally in Chicago on Oct. 2, 2002, the same day the resolution authorizing the use of military force in Iraq was introduced in Congress. The Senate voted on and passed that resolution on Oct. 11, 2002, by a 77-23 vote. It was signed into law by President George W. Bush five days later.

I bet every Republican voted for war.

Chicago Defender, Oct. 3, 2002: Nearly 3,000 people attended an anti-Iraq war rally Wednesday where the Rev. Jesse L. Jackson Sr. and Illinois Senator Barack Obama (D-13th) warned the Bush administration that a war against Iraq undermines U.N. protocol.
dumb,” “rash” and “based not on reason but on passion, not on principle but on politics.” Among his remarks:

Obama, Oct. 2, 2002: Now let me be clear – I suffer no illusions about Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal man. A ruthless man. A man who butchers his own people to secure his own power. He has repeatedly defied UN resolutions, thwarted UN inspection teams, developed chemical and biological weapons, and coveted nuclear capacity. He’s a bad guy. The world, and the Iraqi people, would be better off without him.
But I also know that Saddam poses no imminent and direct threat to the United States, or to his neighbors, that the Iraqi economy is in shambles, that the Iraqi military a fraction of its former strength, and that in concert with the international community he can be contained until, in the way of all petty dictators, he falls away into the dustbin of history. I know that even a successful war against Iraq will require a US occupation of undetermined length, at undetermined cost, with undetermined consequences. I know that an invasion of Iraq without a clear rationale and without strong international support will only fan the flames of the Middle East, and encourage the worst, rather than best, impulses of the Arab world, and strengthen the recruitment arm of Al Qaeda. I am not opposed to all wars. I’m opposed to dumb wars.
I thank them for my career and giving me the opportunities to have a life.

You'd prefer to have the commies feed you
No. As a worker I want more. Now as I climb the ladder and get older, I don't want everyone in the company making what I make. They have to earn it. And most can't. And never will. So they're stuck making $60K or less.

You have no career or life. What career do you have?

I thank my boss for my career and giving me the opportunity to save over $1 million dollars before I'm ready to retire. Where will you be when you want to stop working? If you are like most you will work long past the date you wish you could stop.
No. As a worker I want more. Now as I climb the ladder and get older, I don't want everyone in the company making what I make. They have to earn it. And most can't. And never will. So they're stuck making $60K or less.

You have no career or life. What career do you have?

I thank my boss for my career and giving me the opportunity to save over $1 million dollars before I'm ready to retire. Where will you be when you want to stop working? If you are like most you will work long past the date you wish you could stop.
No ody wants to keep working when they could be retired. The company has already taken away years of good living from people
I thank my boss for my career and giving me the opportunity to save over $1 million dollars before I'm ready to retire. Where will you be when you want to stop working? If you are like most you will work long past the date you wish you could stop.
who gave your boss and his boss their jobs?
Those were not repeals, much less replacements, of Obamacare.

And I most certainly did read them. It's a thing I do since propagandists depend on you rubes NOT reading them so they can lie to you and that you will parrot what they tell you to parrot.

There are tax repeals and some shuffling around, but no total repeal of Obamacare.

There never was a replacement, man. You were hoaxed. Sorry.
you are literally just spouting off stuff now that you have been proven to be full of shit
No ody wants to keep working when they could be retired. The company has already taken away years of good living from people
dude, I'm 66 years old in a 45 year career and I have no plan to retire. I love the money!!!!! fk retirement.

Many who retire end up dead due to boredom.
you are literally just spouting off stuff now that you have been proven to be full of shit
You're the one posting links to bills you claimed were Obamacare replacements, dude. :lol:

This is what I am talking about. Your poor, dumb rubes STILL haven't caught on you were massively hoaxed.

This is very sad.
No. As a worker I want more. Now as I climb the ladder and get older, I don't want everyone in the company making what I make. They have to earn it. And most can't. And never will. So they're stuck making $60K or less.

You have no career or life. What career do you have?

I thank my boss for my career and giving me the opportunity to save over $1 million dollars before I'm ready to retire. Where will you be when you want to stop working? If you are like most you will work long past the date you wish you could stop.
“you have no career or life. what career do you have?”

that might be the funniest post ever

On Day One, ObamaCare is gone!


My replacement is beautiful. Bleev me. Terrific. You are going to get tired of being healthy. Bleev me. Bleev me...



I also have some waterfront property and a bridge I want to sell you.



Congratulations, Mr. President! Just hand me your health care plan, and I'll get it passed immediately.


I thought YOU had a plan.


Oh no you don't! You said YOU had a "beautiful" plan!


And that plan was to take credit for YOUR plan! That's how my scams work!


Jesus Christ...


You've had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement! And you don't have one!?!?


Jesus Christ...
you are literally just spouting off stuff now that you have been proven to be full of shit
So tell me.

What are the basic elements of the Republican Obamacare replacement? What wondrous things does it do to bring down the cost of health care in America?

Does it eliminate the health care exchanges? Nope!

Does it eliminate the Obamacare health insurance subsidies? Nope!

What does it do, exactly?

Surely your propagandists told you at least this much, yes? Or did you not even have the intelligence to ask?

I did read that Sweden is starting to privatize shit that used to be socialized. Is that a good thing? Hasn't worked out here in America

Elections RIGGED (see Diebold voting machines) and google who owned that company. A big Bush supporter
Private For Profit Prisons (not working out)
You want to privatize our social security and medicare? Bush tried.

Sounds to me like Sweden is being taken over by corporations just like here in America
"Privatize SS and Medicare" is bad you say? Hmmm...almost half of all Americans on Medicare would disagree with you that "privatizing" is bad, i.e some on Medicare Advantage plan (MAs) get these benefits that traditional Medicare DOESN't provide..
1) You obvious don't know but any person on Medicare and receives SS has to pay out of their SS the Part B monthly payment in 2023 of $164.90
Now a few of the 943 MAs actually payback to SS a few the entire $164.90 to my MA will pay back $90/mo meaning I'll get more on my SS.
2) Many MAs don't require any co-pay for the primary care visit as traditional Medicare requires 20% of Dr. visit.
3) Many MAs have an over the counter service as much as $50/month a member gets shipped toothpaste,tablets,etc. at no charge!
So privatization with Medicare IS working and working very well.
So tell me.

What are the basic elements of the Republican Obamacare replacement? What wondrous things does it do to bring down the cost of health care in America?

Does it eliminate the health care exchanges? Nope!

Does it eliminate the Obamacare health insurance subsidies? Nope!

What does it do, exactly?

Surely your propagandists told you at least this much, yes? Or did you not even have the intelligence to ask?

read it…obamacare was much more then subsidies or a website you can shop for healthcare at.

The links i provide discuss what those proposals do. Just like the prior link from Ryan, that you didn’t read
"Privatize SS and Medicare" is bad you say? Hmmm...almost half of all Americans on Medicare would disagree with you that "privatizing" is bad, i.e some on Medicare Advantage plan (MAs) get these benefits that traditional Medicare DOESN't provide..
1) You obvious don't know but any person on Medicare and receives SS has to pay out of their SS the Part B monthly payment in 2023 of $164.90
Now a few of the 943 MAs actually payback to SS a few the entire $164.90 to my MA will pay back $90/mo meaning I'll get more on my SS.
2) Many MAs don't require any co-pay for the primary care visit as traditional Medicare requires 20% of Dr. visit.
3) Many MAs have an over the counter service as much as $50/month a member gets shipped toothpaste,tablets,etc. at no charge!
So privatization with Medicare IS working and working very well.
Yes, as I said earlier, the Republican Medicare expansion has added more to the federal debt than Obamacare.

And the Republicans didn't even try to offset the costs. They just piled another trillion+ bucks onto the debt and called it good.

All to get the senior vote in 2004.
read it…obamacare was much more then subsidies or a website you can shop for healthcare at.

The links i provide discuss what those proposals do. Just like the prior link from Ryan, that you didn’t read
Did you read your own links? :lol:

You really should or I will have to embarrass you again.

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