Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
Is that Paul Ryan? The guy who said trump shouldn't and won't be your next nominee?
Yeah. Paul Ryan. The guy with egg on his red face when he was caught with his dick in the wind after the GOP won the House, the Senate, and the White House and he and Trump could not cough up their Obamacare replacement.
Middle class people do not need these things, as they are not poor.
Most people following the debate could be forgiven for thinking this is solely a conversation about the help offered to the poor. This is not the case. An increasing share of spending on the safety net goes to families above the poverty line. Middle-income families are also more reliant than ever on safety nets than in the past.

The share of means-tested transfers going to the middle class – here, defined as the middle 60% of the income distribution (the broad definition adopted by our Future of the Middle Class Initiative) – has more than doubled since 1979, to match the level of spending on families in the bottom fifth

So we take just as much as the poor does.

How about workmans comp or disability? That's not a safety net for poor people. That's for people like you who work. Stop being such a stupid poor Republican.
I'd like to see the House and Senate votes for the Social Security privatization bill when the Republicans controlled the House, the Senate, and the White House, please.

I'd like to see the House and Senate votes for the Obamacare replacement bill when the Republicans controlled the House, the Senate, and the White House, please.

Thanks very much.
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.


Most people following the debate could be forgiven for thinking this is solely a conversation about the help offered to the poor. T
Not poor.... Middle class.
The middle class does not rely on government programs to make do - else they would not be middle class.
An increasing share of spending on the safety net goes to families above the poverty line.
"Above the poverty line" is not the definition of middle class.

Keep trying.
The Republicans are not going to end Social Security any more than they are going to repeal and replace Obamacare.

It's just a hoax they tell the weak-minded creduloids to pander their votes.

So you needn't worry.
The Democrats have been telegraphing for DECADES exactly what their plans are to fix our problems.

They telegraphed their plan to completely socialize health care. That's what it was first called a long, long time ago. "Socialized medicine". That's why Ted Kennedy was invited to the signing of Obamacare. He was the godfather of Universal Health Care. He called it socialized medicine.

The Democrats have been telegraphing their plan to increase payroll taxes to fix the impending insolvency of Social Security and Medicare.

So you are a damned fool for parroting the idea that "the Dems certainly weren't interested in fixing the problems."

This kind of ignorance is exactly how the GOP gets away with tricking you.

If your opponent keeps telling you and telling you and telling you what they are going to do the first chance they get, and you do NOTHING to prevent it, what kind of lazy, intellectually bankrupt group of retards do you have to be?

You see, the GOP is lazy and stupid. They have no ideas on how to fix our problems. So they resort to whining about the other guy's "fixes" and convince you they have a plan when they so fucking obviously do not.

Seriously. Spend some time trying to find the GOP replacement for Obamacare.

Good luck with that.

And then finally, finally, FINALLY maybe you will see you were hoaxed when they told you they would replace Obamacare.


All the GOP did was make Obamacare add more to the debt. That's it.

All of the big programs are still there. Obamacare subsidies are still there. The health exchanges are still there. The Medicare expansions are still there.

You have been horribly hoaxed, man.

Nope. The GOP showed you a plan they knew damned well would never be put into action.

When they had all the power, they. Did. Nothing.

For God's sake, wake up, man!
we were discussing SS...yes the Dems have no solution to the problem...more kick the can, and tax the working class....that's it.

No the big problems with Obamacare, such as the penalty for not having insurance is gone, and the bailouts to big Insurance is gone.

I hope that plan to fix SS is still going to happen, that's why I don't vote for the Dems that have no plan
Is that Paul Ryan? The guy who said trump shouldn't and won't be your next nominee?
That's is Paul Ryan...not sure what Trump has to do with anything. He may very well not be the next nominee...so?
This is why you are so easily hoaxed. And this is why the GOP prefers hoaxing you rather than actually do anything.

It's easier to lie to the rubes than to do the hard work.

Show me the GOP replacement for Obamacare.

Go ahead.

Good luck.
They had a number of proposed plans...
“A Framework for Affordable, Personalized Care,”

Here are the details of Senate Republican Obamacare replacement bill​

House Republicans Unveil Plan to Replace Health Law​

Yes I remember in the 80's when Reagan fucked me and raised my full retirement up 2 years.

Republicans always cry and cry about having to pay higher taxes. But they don't seem to mind having to get up and go to work 9 hours a day plus 1 hour travel in the car. Let's just call it 10 hours a day. 50 hours a week. 50 weeks. 2500 hours of work x 2 years. 5000 hours extra work when you are 65 and 66. Rather than enjoy the few good years you have left, sorry, you have to keep working. Even though your body and mind are burned out. Sorry, this is to "save" the program.

Most people in the 80's who liked Reagan didn't realize how badly he was fucking them.

I'm retiring in 10 years. At 62. Fuck it I'll take the minimum. Maybe I'll continue to work but I'm going to tell my boss I only work from home and don't worry about if I'm working 8 hours a day because I"M NOT!

You were in you 20's, you were still living in your mom's basement and hadn't put any money into SS.
Covid proved you wrong there buddy.

Is that why your party used it on the American people?
Most of you were shitting your pants the minute you missed one paycheck. And how many of you took unemployment insurance during the pandemic? Most of you swore you'd go work for MdD before you would take that money. You lied. Because Kroger and Walmart were begging for workers and I never saw one worker wearing a MAGA hat.

We pay for unemployment insurance - dickhead.

Do you go to the grocery store, pay for food and then consider it "welfare" if you take it home?


Fucking Nazis...
They had a number of proposed plans...
“A Framework for Affordable, Personalized Care,”

Here are the details of Senate Republican Obamacare replacement bill​

Sorry. That bill is not an Obamacare replacement. It isn't even a full repeal.

You've been hoaxed. AGAIN!

House Republicans Unveil Plan to Replace Health Law​

That also neither repeals or replaces Obamacare.

You've been hoaxed. AGAIN!
Sorry. That bill is not an Obamacare replacement. It isn't even a full repeal.

You've been hoaxed. AGAIN!

That also neither repeals or replaces Obamacare.

You've been hoaxed. AGAIN!
hahha oooooooook

They all want to get rid of social security and abortion.

The way they tried to sneak abortion on us, will be the same way they sneak cuts to social security on us.

And don't sign this bill if you are a democrat. They'll call it bi partisan and try to pin it on you. Ask any Republican it was Hillary who lied us into Iraq because she voted for it. Obama was smart. He didn't. That's why he was the nominee not Hillary.

Republicans deny they want to ban abortion. You should have seen my Republican friend at the dog park yesterday. I said, "vote yes on prop 3 if you are pro choice" and he starts asking me if I read the entire bill. I've heard that before. When Obamacare was going to pass, that's the question Republicans asked. DID YOU READ THE ENTIRE 4000 page bill? As if any of them have ever read an entire bill. LOL

He tried to scare us by saying in Prop 3 also gives the right for 10 year olds to get sex changes without their parents permission. LOL.

Boy, they just can't help but lie. Why can't they just say, "if you are pro life, vote NO on Prop 3."

WHy? Because they know most humans are pro choice.

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