Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

... did you not understand what she wrote?

Freezers are on Sale at Lowes, and given the state of weeds in my back yard, I assure you that high tide will arrive on schedule and in its full effect. What's more a Boeing 747 is still a viable airframe, despite the newer larger designs, plus the designated hitter is simply not necessary.

Did you understand what I wrote?

I understand that what you wrote is typical of what you generally post. And be assured, characters like you are a fiction, any resemblance to intelligent life is purely coincidental.
Mike Pence is feeling the heat. Probably much more to come.

Either he didn't know what he was signing which would be bad enough, or,

he knew what he was signing but he's so out of touch inside the RWnut bubble that he had no clue what the consequences would be,

which is just as bad.
I see, but Bill Clinton and Obama did not know what they were doing when they signed the same bill, right?

Please tell us how it is "the same bill"...
Mike Pence is feeling the heat. Probably much more to come.

Either he didn't know what he was signing which would be bad enough, or,

he knew what he was signing but he's so out of touch inside the RWnut bubble that he had no clue what the consequences would be,

which is just as bad.
I see, but Bill Clinton and Obama did not know what they were doing when they signed the same bill, right?

Please tell us how it is "the same bill"...

See already provided links in this thread.
Mike Pence is feeling the heat. Probably much more to come.

Either he didn't know what he was signing which would be bad enough, or,

he knew what he was signing but he's so out of touch inside the RWnut bubble that he had no clue what the consequences would be,

which is just as bad.
I see, but Bill Clinton and Obama did not know what they were doing when they signed the same bill, right?

Please tell us how it is "the same bill"...

See already provided links in this thread.

Really? Try this on for size...

Fox News Dishonest Defense Of Indiana's Anti-LGBT Religious Freedom Law - Media Matters for America
what if they deny someone services and the dude or woman denies being gay...now what ? and all they want is clean clothes...

"some straight men are a bit effete and some straight women are kind of butch. Just because God made them like that doesn't mean their dry cleaning should get turned away."
If I was gay I would want to know where I am not wanted.Only a fool would run their business that way but world is full of dumbasses. We are in a shooting war where folks are chopping heads for sport because their book tells them to and clowns over here want to treat gay folks as scum and 2nd class citizens because their book tells them to.

No American should be concerned with patronizing a business that accommodates the general public simply because of who he is, particularly given the fact that nowhere in Christian dogma does the act of accommodating a homosexual in the context of a business transaction constitutes a 'violation' of that dogma.

"No American" I am one and bet top coin I am not alone.
Tell us what businesses open to the general public you don't patronize because you fear the owners might disapprove of who you are.

And that you're not alone in believing patrons should refrain from patronizing a business solely because they're afraid of offending the business owner is part of the problem.
I do not fear what any owner of any business thinks of me. Your straw man argument is a weak one. Additionally, I never said I was offended by what any business owner thinks of me. Your inability to articulate what you believe has you making feeble and weak claims about what YOU claim I believe. Not even close.
My wife grew up in Indiana. She came to Florida in 1969 after college.

I have visited there many times over the years to get married and see her family but have never really particularity liked the state. Too cold for me.

However, I have come to appreciate it a lot more since they have become a right to work state and have reestablished freedom of religion. They are on the right track to freedom. Good for them! Maybe this will piss off a lot of the Libtards there and they will move out and the state will be even better (as long as the Moon Bats don't come to Florida).
You have the right to religious beliefs unless those religious beliefs go against someone elses then you no longer have those rights cuz it interferes with their rights.

Is something wrong with this picture? Yes indeedy.
It goes along the lines of "we have the right to refuse service to anyone", doesn't it?

You don't actually have that right and haven't since the 60s.

The Right to Refuse Service
The Federal Civil Rights Act guarantees all people the right to "full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation, without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin."

The right of public accommodation is also guaranteed to disabled citizens under the Americans with Disabilities Act, which precludes discrimination by businesses on the basis of disability.

In addition to the protections against discrimination provided under federal law, many states have passed their own Civil Rights Acts that provide broader protections than the Federal Civil Rights Act. For example, California's Unruh Civil Rights Act makes it illegal to discriminate against individuals based on unconventional dress or sexual preference.​
Didn't stop me. Or any other business in our neck of the woods. And if I still owned a business, it would STILL not stop me.
Gov. Pence just made an ass of himself on Good Morning America!

George Stephanopoulos received his Master's degree in theology from Balliol College, Oxford University, England, where he studied as a Rhodes Scholar. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Columbia University and graduated summa cum laude in political science. He was tenacious in his questioning and Pence stepped all around them, blaming the MSM for the current uproar. The best defense is a strong offense and Pence was as offensive as anyone, but for Dick Cheney.

Stephanopoulos was also a shithead that was Bill Clinton's press secretary. You know who Bill Clinton is, don't you? He was a President who was giving a Bill of Impeachment by the House of Representatives, caught lying under oath and was disbarred from being a lawyer, not to mention the sexual harassment cases against and getting blow jobs from young interns while at work. One of the most scumbag President s we ever had if not the most.

George Stephanopoulos has absolutely no moral claim whatsoever working for a scumbag like that.

Thanks so much for sharing your opinions, now, please post something of substance and do some research - doing so may give you some credibility.

Stephanopoulos only has credibility in the convoluted world of Moon Bats. The same world that includes such idiots as Al Sharpton and Rachel Maddow.

By the way, everything I said about Clinton was true. Nothing of that was opinion. He was given a Bill of Impeachment by the House, he was found guilty of lying under oath, he was charged in a sexual harassment suit and he was exposed getting blow jobs from interns while at work. That pretty well well makes him a scumbag no matter how you look at it.

You can play the Moon Bat game of denial all you want but that just shows everybody what a fool you are.

Three of those you castigate are Rhodes Scholars, not to suggest all who achieve this honor are void of character flaws, but accomplished they are. To my point, your posts are self righteous to the extreme, and your rants seep with hate, simply because those whose character you smear hold ideas which challenge your own.

Does this ring a bell? "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor."
Gov. Pence just made an ass of himself on Good Morning America!

George Stephanopoulos received his Master's degree in theology from Balliol College, Oxford University, England, where he studied as a Rhodes Scholar. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Columbia University and graduated summa cum laude in political science. He was tenacious in his questioning and Pence stepped all around them, blaming the MSM for the current uproar. The best defense is a strong offense and Pence was as offensive as anyone, but for Dick Cheney.

Stephanopoulos was also a shithead that was Bill Clinton's press secretary. You know who Bill Clinton is, don't you? He was a President who was giving a Bill of Impeachment by the House of Representatives, caught lying under oath and was disbarred from being a lawyer, not to mention the sexual harassment cases against and getting blow jobs from young interns while at work. One of the most scumbag President s we ever had if not the most.

George Stephanopoulos has absolutely no moral claim whatsoever working for a scumbag like that.

Thanks so much for sharing your opinions, now, please post something of substance and do some research - doing so may give you some credibility.

Stephanopoulos only has credibility in the convoluted world of Moon Bats. The same world that includes such idiots as Al Sharpton and Rachel Maddow.

By the way, everything I said about Clinton was true. Nothing of that was opinion. He was given a Bill of Impeachment by the House, he was found guilty of lying under oath, he was charged in a sexual harassment suit and he was exposed getting blow jobs from interns while at work. That pretty well well makes him a scumbag no matter how you look at it.

You can play the Moon Bat game of denial all you want but that just shows everybody what a fool you are.

Three of those you castigate are Rhodes Scholars, not to suggest all who achieve this honor are void of character flaws, but accomplished they are. To my point, your posts are self righteous to the extreme, and your rants seep with hate, simply because those whose character you smear hold ideas which challenge your own.

Does this ring a bell? "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor."

Being a proponent of freedom of religion is not hate, you nitwit.

A queer has the right to be queer all he wants. However, I should not be forced by the the filthy ass government to accommodate them, especially if I have religious convictions against it.

It all about freedom. A concept you Libtards are very confused about.
Why should anyone try to use religion to deprive others of equal rights?

Why would a queer think he has the right to deprive somebody else of their religious freedom?

I don't know, why would you?

Why would you? Is it because you are a queer yourself or you just want to kiss the ass of a despicable Democrat special interest group?

Maybe it is that you really don't understand the Bill of Rights and that little thingy about freedom of religion?

Or maybe you are a stupid Moon Bat that is generally confused about most things.

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