Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

It should allow discrimination against anyone by private people. Government, on the other hand, is a different story.

As an individual you should be able to discriminate against anybody you want. That is called freedom. None of us needs the filthy ass government telling us who we have to associate with. However, everybody should have have equal access to the government like the Tea Party getting fair treatment from the IRS, which didn't happen with a Liberal Obama administration.

Yeah, the libturds have things exactly reversed: They believe government should force private citizens and businesses to treat people equally, but government is free to abuse people they don't like.
Poor Whitey Male, the government is out to get him. His life is so unfair. Fucking child.

Yeah, you have the same attitude about Jews. The "good ones" go to the gas chamber without complaining. Isn't that right?
Good or bad, they died like pussies, not men.

Poor Whitey Male, the government is out to get him. His life is so unfair. Fucking child.

Poor White Guilt Liberals. So mad they were born White and now confused about their sexuality.
Nope. And even if I was confused, after decades on this earth, I would still be able to understand what Equal Before The Law means.

"Equal before the law" means no one is required by law to serve another.
Nope, not what it means, at least in PAs.

Yes, that is what it means. Sending anyone who criticizes Herr Fuhrer to the gallows is also equality before the law.
God, how I love when conservatives shoot themselves in the foot and then look for someone else to blame

Anyone with any sense would know the reaction to this bill

The huge loss in revenue from those repulsed by Indianas action all so a fag hating baker doesn't have to sell wedding cakes

You can't make this shit up
God, how I love when conservatives shoot themselves in the foot and then look for someone else to blame

Anyone with any sense would know the reaction to this bill

The huge loss in revenue from those repulsed by Indianas action all so a fag hating baker doesn't have to sell wedding cakes

You can't make this shit up

Yes, we all knew the queers were going to whine and cry like petulant little children.

So what?
It should allow discrimination against anyone by private people. Government, on the other hand, is a different story.

As an individual you should be able to discriminate against anybody you want. That is called freedom. None of us needs the filthy ass government telling us who we have to associate with. However, everybody should have have equal access to the government like the Tea Party getting fair treatment from the IRS, which didn't happen with a Liberal Obama administration.

Yeah, the libturds have things exactly reversed: They believe government should force private citizens and businesses to treat people equally, but government is free to abuse people they don't like.
Poor Whitey Male, the government is out to get him. His life is so unfair. Fucking child.

Yeah, you have the same attitude about Jews. The "good ones" go to the gas chamber without complaining. Isn't that right?
Good or bad, they died like pussies, not men.

Good or bad, you're still a despicable scumbag anti-Semite.
God, how I love when conservatives shoot themselves in the foot and then look for someone else to blame

Anyone with any sense would know the reaction to this bill

The huge loss in revenue from those repulsed by Indianas action all so a fag hating baker doesn't have to sell wedding cakes

You can't make this shit up

Yes, we all knew the queers were going to whine and cry like petulant little children.

So what?
Seems like you are the one crying Fingerboy
God, how I love when conservatives shoot themselves in the foot and then look for someone else to blame

Anyone with any sense would know the reaction to this bill

The huge loss in revenue from those repulsed by Indianas action all so a fag hating baker doesn't have to sell wedding cakes

You can't make this shit up

Yes, we all knew the queers were going to whine and cry like petulant little children.

So what?
Seems like you are the one crying Fingerboy

Does your mother know you're using her computer?

Poor Whitey Male, the government is out to get him. His life is so unfair. Fucking child.

Poor White Guilt Liberals. So mad they were born White and now confused about their sexuality.
Nope. And even if I was confused, after decades on this earth, I would still be able to understand what Equal Before The Law means.

A Libtard is always very confused about equality. For instance, you think government forced redistribution of income and wealth is somehow insures equality when in fact all it does is steal from the productive to give to the non productive.

You sure as hell have lost your equality if you are a member of the Tea Party trying to get the same treatment from the government as the Libtard groups and Libtards sure don't give a shit about equality then, do they?

When the government tells you who you have to associate with then you have lost a tremendous amount of freedom and you Libtards are very confused about that. In fact you so confused about the concept of freedom that you have a very difficult time grasping the concept.

I am retired but I sometime do consulting part time. I would never turn down an opportunity to make some money because a potential client was a faggot. I would gladly take their money because that would be a good business decision. However, I want to have the right to tell anybody that I chose not to do business with them if I see fit. I do not need or want the government telling me what to do. I do not want the government telling anybody who they have to do business with. It is not right or fair. The government needs to worry about paying off Obama's debt not telling people who they have to do business with.

You pathetic little Left Wing creatures always want the government to tell you what to do. You have no sense of personal responsibility. I feel sorry for you weak minded Moon Bats.
God, how I love when conservatives shoot themselves in the foot and then look for someone else to blame

Anyone with any sense would know the reaction to this bill

The huge loss in revenue from those repulsed by Indianas action all so a fag hating baker doesn't have to sell wedding cakes

You can't make this shit up
This law has nothing to do with fag hating bakers. So yes apparently you can make this shit up.
God, how I love when conservatives shoot themselves in the foot and then look for someone else to blame

Anyone with any sense would know the reaction to this bill

The huge loss in revenue from those repulsed by Indianas action all so a fag hating baker doesn't have to sell wedding cakes

You can't make this shit up
This law has nothing to do with fag hating bakers. So yes apparently you can make this shit up.
Sadly, it does

That is why Republicans are introducing these bills across the country
God, how I love when conservatives shoot themselves in the foot and then look for someone else to blame

Anyone with any sense would know the reaction to this bill

The huge loss in revenue from those repulsed by Indianas action all so a fag hating baker doesn't have to sell wedding cakes

You can't make this shit up
This law has nothing to do with fag hating bakers. So yes apparently you can make this shit up.
Sadly, it does

That is why Republicans are introducing these bills across the country
So when Bill Clinton and Obama passed it, it was to protect the right of fag hating bakers ignore public access laws? Huh?

Please name ONE case where this law has been used to protect the right of anyone in ignoring public access laws.

I'll wait.
How many centuries will it take to breed out all this ignorant bigotry, hate and racism?
You mean by the liberals who are claiming this law that protects the first amendment rights of citizens is an attack on gays? I don't think we'll ever breed out this type of blind following that ignorant people exhibit.
God, how I love when conservatives shoot themselves in the foot and then look for someone else to blame

Anyone with any sense would know the reaction to this bill

The huge loss in revenue from those repulsed by Indianas action all so a fag hating baker doesn't have to sell wedding cakes

You can't make this shit up
This law has nothing to do with fag hating bakers. So yes apparently you can make this shit up.
Sadly, it does

That is why Republicans are introducing these bills across the country

Yes. The two queers insisted on forcing the baker to bake them a cake, and the rest of the country became alarmed when they learned what the queer lobby clearly had in mind. Next they'll want a law forcing your daughter to go to the prom with some butch dyke.
what if they deny someone services and the dude or woman denies being gay...now what ? and all they want is clean clothes...

"some straight men are a bit effete and some straight women are kind of butch. Just because God made them like that doesn't mean their dry cleaning should get turned away."

If queers just kept their mouths shut about their sexual orientation 99.9% of the issue would disappear. It only appears with regards to certain events like weddings because then it can't be ignored. A lot of people don't want to have their faces rubbed in the queer lifestyle, and there's no reason they should.

So when two women want a wedding cake they're supposed to pretend they're not two women wanting a wedding cake?

You are so out of it.

If bripat wanted to have some credibility, he might try to pretend to have empathy.

How would that give me credibility? I couldn't care less about a couple of petulant whiny queers who want to force a baker to attend their wedding.
And yet, you are terrified...so much so you are afraid to put a "no gays" sign up.
Come on Republicans

I know you love to pander to your gay hating base. But are you ever going to learn?

Indiana Governor Mike Pence is ready to sign into law a bill allowing businesses to refuse service to gays for "religious reasons" . All this ten days before the NCAA Final Four comes to Indianapolis. So what was once an opportunity to show the country what a great location his state is for major events, now becomes a poster child for "We hate gays".
See how many Final Fours come back to Indianapolis. Superbowl? Forget it Mike

But at least you got to score points with your gay hating base

Republicans just can't help themselves.

Pence to sign bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers - CNN.com
Gee, and all this time I thought true freedom (as outlined in our Declaration Of Independence and Constitution) meant the freedom to choose whom one associates with.
What person on this board thinks it is fair to force somebody to associate with one they choose not to.

Rightwinger thinks it is horrendous that one would pass such a law, I find it horrendous that such a law is needed to protect freedom of association.

As much as you like to claim it is "gay hating", that isn't the truth, it's about freedom of association. I'm sick and tired of people like you calling everything you disagree with "hate".

It's not about, "freedom of association", that's simply one more big lie.

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