Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

How will Pence's discrimination against LGBTs affect racing in Indiana? Are all race fans and drivers straight?

Yeah, pretty much. Queers aren't big fans of Indy racing or NASCAR. I predict the stands will be sold out next year, just like always.

Are you going to petition Obama to undo the Bill Clinton 1993 RFRA?

He's got a pen!

Pence's law is NOT equal to the federal law. Do some credible research...

SteamingPileOfShit said:
* * * *
The "founding" Jews were many of the worst of the worst. Got that from an old Jew, and I've found it to be true.

^ The foregoing is a fair illustration of why it is pointless to try to discuss anything with that pile of shit.
You're a Zionist, therefore you have already rejected reality, like that above.
How will Pence's discrimination against LGBTs affect racing in Indiana? Are all race fans and drivers straight?

Yeah, pretty much. Queers aren't big fans of Indy racing or NASCAR. I predict the stands will be sold out next year, just like always.

Does that include sponsors and vendors?

How do sponsors and vendors sell out? I'm positive there will be no shortage of sponsors and vendors. You see, most businesses just care about making money, and they aren't going to pass up a golden opportunity for that like the Indianapolis 500. They will even sell their products to queers to make money.
Come on Republicans

I know you love to pander to your gay hating base. But are you ever going to learn?

Indiana Governor Mike Pence is ready to sign into law a bill allowing businesses to refuse service to gays for "religious reasons" . All this ten days before the NCAA Final Four comes to Indianapolis. So what was once an opportunity to show the country what a great location his state is for major events, now becomes a poster child for "We hate gays".
See how many Final Fours come back to Indianapolis. Superbowl? Forget it Mike

But at least you got to score points with your gay hating base

Republicans just can't help themselves.

Pence to sign bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers - CNN.com
Gee, and all this time I thought true freedom (as outlined in our Declaration Of Independence and Constitution) meant the freedom to choose whom one associates with.
What person on this board thinks it is fair to force somebody to associate with one they choose not to.

Rightwinger thinks it is horrendous that one would pass such a law, I find it horrendous that such a law is needed to protect freedom of association.

As much as you like to claim it is "gay hating", that isn't the truth, it's about freedom of association. I'm sick and tired of people like you calling everything you disagree with "hate".
You are still free to hate fags as much as you want and associate with as many fag haters as you please

However, if you are in business, you must not discriminate

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Governor Becomes Frustrated When Asked If ‘Religious Liberty’ Law Will Be Used To Discriminate

Pence had said he was going to appear on the Sunday news show to “clarify the intent” of the law. Instead, he refused repeatedly to say if the law would greenlight discrimination against people based on their sexual orientation in the state.

Pence told This Week host George Stephanopoulos it was “absolutely not” a mistake to sign the religious liberty bill into law. Pence dodged a question about Advance America’s statement, which said that bakers and florists might be allowed to refuse to serve a gay couple at their wedding. “This is not about discrimination. This is about empowering people to confront government overreach,” he said.

Governor Becomes Frustrated When Asked If Religious Liberty Law Will Be Used To Discriminate ThinkProgress

This bible thumping cracker is going down
You're an idiot. The Governor was correct. The law was not about PA at all.
How will Pence's discrimination against LGBTs affect racing in Indiana? Are all race fans and drivers straight?
Pence's bill mirrors the federal bill that protects the American people from government persecution. You and your dumb ass friends are Liars trying to make out that you can't have the first amendment without pissing on gays. This bill pence signed has nothing to do with gays at all, nothing even to do with public access laws. You folks are making shit up.
Governor Becomes Frustrated When Asked If ‘Religious Liberty’ Law Will Be Used To Discriminate

Pence had said he was going to appear on the Sunday news show to “clarify the intent” of the law. Instead, he refused repeatedly to say if the law would greenlight discrimination against people based on their sexual orientation in the state.

Pence told This Week host George Stephanopoulos it was “absolutely not” a mistake to sign the religious liberty bill into law. Pence dodged a question about Advance America’s statement, which said that bakers and florists might be allowed to refuse to serve a gay couple at their wedding. “This is not about discrimination. This is about empowering people to confront government overreach,” he said.

Governor Becomes Frustrated When Asked If Religious Liberty Law Will Be Used To Discriminate ThinkProgress

This bible thumping cracker is going down
You're an idiot. The Governor was correct. The law was not about PA at all.
So, explain what the law is about if not to let religious people discriminate and use religion as their justification if sued?
How will Pence's discrimination against LGBTs affect racing in Indiana? Are all race fans and drivers straight?
Pence's bill mirrors the federal bill that protects the American people from government persecution. You and your dumb ass friends are Liars trying to make out that you can't have the first amendment without pissing on gays. This bill pence signed has nothing to do with gays at all, nothing even to do with public access laws. You folks are making shit up.
So, prove it?
Governor Becomes Frustrated When Asked If ‘Religious Liberty’ Law Will Be Used To Discriminate

Pence had said he was going to appear on the Sunday news show to “clarify the intent” of the law. Instead, he refused repeatedly to say if the law would greenlight discrimination against people based on their sexual orientation in the state.

Pence told This Week host George Stephanopoulos it was “absolutely not” a mistake to sign the religious liberty bill into law. Pence dodged a question about Advance America’s statement, which said that bakers and florists might be allowed to refuse to serve a gay couple at their wedding. “This is not about discrimination. This is about empowering people to confront government overreach,” he said.

Governor Becomes Frustrated When Asked If Religious Liberty Law Will Be Used To Discriminate ThinkProgress

This bible thumping cracker is going down
You're an idiot. The Governor was correct. The law was not about PA at all.
So, explain what the law is about if not to let religious people discriminate and use religion as their justification if sued?
It's about situations like the Hobby Lobby case where it was decided that Hobby Lobby has the right to not be forced by the government to pay for abortions against their will.

The MM crowd has extrapolated that if you can't force people to pay for abortions then that throws out the civil rights laws regarding public access. Which of course, is TOTAL BULLSHIT.
How will Pence's discrimination against LGBTs affect racing in Indiana? Are all race fans and drivers straight?
Pence's bill mirrors the federal bill that protects the American people from government persecution. You and your dumb ass friends are Liars trying to make out that you can't have the first amendment without pissing on gays. This bill pence signed has nothing to do with gays at all, nothing even to do with public access laws. You folks are making shit up.
So, prove it?
No you prove I'm wrong.

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