Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

In my plan we eliminate everyone.

But you would eliminate those Jewish scum first, right?

You've already admitted you would. The Jews are enemy #1 according to you.
That's Oduim. He hates Jews, I hate Zionists.

Remember to congratulate him, he's about to have his fourth Race Warrior.

Allow me to quote:

There were plenty of Jews who sucked Nazi cock, and ended up in Israel, which is why the place was made up of scum. The nice Jews died in the camps.
- PaintMyHouse -​

Are you actually going to maintain that you don't hate Jews?
Do we actually have to ask?

It's not like it's a secret around here or sumfin'...
... they just want the right to treat an entire group of people differently and to justify it as Religious Freedom.....
Nahhhh... they just want to shove sexual perversity back into the closet where it belongs, and Religion is a convenient mechanism in the struggle to do just that.
And your idea is wiping out entire peoples because they are Jewish scum.
The Jews make up 14 million of seven billion. Stop stepping over dollars to save a fraction of a cent. Humans are a disease. Zionism is just the pox on the cancer.

So I guess that means we can exterminate all the queers, right?
In my plan we eliminate everyone.

Jim Jones was a Socialist Community Organizer.

Is there some sort of school for this stuff?
Yes, we call them universities, but that's only one of the options available.

Options for what? You have been watching 'The Twilight Zone' episodes again....it is that obvious.


But you would eliminate those Jewish scum first, right?

You've already admitted you would. The Jews are enemy #1 according to you.
That's Oduim. He hates Jews, I hate Zionists.

Remember to congratulate him, he's about to have his fourth Race Warrior.

Allow me to quote:

There were plenty of Jews who sucked Nazi cock, and ended up in Israel, which is why the place was made up of scum. The nice Jews died in the camps.
- PaintMyHouse -​

Are you actually going to maintain that you don't hate Jews?
Yep. I especially like Jews opposed to Political Zionism, meaning Israel.

You just said you thought all the Jews in Israel are scum.
The Jews make up 14 million of seven billion. Stop stepping over dollars to save a fraction of a cent. Humans are a disease. Zionism is just the pox on the cancer.

So I guess that means we can exterminate all the queers, right?
In my plan we eliminate everyone.

Jim Jones was a Socialist Community Organizer.

Is there some sort of school for this stuff?
Yes, we call them universities, but that's only one of the options available.

Options for what? You have been watching 'The Twilight Zone' episodes again....it is that obvious.


Options for what you can study, and come out believing.
No shirt no shoes non Hetero ? no service

Sorry the law does not say that. Only and until a homosexual asks someone to do something that is against their religious conviction can they possibly, and with the law as their defense, refuse. It is not a blanket to discriminate, as it isn't in the more than a dozen other states with a similar law.

And the fact is, you know that is the case, as does all the LWNJ world.

The Disciples of Christ church sent a letter to Pence this week threatening to cancel its 2017 convention in Indianapolis.

“Our perspective is that hate and bigotry wrapped in religious freedom is still hate and bigotry,” Todd Adams, the associate general minister and vice president of the Indianapolis-based denomination, told The Indianapolis Star. Adams said the Disciples of Christ would instead seek a host city that is “hospitable and welcome to all of our attendees.”

Not accepting homosexual "marriage" is neither hate nor bigotry. Indeed this meme of homosexual "marriage" is new found one, that the left is using to further its agenda. Forcing someone with religious beliefs to do something against those beliefs, when it is baking a cake, floral arrangement, catering, photos, that is hateful and bigoted.

Yes, compelling them is just that, hateful, as we saw I believe in Colorado, when those people were in email contact with a bakery, who politely told them they would not, and politely recommended someone else. But the homosexuals went to that bakery anyway, to try and force the issue. IOW, it was a set-up.

And as you did not say anything about my statement that you know full well the law is merely a copy of the federal RFRA, and more than a dozen other states have similar, and that you know the actual import of the law, you showed that I was correct in my assessing the matter. That the law is not a blanket to discriminate, but a defense for those with religious beliefs. Good grief! Find another bakery, photographer, caterer, florist.

You've already admitted you would. The Jews are enemy #1 according to you.
That's Oduim. He hates Jews, I hate Zionists.

Remember to congratulate him, he's about to have his fourth Race Warrior.

Allow me to quote:

There were plenty of Jews who sucked Nazi cock, and ended up in Israel, which is why the place was made up of scum. The nice Jews died in the camps.
- PaintMyHouse -​

Are you actually going to maintain that you don't hate Jews?
Yep. I especially like Jews opposed to Political Zionism, meaning Israel.

You just said you thought all the Jews in Israel are scum.
The "founding" Jews were many of the worst of the worst. Got that from an old Jew, and I've found it to be true.

You've already admitted you would. The Jews are enemy #1 according to you.
That's Oduim. He hates Jews, I hate Zionists.

Remember to congratulate him, he's about to have his fourth Race Warrior.

Allow me to quote:

There were plenty of Jews who sucked Nazi cock, and ended up in Israel, which is why the place was made up of scum. The nice Jews died in the camps.
- PaintMyHouse -​

Are you actually going to maintain that you don't hate Jews?
Yep. I especially like Jews opposed to Political Zionism, meaning Israel.

You just said you thought all the Jews in Israel are scum.

Trying to talk with paint his house is very much like talking to a steaming pile of shit. The pile of shit makes no sense, it stinks and the effort is quite pointless.
... they just want the right to treat an entire group of people differently and to justify it as Religious Freedom.....

We all treat entire groups of people differently. We treat men different from women. We treat children different from adults. We treat law abiding citizens different from criminals. Why should anyone be forced to serve people they don't want to serve? How can that be considered anything other than tyranny? Soon you turds will be telling people who they can marry and have sex with in the name of "equality." I actually had a debate with a numskull like you who said that if prostitution was legalized that prostitutes should be forced to have sex with black people even if they didn't want to.

That shows the true nature of your demands. You would commit rape in the name of "equality."

You're are all despicable Nazi pieces of shit.
No shirt no shoes non Hetero ? no service

Sorry the law does not say that. Only and until a homosexual asks someone to do something that is against their religious conviction can they possibly, and with the law as their defense, refuse. It is not a blanket to discriminate, as it isn't in the more than a dozen other states with a similar law.

And the fact is, you know that is the case, as does all the LWNJ world.

The Disciples of Christ church sent a letter to Pence this week threatening to cancel its 2017 convention in Indianapolis.

“Our perspective is that hate and bigotry wrapped in religious freedom is still hate and bigotry,” Todd Adams, the associate general minister and vice president of the Indianapolis-based denomination, told The Indianapolis Star. Adams said the Disciples of Christ would instead seek a host city that is “hospitable and welcome to all of our attendees.”

Not accepting homosexual "marriage" is neither hate nor bigotry. Indeed this meme of homosexual "marriage" is new found one, that the left is using to further its agenda. Forcing someone with religious beliefs to do something against those beliefs, when it is baking a cake, floral arrangement, catering, photos, that is hateful and bigoted.

Yes, compelling them is just that, hateful, as we saw I believe in Colorado, when those people were in email contact with a bakery, who politely told them they would not, and politely recommended someone else. But the homosexuals went to that bakery anyway, to try and force the issue. IOW, it was a set-up.

And as you did not say anything about my statement that you know full well the law is merely a copy of the federal RFRA, and more than a dozen other states have similar, and that you know the actual import of the law, you showed that I was correct in my assessing the matter. That the law is not a blanket to discriminate, but a defense for those with religious beliefs. Good grief! Find another bakery, photographer, caterer, florist.
I am forced to pay taxes in support of a foreign policy I consider against the teachings of my Religion.....
You've already admitted you would. The Jews are enemy #1 according to you.
That's Oduim. He hates Jews, I hate Zionists.

Remember to congratulate him, he's about to have his fourth Race Warrior.

Allow me to quote:

There were plenty of Jews who sucked Nazi cock, and ended up in Israel, which is why the place was made up of scum. The nice Jews died in the camps.
- PaintMyHouse -​

Are you actually going to maintain that you don't hate Jews?
Yep. I especially like Jews opposed to Political Zionism, meaning Israel.

You just said you thought all the Jews in Israel are scum.
The "founding" Jews were many of the worst of the worst. Got that from an old Jew, and I've found it to be true.

So now you're making distinction among Israeli Jews even though you want to wipe them all out? You're a blessing to humanity!
You've already admitted you would. The Jews are enemy #1 according to you.
That's Oduim. He hates Jews, I hate Zionists.

Remember to congratulate him, he's about to have his fourth Race Warrior.

Allow me to quote:

There were plenty of Jews who sucked Nazi cock, and ended up in Israel, which is why the place was made up of scum. The nice Jews died in the camps.
- PaintMyHouse -​

Are you actually going to maintain that you don't hate Jews?
Yep. I especially like Jews opposed to Political Zionism, meaning Israel.

You just said you thought all the Jews in Israel are scum.

Trying to talk with paint his house is very much like talking to a steaming pile of shit. The pile of shit makes no sense, it stinks and the effort is quite pointless.

You mean it's like stepping in a steaming pile of shit.

However, he exposes his despicable ideals, so that makes it easy. He's embarrassing liberalism for us.
SteamingPileOfShit said:
* * * *
The "founding" Jews were many of the worst of the worst. Got that from an old Jew, and I've found it to be true.

^ The foregoing is a fair illustration of why it is pointless to try to discuss anything with that pile of shit.
Mike Pence is feeling the heat. Probably much more to come.

Either he didn't know what he was signing which would be bad enough, or,

he knew what he was signing but he's so out of touch inside the RWnut bubble that he had no clue what the consequences would be,

which is just as bad.
I see, but Bill Clinton and Obama did not know what they were doing when they signed the same bill, right?

Please tell us how it is "the same bill"...

See already provided links in this thread.

Really? Try this on for size...

Fox News Dishonest Defense Of Indiana's Anti-LGBT Religious Freedom Law - Media Matters for America
Your link to MM is total bullshit. It is attempting to say that people loose their freedom of religion when they work for a company. Total bullshit.
Either he didn't know what he was signing which would be bad enough, or,

he knew what he was signing but he's so out of touch inside the RWnut bubble that he had no clue what the consequences would be,

which is just as bad.
I see, but Bill Clinton and Obama did not know what they were doing when they signed the same bill, right?

Please tell us how it is "the same bill"...

See already provided links in this thread.

Really? Try this on for size...

Fox News Dishonest Defense Of Indiana's Anti-LGBT Religious Freedom Law - Media Matters for America
Your link to MM is total bullshit. It is attempting to say that people loose their freedom of religion when they work for a company. Total bullshit.

No, that's not what it's saying.
All establishments that refuse service should have their business posted so everyone can see , so people can make the decision to patronize or not to patronize them

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