Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

All establishments that refuse service should have their business posted so everyone can see , so people can make the decision to patronize or not to patronize them

I agree! Just post a sign saying "We don't serve Queers"...and let the Internet do the rest...
Liberals Evolve; Conservatives DEvolve. Why is that? FEAR that the reality depicted in the Old Testament may not be true?

BTW, why did God seem so stuck in the time of when he created everything? It was like he didn't know anything about the future - other his own delusional narcissism (keeping in mind that ancient men wrote the Old Testament).
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Yeah and Bush sucked. He sucked bad. He was a socialist through and through. And Obama is an authoritarian socialist who sucks bad. There is nothing liberal about him either. Nothing.

Thus let's face it, both political parties are chock full of authoritarian socialist politicians that suck, bad.

Neither of them were socialists. At all. Bush took the hit for furthering the direction of education initiated by Clinton. Clinton signed changes into law that directly effected welfare that were bizarre. Bush rode as close to a theocracy as one can get. As long as everyone forgets Charitable Choice. And Obama is a neoliberal.:lmao: :eusa_silenced:
No child left behind, isn't socialist? Expansion of Medicare, isn't socialist? Expansion of control over the Middle East, isn't authoritarian socialist? HUH? Bush was a leftist through and through, maybe a bit to the right of Obama but that's not saying much.

Nope. NCLB isn't/ wasn't mandated. The states have more control then they ........pretend to. Medicare may be considered a wee bit socialist. Expansion of control over the Middle East isn't even close to authoritarian or any other socialist and Bush was about as far right as one can get.

Do you remember when the first round of the religious right hit the Republicans? Well, a lot of people left to the Democrats. Not because the Democrats represented liberal but because the Republicans had gone way too far right. They had money then. Democrats are Republican-lite.
I live in a state where NCLB was mandated. The state is TX. NCLB was mandated in TX while BUSH was governor. NCLB was one of Bush's signature pieces of work. Along with CHIPS, another socialist program. If the state does not implement NCLB they loose the federal funding for schools. However, the citizens of the state are still forced to fund the federal funding for schools for other states. That's socialism. Bend to our demands or we take all your money and then make you beg to bend over and take it.

Religious control over the population is not "right." It's authoritarian and socialist, where the social structure is selected by and managed by religious leaders. Yes I remember when religious leaders latched onto ex Democrat Reagan's family values pitch like dogs on a leash and changed the republican party model of conservatism and from religious tolerance and small government to an organization based on authoritarianism for conquering other nations for religious sake, adding socialist programs to our government for religious sake, and bigotry and hate for religious sake.

Colonialism is not conservative, it's authortarian. PNAC is an Authoritarian organization for forcing the world to bend to our will. After we destroyed Iraq, we then embarked on a program of central planning for a new social structure for the people of Iraq. If that's not socialism...

Texas created their response to NCLB in order to acquire the funding. I hear what you are saying.
But, they chose to.

This is important only because the responses are different. In fact, you will note that in many states the response is designed to fail. It is designed to fail to force faux privatization to other organizations that do not have to operate under the same standards or have the same scrutiny. Or what some nimrods call choice.

Texas gets a lot of federal funding. A lot.

PNAC was neoconservative think tank. Religion is simply a useful device.

Setting up a chicken processing plant............had nothing to do with socialism. It had to do with the sheer stupidity of those that thought that would work and also for hiding cash. It had everything to do with oil. Religion is not socialism. It's actually used as a way to demand compliance and, often, via distribution of some service or charity that has received funding via tax payers.
Then by your argument no we have no socialism in America, none. Move along nothing to see here, please ignore all this redistribution of funds for social programs that have nothing to do with socialism per se.
All establishments that refuse service should have their business posted so everyone can see , so people can make the decision to patronize or not to patronize them

When did you turn into a Libertarian?

I missed that part.

All establishments that refuse service should have their business posted so everyone can see , so people can make the decision to patronize or not to patronize them

What principle of morals, ethics or justice allows that?
I see, but Bill Clinton and Obama did not know what they were doing when they signed the same bill, right?

Please tell us how it is "the same bill"...

See already provided links in this thread.

Really? Try this on for size...

Fox News Dishonest Defense Of Indiana's Anti-LGBT Religious Freedom Law - Media Matters for America
Your link to MM is total bullshit. It is attempting to say that people loose their freedom of religion when they work for a company. Total bullshit.

No, that's not what it's saying.
Read it again, that is exactly what it says. MM is saying the delta between the state law and the fed law is the state law includes people of a corporation, not just any old person. The fed law did not mention people of a corporation at all. MM is making the assumption that people give up their rights when they join a company, see the SCOTUS decision on THIS ISSUE. The MM crowd are still butt hurt for loosing the Hobby lobby and Citizens United cases.
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Come on Republicans

I know you love to pander to your gay hating base. But are you ever going to learn?

Indiana Governor Mike Pence is ready to sign into law a bill allowing businesses to refuse service to gays for "religious reasons" . All this ten days before the NCAA Final Four comes to Indianapolis. So what was once an opportunity to show the country what a great location his state is for major events, now becomes a poster child for "We hate gays".
See how many Final Fours come back to Indianapolis. Superbowl? Forget it Mike

But at least you got to score points with your gay hating base

Republicans just can't help themselves.

Pence to sign bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers - CNN.com

He did a poor job on the ABC talking heads show this morning.
Governor Becomes Frustrated When Asked If ‘Religious Liberty’ Law Will Be Used To Discriminate

Pence had said he was going to appear on the Sunday news show to “clarify the intent” of the law. Instead, he refused repeatedly to say if the law would greenlight discrimination against people based on their sexual orientation in the state.

Pence told This Week host George Stephanopoulos it was “absolutely not” a mistake to sign the religious liberty bill into law. Pence dodged a question about Advance America’s statement, which said that bakers and florists might be allowed to refuse to serve a gay couple at their wedding. “This is not about discrimination. This is about empowering people to confront government overreach,” he said.

Governor Becomes Frustrated When Asked If Religious Liberty Law Will Be Used To Discriminate ThinkProgress

This bible thumping cracker is going down
Hahaha. Bill Clinton signed it first.

The first RFRA was a 1993 federal law that was signed into law by Democratic president Bill Clinton. It unanimously passed the House of Representatives, where it was sponsored by then-congressman Chuck Schumer, and sailed through the Senate on a 97-3 vote.

The law reestablished a balancing test for courts to apply in religious liberty cases (a standard had been used by the Supreme Court for decades). RFRA allows a person's free exercise of religion to be "substantially burdened" by a law only if the law furthers a "compelling governmental interest" in the "least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest."...

Indiana s Religious Freedom Restoration Act Explained The Weekly Standard
We can expect to see more of this in the jesusland states. it is a reaction to the shift in this country and the marginalization of the white religious whack jobs by the rest of the country, they know their time is coming to an end in America, so this is all they can do

Time is NOT on their side :eusa_whistle:

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