Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays


How many have been murdered this year in the name of religion? Do you believe those who cut off the heads of people they consider infidels is their right, since religious beliefs should never be infringed?

You've proved you're a jerk and not worthy of debate, so ponder this question and only get back to me if you admit to being a hypocrite and stop echoing the bullshit of the far right.

I haven't murdered anybody this year in the name of religion, have you?.

Choosing who you want to do business with and opposing government oppression of freedom of religion is not exactly the same as cutting off the heads of infidels, don't you think? Do you even think?

Real freedom is something very few liberals are willing to debate. They are not equipped to do so get back to me when you get your head out of your Libtard ass.
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You stupid Libtards love to tell people how to run their lives, don't you?
You Right wing dingleberries love to try and run women's libidos..... the law should allow discrimination against fundamentalist Christians ....

It should allow discrimination against anyone by private people. Government, on the other hand, is a different story.

As an individual you should be able to discriminate against anybody you want. That is called freedom. None of us needs the filthy ass government telling us who we have to associate with. However, everybody should have have equal access to the government like the Tea Party getting fair treatment from the IRS, which didn't happen with a Liberal Obama administration.
You stupid Libtards love to tell people how to run their lives, don't you?
You Right wing dingleberries love to try and run women's libidos..... the law should allow discrimination against fundamentalist Christians ....

It should allow discrimination against anyone by private people. Government, on the other hand, is a different story.

As an individual you should be able to discriminate against anybody you want. That is called freedom. None of us needs the filthy ass government telling us who we have to associate with. However, everybody should have have equal access to the government like the Tea Party getting fair treatment from the IRS, which didn't happen with a Liberal Obama administration.

Yeah, the libturds have things exactly reversed: They believe government should force private citizens and businesses to treat people equally, but government is free to abuse people they don't like.
Patriotism may be the last refuge of scoundrels, but religion is assuredly the first.

Your Boy Obama said that tremendous debt (even though he voted for a good portion of it) was unpatriotic but he went on to run up six trillion of his own so what the hell do you Moon Bats that voted for the sonofabitch know about patriotism?
You stupid Libtards love to tell people how to run their lives, don't you?
You Right wing dingleberries love to try and run women's libidos..... the law should allow discrimination against fundamentalist Christians ....

It should allow discrimination against anyone by private people. Government, on the other hand, is a different story.

As an individual you should be able to discriminate against anybody you want. That is called freedom. None of us needs the filthy ass government telling us who we have to associate with. However, everybody should have have equal access to the government like the Tea Party getting fair treatment from the IRS, which didn't happen with a Liberal Obama administration.

Yeah, the libturds have things exactly reversed: They believe government should force private citizens and businesses to treat people equally, but government is free to abuse people they don't like.
Poor Whitey Male, the government is out to get him. His life is so unfair. Fucking child.
You stupid Libtards love to tell people how to run their lives, don't you?
You Right wing dingleberries love to try and run women's libidos..... the law should allow discrimination against fundamentalist Christians ....

It should allow discrimination against anyone by private people. Government, on the other hand, is a different story.

As an individual you should be able to discriminate against anybody you want. That is called freedom. None of us needs the filthy ass government telling us who we have to associate with. However, everybody should have have equal access to the government like the Tea Party getting fair treatment from the IRS, which didn't happen with a Liberal Obama administration.

Yeah, the libturds have things exactly reversed: They believe government should force private citizens and businesses to treat people equally, but government is free to abuse people they don't like.
Poor Whitey Male, the government is out to get him. His life is so unfair. Fucking child.

Amazing Troll right there!
what if they deny someone services and the dude or woman denies being gay...now what ? and all they want is clean clothes...

"some straight men are a bit effete and some straight women are kind of butch. Just because God made them like that doesn't mean their dry cleaning should get turned away."

If queers just kept their mouths shut about their sexual orientation 99.9% of the issue would disappear. It only appears with regards to certain events like weddings because then it can't be ignored. A lot of people don't want to have their faces rubbed in the queer lifestyle, and there's no reason they should.

So when two women want a wedding cake they're supposed to pretend they're not two women wanting a wedding cake?

You are so out of it.

If bripat wanted to have some credibility, he might try to pretend to have empathy.
Why should anyone try to use religion to deprive others of equal rights?
Because religion is a powerful political weapon used by the state for centuries to compel conformity and punish dissent; many conservatives, who are for the most part authoritarian, wish to use this weapon today to oppose the change and diversity they fear by seeking to codify religious dogma into secular law – this is also why the Framers mandated that church and state remain separate, to prevent government from using this ancient, powerful political weapon to the disadvantage of citizens, such as prohibiting gay Americans from accessing marriage law they're eligible to participate in.
They aren't eligible. Marriage is union between a man and a woman. It always has been. And you're right about it being a powerful political tool. Queers are using it to ram acceptance of their lifestyle down everyone's throat.

The so-called "queers" just want tolerance and equal rights. What's wrong with that? What does that take away from you?

They don't want "tolerance." They want to compel people to serve them. They want the government to use force against innocent people. That's tyranny.

They have no right to be served. No one does.

How would you feel if YOU were refused service for being mentally retarded?

Bripat is in total denial, of reality and everything it brings to the table.
They aren't eligible. Marriage is union between a man and a woman. It always has been. And you're right about it being a powerful political tool. Queers are using it to ram acceptance of their lifestyle down everyone's throat.

The so-called "queers" just want tolerance and equal rights. What's wrong with that? What does that take away from you?
His "right" to be mean to faggots, and have society look the other way.

What is "right to be mean to faggots" supposed to mean? Does that mean I have the right to say things about them that aren't nice? Checkout the Bill of Rights. That right is called "The First Amendment."

You see, a right is the ability to do something whether society approves or not. If we can only do what society approves of, we have no rights at all. That's the Fascist conception of rights. It's no surprise that you endorse it.
Your version of being mean is, Hey buddy, we don't sell Cokes and gas to *******.

And your idea is wiping out entire peoples because they are Jewish scum.

Check your syntax; though I did lol.
You stupid Libtards love to tell people how to run their lives, don't you?
You Right wing dingleberries love to try and run women's libidos..... the law should allow discrimination against fundamentalist Christians ....

It should allow discrimination against anyone by private people. Government, on the other hand, is a different story.

As an individual you should be able to discriminate against anybody you want. That is called freedom. None of us needs the filthy ass government telling us who we have to associate with. However, everybody should have have equal access to the government like the Tea Party getting fair treatment from the IRS, which didn't happen with a Liberal Obama administration.

Yeah, the libturds have things exactly reversed: They believe government should force private citizens and businesses to treat people equally, but government is free to abuse people they don't like.
Poor Whitey Male, the government is out to get him. His life is so unfair. Fucking child.

Yeah, you have the same attitude about Jews. The "good ones" go to the gas chamber without complaining. Isn't that right?

Poor Whitey Male, the government is out to get him. His life is so unfair. Fucking child.

Poor White Guilt Liberals. So mad they were born White and now confused about their sexuality.
Nope. And even if I was confused, after decades on this earth, I would still be able to understand what Equal Before The Law means.

"Equal before the law" means no one is required by law to serve another.
You Right wing dingleberries love to try and run women's libidos..... the law should allow discrimination against fundamentalist Christians ....

It should allow discrimination against anyone by private people. Government, on the other hand, is a different story.

As an individual you should be able to discriminate against anybody you want. That is called freedom. None of us needs the filthy ass government telling us who we have to associate with. However, everybody should have have equal access to the government like the Tea Party getting fair treatment from the IRS, which didn't happen with a Liberal Obama administration.

Yeah, the libturds have things exactly reversed: They believe government should force private citizens and businesses to treat people equally, but government is free to abuse people they don't like.
Poor Whitey Male, the government is out to get him. His life is so unfair. Fucking child.

Yeah, you have the same attitude about Jews. The "good ones" go to the gas chamber without complaining. Isn't that right?
Good or bad, they died like pussies, not men.

Poor Whitey Male, the government is out to get him. His life is so unfair. Fucking child.

Poor White Guilt Liberals. So mad they were born White and now confused about their sexuality.
Nope. And even if I was confused, after decades on this earth, I would still be able to understand what Equal Before The Law means.

"Equal before the law" means no one is required by law to serve another.
Nope, not what it means, at least in PAs.

Pence just shot that all to hell.
what if they deny someone services and the dude or woman denies being gay...now what ? and all they want is clean clothes...

"some straight men are a bit effete and some straight women are kind of butch. Just because God made them like that doesn't mean their dry cleaning should get turned away."

If queers just kept their mouths shut about their sexual orientation 99.9% of the issue would disappear. It only appears with regards to certain events like weddings because then it can't be ignored. A lot of people don't want to have their faces rubbed in the queer lifestyle, and there's no reason they should.

So when two women want a wedding cake they're supposed to pretend they're not two women wanting a wedding cake?

You are so out of it.

If bripat wanted to have some credibility, he might try to pretend to have empathy.

How would that give me credibility? I couldn't care less about a couple of petulant whiny queers who want to force a baker to attend their wedding.

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