Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

They aren't eligible. Marriage is union between a man and a woman. It always has been. And you're right about it being a powerful political tool. Queers are using it to ram acceptance of their lifestyle down everyone's throat.

The so-called "queers" just want tolerance and equal rights. What's wrong with that? What does that take away from you?
His "right" to be mean to faggots, and have society look the other way.

What is "right to be mean to faggots" supposed to mean? Does that mean I have the right to say things about them that aren't nice? Checkout the Bill of Rights. That right is called "The First Amendment."

You see, a right is the ability to do something whether society approves or not. If we can only do what society approves of, we have no rights at all. That's the Fascist conception of rights. It's no surprise that you endorse it.
Your version of being mean is, Hey buddy, we don't sell Cokes and gas to *******.

And your idea is wiping out entire peoples because they are Jewish scum.
The Jews make up 14 million of seven billion. Stop stepping over dollars to save a fraction of a cent. Humans are a disease. Zionism is just the pox on the cancer.
what if they deny someone services and the dude or woman denies being gay...now what ? and all they want is clean clothes...

"some straight men are a bit effete and some straight women are kind of butch. Just because God made them like that doesn't mean their dry cleaning should get turned away."

If queers just kept their mouths shut about their sexual orientation 99.9% of the issue would disappear. It only appears with regards to certain events like weddings because then it can't be ignored. A lot of people don't want to have their faces rubbed in the queer lifestyle, and there's no reason they should.

So when two women want a wedding cake they're supposed to pretend they're not two women wanting a wedding cake?

You are so out of it.

They can do whatever they like, but no one has the right to compel a baker to sell them such a cake. Perhaps they could just try finding a baker who bakes for wedding cakes for queers. I'm sure there are plenty of gay bakers in the world.
Yeah, we tried that strategy. It didn't work.

Your idea of what "works" makes normal people laugh.
what if they deny someone services and the dude or woman denies being gay...now what ? and all they want is clean clothes...

"some straight men are a bit effete and some straight women are kind of butch. Just because God made them like that doesn't mean their dry cleaning should get turned away."

If queers just kept their mouths shut about their sexual orientation 99.9% of the issue would disappear. It only appears with regards to certain events like weddings because then it can't be ignored. A lot of people don't want to have their faces rubbed in the queer lifestyle, and there's no reason they should.

So when two women want a wedding cake they're supposed to pretend they're not two women wanting a wedding cake?

You are so out of it.

They can do whatever they like, but no one has the right to compel a baker to sell them such a cake. Perhaps they could just try finding a baker who bakes for wedding cakes for queers. I'm sure there are plenty of gay bakers in the world.
Yeah, we tried that strategy. It didn't work.

Your idea of what "works" makes normal people laugh.
Sweetheart, your idea of what 'works" society has already rejected, and yet you keep droning on about it...
If queers just kept their mouths shut about their sexual orientation 99.9% of the issue would disappear. It only appears with regards to certain events like weddings because then it can't be ignored. A lot of people don't want to have their faces rubbed in the queer lifestyle, and there's no reason they should.

So when two women want a wedding cake they're supposed to pretend they're not two women wanting a wedding cake?

You are so out of it.

They can do whatever they like, but no one has the right to compel a baker to sell them such a cake. Perhaps they could just try finding a baker who bakes for wedding cakes for queers. I'm sure there are plenty of gay bakers in the world.
Yeah, we tried that strategy. It didn't work.

Your idea of what "works" makes normal people laugh.
Sweetheart, your idea of what 'works" society has already rejected, and yet you keep droning on about it...

Society has rejected lots of common sense since government began brainwashing it in the public schools. That proves nothing. Your argument is a logical fallacy called Argumentum ad populum. It seems all you post are logical fallacies.

and that shit should be posted on the door so that nobody makes the mistake of giving money to derelicts. Big ass filthy sign above the filthy door that says: BIGOT.

Somebody that chose not to do business with the homosexual community will lose that business. It is a business decision and it is called freedom.

If you are so confused as to think I am bigot because by religious beliefs says that I shouldn't accommodate homosexuality then you are the intolerant one.

Apparently your filthy little mind is having a real hard time grasping this one. I want you to be who you are. Post the sign. It is in fact a business decision. Make sure that the rest of us are allowed the same freedom.

"Freedom" to do what, force a business to do what it doesn't want to do? Only among libturds is using force against innocent people considered to be a form of "freedom."

The Freedom to choose not to do business with a bigot, silly.

No one is stopping you, dingbat.
So when two women want a wedding cake they're supposed to pretend they're not two women wanting a wedding cake?

You are so out of it.

They can do whatever they like, but no one has the right to compel a baker to sell them such a cake. Perhaps they could just try finding a baker who bakes for wedding cakes for queers. I'm sure there are plenty of gay bakers in the world.
Yeah, we tried that strategy. It didn't work.

Your idea of what "works" makes normal people laugh.
Sweetheart, your idea of what 'works" society has already rejected, and yet you keep droning on about it...

Society has rejected lots of common sense since government began brainwashing it in the public schools. That proves nothing. Your argument is a logical fallacy called Argumentum ad populum. It seems all you post are logical fallacies.
No, most of what is now working the people were against, like they were gay marriage until very recently. It's why we don't have mob rule, humans are mostly morons like you.
The so-called "queers" just want tolerance and equal rights. What's wrong with that? What does that take away from you?
His "right" to be mean to faggots, and have society look the other way.

What is "right to be mean to faggots" supposed to mean? Does that mean I have the right to say things about them that aren't nice? Checkout the Bill of Rights. That right is called "The First Amendment."

You see, a right is the ability to do something whether society approves or not. If we can only do what society approves of, we have no rights at all. That's the Fascist conception of rights. It's no surprise that you endorse it.
Your version of being mean is, Hey buddy, we don't sell Cokes and gas to *******.

And your idea is wiping out entire peoples because they are Jewish scum.
The Jews make up 14 million of seven billion. Stop stepping over dollars to save a fraction of a cent. Humans are a disease. Zionism is just the pox on the cancer.

So I guess that means we can exterminate all the queers, right?
They can do whatever they like, but no one has the right to compel a baker to sell them such a cake. Perhaps they could just try finding a baker who bakes for wedding cakes for queers. I'm sure there are plenty of gay bakers in the world.
Yeah, we tried that strategy. It didn't work.

Your idea of what "works" makes normal people laugh.
Sweetheart, your idea of what 'works" society has already rejected, and yet you keep droning on about it...

Society has rejected lots of common sense since government began brainwashing it in the public schools. That proves nothing. Your argument is a logical fallacy called Argumentum ad populum. It seems all you post are logical fallacies.
No, most of what is now working the people were against, like they were gay marriage until very recently. It's why we don't have mob rule, humans are mostly morons like you.

We do have mob rule. In fact, we have worse than mob rule. We have rule by small but vocal minorities who ram their agendas down everyone's throat.

Furthermore, what the hell does "it's working" mean? Stalin's gulags and Hitler's slave labor camps worked beautifully. Is that the kind of "working" you are referring to?
Yeah, we tried that strategy. It didn't work.

Your idea of what "works" makes normal people laugh.
Sweetheart, your idea of what 'works" society has already rejected, and yet you keep droning on about it...

Society has rejected lots of common sense since government began brainwashing it in the public schools. That proves nothing. Your argument is a logical fallacy called Argumentum ad populum. It seems all you post are logical fallacies.
No, most of what is now working the people were against, like they were gay marriage until very recently. It's why we don't have mob rule, humans are mostly morons like you.

We do have mob rule. In fact, we have worse than mob rule. We have rule by small but vocal minorities who ram their agendas down everyone's throat.

There lies the left and homo's problem, Indiana is refusing to bow and they are having a hissy fit
Shit, the people in Indiana appear to be rejecting this bull shit.

Actually Indiana is ho hum about it. My Mom was in Indianapolis yesterday and she said she heard little about it. It's the fringe loons creating all the drama
Shit, the people in Indiana appear to be rejecting this bull shit.

Actually Indiana is ho hum about it. My Mom was in Indianapolis yesterday and she said she heard little about it. It's the fringe loons creating all the drama

Yep, the queers think everyone is talking about it like they are. They just don't grock the fact that no one cares about their petty whining.

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