Will Republicans Support Ron Paul when nominated?

Will the corporate liberals support Ron Paul when he is nominated to represent the GOP???

The short answer is NO.
Ron Paul is the guy who will try to upset the apple-cart. He's basically a kook, that's too old to be president. The dems figure to keep the Senate in 2012, unless the GOP can make 2012 a crusade to repeal Obamacare.

Then again the USSC might do that, so its a choice between the borrow+spend GOP and the tax+spend dems. Homer Simpson would pick the tax+spend like in the 1990s when we had a surplus.
It's very unlikely that Ron Paul will get the nomination. And only 3% of Republicans identify as "liberal", corporate or otherwise "Conservatives" Are Single-Largest Ideological Group.

I'm sure that if Paul does get the nomination and no strong third-party bid occurs, most registered Republicans who vote will vote for him. He'd almost certainly lose the election though.
Honestly I'm not sure which would be worse.
Fortunately it won't happen. The American people might be dumb enough once to vote for a communist closet Muslim with no experience.
BUt they aren't crazy enough to vote for Paul. They proved that last time when Paul had his ass handed to him in every primary.
Corporate liberals? LOL NO- only Republicans would. Like everyone but Mitt, who fundies won't support. Gingrich/Paul 2012!! Change the channel...
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Look at it this way. The President is the QB with brain-trusts like Carl Rove giving advice on what works and what doesn't. Ron Paul has no one who thinks like he does. I see a lot of very high quality spokesmen for Romney, but Ron Paul is alone. The Tea Party does not back him that I see.

Obama is harmless with the GOP in control of the House & Senate. I'm a big fan of divided government. Lets see what the "Super Committee" comes up with. If they let the automatic cuts happen, that's "something", its progress. Lets make another set of automatic cuts to cut another $2T.
Look at it this way. The President is the QB with brain-trusts like Carl Rove giving advice on what works and what doesn't. Ron Paul has no one who thinks like he does. I see a lot of very high quality spokesmen for Romney, but Ron Paul is alone. The Tea Party does not back him that I see.

Obama is harmless with the GOP in control of the House & Senate. I'm a big fan of divided government. Lets see what the "Super Committee" comes up with. If they let the automatic cuts happen, that's "something", its progress. Lets make another set of automatic cuts to cut another $2T.

I agree. The Congress will go GOP and even if Obama is re-elected, which he wont be, he will be powerless as he has no ability to work with Congress.
It should be real funny to see Paul debate foreign policy tonight. "We should try to be Irans friend" LMAOROLF
Will Republicans Support Ron Paul when nominated?

Hahahahaha. I about spit dew on that one :beer:

Needs to be in the humor forum though.
Look at it this way. The President is the QB with brain-trusts like Carl Rove giving advice on what works and what doesn't. Ron Paul has no one who thinks like he does. I see a lot of very high quality spokesmen for Romney, but Ron Paul is alone. The Tea Party does not back him that I see.

Obama is harmless with the GOP in control of the House & Senate. I'm a big fan of divided government. Lets see what the "Super Committee" comes up with. If they let the automatic cuts happen, that's "something", its progress. Lets make another set of automatic cuts to cut another $2T.

I agree. The Congress will go GOP and even if Obama is re-elected, which he wont be, he will be powerless as he has no ability to work with Congress.

You mean like it has been since he took office? Thanks for finally admitting it. You are obstructing the growth of the United States because of ideology. You don't give a shit if this country stagnates and dies a slow death, as long as you get your way.

Because simply.... It doesn't matter what he proposes.... congress hates the idea and stonewalls it.

Awesome... thanks for being honest
Ron Paul is missing two critical characteristics. A swagger and a cowboy hat.
PubliKants eat that shit up.
Ron Paul is missing two critical characteristics. A swagger and a cowboy hat.
PubliKants eat that shit up.

He needs to be less of an ultra-weenie with goofy ideas. He'd probably make a better democrat than a Republican. Libertarians like to quote the Law until it suits their "some are more equal than others" reality.

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