Will riots occur if Donald Trump becomes US President?

I could see riots happening if Trump wins.... at Wal-Mart as women folks load up and fight over cheap foreign goods before tariffs begin.
No, it will be baby libtards throwing a temper tantrum because they didn't get their way. The right accepts defeat, the left doesn't.
Free open source software is also libtard crap.
You are a blithering idiot and completely in the dark. You can't even figure out what the topic is.
You are a commie, communist, and have absolutely no idea that a real capitalist pays for a browser or uses the crap browser that comes with Windows or Apples OS!

So you are such a libtard, you steal your name from an open-source browser as well as the picture.
That's where I got it but you don't know what the words 'open source' means. You can't steal it. Iceweasel, fyi, is Debian's rebranding of Firefox. They simply fixed a security issue, Mozilla doesn't like it and said they can't use the name. Same with Icedove/Thunderbird.
Ice Weasel guideline #5, according to Debian license:

"No discrimination against persons or groups."

You are using libtard software, according to the standard internet definition of libtard. Period.
Considering Trump's rhetoric, it would be foolish to deny that a certain segment of our population may very well consider Trump's loss to be a result of a rigged election.
Yes. This is also irrelevant to the OP's question. Every election there are people that whine and complain that it is rigged. None more than Bush's re-election. They usually sit there and whine.
This lunatic fringe includes the anti-government Patriot Movement, a misnomer by any measure and the threat of violence is their opening gambit. Soon enough LE will say "That's enough, stand down or die".

Remember the SLA? LAPD made a stand, and the SLA is no more.

Armed, stupid, hate filled and racist to the core one must take seriously the question asked in the OP; if and and when they confront democracy (a democratic election as flawed) they won't put country first as did Gore.
And we even get a hint that you are one of those. Interesting that you think those on the other side are suddenly going to riot over this one.

There is no indication whatsoever that there will be riots because of Trump's loss. As has already been pointed out over and over again, it is not these lunatic fringe guys that have been rioting in several locations in the country right now. It seems that you are projecting here.
Donald Trump supporters and Anti-Trump protesters clash, more than 35 arrested - Full story
Earlier this year
"San Diego (CNN)Police clad in riot gear and wielding batons began dispersing a crowd of Donald Trump supporters and protesters here Friday night after the presumptive GOP nominee held a rally."
If Trump becomes President, do you think riots will occur 100%? Which states will have the biggest riots and how will this impact the nation?

I know Donald Trump is one of the most hated men in America so there will be angry, upset and violent people
leftist will riot.

when spoiled children don't get their way they start screaming, and if that doesn't work, then they get violent.

we are already seeing violence, violence that is supported by dems, 100%
yeah the left will riot
that wont be achieved with riots! Black people are not afraid to fight back and retaliate

Most folks I know are not afraid to take you out in a heartbeat either.
Im not a black person who wants to fight back and retaliate.Im just stating some facts based on news stories i read and videos i watch

In other words, you're actually ignorant. Understood and accepted. Most Blacks are.
you obviously dont read the news often...

I was just agreeing with you. You said you were stupid and I agreed with you. I'm trying to get along with you here.
real talk serious
...Black people are not afraid to fight back and retaliate
Twelve percent of the population, against the rest? Good luck with that.
its not black vs everyone else. some whites, asians, hispanics will side with blacks
Not if it comes to a Race War, mine good colleague... race-riots are rare in this country; at least within the past 50-70 years; a so-called Race War has never occurred in this country, and probably never will, but God help the Minority which starts one, if the un-think-able ever happens. At such a time, nothing would matter except skin color.

And... if you're Black... counting on Hispanics or Asians to take-up arms alongside you... you're deluding yourself... most of your grievances and failures are unique.

Hispanics (16%) have surpassed Blacks (12%) as the Dominant Minority in the United States and are already racing far beyond Blacks in claiming a slice of the future; to the applause and approval of much of White America, as well.

The kind of applause and approval that White America once looked forward to providing to you, 50 or 60 years ago, until you proved them wrong.

Asians do very well here... Hispanics are beginning to do very well here... with the realistic promise of much better to come in the very near future.

You? After 150 years of under-performing... blaming everyone but yourselves... and failing to take charge of your own destinies... well... sadly... not so much.

Don't count on Asians and Hispanics picking up a rifle to stand alongside you on the barricades... they've got too much skin in our game now, to play dat chit... sorry.
nothing compete
Donald Trump supporters and Anti-Trump protesters clash, more than 35 arrested - Full story
Earlier this year
"San Diego (CNN)Police clad in riot gear and wielding batons began dispersing a crowd of Donald Trump supporters and protesters here Friday night after the presumptive GOP nominee held a rally."
If Trump becomes President, do you think riots will occur 100%? Which states will have the biggest riots and how will this impact the nation?

I know Donald Trump is one of the most hated men in America so there will be angry, upset and violent people
leftist will riot.

when spoiled children don't get their way they start screaming, and if that doesn't work, then they get violent.

we are already seeing violence, violence that is supported by dems, 100%

Example of a complex Idiot-gram (CrusaderFrank will be so green with envy)
you live under a rock?
have brain damage?
or are you really so stewpud that you don't know that leftist have already rioted?
Note to the OP: Obama has been ginning up race riots for years. We already have riots. It's the Prog M.O., and they'll continue no matter who is President.
I could see riots happening if Trump wins.... at Wal-Mart as women folks load up and fight over cheap foreign goods before tariffs begin.
No, it will be baby libtards throwing a temper tantrum because they didn't get their way. The right accepts defeat, the left doesn't.
Free open source software is also libtard crap.
You are a blithering idiot and completely in the dark. You can't even figure out what the topic is.
You are a commie, communist, and have absolutely no idea that a real capitalist pays for a browser or uses the crap browser that comes with Windows or Apples OS!

So you are such a libtard, you steal your name from an open-source browser as well as the picture.
reak talk
Donald Trump supporters and Anti-Trump protesters clash, more than 35 arrested - Full story
Earlier this year
"San Diego (CNN)Police clad in riot gear and wielding batons began dispersing a crowd of Donald Trump supporters and protesters here Friday night after the presumptive GOP nominee held a rally."
If Trump becomes President, do you think riots will occur 100%? Which states will have the biggest riots and how will this impact the nation?

I know Donald Trump is one of the most hated men in America so there will be angry, upset and violent people
leftist will riot.

when spoiled children don't get their way they start screaming, and if that doesn't work, then they get violent.

we are already seeing violence, violence that is supported by dems, 100%

Example of a complex Idiot-gram (CrusaderFrank will be so green with envy)
you live under a rock?
have brain damage?
or are you really so stewpud that you don't know that leftist have already rioted?

If you are referencing the BLM reaction, why not say so. I don't know of any 'dems' who support riots, I know a number who support protests. If you're claiming the sniper shooting of police officers, you might want to frame such behavior on individuals' behavior, like Scott Roeder and Eric Rudolph too. Otherwise one might find you to be a hypocrite and a racist.

You might also consider how gun play enters into the equation, and consider the complicity of the NRA's no gun control policy.
...Black people are not afraid to fight back and retaliate
Twelve percent of the population, against the rest? Good luck with that.
its not black vs everyone else. some whites, asians, hispanics will side with blacks
Not if it comes to a Race War, mine good colleague... race-riots are rare in this country; at least within the past 50-70 years; a so-called Race War has never occurred in this country, and probably never will, but God help the Minority which starts one, if the un-think-able ever happens. At such a time, nothing would matter except skin color.

And... if you're Black... counting on Hispanics or Asians to take-up arms alongside you... you're deluding yourself... most of your grievances and failures are unique.

Hispanics (16%) have surpassed Blacks (12%) as the Dominant Minority in the United States and are already racing far beyond Blacks in claiming a slice of the future; to the applause and approval of much of White America, as well.

The kind of applause and approval that White America once looked forward to providing to you, 50 or 60 years ago, until you proved them wrong.

Asians do very well here... Hispanics are beginning to do very well here... with the realistic promise of much better to come in the very near future.

You? After 150 years of under-performing... blaming everyone but yourselves... and failing to take charge of your own destinies... well... sadly... not so much.

Don't count on Asians and Hispanics picking up a rifle to stand alongside you on the barricades... they've got too much skin in our game now, to play dat chit... sorry.
nothing compete
EASL? (English as a Second Language)???
Donald Trump supporters and Anti-Trump protesters clash, more than 35 arrested - Full story
Earlier this year
"San Diego (CNN)Police clad in riot gear and wielding batons began dispersing a crowd of Donald Trump supporters and protesters here Friday night after the presumptive GOP nominee held a rally."
If Trump becomes President, do you think riots will occur 100%? Which states will have the biggest riots and how will this impact the nation?

I know Donald Trump is one of the most hated men in America so there will be angry, upset and violent people
leftist will riot.

when spoiled children don't get their way they start screaming, and if that doesn't work, then they get violent.

we are already seeing violence, violence that is supported by dems, 100%

Example of a complex Idiot-gram (CrusaderFrank will be so green with envy)
you live under a rock?
have brain damage?
or are you really so stewpud that you don't know that leftist have already rioted?
you want simething
I could see riots happening if Trump wins.... at Wal-Mart as women folks load up and fight over cheap foreign goods before tariffs begin.
No, it will be baby libtards throwing a temper tantrum because they didn't get their way. The right accepts defeat, the left doesn't.


Has there ever been a Presidential debate that had impartial moderators?
Donald Trump supporters and Anti-Trump protesters clash, more than 35 arrested - Full story
Earlier this year
"San Diego (CNN)Police clad in riot gear and wielding batons began dispersing a crowd of Donald Trump supporters and protesters here Friday night after the presumptive GOP nominee held a rally."
If Trump becomes President, do you think riots will occur 100%? Which states will have the biggest riots and how will this impact the nation?

I know Donald Trump is one of the most hated men in America so there will be angry, upset and violent people
leftist will riot.

when spoiled children don't get their way they start screaming, and if that doesn't work, then they get violent.

we are already seeing violence, violence that is supported by dems, 100%

Example of a complex Idiot-gram (CrusaderFrank will be so green with envy)
you live under a rock?
have brain damage?
or are you really so stewpud that you don't know that leftist have already rioted?

If you are referencing the BLM reaction, why not say so. I don't know of any 'dems' who support riots, I know a number who support protests. If you're claiming the sniper shooting of police officers, you might want to frame such behavior on individuals' behavior, like Scott Roeder and Eric Rudolph too. Otherwise one might find you to be a hypocrite and a racist.

You might also consider how gun play enters into the equation, and consider the complicity of the NRA's no gun control policy.
I made no reference to the racist group blm.

leftist have been violent already. Denying it makes you look like the moron you truly are.
I could see riots happening if Trump wins.... at Wal-Mart as women folks load up and fight over cheap foreign goods before tariffs begin.
No, it will be baby libtards throwing a temper tantrum because they didn't get their way. The right accepts defeat, the left doesn't.


Has there ever been a Presidential debate that had impartial moderators?
nope candycorn
Donald Trump supporters and Anti-Trump protesters clash, more than 35 arrested - Full story
Earlier this year
"San Diego (CNN)Police clad in riot gear and wielding batons began dispersing a crowd of Donald Trump supporters and protesters here Friday night after the presumptive GOP nominee held a rally."
If Trump becomes President, do you think riots will occur 100%? Which states will have the biggest riots and how will this impact the nation?

I know Donald Trump is one of the most hated men in America so there will be angry, upset and violent people
leftist will riot.

when spoiled children don't get their way they start screaming, and if that doesn't work, then they get violent.

we are already seeing violence, violence that is supported by dems, 100%

Example of a complex Idiot-gram (CrusaderFrank will be so green with envy)
you live under a rock?
have brain damage?
or are you really so stewpud that you don't know that leftist have already rioted?

If you are referencing the BLM reaction, why not say so. I don't know of any 'dems' who support riots, I know a number who support protests. If you're claiming the sniper shooting of police officers, you might want to frame such behavior on individuals' behavior, like Scott Roeder and Eric Rudolph too. Otherwise one might find you to be a hypocrite and a racist.

You might also consider how gun play enters into the equation, and consider the complicity of the NRA's no gun control policy.
I made no reference to the racist group blm.

leftist have been violent already. Denying it makes you look like the moron you truly are.
yeah i know
Lots of Europeans like Donald. Many had your arrogance and condescension and got surprised by Brexit. Reality isn't what you want it to be.

"Lots of Europeans like Donald"? Lots? Well lots of American's like Donald too. Demagogues - a special set within the meaning of those afflicted with a Personality Disorder - are likable too, that is until one discovers their wallet and laptop missing.

Emotion, not reason, is what motivates people to support Trump. His behavior is erratic, his stump speech is classic hate and fear, and the plans he hopes to implement must be funded by The Congress, currently lead by establishment Republicans, McConnell and Ryan.

Remember when GWB claimed to be a "uniter"? The Donald could never make that claim, in fact he is a divider.

In fact even the social conservatives seems to be questioning their support for the Republican Party, given how they have been patronized by the Donald, and many of them have come to see the result in the bible (Mark 3.25), to wit: If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
Lots of Asians like Donald Trump too :)
I talked with some of my friends from Vietnam, Japan or China and some of them say they like Trump because he's more reasonable and rational than Hillary Clinton and he doesn't want a war against China or Russia.
A friend of mine from Saint Petersburg told me he wish Trump was a Russian so he could vote for him haha :D

Anyone who has listened to Trump and considers him to be reasonable and even rational is (be nice, Wry) ... um mistaken.

Anyone who has listened to clinton, watched her actions, and considers her to be honest is ... um mistaken.

Imitation is the highest form of flattery.

Not only do I believe you to be dumb, you prove you have no creative / or original abilities.
whats your number bro

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