Will Ryan and the GOP win the "War on the Elderly"?



As former Labor Secretary Robert Reich said on National Public Radio last week, "In the 1950s, the top marginal income tax rate was 91 percent. Now it's 35 percent. ... Meanwhile, capital gains and dividends - a big chunk of (wealthy people's) income - were taxed at 35 percent as recently as the late 1980s. Now, they're taxed at 15 percent."

Harrington said that when he began his research into poverty in the late 1950s, "for most Americans to be old was to be poor."

And those who were poor and old, as he wrote in "The Other America," were likely to suffer: "The aged members of the other America are often sick, and they cannot move. Another group of them live out their lives in loneliness and frustration: They sit in rented rooms, or else they stay close to a house in a neighborhood that has completely changed from the old days. Indeed, one of the worst aspects of poverty among the aged is that these people are out of sight and out of mind, and alone."

Ryan's budget plan mounts war on the elderly and poor | CharlotteObserver.com & The Charlotte Observer Newspaper


Since Republicans took office in many places nationwide after the last election, where they ran on a platform of "Jobs, jobs, jobs", there have been many "Wars" with varying success.

The War on Women's rights
The War on Teachers and Nurses
The War on Unions
The War on Immigrants

Will the "War on the Elderly" be one they can completely win? What about their "War on the Disabled"?
It's good that they're both talking about cutting the debt but Ryan is doing the bidding of his corporate task-masters no?
It's just a matter of time until middle American wakes up. Republicans should be concerned, because there is going to be a massive backlash against them and conservatism in general.
I heard the GOP wants to cut 500 Billion from Medicare! Can you believe that shit?

Oh wait. That's the Democrats.
It's good that they're both talking about cutting the debt but Ryan is doing the bidding of his corporate task-masters no?

Some brilliant plans have already been outlined.

For one, drugs could be bought in bulk like countries do when buying American drugs. Republicans made this illegal during the Bush administration. We could be saving billions.
It's just a matter of time until middle American wakes up. Republicans should be concerned, because there is going to be a massive backlash against them and conservatism in general.

About time.
As former Labor Secretary Robert Reich said on National Public Radio last week, "In the 1950s, the top marginal income tax rate was 91 percent. Now it's 35 percent. ... Meanwhile, capital gains and dividends - a big chunk of (wealthy people's) income - were taxed at 35 percent as recently as the late 1980s. Now, they're taxed at 15 percent."

Harrington said that when he began his research into poverty in the late 1950s, "for most Americans to be old was to be poor."

And those who were poor and old, as he wrote in "The Other America," were likely to suffer: "The aged members of the other America are often sick, and they cannot move. Another group of them live out their lives in loneliness and frustration: They sit in rented rooms, or else they stay close to a house in a neighborhood that has completely changed from the old days. Indeed, one of the worst aspects of poverty among the aged is that these people are out of sight and out of mind, and alone."

Ryan's budget plan mounts war on the elderly and poor | CharlotteObserver.com & The Charlotte Observer Newspaper


Since Republicans took office in many places nationwide after the last election, where they ran on a platform of "Jobs, jobs, jobs", there have been many "Wars" with varying success.

The War on Women's rights
The War on Teachers and Nurses
The War on Unions
The War on Immigrants

Will the "War on the Elderly" be one they can completely win? What about their "War on the Disabled"?

Tell me something.

Let us assume that we tax your rich at the rate of 100%, how much do you think that will decrease the deficit. give me some kind of number to work with so I will be able to make an informed decision about your ideas.
It's good that they're both talking about cutting the debt but Ryan is doing the bidding of his corporate task-masters no?

Some brilliant plans have already been outlined.

For one, drugs could be bought in bulk like countries do when buying American drugs. Republicans made this illegal during the Bush administration. We could be saving billions.

All of which have been rejected by the Democrats and Obama, and they have not proposed a single plan of their own.

Sounds a bit like the health care thing, except this time the Republicans are the ones with the ideas.
As former Labor Secretary Robert Reich said on National Public Radio last week, "In the 1950s, the top marginal income tax rate was 91 percent. Now it's 35 percent. ... Meanwhile, capital gains and dividends - a big chunk of (wealthy people's) income - were taxed at 35 percent as recently as the late 1980s. Now, they're taxed at 15 percent."

Harrington said that when he began his research into poverty in the late 1950s, "for most Americans to be old was to be poor."

And those who were poor and old, as he wrote in "The Other America," were likely to suffer: "The aged members of the other America are often sick, and they cannot move. Another group of them live out their lives in loneliness and frustration: They sit in rented rooms, or else they stay close to a house in a neighborhood that has completely changed from the old days. Indeed, one of the worst aspects of poverty among the aged is that these people are out of sight and out of mind, and alone."

Ryan's budget plan mounts war on the elderly and poor | CharlotteObserver.com & The Charlotte Observer Newspaper


Since Republicans took office in many places nationwide after the last election, where they ran on a platform of "Jobs, jobs, jobs", there have been many "Wars" with varying success.

The War on Women's rights
The War on Teachers and Nurses
The War on Unions
The War on Immigrants

Will the "War on the Elderly" be one they can completely win? What about their "War on the Disabled"?

Tell me something.

Let us assume that we tax your rich at the rate of 100%, how much do you think that will decrease the deficit. give me some kind of number to work with so I will be able to make an informed decision about your ideas.
Well, let's see, the top 20% have 89% of all the stock, so that alone would be over $10 trillion. Then if you add all their real estate, and cash, you have the entire debt covered with plenty left over!!!
Let's have a party!! :woohoo:
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I understand the angst agaist the Ryan plan with respect to healthcare, but I think we're at a point where we have to choose between a small number of very bad options. Clearly the existing system before ObamaCare became law was unsustainable, but IMHO so is ObamaCare. I think RyanCare at least puts a cap on it, cuz if care is paid for by the gov't then where's the incentive to rein in the cost? The patients won't care and neither will the providers, they'll try to get as much money as possible out of the system.

Do I like it? NO. Do I see anything better out there? NO.
I understand the angst agaist the Ryan plan with respect to healthcare, but I think we're at a point where we have to choose between a small number of very bad options. Clearly the existing system before ObamaCare became law was unsustainable, but IMHO so is ObamaCare. I think RyanCare at least puts a cap on it, cuz if care is paid for by the gov't then where's the incentive to rein in the cost? The patients won't care and neither will the providers, they'll try to get as much money as possible out of the system.

Do I like it? NO. Do I see anything better out there? NO.

The more we look at all this, it is pretty hard to not come to the conclusion that at some point we are going to have a national healthcare system that covers everyone and is paid for through taxes. Either that, or the insurance companies are going to be forced into sending most people to India, Taiwan, Singnapore, and other up and coming countries for medical care.
As former Labor Secretary Robert Reich said on National Public Radio last week, "In the 1950s, the top marginal income tax rate was 91 percent. Now it's 35 percent. ... Meanwhile, capital gains and dividends - a big chunk of (wealthy people's) income - were taxed at 35 percent as recently as the late 1980s. Now, they're taxed at 15 percent."

Harrington said that when he began his research into poverty in the late 1950s, "for most Americans to be old was to be poor."

And those who were poor and old, as he wrote in "The Other America," were likely to suffer: "The aged members of the other America are often sick, and they cannot move. Another group of them live out their lives in loneliness and frustration: They sit in rented rooms, or else they stay close to a house in a neighborhood that has completely changed from the old days. Indeed, one of the worst aspects of poverty among the aged is that these people are out of sight and out of mind, and alone."

Ryan's budget plan mounts war on the elderly and poor | CharlotteObserver.com & The Charlotte Observer Newspaper


Since Republicans took office in many places nationwide after the last election, where they ran on a platform of "Jobs, jobs, jobs", there have been many "Wars" with varying success.

The War on Women's rights
The War on Teachers and Nurses
The War on Unions
The War on Immigrants

Will the "War on the Elderly" be one they can completely win? What about their "War on the Disabled"?

Tell me something.

Let us assume that we tax your rich at the rate of 100%, how much do you think that will decrease the deficit. give me some kind of number to work with so I will be able to make an informed decision about your ideas.
Well, let's see, the top 20% have 89% of all the stock, so that alone would be over $10 trillion. Then if you add all their real estate, and cash, you have the entire debt covered with plenty left over!!!
Let's have a party!! :woohoo:

The top 20% includes a pretty huge chunk of the middle class, and most of that stock is in pension funds. In fact, according to the most recent figures from the government you practically have to be in the top 20% just to be financially secure. So, if I have this straight, you want to eliminate the wealthy, and the middle class, take away everyone's pensions, including a lot of public sector union pensions, and force everyone to rely to continue working until they drop dead.

I thought you guys were supposed to be for the old people. I think you let out secret out that it is really the progressive Democrats who hate the middle class and want to go to war with the old people.

Thanks for playing.
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As former Labor Secretary Robert Reich said on National Public Radio last week, "In the 1950s, the top marginal income tax rate was 91 percent. Now it's 35 percent. ... Meanwhile, capital gains and dividends - a big chunk of (wealthy people's) income - were taxed at 35 percent as recently as the late 1980s. Now, they're taxed at 15 percent."

Harrington said that when he began his research into poverty in the late 1950s, "for most Americans to be old was to be poor."

And those who were poor and old, as he wrote in "The Other America," were likely to suffer: "The aged members of the other America are often sick, and they cannot move. Another group of them live out their lives in loneliness and frustration: They sit in rented rooms, or else they stay close to a house in a neighborhood that has completely changed from the old days. Indeed, one of the worst aspects of poverty among the aged is that these people are out of sight and out of mind, and alone."

Ryan's budget plan mounts war on the elderly and poor | CharlotteObserver.com & The Charlotte Observer Newspaper


Since Republicans took office in many places nationwide after the last election, where they ran on a platform of "Jobs, jobs, jobs", there have been many "Wars" with varying success.

The War on Women's rights
The War on Teachers and Nurses
The War on Unions
The War on Immigrants

Will the "War on the Elderly" be one they can completely win? What about their "War on the Disabled"?

Tell me something.

Let us assume that we tax your rich at the rate of 100%, how much do you think that will decrease the deficit. give me some kind of number to work with so I will be able to make an informed decision about your ideas.

Tell me something.

Let us assume that we tax your rich at the rate of 100%, how much do you think that will decrease the deficit. give me some kind of number to work with so I will be able to make an informed decision about your ideas.
Well, let's see, the top 20% have 89% of all the stock, so that alone would be over $10 trillion. Then if you add all their real estate, and cash, you have the entire debt covered with plenty left over!!!
Let's have a party!! :woohoo:

The top 20% includes a pretty huge chunk of the middle class, and most of that stock is in pension funds. In fact, according to the most recent figures from the government you practically have to be in the top 20% just to be financially secure. So, if I have this straight, you want to eliminate the wealthy, and the middle class, take away everyone's pensions, including a lot of public sector union pensions, and force everyone to rely to continue working until they drop dead.

I thought you guys were supposed to be for the old people. I think you let out secret out that it is really the progressive Democrats who hate the middle class and want to go to war with the old people.

Thanks for playing.
Discounting the fact that the top 20% means there are 80% below you, which puts you quite a bit away from the middle, let's consider the top 1%. I hope you are not going to pass off the top 1% as middle class.

The total wealth of all Americans in 2010 was $ 56.8 trillion and the top 1% hold 35.6% of it which equals over $20 trillion. Taxed at 100% as you suggest, that covers the entire national debt with $6 trillion left over for a rainy day. :woohoo:
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Well, let's see, the top 20% have 89% of all the stock, so that alone would be over $10 trillion. Then if you add all their real estate, and cash, you have the entire debt covered with plenty left over!!!
Let's have a party!! :woohoo:

The top 20% includes a pretty huge chunk of the middle class, and most of that stock is in pension funds. In fact, according to the most recent figures from the government you practically have to be in the top 20% just to be financially secure. So, if I have this straight, you want to eliminate the wealthy, and the middle class, take away everyone's pensions, including a lot of public sector union pensions, and force everyone to rely to continue working until they drop dead.

I thought you guys were supposed to be for the old people. I think you let out secret out that it is really the progressive Democrats who hate the middle class and want to go to war with the old people.

Thanks for playing.
Discounting the fact that the top 20% means there are 80% below you, which puts you quite a bit away from the middle, let's consider the top 1%. I hope you are not going to pass off the top 1% as middle class.

The total wealth of all Americans in 2010 was $ 56.8 trillion and the top 1% hold 35.6% of it which equals over $20 trillion. Taxed at 100% as you suggest, that covers the entire national debt with $6 trillion left over for a rainy day. :woohoo:

I see your problem, you are equating earnings with wealth. I apologize for treating you like you know what you are talking about, I should have known better. The top 1% of wage earners pay about 38% of the taxes. that does not mean that they hold 38% of the liquid assets in the country. If we confiscated everything they own and sold it off we would only get a fraction of its real value, would incur extra expenses in doing so as they fought the seizures in court, eventually loose because the constitution actually forbids doing that, and end up with a bigger deficit.

You loose.
Originally Posted by Quantum Windbag
Tell me something.

Let us assume that we tax your rich at the rate of 100%, how much do you think that will decrease the deficit. give me some kind of number to work with so I will be able to make an informed decision about your ideas.
The top 20% includes a pretty huge chunk of the middle class, and most of that stock is in pension funds. In fact, according to the most recent figures from the government you practically have to be in the top 20% just to be financially secure. So, if I have this straight, you want to eliminate the wealthy, and the middle class, take away everyone's pensions, including a lot of public sector union pensions, and force everyone to rely to continue working until they drop dead.

I thought you guys were supposed to be for the old people. I think you let out secret out that it is really the progressive Democrats who hate the middle class and want to go to war with the old people.

Thanks for playing.
Discounting the fact that the top 20% means there are 80% below you, which puts you quite a bit away from the middle, let's consider the top 1%. I hope you are not going to pass off the top 1% as middle class.

The total wealth of all Americans in 2010 was $ 56.8 trillion and the top 1% hold 35.6% of it which equals over $20 trillion. Taxed at 100% as you suggest, that covers the entire national debt with $6 trillion left over for a rainy day. :woohoo:

I see your problem, you are equating earnings with wealth. I apologize for treating you like you know what you are talking about, I should have known better. The top 1% of wage earners pay about 38% of the taxes. that does not mean that they hold 38% of the liquid assets in the country. If we confiscated everything they own and sold it off we would only get a fraction of its real value, would incur extra expenses in doing so as they fought the seizures in court, eventually loose because the constitution actually forbids doing that, and end up with a bigger deficit.

You loose.
I see your problem, the argument didn't go the way your programmers on GOP hate radio led you to believe it would. You didn't specify "WAGE EARNERS" in your post, you specified "RICH." The truly rich do not work for common WAGES. They accumulate wealth in the form of capital assets. You, like the GOP with their Ryan Plan, believe that people who accumulate capital assets are too ELITE to pay any taxes. You believe taxes are only for the inferior WAGE EARNER'S to pay.

You were the one who suggested a 100% tax as a thought exercise to try to make a point that the "RICH" don't have enough to cover the debt even if you confiscated everything they have, and now you whine about the Constitution.
Sore looser.
First the Repubs declared a war on women & now they're declaring a war on seniors too?

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