Will Shit Get Done?

If the rightwing takes the senate, they will shut down the government and will harm as many Americans as possible

"They're trying to convince as many people as possible that a landslide defeat for a particular party is actually a defeat for the party that wins."

"He's going to portray these election results as a national crisis that only he can now save the country from. The media will be right in there with him. "

"If this is a massive defeat for the Democrats, if it is this wave landslide defeat, do you know what he's gonna say? He's gonna say that he's got to save the country from the Republicans. "

You progressive weirdoes are so easy.

The Republicans Have a Huge Mandate -- Whether They Know It or Not - The Rush Limbaugh Show
The republicans plan on shutting down the government and harming as many Veterans and others as possible hoping people will blame Obama

Prove it kid.
Prove what, that McConnell will tell Obama to deconstruct ACA or else he will shut down the govt? How can I prove it until it happens, willing to bet on it though

cons dont care who they hurt, they hate most Americans anway

They apparently dont hate me,I always make more money when conservatives run things.

Worst. Congress. Ever. MSNBC

Hating on Congress is a beloved American tradition. Hence Mark Twain’s old joke, “Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.” But the 112th Congress is no ordinary congress. It’s a very bad, no good, terrible Congress. It is, in fact, one of the very worst congresses we have ever had.

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