Will Smith assaults Chris Rock at Oscars


. . . and I am telling you, you aren't putting any thought at all into how civilizations and societies degrade over time. Why do the Bill of Rights mean so little today?

It isn't that simple. It starts with folks just slapping each other in revenge on TEE VEE, but where does it end?


It is the lax attitude about the decay, and the fall that brought fascism to Europe after the depression. . . . first it entered Italy and Spain, and then Germany. Folks didn't care, and the violence followed, they just accepted the loss of civil norms.

Today, it's "I don’t think a duel is in order,"

. . . and next year we have mass graves.

This is what socialism does to some countries.
The UK is pretty messed up. Italy is one vendetta after another. Germany is the only country that had their shit together, until recently. Now the whole lot of them can't even defend themselves from Russian aggression because they're afraid of the protests it might cause.
So for all those supporting Smith would you do the same had a non celebrity slapped Rock for making a joke they found offensive? Stand up comedians routines often involve jokes on people in the audience, so is it now acceptable to assault celebrities that offend you?
Someone defended his wife's honor and you fucks think that is a bad thing.

Someone either is trying to play a fraud on the American public or someone assaulted someone else while the camera were rolling and should be brought up on assault charges. Jada is bald---that doesn't mean that Smith gets to assault other people.
So I guess after starring in a lot of comedies will Smith doesn't know what a comedian is. Not surprising since he isn't funny and his comedy is pretty much "I'll just be as black as I can be and people will laugh".

Chris rock on the other hand is an actual comedian and understands that anything is ripe for comedy and a real comedian leaves nothing off the table.

I never liked will Smith though he is a house n word. He will do and say anything to be liked and make money, he is a very fake person. And like most blacks they are prone to reactionary violence over the dumbest things possible at the drop of a hat.
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Ahhhh. . .

So you too huh?

Free speech is dying in America. :rolleyes:

Was the joke in poor taste? Sure. Nothing warrants turning the nation into a fascist police state zone, where folks go around whacking each other like Nazis if they don't approve of speech they don't like.

Where the hell does that end? . . especially in a nation where open carry is allowed.

Also let me add that I am fucking sick of those using the word Nazi when they debate because it truly show how ignorant you are!

Free speech has it limits and believe it or not we used to have duals here over insults and Hamilton got his ass killed during one!

So no one is being a Nazi in this and to even make such comment show me what type of person you are!
I'm not really sure what that has to do with this discussion.

I would probably disagree though.

Well....it all has to do with what the left considers "Civilized".

For example....it's difficult to be civilized when people walk into stores and rob the place blind.....and if you try to stop them...YOU go to jail....not the criminal.
We have these socialists in Washington and NYC telling us how to act....but everything we do that is decent seems to be a joke to them.
The whole thing ends up degrading your society to the point where you can't love your own country and you can't defend your country because you want to be "Civilized".

So we end up with a society filled with victims who are subjugated by the authorities.....and criminals encouraged to do whatever the hell they want.

Sounds like Somalia to me. Somalia really doesn't have a country or a government anymore. Just a bunch of clans that can't stand each other. It all starts with how their kids were raised. Their fathers never around to raise their kids. Such is the way most blacks are raised in Africa and America.
So I guess after starring in a lot of comedies will Smith doesn't know what a comedian is. Not surprising since he isn't funny and his comedy is pretty much "I'll just be as black as I can be and people will laugh".

Chris rock on the other hand is an actual comedian and understands that anything is ripe for comedy and a real comedian leaves nothing off the table.

I never liked will Smith though he is a house n word. He will do and say anything to be liked and make money, he is a very fake person. And like most blacks they are prone to reactionary violence over the dumbest things possible at the drop of a hat.

But I mean come on, you're standing on a stage with Chris rock. You have to know he is going to make a joke directly or indirectly about you. It's what he has been doing for decades. It's like getting on stage with don rikles and being shocked he cracks a joke at your expense. They are just jokes.
My son worked with Will Smith on Fresh Prince. He's bright and well educated. Something is wrong.
So I guess after starring in a lot of comedies will Smith doesn't know what a comedian is. Not surprising since he isn't funny and his comedy is pretty much "I'll just be as black as I can be and people will laugh".

Chris rock on the other hand is an actual comedian and understands that anything is ripe for comedy and a real comedian leaves nothing off the table.

I never liked will Smith though he is a house n word. He will do and say anything to be liked and make money, he is a very fake person. And like most blacks they are prone to reactionary violence over the dumbest things possible at the drop of a hat.
Chris Rock never should have been the host of the Oscars either.
They knew what they would get.....but they are into patronizing blacks these days.

Movies filled with fucked up black stereotypes winning Oscars.
The media and government going after cops for doing their jobs.

Blacks are responsible for most of the crime and violence we see in the news.
Homeless people all over the streets beating up and terrorizing people.
Now the violence is live on Television.
I'm not surprised at all.....because this is what blacks are like, unfortunately.
I learned that early.
My son worked with Will Smith on Fresh Prince. He's bright and well educated. Something is wrong.

People are going to make it about race but I think it's about their marriage. It's a disaster, Jada has basically emasculated him and it has ruined him. When a good woman knows a man really loves her, she will build him up. And then there are women like Jada, who destroy the men who love them, usually slowly. I don't know why. But it's horrid.
Also let me add that I am fucking sick of those using the word Nazi when they debate because it truly show how ignorant you are!

Free speech has it limits and believe it or not we used to have duals here over insults and Hamilton got his ass killed during one!

So no one is being a Nazi in this and to even make such comment show me what type of person you are!

No, free speech has no limits, and this has nothing to to with free speech.

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