Will Smith assaults Chris Rock at Oscars

The brainwashing is strong!
Yep. Smith bitch slapped (or punched) Chris Rock for cracking a joke about Jada’s bald head. It was a fucking joke. The slap or punch appears to have been real. The sound went off due to the ensuing “language.” Rock seemed genuinely stunned, but the guy can take a hit.

Will Smith is kind of :cuckoo:

What no one bothered to report on is, if you start watching the clip a little earlier, you can see Chris Rock tell the joke, the shot cuts to Will Smith laughing at the joke while his wife gets this pissy look on her face and rolls her eyes, and then the camera cuts back to Smith walking up on stage and slapping Rock.

It leaves no doubt that Will Smith didn't find the joke offensive until he looked over at his wife and received his marching orders like a good pussy-whipped man ought to.
Apparently Jada has alopecia so if she isn’t bald, she’s losing her hair. And apparently she is sensitive about it. So, the Chris Rock joke evidently triggered Will.

No, it triggered Jada. The pissy look on her face triggered Will, who was laughing at the joke before that.
Apparently Smiths wife has a condition called alopecia areata
which is the reason for the hair loss.
That certainly didn't look like a staged reaction by anyone there.

Well, gee, it didn't LOOK fake . . . when an actor slapped another actor. Because God knows, none of them would have any idea how to make a fake fight look real, right?
I don't care about their sex life. That is between the two of them.

But if she had cancer and lost her hair because of chemo, would the joke be acceptable? If she was in a wheelchair and he joked about her not dancing, would it be acceptable? If he made a joke about Marlee Maitlin's singing voice, would it be acceptable?

There are lines you don't cross. Will Smith defended his wife.

My ass he did. And alopecia, in addition to not being cancer, is also not being in a wheelchair or being deaf.
What if joke was genuine and if Chris Rock didn't know that Jada has alopecia? I didn't know, and when he said it I thought it was GI Jane joke.

On the other hand. Norm would probably do something like...

Who's name am I supposed to keep out of my mouth?
You mean G.I Jane?
Oh so I'm not supposed to say G.I Jane?
OK I WON'T say G.I Jane anymore
But it just has such a nice ring to it.... "G.I Jane"

I'm sure that if I knew before the Oscars that Jada has alopecia - not that I give a shit - Chris Rock knew.
My ass he did. And alopecia, in addition to not being cancer, is also not being in a wheelchair or being deaf.

Why does it matter if the medical condition is not cancer?

You probably believe it's okay to make fun of kids with Down's Syndrome, too. After all, it's not fatal, right?
On the one hand, if anyone looks to Hollywood for role models they shouldn't expect much.

On the other hand, a husband slapping the shit out of someone insulting his wife because of her disease is not as bad as some role models.

Oh, for the love of God, calm your hormones. He didn't "insult" her. He made a teasing joke about a not-at-all-serious skin condition she's perfectly happy to play up proudly when it suits her.

Frankly, she didn't even look particularly offended herself. The pissy look on her face was more like, "Oh, this again. Her Majesty is not amused." It kinda reminded me of the look my cat gets when I buy the cheap cat food.
As I said before, my girlfriend had chemo some years ago, for breast cancer. If a comedian had made jokes about her bald head back then, I would have slapped the shit out of him.

Yes, thanks for sharing over and over that you consider breast cancer to be on par with a skin condition. What's next, ovarian cancer is like having psoriasis?

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