Will Smith assaults Chris Rock at Oscars

Yep. Smith bitch slapped (or punched) Chris Rock for cracking a joke about Jada’s bald head. It was a fucking joke. The slap or punch appears to have been real. The sound went off due to the ensuing “language.” Rock seemed genuinely stunned, but the guy can take a hit.

Will Smith is kind of :cuckoo:

I doubt cancel culture is going to do anything. Neither should anyone else. I don't blame Will for slapping Criss anymore than I blame Criss for telling the joke. But I also won't defend either one of them.
Shit happens sometimes. Sometimes you gotta defend your girl.

If a white guy had been in Will's shoes, he would've been arrested on the spot. And would not have been given the award that Will got that night.
One reporter is not several people, and the reporter tried to kiss him.

I'd have slapped the reporter, too...
What is being left out is that Will Smith and CHRIS ROCK have been enemies for a long while. When smith previously boycotted the oscars for not kissing black ass (specifically his) Rock stepped in and refused to boycot which started a war between the two. They've been bickering for years particularily over the OSCARS. It's been a festering wound for the last couple of years minimum.

The slap at this last oscars had nothing to do with what Rock said about Jada being bald---he made a joke and it really wasn't even that offensive. What you saw was ghetto blm thug in hollyweird thought that he was entitled to lash out with violence because he was already in a bad mood at the OScars and specifically with Uncle Tom Rock.

This said Rock has more brain power and reserve than dipshit Smith----at one of their previous engagements /arguments Rock zinged Smith for making I think like $30 million for the box office flop Wild Wild WEST-----(which pissed Smith off again but I digress)---Rock understands the BOTTOM LINE and Bottom Line is that dipshit Smith will be PAYING $$$$ to Rock to not press charges and to quietly let this drop.
Rock understands the BOTTOM LINE and Bottom Line is that dipshit Smith will be PAYING $$$$ Rock to not press charges and to quietly let this drop.

They've both apologized, and those apologies have been accepted. The two primaries are moving on. It's funny how people here can't, spewing nonsensical extortion theories as if they might have substance.

You're high as fuck if you think Will Smith is going to pay Chris Rock anything to not press charges. Rock said, pretty quickly, that he had no intention of filing charges.

Of course, though, I'll await your providing evidence to the contrary...
Sure don't understand why the Right/GOP can't attract more black voters.
The right could easily attract gobs of black voters. All they'd have to do is promise them more, and more, and ever more, free shit. As the worthless dems have done for way too long.

That will attract them like fucking flies.

And, if you had one honest bone in your worthless body, you'd admit to the absolute truth of that statement. But, you'd rather act like a self-righteous dick. You try to make yourself feel better about yourself by calling those you disagree with, "wacists." In a word: you're a complete phony.

Have a nice day.
The right could easily attract gobs of black voters. All they'd have to do is promise them more, and more, and ever more, free shit. As the worthless dems have done for way too long.

That will attract them like fucking flies.

And, if you had one honest bone in your worthless body, you'd admit to the absolute truth of that statement. But, you'd rather act like a self-righteous dick. You try to make yourself feel better about yourself by calling those you disagree with, "wacists." In a word: you're a complete phony.

Have a nice day.
Monkrules!!! That is no way to talk to a lady

or even to boredtoseeya!

That is my job! (Besides, Will Smith might give you a bitch slap.)

I’ve heard rumors that boredtoseeya is planning on making an actually well thought out post someday. The question is: who will write it for her? If she wants it well written, she might want to get the guy who wrote Will Smith’s sincere apology to Chris Rock.
I don't believe it was a fake slap because Denzel Washington had a chat with Smith right after it happened and since Denzel is a decent human being and does not spew political bullshit every day, I don't believe he would agree to be party to this supposedly fake stunt.

I also believe Jada sic'd Will on Chris because he was laughing until he saw that stink eyed look on her face. THEN he became angry. On top of that, I am more inclined to believe she does NOT have that skin condition and instead shaves her head because she ruined her scalp with trying to make her nappy hair more european via too many chemicals over too many years...and she admitted that herself that she could not get parts in movies because of her hair...so to appease people, she wanted straighter hair. Do y'all think Harrys wife Megans hair is really like what you see? Think again. She, too, is nappy headed. She is black. Its what their hair is. They all wear wigs while screaming cultural appropiation if a non colored person wears head braids or dreadlocks.
AND....Chris does comedy. He was hosting. Being a target is the norm. His joke about her bald head was not as bad as what some have said about others..including Smith himself. Hypocrits, the both of them (Jada and Will).

And furthermore...the apology is bullshit. It is damage control only. Baldwins career is over due to his horrid actions and attitude. Smith is well on his way to being cancelled as well due to his Insta Thug actions that night, which is a shame because I really enjoyed his movies. Alas, I will refrain from watching further due to his decision to be an ass and a pussy.
Okay the stuff you read deep in the night:

On another site someone commented that Will Smith must be gay, and as proof said his slap looked gay

I laughed myself silly and then thought okay, time for some more sleep lol
If you were coming from a stand point really caring about your race you might have a point here. However, you like so many other blacks on this forum call anyone who try's to point out problems going on within the black race a racist. I don't hear you pointing out to other blacks on this forum about father absence in the black home. That is the number 1 cause for them to end up going to jail. Or that half of all murders is committed by black offenders who are killing other blacks. On these issues YOU are as quiet as a church mouse. I don't see ANY black leaders pointing this out at all. So, why is it racist if whites or any other color besides blacks point this out?

Damn, someone just got a virtual Will Smith slap to the face.
AND....Chris does comedy. He was hosting. Being a target is the norm. His joke about her bald head was not as bad as what some have said about others..including Smith himself. Hypocrits, the both of them (Jada and Will).

And furthermore...the apology is bullshit. It is damage control only. Baldwins career is over due to his horrid actions and attitude. Smith is well on his way to being cancelled as well due to his Insta Thug actions that night, which is a shame because I really enjoyed his movies. Alas, I will refrain from watching further due to his decision to be an ass and a pussy.

If he wasn't held accountable at the oscars, he likely won't be after. In the court of public opinion, Will looked like a hysterical and emotional crazy man smacking Rock and loudly cursing right after and making a huge scene. He also disrupted everyone's big night, especially the winner of whoever Rock was supposed to announce at that moment. This is a horrible look for someone who's supposed to be a clean role model for young black kids and those who are not. Chris comes out on top of this no matter what anyone will say about him making that joke. He's an insult comic. This is what he is paid to do. It is acceptable within that context. Even the joke itself is not bad.

for the record, i'm not actually sure that Will really landed a slap on rock. Usually a slap is followed by a large crack. Rock himself should have staggered back a few steps considering the blow. He never even showed any signs of pain. At first i thought the whole thing was staged.
I would have been fine with that.

But saying "it was a joke" doesn't cover all sins.
Exactly..... They've (hollyweird comedian's have been hiding behind the "it's only comedy" bull crap for a long time now). Well Chris Rock finally took the fall out from it. Not sure if ole mental instability Will should have been the one to do the honor's, but it's happened now, and hopefully the message got heard, and the bullyism by way of "comedy" changes.
I guess you must be a millennial or younger.

Because I can clearly see the affects of Hollywood on the nation, and most folks with an above average intelligence understand, the TEE VEE and movies are sophisticated propaganda, and Edward Bernays, wrote about the power of not only authority figures, but celebrity.

Now, if you are too. . . well, how shall we say, dull, to understand this, and haven't made the connection between how our simple favorites like "Leave it to Beaver," or "The Andy Griffith Show," or even early black shows, like the "Sanford and Sons," or "The Jeffersons," are now, completely different from the degenerate movies and entertainment that Hollywood puts out, which, then, contributes to the moral decay of the culture?

The is nothing I can do for you. . . . There really isn't.

And the stars back then? The behaved better, (well, at least in public anyway,) because, by proxy of their position, were expected, to be a role model for the citizenry.

Do I know if Sidney Poitier or Redd Foxx ever had any scandalous behavior? No, I do not. Why? Because it was kept in private. If it had been in public, their career would have been over, just as if any white star in Hollywood had a scandal, their career was over as well.

Our celebrities and our politicians, along with our authors and other purveyors of culture, set the pulse of the nation.

The erosion of what we accept starts somewhere.

It is a good thing a lot of us now ignore them, but, believe it or not, a lot do not.
I don’t disagree about stars from the 70s, 80s per se, but these are different times…

Redd Foxx had one of the raunchiest stage shows back then, and a sit com star was all he’d ever be.

But, if you believe this minor altercation is single handedly going to spark riots, that’s laughable….Hell, I’m surprised the media covered it, being black on black and all…CNN, and MSNBC tried to say it was an “Alleged” slap.
So what was wrong with Jada's hair??


So she cuts her hair off because she has hair management issues??? lmao Methinks she's an attention seeking strumpet!!!

Sorry; nothing "insulting" about Rock's joke.

Her new hairstyle looks odd.

She could always have done like my Momma did when she had a hair treatment FAIL; it resulted in a bright orange mop. We knew better than to laugh as kids so she simply cut it short and wore a sensible wig. It grew back just as streaky grey as it had been.

BTW: why are hair issues somehow a "heroic battle"??


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