Will Smith assaults Chris Rock at Oscars

BLM? Seriously? Someone is projecting her racism.

A guy slapped a man who insulted his wife. Not a big deal.

It is a big deal when the insult came from a comedian known for insulting folks in his audience; to those particular audience members who accept a front row seat; who are celebrities who should be able to deal with insults without resorting to violence; over an insult that was pretty tame; about her head which she voluntarily shaves; over her lie that it's a medical condition; on Hollywood's biggest stage; on Hollywood's biggest night; on a live show broadcast around the world.

So yeah, it was a big deal. A very big deal.
It is a big deal when the insult came from a comedian known for insulting folks in his audience; to those particular audience members who accept a front row seat; who are celebrities who should be able to deal with insults without resorting to violence; over an insult that was pretty tame; about her head which she voluntarily shaves; over her lie that it's a medical condition; on Hollywood's biggest stage; on Hollywood's biggest night; on a live show broadcast around the world.

So yeah, it was a big deal. A very big deal.

She voluntarily shaves it because she's dealing with a medical issue.

I do think Smith overreacted, and frankly, he's done a lot of damage to his personal brand. But it used to be that if you insulted a man's wife, you should expect a beat down.
And then he realized his sick wife was being mocked, and kicked the punk's ass.

She's not sick. :icon_rolleyes:

I'm sure you've seen photos by now of people who truly do suffer from alopecia...



... that doesn't appear to be the case with her evenly shaved head...


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She voluntarily shaves it because she's dealing with a medical issue.

I do think Smith overreacted, and frankly, he's done a lot of damage to his personal brand. But it used to be that if you insulted a man's wife, you should expect a beat down.

Not by comics taking jabs at celebrities. That's routine. Can you name another celebrity who assaulted a comic for making a joke at his wife's expense?
And then he realized his sick wife was being mocked, and kicked the punk's ass.
His wife is not sick.

She has a full head of hair, even.

She is a beautiful woman who lives in an absolutely enormous palatial estate. She is pampered and coddled at every turn, has everything she could possibly want and is one of the most utterly privileged people in America. She has a full head of hair with possibly the very tiniest, insignificant little spot that is thinner, and she has seized upon this as a way to generate sympathy and a sense of victimhood. For the woke left, being a victim is integral to the Stalinist politics and this also allows her to gain even GREATER privilege than she already has because of her station in life and skin color.

It's all complete bull shit as anybody can see quite plainly by simply looking at her head. You are too stupid to do that and too bitter over the fact you amount to absolutely nothing in life, and so are triggered to want to see people attacked physically at her demand to enforce her enormous privilege even more.
Nope. You insult a man's wife or call him an ethnic slur, you kind of deserve what you get.

Again, works on the assumption our racist fucking society is 'civilized'. Oh, look we are dropping bombs out of planes instead of strapping them to our bodies.... look how civilized we are.

Actually, our law already recongizes something called "Fighting Words" doctrine, where your speech is meant to inspire violence.

Actually, I'm white. I'm just not a racist shit like you are.

Again, letting racist twits shoot black people because they are scared isn't sensible law. Fortunately, that shit isn't going to go on for much longer.
Not because they are scared. Because they are being attacked.

There is no such crime as “verbal assault.” However, physical assault is a crime. Threatening physical harm or violence however is a crime. When you threaten to or perform an act of physical violence, the victim can file assault or battery charges against you.

You do realize we don't live in the days where if I insult you, then you can challenge me for a duel? Sorry but your "fighting words" argument is wrong today. Maybe 100 years ago but not today.

In Terminiello v. Chicago (1949), the Supreme Court narrowed the scope of what constitutes fighting words. The Court found that words which produce a clear and present danger are unprotected (and are considering fighting words), but words which invite dispute and even cause unrest are protected (and are not considered fighting words).
Nope. You insult a man's wife or call him an ethnic slur, you kind of deserve what you get.

Again, works on the assumption our racist fucking society is 'civilized'. Oh, look we are dropping bombs out of planes instead of strapping them to our bodies.... look how civilized we are.

Actually, our law already recongizes something called "Fighting Words" doctrine, where your speech is meant to inspire violence.

Actually, I'm white. I'm just not a racist shit like you are.

Again, letting racist twits shoot black people because they are scared isn't sensible law. Fortunately, that shit isn't going to go on for much longer.

Racial or ethnic slurs directed to or in the presence of a person will almost always be considered harassment.

Penalty for harassment: A violation of this statute is typically a misdemeanor, so a conviction could result in up to one year in jail, a fine of $1,000, or both.

No where does it say or a bitch slap to the face. LOL.

But I agree with you, we are not fully civilized yet. None of us. This issue I feel is important for us to become civilized. I'm watching this prison show. Most of the people on this show are white. None of them are civilized. Seems people like you aren't much more civilized than them. In fact, it's guys like you who go to prison and fall into that uncivilized way of thinking. You've already admitted it. You feel street justice is appropriate for insulting someone. Just like they do in prison. You're white trash.

If you make a racial slur or insult a wife you say "You deserve what you get"? Please explain that to me. What if I call someone an ethnic slur and they kill me? Did I get what I deserved?
She's publicly talked about her health struggles. Now it might be that Rock really didn't know it was a medical thing. Still unacceptable.

Both of them were in the wrong, but at least I get where Smith was coming from.

It's unacceptable to you.
No one got their ass kicked.
Well, perhaps Will's career arc.
Smith had a chimp-out moment and Rock handled it like a civilized adult man.
The best is how Chris Rock stood, laughed and made a joke and cuck will with his pathetic narcissistic toxic female wife sat there stoic said in his fake bad way looking like the bad ass that he wasn't or isn't cursed at him about getting his wife out of his mouth.
I didn't say that Demi Moore had an autoimmune disorder---You are spinning shit again. Having an autoimmune disorder or not has nothing to do with it....

Jada is near bald---she still looks pretty. Demi Moore went bald and still looked very very pretty. Rocks comment really wasn't an insult. If I went bald, and someone said that I should be Gi Jane 2, I would take it as a compliment.

this said-overgrown baby smith and Rock have been fighting for years over the OSCARS. Smith slapping Rock was more about the past fights than roasting of Jada. Rock ALWAYS Won with his put downs of SMITH despite both being comedians supposedly. Ghetto Baby Smith attacking Rock physically was way out of line and will cost him and the BLM violence movement dearly over the next few years.
Chris Rock thought he could get away with making a back-handed comment on a woman who is embarrassed about her lack of hair.
I think he was out of line.
However, Will Smith slapping him probably helped improve his popularity.....and ticket prices at his events are going from $40 in the nosebleed section to over $300.
Right, but it was a Republican in 1983 that paid them reparations and you were alive and well at that time.

I lump all you racist into the same category and that is not all white folks. Just the ones with the mindset of the sheetwearers like you.

The left didn't supply me with a damn thing, that's just more right wing bullshit to try and deflect. We have eyes and ears and we see and hear you racist loud and clear.

You're just a racist married to a black woman which you think gives you a pass. Sorry it doesn't.
You think being black gives you a pass....which makes you a racist.
Assholes come in all shapes, sizes, and skin colors.

And just because some Republican paid reparations somewhere in God knows what city or state doesn't mean I had anything to do with it.
This is why you're a racist. Because racists think everyone in a group is exactly the same....and guilty of the same crime.

Being married to a black woman doesn't mean I can't be a racist....as much as being black doesn't mean you can't be a racist. Thinking that way only proves it.
But ask your white friends (if you have any) if they would marry an African-American or want their kids to marry one. I bet you wouldn't want your kids (if you have any) marrying white kids.
The fact that I was willing to do so despite the wishes of my parents and relatives means I have a much more open mind than you ever will have.
She's not sick. :icon_rolleyes:

I'm sure you've seen photos by now of people who truly do suffer from alopecia...


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... that doesn't appear to be the case with her evenly shaved head...


If you think having a hairline that starts an inch and a half from the top of her forehead on one side is attractive then you don't know women very well. Not everyone has the condition in the same exact manner, pattern, and appearance. Ask yourself why she would lie about it....or ask yourself why you would think she's lying. I'm sure she didn't want to cut all of her hair off and then lie about it being a condition. People would find out if she was lying.

Another thing.....the condition sometimes comes and goes. My wife got it and her hair never grew back. To this day...she is embarrassed about it.
Chris Rock thought he could get away with making a back-handed comment on a woman who is embarrassed about her lack of hair.
I think he was out of line.
However, Will Smith slapping him probably helped improve his popularity.....and ticket prices at his events are going from $40 in the nosebleed section to over $300.

She's not embarrassed by her lack of hair. Women who are embarrassed by hair loss cover their heads and don't go on every talk show they can find to blather about how "proud" they are about their bald heads. So no, at that point, Jada herself by her own actions made Chris Rock not out of line.

I'm not going to blame Chris Rock for taking her words at their face value.
She's not embarrassed by her lack of hair. Women who are embarrassed by hair loss cover their heads and don't go on every talk show they can find to blather about how "proud" they are about their bald heads. So no, at that point, Jada herself by her own actions made Chris Rock not out of line.

I'm not going to blame Chris Rock for taking her words at their face value.
I think making jokes about someone's appearance like that is out of line. Especially someone who is supposed to be a friend. The joke was classless and uncalled for.
But I think what happened after that is a symptom of alot of blacks in America.
They think they can say anything and do anything they want as long as they tell everyone they support Democrats and their BS. They're committing random acts of violence and then telling the judge to go fuck himself to his face. I don't blame them as much as I blame CNN and MSNBC....and the Democrat/Demogoge Party.

Will Smith looked like he was having fun.....till he got back to his seat and started yelling at Chris Rock.
Chris didn't seem to really mind the slap. He did what he was supposed to do....blow it off. He was a professional.

Personally I don't consider it a big deal. Chris is going to get richer because of it....and people might watch what they say in the future. A bunch of comedians will use the slap in their acts.

I just think that many Karens in Hollywood (Jim Carrey...Amy Schumer)are traumatized by it....and need to be medicated and spend hundreds of hours on therapy sessions to recover.......till the next thing they find offensive takes their weak-assed minds off of the event.
I think making jokes about someone's appearance like that is out of line. Especially someone who is supposed to be a friend. The joke was classless and uncalled for.
But I think what happened after that is a symptom of alot of blacks in America.
They think they can say anything and do anything they want as long as they tell everyone they support Democrats and their BS. They're committing random acts of violence and then telling the judge to go fuck himself to his face. I don't blame them as much as I blame CNN and MSNBC....and the Democrat/Demogoge Party.

Will Smith looked like he was having fun.....till he got back to his seat and started yelling at Chris Rock.
Chris didn't seem to really mind the slap. He did what he was supposed to do....blow it off. He was a professional.

Personally I don't consider it a big deal. Chris is going to get richer because of it....and people might watch what they say in the future. A bunch of comedians will use the slap in their acts.

I just think that many Karens in Hollywood (Jim Carrey...Amy Schumer)are traumatized by it....and need to be medicated and spend hundreds of hours on therapy sessions to recover.......till the next thing they find offensive takes their weak-assed minds off of the event.
The actual Karens in this situation are those so outraged by an innocuous little joke that they go ballistic.

You condone Smith assaulting a much smaller man, Pinkett laughing about him doing so and that little twerp Jaden bragging "that's how we do it" while placing all blame on a little harmless joke.
If you think having a hairline that starts an inch and a half from the top of her forehead on one side is attractive then you don't know women very well. Not everyone has the condition in the same exact manner, pattern, and appearance. Ask yourself why she would lie about it....or ask yourself why you would think she's lying. I'm sure she didn't want to cut all of her hair off and then lie about it being a condition. People would find out if she was lying.

Another thing.....the condition sometimes comes and goes. My wife got it and her hair never grew back. To this day...she is embarrassed about it.
If she grew her hair out, that's not a problem...


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