Will Smith assaults Chris Rock at Oscars

I need to apologize to JOSweetHeart for calling her an airhead. And she needs to apologize to me for making me call her an airhead. It's her fault as much as mine. I just verbally accosted her (verbal bitchslap) but if she were not being an airhead, I would not have accosted her. So..in her head, she owes me a BIG apology along with any other of her victims she drives bonkers with her airheadedness.

Makes sense to me. Bet it doesn't to her.
If you have no intention of practicing, can I ask what the point of the preaching is?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Also, how can I be labeled a fan of Will when I have never even seen any of his films? I actually have never seen anything featuring Chris Rock either.
Doesn't matter, slavery was the LAW of the land. You didn't put Japanese-Americans in interment camps either, but your tax dollars paid them reparations for being put in those camps.

Well good for you, but just hating a practice doesn't end it or stop it. Who were they enslaved by? Other white folks.

I am speaking of all the racist remarks that have been made in this thread, but of course you want speak against those who post it because you are one and the same.

Many of the MAGA hat wearers have the same mindset as the sheet wearers.
I wasn't alive during the 40s....so once again...you can't blame me for that shit. That was FDR...a Democrat.
The problem with you is, like a typical racist, you lump everyone into the same false stereotype.
That's what racists do.
The left supplied you with a target (MAGA Hats) and you think you have some inherent right to be a bigot toward them....even when they haven't done shit to you.

Naw.....you're just a racist with a capital "R".
I wish I was a fly on the wall of the Smith home. Is Will dancing around while listening to his lame song Getting Jiggy Wid It? Is his son in a dress murmuring "this is how its done" while watching the tape over and over again? Is Jada sneering at all of them or is she over at Augusts house being soothed by him?

Look up FOOL in the dictionary. His pic will be there front and center. The biggest night of his life..and he threw it all away over that skank.
If you have no intention of practicing, can I ask what the point of the preaching is?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Also, how can I be labeled a fan of Will when I have never even seen any of his films? I actually have never seen anything featuring Chris Rock either.
Practicing what? Preaching of what? Common sense that seems to escape you?
I don't give a rats ass if you watched his movies. That isn't the point. But again, its over your head. All that air, ya know.
I'm a white man in my 60s.....and an Army veteran. And I went on plenty of deployments.....so we got shots all of the time. If we didn't get the shots....we became non-deploy-able. I had to get a series of shots and two shots of GG, one in each buttcheek, before going to a war-zone.
But a vaccine that hasn't been properly tested? No.....that's the kind of crap they pulled on black men back before Civil Rights was signed into law. They did Syphilis testing on them without their knowledge.
COVID wasn't as deadly as they claimed it to be, so there is a lack of trust in the current administration that is justified. Turns out just about everything about that vaccine was a lie. It doesn't stop you from catching it or keep you from spreading it. 70% of the people catching the new strain are fully vaccinated.

I was in the military during the 70s and saw the changes. They started offering more jobs to blacks and other so-called minorities. When I first went in, the Navy only allowed blacks to be storekeepers or cooks. By 78' that was history.

And FYI, I never attend rallies or wear a MAGA so that any crazy Liberal can see it and try taking it from me.

Let me remind you that Democrats passed Jim Crow laws.....created the KKK.....fought against ending slavery.....and voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Rev Martin Luther King was a Republican. The Republican party was created to support abolition.

I was in L.A. during the Watts riots back in 68' when I was a kid. I remember busloads of black men being offloaded on I-5 between Los Angeles and San Diego. They were going down there to burn San Diego to the ground they said.

Much of my family is Native American. My half brothers and sisters are half Native American. My wife is half Seminole and the rest is black. She's from Alabama.
She picked cotton and picked crops as soon as she was able to walk. Lived in a little shack not far from Dothan AL.

My nephew Ali Muhammad E. is first generation American from Somalia. My aunt Jason is from S. Korea. So you could say I have a mixed family.
I grew up in Montana....but currently live in Tennessee. I've been told by friends that a cracker in the plant was talking shit about me behind my back saying anyone who would marry a black woman is black themselves. He would rather kill his kids then have them marry a black.
My nephew brought a girl home to have dinner with us once.....and she was black. She couldn't eat her dinner for some reason. But as soon as we cleaned up the dishes...she asked Ali to take her to McDonalds because turns out she couldn't eat with a white man sitting at the table. Even my nephew was ashamed of the fact that I was his uncle around his friends because his mother taught him to hate white people. Seems that blacks are worse racists than most white people.....and that brother...is a fact.
I don't know Mudd.... First off skin color is only an issue for racist, and yes it cuts both ways. Their are racist black's and racist white's sure. Both are stupid individual's if using skin color to somehow attack either of each other's character. I had a black friend in high school, and we went over to his house to play some football in the community. Afterwards we went to his house where he asked did I want some drink ? I said sure. Now he had an older brother and a younger brother that was also there. The older brother immediately didn't like the fact that a white guy was in the house, and made some racist comment's. The father immediately sprang into action and censured his eldest son's racist rant. My friend apologized for his older Brothers antic's, and I responded with "no problem I understand". It didn't affect our friendship, and his brother learned that hey all white people aren't bad after all... LOL.
Practicing what? Preaching of what? Common sense that seems to escape you?
I don't give a rats ass if you watched his movies. That isn't the point. But again, its over your head. All that air, ya know.
If you have no intention of apologizing, expecting one will only be a complete and total waste of time. In other words, if you want one bad enough, you have to offer one yourself first and so far you haven't really done that, at least not in a sincere and well meaning enough way.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. For the record, I don't expect one. I have been online long enough to know that expecting anyone to be considerate and respectful enough is only setting your own self up for a fall.
I don't know Mudd.... First off skin color is only an issue for racist, and yes it cuts both ways. Their are racist black's and racist white's sure. Both are stupid individual's if using skin color to somehow attack either of each other's character. I had a black friend in high school, and we went over to his house to play some football in the community. Afterwards we went to his house where he asked did I want some drink ? I said sure. Now he had an older brother and a younger brother that was also there. The older brother immediately didn't like the fact that a white guy was in the house, and made some racist comment's. The father immediately sprang into action and censured his eldest son's racist rant. My friend apologized for his older Brothers antic's, and I responded with "no problem I understand". It didn't affect our friendship, and his brother learned that hey all white people aren't bad after all... LOL.
Most black folks think I'm a racist, until I start talking to them. Then they find out I'm not. Blacks most of the time assume that white people hate them.....because every movie...television show....and report from CNN and MSNBC tells them that we all hate them.

They've been conditioned to feel that way.....and the years since Obama was elected has only made it worse. They are constantly told cops want to murder them.....which makes them very defensive.

But you're right. Most blacks are uncomfortable in a room full of white people. But some of them are every bit as racist as Georgey Fucking Wallace was. The truth is....racism is more prevalent among blacks than among whites. Decades of brainwashing by Democrats has done that to them.
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If you have no intention of apologizing, expecting one will only be a complete and total waste of time. In other words, if you want one bad enough, you have to offer one yourself first and so far you haven't really done that, at least not in a sincere and well meaning enough way.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. For the record, I don't expect one. I have been online long enough to know that expecting anyone to be considerate and respectful enough is only setting your own self up for a fall.
I have been respectful. I've been TRYING to get you to see my point. To no avail. Its frustrating. It's over your head. Therefore, there is nothing more to discuss. I have no intention of apologizing, nor want one from you. It was the point I was attempting that again flew over your head.
Anyway....you are entitled to your opinion as I am mine. We will just have to agree to disagree.
Most black folks think I'm a racist, until I start talking to them. Then they find out I'm not. Blacks most of the time assume that white people hate them.....because every movie...television show....and report from CNN and MSNBC tells them that we all hate them.

They've been conditioned to feel that way.....and the years since Obama was elected has only made it worse. They are constantly told cops want to murder them.....which makes them very defensive.

But you're right. Most blacks are uncomfortable in a room full of white people. But some of them are every bit as racist as Georgey Fucking Wallace was. The truth is....racism is more prevalent among blacks than among whites. Decades of brainwashing by Democrats has done that to them.
You're probably right... Good points made.
I'm really not sure why I unable to post pictures or use bold face or italicize words.

Try toggling the BB code option by clicking on the [ ] symbol near the top right portion of the edit window. See if that helps.
I have been respectful. I've been TRYING to get you to see my point. To no avail. Its frustrating. It's over your head. Therefore, there is nothing more to discuss. I have no intention of apologizing, nor want one from you. It was the point I was attempting that again flew over your head.
Anyway....you are entitled to your opinion as I am mine. We will just have to agree to disagree.
Well at least you now know how you have made me feel this whole time because obviously nothing that I said got through to you either. Oh well. At least the effort was made.

God bless you always!!!

Demi Moore didn't have an auto-immune disorder that caused her hair to fall out in clumps. It was a mean-spirited joke and Rock needed to get his ass kicked.

Actually, more like Rock will try to play this off, maybe work it into his comedy routine. He might even try being funny, that would be a big change.

You are kind of mixing fiction with reality.

The reality is that Smith worked very hard to develop himself as an actor for the last 30 years, going from that goofy kid in a sitcom to an actor doing very serious roles. Sunday should have been the zenith of his efforts... instead it will be remembered because an asshole told a crude joke about his sick wife and got a well-deserved beat down.
I didn't say that Demi Moore had an autoimmune disorder---You are spinning shit again. Having an autoimmune disorder or not has nothing to do with it....

Jada is near bald---she still looks pretty. Demi Moore went bald and still looked very very pretty. Rocks comment really wasn't an insult. If I went bald, and someone said that I should be Gi Jane 2, I would take it as a compliment.

this said-overgrown baby smith and Rock have been fighting for years over the OSCARS. Smith slapping Rock was more about the past fights than roasting of Jada. Rock ALWAYS Won with his put downs of SMITH despite both being comedians supposedly. Ghetto Baby Smith attacking Rock physically was way out of line and will cost him and the BLM violence movement dearly over the next few years.
I just read that Smith did yet another classy act (not).....which was, in his show of bravado, he also hawked a loogie on floor. It did not say if it was before or after, but I presume it was after, which would go along with the line of his being all offended.

What a fucking loser he is. Too bad he didn't slip in it.
this said-overgrown baby smith and Rock have been fighting for years over the OSCARS. Smith slapping Rock was more about the past fights than roasting of Jada. Rock ALWAYS Won with his put downs of SMITH despite both being comedians supposedly. Ghetto Baby Smith attacking Rock physically was way out of line and will cost him and the BLM violence movement dearly over the next few years.

BLM? Seriously? Someone is projecting her racism.

A guy slapped a man who insulted his wife. Not a big deal.
You don't know what John Wayne was going to do. He probably wouldn't have bitched slapped her. And if he did, he would be wrong. I'm glad you brought up this example. She offended him right? So he should have been able to slap the shit out of her? Where do you draw the line? Is the line the N word? Is it making fun of someone's wife? NOPE. You are still wrong if you hit someone EVEN IF they called you the N word or made fun of your life. Do you really not understand that?

Nope. You insult a man's wife or call him an ethnic slur, you kind of deserve what you get.

You are defending an uncivilized species of human. Us humans black and white need to evolve. We aren't perfect right? Think about how uncivilized people are in the arab world or in Africa. We aren't that bad but we are still uncivilized too. Just look at what Will Smith did. And yes, look at John Wayne.

Again, works on the assumption our racist fucking society is 'civilized'. Oh, look we are dropping bombs out of planes instead of strapping them to our bodies.... look how civilized we are.

Yes I know not to insult people because people are crazy. Doesn't mean the crazy person is right or justified. So why are you defending the person who's wrong? Can't these people/you use your words? It's almost as if you are suggesting it's ok to hit someone if they make fun of your wife. Like if you went to court do you believe the judge would let you off because someone made fun of your wife, mother or daughter?

No, he did not act like a man. A man doesn't act like that. What he did was what humans did before we had laws. Are you black? Because you are confirming my belief that black people don't know how to act. You say Will acted appropriately?

Actually, our law already recongizes something called "Fighting Words" doctrine, where your speech is meant to inspire violence.

Actually, I'm white. I'm just not a racist shit like you are.

Stand your ground is only racist if black people don't understand the laws of our society. If what you say is true you think it's ok to hit someone who verbally offends you. Is that true? Then yes, the law is designed to protect humans like me from humans like you. If you don't know any better than to not batter me, then I have the right to have a gun on me and take you out before you hit me. I used to argue against Stand Your Ground too because I said it was a law to protect pussies from bullies but now I'm for the law for the exact same reason. I'm getting older. I shouldn't have to take it if a young buck decides I offended him and he's going to "beat me up". No he's not. And it's not racist because you blacks know the law exists. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Again, letting racist twits shoot black people because they are scared isn't sensible law. Fortunately, that shit isn't going to go on for much longer.
I wasn't alive during the 40s....so once again...you can't blame me for that shit. That was FDR...a Democrat.
Right, but it was a Republican in 1983 that paid them reparations and you were alive and well at that time.
The problem with you is, like a typical racist, you lump everyone into the same false stereotype.
I lump all you racist into the same category and that is not all white folks. Just the ones with the mindset of the sheetwearers like you.
That's what racists do.
The left supplied you with a target (MAGA Hats) and you think you have some inherent right to be a bigot toward them....even when they haven't done shit to you.
The left didn't supply me with a damn thing, that's just more right wing bullshit to try and deflect. We have eyes and ears and we see and hear you racist loud and clear.
Naw.....you're just a racist with a capital "R".
You're just a racist married to a black woman which you think gives you a pass. Sorry it doesn't.

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