Will Smith assaults Chris Rock at Oscars

My girlfriend/partner had breast cancer years ago. The chemo caused her to lose her hair. If some comedian made a joke about her baldness back then, I would slap the shit out of him too.
From the time of Ancient Babylon to 1960s, both genders had social norms and responsibilities. At that point, chivalry, and male gender roles made sense. In 2022, men have no privilege, yet are still expected to act according to archaic gender norms. One-sided responsibility is called servitude.
Exerpt from josweetheart's Bible for Parisees.

Matthew chapter 5, verses 38/39

"Ye have heard that it hath been said "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth: I say unto you, that ye resist not good, but whoever notices that your slut wife hath shaved her full head of hair, bitch slap the little fucker into the next county"
Nor will “white knighting” cover one from criminal charges, or getting shot.
In 1837, Frenchman Georges d'Anthès insulted Natalia -- the wife of one of the greatest Russian poets, A.S. Pushkin. A.S. Pushkin invited Georges d'Anthès to a duel. A.S. Pushkin suffered a horrible death. By the time of the duel, Georges d'Anthès was married to Natalia's sister Yekaterina. Georges d'Anthès lived until 1895.

It's a great tragedy A.S. Pushkin missed steam trains, telegraph, and Abolition of Serfdom in 1861. It is a tragedy he was killed at age 37 and did not write poems and novels as an old man. Leo Tolstoy lived 82 years.

Sadly, many men in 2022 have forgotten that we are not in 1837. We do not have the privileges and we should not have corresponding duties. In 1837, male-specific duties like chivalry were a part of Social Contract in which both genders had specific duties and privileges. In 2022, male-specific duties like chivalry are a part of subjugation of men by Modern Society. One-sided duties are subjugation.
Exerpt from josweetheart's Bible for Parisees.

Matthew chapter 5, verses 38/39

"Ye have heard that it hath been said "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth: I say unto you, that ye resist not good, but whoever notices that your slut wife hath shaved her full head of hair, bitch slap the little fucker into the next county"
Wrong doings are not to be encouraged and to me, both Chris and Will were wrong. All Will did was make people feel bad for Chris when Chris instigated the whole mess. Instead of it only being about Chris and his disrespectful move, it is now only about what Will went and did.

God bless you and them always!!!

^^^ One person's idea of skimpy may not mirror another person's idea of skimpy. Also I saw it said that Chris had a miserable childhood which is what led him to being the way that he is now. Why should Jada or anyone else be punished for something that they didn't have anything to do with?

God bless you and her and any other Chris Rock victims who are out there always!!!


P.S. People don't need to be dressed in any special way in order for a rape act to happen anyway. Do keep in mind that kids are sadly rape victims too. I wouldn't be surprised if any animals out there are too.
OMG. An airhead. Never mind. Keep worshipping Smith.
I need to apologize to JOSweetHeart for calling her an airhead. And she needs to apologize to me for making me call her an airhead. It's her fault as much as mine. I just verbally accosted her (verbal bitchslap) but if she were not being an airhead, I would not have accosted her. So..in her head, she owes me a BIG apology along with any other of her victims she drives bonkers with her airheadedness.

Makes sense to me. Bet it doesn't to her.
No problem:

  • "Well we know that is bullshit, I have never lumped all white folks together. I just lump all you racist together."
  • "The majority of folks wearing MAGA hats are probably racist, because they damn sure cheer awful loud when the racist remarks are being made."
  • "I don't have to fabricate racist in this country, you guys come a dime a dozen."
  • "Yep and your is racist, ignorant, MAGA Bullshit"
  • "No, you support someone who is black that will bow down and kiss your ass to be accepted by you. See I am not that black man."
  • "You racist POS, he is black in color only."
  • "Well you have proven that. You were boot licking long before Biden hit the scene. You don't have a problem kissing Trump's white ass."

You see it's easy to spot a racist.....a racist is someone who puts race in just about everything they say. You even put it in your handle. A racist is someone who says "Kiss my black ass" instead of "Kiss my ass".
A racist is someone who looks at someone and feels they can judge them by the color of their skin instead of the quality of their character.
You're one step from telling us to start up the ovens so you can cook you some MAGA hat wearing motherfuckers.
Please point out the racism in any of those posts. Race has always played a factor in this country for black folks since the FIRST SLAVE walked off the ship in chains. You made it that way, not me. Hell just look at the post on this very thread about the 2 men who had an altercation. Are you telling me race hasn't been mentioned and who has it been mentioned by? Your argument is laughable at best.
Hmmm was this staged to somehow take the attention off of Biden and the Ukraine situation, because if it was it sort of worked didn't it ??? Think about that one for a second. Hmmmmm. Funny how YouTube doesn't have the Ukraine conflict front and center on it's front page video choice content. You actually have to search for it now.
Sorry, but you do lump all white folks together. To you a white face is the face of a racist. (CRT)

I look at myself in the mirror every day. I married a black woman 43 years ago....been with her since 77'.
That doesn't mean I can't be racist.....but it sure as shit doesn't mean I don't have an open mind.
And claiming I'm a racist because I can spot racists is a circular argument....and not worthy of consideration.
Just because I don't think like you doesn't mean you can get away with calling me a racist.
And saying that the majority of people wearing MAGA hats are racists is a racist comment. The only reason you think that way is because you fell for the MSM's propaganda. Most people who wear MAGA hats do it because they support Trump and love America, not because they want to lynch black people.

Obama could put terrorists in his administration (Muslim Brotherhood members).....and you automatically don't think he's a terrorist or even a terrorist sympathizer.
But you think you can get away with this "quilt by association" BS whenever you talk about Trump or his supporters.
A red hat isn't a sign of racism....and not wearing a mask isn't a sign of racism....neither is refusing to get the jab. But the left has used it to get people fired, ruin lives, and put people out of the military.

When the Pandemic started most blacks refused to wear a mask....when everyone else was doing it. You see...I paid attention. Most blacks wouldn't wear one till you all started saying it was what black people should do. The left decided that wearing a mask was a badge of honor for blacks and conformists. You could recognize each other on the street because wearing one outside told everyone who you voted for. Only an idiot or a Democrat wears a mask outdoors.
You married a black woman? Good for you, is that suppose to make black folks think you aren't a racist. I have read your posts for years and they speak for themselves. When you are at a rally wearing a MAGA hat and racist comments are made and you cheer, it pretty much speaks for itself. Let me tell you something Chief, I am a black man in my 60s I don't need the MSM or anyone else for that matter to tell what is and isn't racist. I know a racist from the experience of dealing with racists. I was in the military and military personnel were required to take plenty of jabs that we didn't have a clue what we were taking and none of those folks got out of the military in those days. That is just a few of those MAGA clowns following the top clown.

That's a lie most black folks were wearing mask and still are wearing mask when MAGA clowns wasn't and still aren't wearing them. The majority of the folks being hospitalized and dying today are Trump Humpers who refuse to be vaccinated and that is their choice, but when you take a dirt knap don't look for everyone else to shed tears for you. The sad part is Trump has being telling you to get vaccinated and you don't even listen to him and he is fully vaccinated. Smfh.
Please point out the racism in any of those posts. Race has always played a factor in this country for black folks since the FIRST SLAVE walked off the ship in chains. You made it that way, not me. Hell just look at the post on this very thread about the 2 men who had an altercation. Are you telling me race hasn't been mentioned and who has it been mentioned by? Your argument is laughable at best.
Sorry....but I never owned slaves. If I had been alive then I would have hated slavery just as much as you.....nevermind all of the white people that were enslaved in Europe and brought to America to pay off debts.
The fact that the tiff was between two black men was obvious....yet you want everyone to ignore it.....like a typical black supremacist.
And the fact that you see only KKK when you see a MAGA hat seals the deal.
Sorry....but I never owned slaves.
Doesn't matter, slavery was the LAW of the land. You didn't put Japanese-Americans in interment camps either, but your tax dollars paid them reparations for being put in those camps.
If I had been alive then I would have hated slavery just as much as you.....nevermind all of the white people that were enslaved in Europe and brought to America to pay off debts.
Well good for you, but just hating a practice doesn't end it or stop it. Who were they enslaved by? Other white folks.
The fact that the tiff was between two black men was obvious....yet you want everyone to ignore it.....like a typical black supremacist.
I am speaking of all the racist remarks that have been made in this thread, but of course you want speak against those who post it because you are one and the same.
And the fact that you see only KKK when you see a MAGA hat seals the deal.
Many of the MAGA hat wearers have the same mindset as the sheet wearers.
No, no no. Stop it right there. That's an invalid comeback. If I'm stupid enough to offend someone I have it coming? What if that person is too easily offended?

I/We/You never have it coming no matter what you say. That's the point you stupid fuck. Nothing you say gives another person the right to put their hands on you. And until you realize this, you're uncivilized.
Nothing you say ? Uhhh I bet that could get walked back real fast according to the circumstances. Example: Would you let anything be said to your family in front of you ? I thought not.
In high school, there was a short black student who was nicknamed "Carlton".

He was called this mercilessly by others through no control of his own because he was vertically challenged. Will Smith always made fun on Carltons height on Bel Air and thus, he faced this often. He didn't like it, it hurt his feelings, but he trudged on as best he could. Hopefully today he is doing well.

Should this man seek out Will Smith and smack him hard in the face for his poor decision in making fun of people for something they have no control over?
Good point.. However the Prince of Bel-Air was a show, and I'm sure Will didn't write the script. Yes he participated, and it sent the wrong message out, so again you have a point. I guess chivalry is dead now... LOL.
You married a black woman? Good for you, is that suppose to make black folks think you aren't a racist. I have read your posts for years and they speak for themselves. When you are at a rally wearing a MAGA hat and racist comments are made and you cheer, it pretty much speaks for itself. Let me tell you something Chief, I am a black man in my 60s I don't need the MSM or anyone else for that matter to tell what is and isn't racist. I know a racist from the experience of dealing with racists. I was in the military and military personnel were required to take plenty of jabs that we didn't have a clue what we were taking and none of those folks got out of the military in those days. That is just a few of those MAGA clowns following the top clown.

That's a lie most black folks were wearing mask and still are wearing mask when MAGA clowns wasn't and still aren't wearing them. The majority of the folks being hospitalized and dying today are Trump Humpers who refuse to be vaccinated and that is their choice, but when you take a dirt knap don't look for everyone else to shed tears for you. The sad part is Trump has being telling you to get vaccinated and you don't even listen to him and he is fully vaccinated. Smfh.
I'm a white man in my 60s.....and an Army veteran. And I went on plenty of deployments.....so we got shots all of the time. If we didn't get the shots....we became non-deploy-able. I had to get a series of shots and two shots of GG, one in each buttcheek, before going to a war-zone.
But a vaccine that hasn't been properly tested? No.....that's the kind of crap they pulled on black men back before Civil Rights was signed into law. They did Syphilis testing on them without their knowledge.
COVID wasn't as deadly as they claimed it to be, so there is a lack of trust in the current administration that is justified. Turns out just about everything about that vaccine was a lie. It doesn't stop you from catching it or keep you from spreading it. 70% of the people catching the new strain are fully vaccinated.

I was in the military during the 70s and saw the changes. They started offering more jobs to blacks and other so-called minorities. When I first went in, the Navy only allowed blacks to be storekeepers or cooks. By 78' that was history.

And FYI, I never attend rallies or wear a MAGA so that any crazy Liberal can see it and try taking it from me.

Let me remind you that Democrats passed Jim Crow laws.....created the KKK.....fought against ending slavery.....and voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Rev Martin Luther King was a Republican. The Republican party was created to support abolition.

I was in L.A. during the Watts riots back in 68' when I was a kid. I remember busloads of black men being offloaded on I-5 between Los Angeles and San Diego. They were going down there to burn San Diego to the ground they said.

Much of my family is Native American. My half brothers and sisters are half Native American. My wife is half Seminole and the rest is black. She's from Alabama.
She picked cotton and picked crops as soon as she was able to walk. Lived in a little shack not far from Dothan AL.

My nephew Ali Muhammad E. is first generation American from Somalia. My aunt Jason is from S. Korea. So you could say I have a mixed family.
I grew up in Montana....but currently live in Tennessee. I've been told by friends that a cracker in the plant was talking shit about me behind my back saying anyone who would marry a black woman is black themselves. He would rather kill his kids then have them marry a black.
My nephew brought a girl home to have dinner with us once.....and she was black. She couldn't eat her dinner for some reason. But as soon as we cleaned up the dishes...she asked Ali to take her to McDonalds because turns out she couldn't eat with a white man sitting at the table. Even my nephew was ashamed of the fact that I was his uncle around his friends because his mother taught him to hate white people. Seems that blacks are worse racists than most white people.....and that brother...is a fact.
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Well, we sure get a lot of that around here.
1) I rarely or never make predictions about near future. Many people on all sides do.

2) False Prophecy is not necessary a prediction of future. False Prophet claims to have direct communication from G-d. Such communication is non-existent for a long time.

3) About 3.9 Billion people -- Jews, Muslims, and Christians believe Tanakh (Old Testament).
Oh my. The Academy is very upset. They said Smith REFUSED to leave. Yet...they didn't FORCE him to. And gave him an award to boot. My my my...the deflecting is going strong with this.

One notable new bit of information is the Academy stating they asked Will Smith to leave the Dolby Theatre but Smith refused to do so. One of the biggest bits of scrutiny regarding the handling of the moment was Smith not being removed from the auditorium. The Academy has offered clarification saying Smith was asked to leave but refused. “We also recognize we could have handled the situation differently,” the Academy statement read.
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