Will Somebody Tell This Dumbass To STFU Before He Says Something We Can't Apologize For

If I was Obama I would whip out my Shillong and piss on the queen.

What's he got to lose? He gets treated like shit here at home. He should do whatever the fuck he feels like.

You people have been pissing on the office of POTUS for 7 and a half years. I say Go For it Obama...do whatever floats your boat. Screw these brain dead yokels! :lol:

Do you find it difficult to type with his sweaty balls in your mouth?

Do you have that daydream about Obama's testicles often? How very strange.
If I was Obama I would whip out my Shillong and piss on the queen.

What's he got to lose? He gets treated like shit here at home. He should do whatever the fuck he feels like.

You people have been pissing on the office of POTUS for 7 and a half years. I say Go For it Obama...do whatever floats your boat. Screw these brain dead yokels! :lol:

Do you find it difficult to type with his sweaty balls in your mouth?

Do you have that daydream about Obama's testicles often? How very strange.

Don't talk with your mouth full. It's rude.
"Will Somebody Tell This Dumbass To STFU Before He Says Something We Can't Apologize For"

Further evidence of the intolerance common to most on the right, the disdain most conservatives have for opposing opinions and points of view, that most on the right are closed-minded, and the fear of, and contempt for, debate in a free and democratic society common to most conservatives.

The problem with your theory is that we weren't intolerant enough. We have given rise to an idiot that believes he is King of the World, telling countries what to do or else. It is the same thuggery he has used on the Americans. We are sick to death of him and apparently so is everyone else.

Indeed, the tolerance I was taught as a child and held through most of my life has grown quite thin under Obama and his nonsensical Democrats.

I tolerate where required by law that which I disdain, be it constitutionally sound or not. The Dark Ages eventually ended.
"Will Somebody Tell This Dumbass To STFU Before He Says Something We Can't Apologize For"

Further evidence of the intolerance common to most on the right, the disdain most conservatives have for opposing opinions and points of view, that most on the right are closed-minded, and the fear of, and contempt for, debate in a free and democratic society common to most conservatives.
Thinking Error: Hopover
Hop a german problem over onto the gop
The next president in his inaugural speech needs to assure the world that the long nightmare of the Obama administration is over, and that change - rapid change - is on the way.

As crazy as that sounds - you are correct. The next president should IMMEDIATELY go on a world tour apologizing for the idiot he replaced and assure our allies that they will continue to be our allies - in spite of the clown-in-chief before him. As it stands today - I believe Israel is terrified of us, The English and the Germans are scared shitless of us - and Russia (or 75 year enemy) is laughing it's ass off at us. It's time to make sure that the faux-professors' legacy is thrown into the dust bin of history.
That Obama...Such a Uniter! He's making our Allies hate us as much as our Enemies.


The only ones who love Obama are ISIS and Illegals
And real Americans.

Oh good gawd, how hysterically funny.
An overwhelming number of real Americans gave President Obama (praise be unto Him!) two landslide victories.
It was voter fraud.
That Obama...Such a Uniter! He's making our Allies hate us as much as our Enemies.


The only ones who love Obama are ISIS and Illegals
And real Americans.

Oh good gawd, how hysterically funny.
An overwhelming number of real Americans gave President Obama (praise be unto Him!) two landslide victories.

It was abject stupidity, and half the current population has little relation to things American.
That Obama...Such a Uniter! He's making our Allies hate us as much as our Enemies.


The only ones who love Obama are ISIS and Illegals
And real Americans.

Oh good gawd, how hysterically funny.
An overwhelming number of real Americans gave President Obama (praise be unto Him!) two landslide victories.
It was voter fraud.
Your butthurt will never go away. It will haunt you for life, like your herpes sores.
That Obama...Such a Uniter! He's making our Allies hate us as much as our Enemies.


The only ones who love Obama are ISIS and Illegals
And real Americans.

Oh good gawd, how hysterically funny.
An overwhelming number of real Americans gave President Obama (praise be unto Him!) two landslide victories.

It was abject stupidity, and half the current population has little relation to things American.
Of course you hate real Americans. They don't buy your bullshit.

Tell us again how Mitt was a 'severe conservative'.
remember this from the little hypocrite thug

Flashback: Obama Blasts Netanyahu for Traveling to US to Speak Out Against Iranian Deal

Apr 22nd, 2016 6:17 pm

In an exclusive interview with Reuters in March 2015, U.S. President Barack Obama spoke out against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s scheduled Iran speech before Congress.

The Obama administration was very upset that Israeli leader was invited to speak before a joint session of Congress on the Iranian nuclear talks and the security of Israel.

The Obama White House reportedly told Black Caucus members to boycott Netanyahu’s speech.

Obama said:

I believe that Prime Minister Netanyahu is sincere about his concerns with respect to Iran. And given Iran’s rhetoric, given the extraordinarily destructive and dangerous activities of this regime in the region, it’s understandable why Israel is very concerned about Iran. We are too… As a matter of policy we think it’s a mistake for the prime minister of any country to come to speak before Congress a few weeks before they are about to have an election. It makes it look like we are taking sides. I don’t think it’s permanently destructive. I think it is a distraction from what should be our focus.

But that was last year.
On Friday Barack Obama went to London and lectured Great Britain on leaving the EU.

Obama was asked about his hypocrisy of coming to lecture Great Britain on the upcoming Brexit vote in June.

all of it here:
Flashback: Obama Blasts Netanyahu for Traveling to US to Speak Out Against Iranian Deal
Obama is busy making a German Spectacle of himself.
Yesterday he said that the UK needs to continue to give up it's sovereignty and stay with the European Union, and today, it's clear that he's unwanted, after months of violence caused by Syrian refugees invading Europe.
This isn't a media generated scandal. This is Obama attempting to push his unpopular 'World Order' views down everyone's throats.

Obama's amazing THREAT to Britain: UK would be at the 'back of the queue' after Brexit

BARACK Obama was last night condemned for trying to “blackmail” Britain into remaining in the EU.
By Alison Little
PUBLISHED: 00:01, Sat, Apr 23, 2016 | UPDATED: 16:12, Sat, Apr 23, 2016

The US President warned the UK would be “at the back of the queue” for a trade deal with America if it quit Brussels.

But his threat provoked outrage and scorn from pro-Brexit campaigners, who dismissed it as yet another scaremongering ploy from the pro-EU lobby.

Mr Obama, who will no longer be in office when decisions on a trade deal are made, delivered a lecture to the British people on why he thinks it is in the UK’s, America’s and the world’s best interests for Britain to vote to stay in the EU on June 23.

Obama faced a furious backlash overseas this morning over what has been called a 'downright hypocritical' push for Britain to stay in the European Union.

In a highly controversial intervention in the EU referendum campaign, Obama pleaded with British voters in a local newspaper and then the press conference not to cut ties with Brussels.
Obama threatens to send UK 'to the back of the queue' if it leaves EU


Protesters against the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) wear masks of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and US President Barack Obama during a rally on the eve of Obama's vist to Hannover, on April 23, 2016 (AFP Photo/John MacDougall)
Hanover (Germany) (AFP) - Tens of thousands of opponents of a proposed transatlantic trade deal poured onto German streets Saturday on the eve of a visit by US President Barack Obama.

Germany Turns On Obama

A loose coalition of trade unions, environmentalists and consumer protection groups in the northern city of Hanover said they drew a crowd of 90,000 to a march and rally outside the city's opera house.

Police mobilized a large force to keep the peace and put attendance at 35,000.

Obama's trip -- to open an industrial technology fair and hold talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel and other European leaders -- was intended to lend momentum to flagging efforts to see the world's biggest trade pact finalized this year.


Berlin said he had turned out over fears of a race to the bottom with free trade.

"We want to keep our educational standards, not adopt the American educational system. And we want to hold onto our environmental standards too," he said.


Obama's amazing THREAT to Britain: UK would be at the 'back of the queue' after Brexit

Thousands of trade deal foes rally in Germany on Obama visit eve

Obama threatens to send UK 'to the back of the queue' if it leaves EU
Wow, you're really scared. Did you shit your pants?
Obungles is a laughing stock, the entire world rolls their eyes at the disaster
No, they are laughing at Republicans.

Here’s What World Leaders Say About Donald Trump

They Asked How People Around The World View The GOP. Here Are Their Astonishing Answers

Republicans Have Made America Into a Global Laughingstock With Their Government Shutdown

What the world thinks about our infatuation with Donald Trump

Kasich: 'The rest of the world laughs at us'

Must be terrifying being a know nothing dumb shit nitwit. Seriously. Making a statement that is demonstrably false by a wide margin. It demonstrates how scared your kind has become. No wonder so many of your ilk commit suicide. The world has become more scary than death to you kind.
The only ones who love Obama are ISIS and Illegals
And real Americans.

Oh good gawd, how hysterically funny.
An overwhelming number of real Americans gave President Obama (praise be unto Him!) two landslide victories.

It was abject stupidity, and half the current population has little relation to things American.
Of course you hate real Americans. They don't buy your bullshit.

Tell us again how Mitt was a 'severe conservative'.

Real Americans adhere to American foundational philosophy. Half of this country does not, for reasons dealt with elsewhere on this forum.

Romney was a piece of pissed-on toast. He wasn't my candidate. Neither was McCain. Both were terrible candidates. But either would have been a far cry better for the country than the intentionally destructive lunatic-Progressive turd currently staining the Oval Office seat.

And if you understand definitions, here's a secret. I'm liberal.
Obungles is a laughing stock, the entire world rolls their eyes at the disaster
No, they are laughing at Republicans.

Here’s What World Leaders Say About Donald Trump

They Asked How People Around The World View The GOP. Here Are Their Astonishing Answers

Republicans Have Made America Into a Global Laughingstock With Their Government Shutdown

What the world thinks about our infatuation with Donald Trump

Kasich: 'The rest of the world laughs at us'

Must be terrifying being a know nothing dumb shit nitwit. Seriously. Making a statement that is demonstrably false by a wide margin. It demonstrates how scared your kind has become. No wonder so many of your ilk commit suicide. The world has become more scary than death to you kind.

Derp derp derp....that's what USMB members think of you, Derp.
Obama's qualifications to be President were what exactly? That he was a Senator for 2 years and had been a 'community organizer'? Sounds like a nice way of saying 'Drug dealer', lol.

Liberals talk alot of crap about Trump, but Obama is the biggest fool that has ever sat in the Oval Office.

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