Will the dems cave on Trump's wall to let the Dreamers stay?

The wall is stupid . Plus ,he said Mexico would pay for it . Why should the dems vote $$ for a Wall.?
The wall is stupid . Plus ,he said Mexico would pay for it . Why should the dems vote $$ for a Wall.?
Well, if they don't the Dreamers may be deported. I think most Americans would rather they be allowed to stay regardless of any wall, but the Wall may be about the only thing Trump campaigned upon that he has any control over.
The lifeblood of the Demonrat Party is a never-ending source of leaches who will vote for them in exchange for free stuff...so of course they will not cave if they feel threatened.

The 'Dreamers' should be kicked out right along with their illegal parents who brought them here....and whoever else they 'chain migrated' here.
Oh I think they will. Illegals are HUGE part of their voting bloc and if you lose them you might lose a good chunk of the rest of your voting bloc. Feminists,Legal Latino's who want illegals here,etc.
State & Local Tax Contributions of Young Undocumented Immigrants

they ain't freeloaders. Whether decency and morality require we "relax" laws in their cases .... that's debatable, I suppose. I'm not for kicking anyone out who came here as a child and has not committed a crime since then. I am for making it nighe impossible for an adult to illegally come here and find employment and housing
Inside the faltering Dreamer talks

It could come down to some pretty cold calculations on voters
Well, the Democrats do have some leverage.

Trump and the Republicans want to spend and spend and spend. They want to spend more than they take in. A lot more. Trillions more.

So Trump and the Republicans keep wanting to raise the debt ceiling, and that gives the Dems some leverage.
The wall is stupid . Plus ,he said Mexico would pay for it . Why should the dems vote $$ for a Wall.?
I'm fine with a wall. Not so much a physical wall. That's stupid. But we have the technology for an electronic wall, and that technology is incredibly effective and efficient. A small number of Border Patrol agents can cover huge swaths of the border with electronic sensing tech.

There's another reason I want a wall. I want to see the looks on the pseudocon tard faces when an airtight border has virtually ZERO effect on our economy. :lol:
It depends on how it is played. If Trump tells the Dems that no wall= no DACA and tells the public that he offered a great deal to the Dems it will play out poorly for the Dems. Basically, their ever increasing afar left based will be told that the Dems were not interested not only in the future defense of America with a wall, but, they would rather have those illegal sent back.

If the Democrats say "we offered to pay for the wall but Trump didn't want to deal with DACA" then it is Trump who is in trouble. The difference of course is that it's clear Trump would be willing to negotiate in order to build the wall, are the Democrats willing?

Schumer and Pelosi would also see some serious demands for leadership change if they failed to get DACA complete and Trump doubles down on deportation. They painted themselves in this horrible anti-American anti-legal immigration corner with their continued position on this simply because it gave them votes.
It depends on how it is played. If Trump tells the Dems that no wall= no DACA and tells the public that he offered a great deal to the Dems it will play out poorly for the Dems.
All the Dems have to do is say that no DACA = no debt ceiling hike.

Trump likes to spend our money and the money of the yet unborn, and that would hurt his widdle feewings.
It depends on how it is played. If Trump tells the Dems that no wall= no DACA and tells the public that he offered a great deal to the Dems it will play out poorly for the Dems.
All the Dems have to do is say that no DACA = no debt ceiling hike.

Trump likes to spend our money and the money of the yet unborn, and that would hurt his widdle feewings.
There it is. Is it politically palatable for the dems to say "the dreamers stay or we shut er down"?

Just my guess, but I think overall they'd lose votes in 18 doing that.
It depends on how it is played. If Trump tells the Dems that no wall= no DACA and tells the public that he offered a great deal to the Dems it will play out poorly for the Dems.
All the Dems have to do is say that no DACA = no debt ceiling hike.

Trump likes to spend our money and the money of the yet unborn, and that would hurt his widdle feewings.
There it is. Is it politically palatable for the dems to say "the dreamers stay or we shut er down"?

Just my guess, but I think overall they'd lose votes in 18 doing that.
Nah. The vast majority of Americans want the kids to stay, including Trump.

And the Republicans would have a hard time splainin why the government shut down because they spent too much.

"We can't be out of money, we still have blank checks!"
It depends on how it is played. If Trump tells the Dems that no wall= no DACA and tells the public that he offered a great deal to the Dems it will play out poorly for the Dems.
All the Dems have to do is say that no DACA = no debt ceiling hike.

Trump likes to spend our money and the money of the yet unborn, and that would hurt his widdle feewings.
There it is. Is it politically palatable for the dems to say "the dreamers stay or we shut er down"?

Just my guess, but I think overall they'd lose votes in 18 doing that.
Nah. The vast majority of Americans want the kids to stay, including Trump.

And the Republicans would have a hard time splainin why the government shut down because they spent too much.

"We can't be out of money, we still have blank checks!"
Maybe so. The gop didn't do well shutting it down, but they shut it down over nothing beyond not wanting to pay for the programs they passed.
So the Democrat approach will be, "support our demands for illegal immigrants or we will shut down the government of all American citizens".

How easy would the attack ad on that position be?
So the Democrat approach will be, "support our demands for illegal immigrants or we will shut down the government of all American citizens".

How easy would the attack ad on that position be?
You wouldn't be in this corner if the GOP didn't like spending so goddam much.

Ain't that a bitch? :lol:

I love it when hypocrites get bitch slapped by their own benchmarks.
86% of Americans want the Dreamers to be allowed to stay. That number includes Trump.

I bet you a lot smaller percentage are okay with Trump and the GOP spending like drunken sailors in a whorehouse.

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