Will the dems grasp defeat from the jaws of victory by making statues a campaign issue?

The Democrat's entire mission statement is putting them at risk of ever winning another election.. They seem intent on doubling down or even tripling down on the stupidity that lost the the 2016 election in the first place.

Ask me if I care. Like they say: "Never interrupt your enemy while he's making a mistake."
:biggrin: :beer: :bye1::clap::finger3::funnyface::happy-1:

The only party more incompetent than the Democrats are the Republicans.
With Trump backing primary challengers for RINOs that may be changing. Flake AZ is already 20+ points behind at least one of his 2018 challengers.
One of the several commonalities between Naziism and Islam is their love of destroying historical artifacts of their enemies. So they're in really fine company, aren't they? I know this is taboo in polite society but I wish these violent, anti-Trump liberalfilth animals would contract the most painful forms of cancer their vaguely humanoid bodies can experience. Because I've never seen so many loathsome, anti-social qualities of PURE DESTRUCTION concentrated in one group of living things (I refuse to call liberalfilth human).
Current Democratic party leaders are dumb as a brick holy crap. Tune in next week when they propose tax increases or ban beer or some other dumb shit move.
Statues were certainly not the reason for the alt right to gather in Charlottesville.
Exactly, but the alt-R and probably main stream gop would like to make statues the issue, and the dems may help them out.
Antifa, ISIS and Taliban are the three groups obsessed with tearing down historical relics...
Since the massively annoying PC/Identity Politics element played a role getting Trump elected in the first place, I suppose it's possible.

But I think it's more likely that 2018 & 2020 will be a referendum on Trump.
Although the media is just a separate arm of the left, they are destroying the left with their division, hate, race baiting. Hell can't be hot enough for the media.
The baiting by the media is 100% part of a "divide and conquer" strategy to divert attention away from what really happened and what our biggest problem really is..

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The Klan and the skins and the Nazis are not "conservatives."

The KKK was 100% Dem from its origin, Confederate.

Nazis are national SOCIALISTS as you are a "progressive" SOCIALIST

Skins throw tantrums just like you...


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