Will the Durham Report Help the American People?

Tom Fitton is saying it will be a "zinger" Report that will show a Coup attempt and other manipulations by the Democrat Party against the American people.

I believe we are beyond the P.O.N.R., the point of no return. The point where no matter the evidence or findings related to or relevant to any crimes committed by the left, none of it will matter. None of it will matter because even if Joe Biden or Obama or HRC were proven to have held or be holding a smoking gun of coup d'état, their lapdogs in cable news and leftist "journalism" would simply make it all go away; spin the verdict or truth or proof until no one who despises Trump believed a word of it. We've simply become too Balkanized into two groups hanging by a hair over a field of open warfare. We're on the brink, on the verge, about to go hot and fight it out and kill millions of our own fellow Americans this time in the process. What one really needs to ask at this point is who remains in our government with the power to do anything about provable democrat sedition and collusion with our foreign enemies? No one I can think of.
Tom Fitton is saying it will be a "zinger" Report that will show a Coup attempt and other manipulations by the Democrat Party against the American people.

I believe we are beyond the P.O.N.R., the point of no return. The point where no matter the evidence or findings related to or relevant to any crimes committed by the left, none of it will matter. None of it will matter because even if Joe Biden or Obama or HRC were proven to have held or be holding a smoking gun of coup d'état, their lapdogs in cable news and leftist "journalism" would simply make it all go away; spin the verdict or truth or proof until no one who despises Trump believed a word of it. We've simply become too Balkanized into two groups hanging by a hair over a field of open warfare. We're on the brink, on the verge, about to go hot and fight it out and kill millions of our own fellow Americans this time in the process. What one really needs to ask at this point is who remains in our government with the power to do anything about provable democrat sedition and collusion with our foreign enemies? No one I can think of.

That is a very real concern.
Tom Fitton is saying it will be a "zinger" Report that will show a Coup attempt and other manipulations by the Democrat Party against the American people.

I believe we are beyond the P.O.N.R., the point of no return. The point where no matter the evidence or findings related to or relevant to any crimes committed by the left, none of it will matter. None of it will matter because even if Joe Biden or Obama or HRC were proven to have held or be holding a smoking gun of coup d'état, their lapdogs in cable news and leftist "journalism" would simply make it all go away; spin the verdict or truth or proof until no one who despises Trump believed a word of it. We've simply become too Balkanized into two groups hanging by a hair over a field of open warfare. We're on the brink, on the verge, about to go hot and fight it out and kill millions of our own fellow Americans this time in the process. What one really needs to ask at this point is who remains in our government with the power to do anything about provable democrat sedition and collusion with our foreign enemies? No one I can think of.

You are right.... we don't believe any of it.... because it's just a right wing dog and pony show.... has nothing to do with the mainstream media.... there is simply no evidence, to support the fake claims... lots of right wing spin and innuendo and huffing and puffing... but never any charges from Barr's DOJ..... because.....drum roll.... there is never the evidence to support a charge/an Indictment..... it's partisan BULL crap, that y'all fall for, every single time..... your handlers....know you well, imo.
If they don't bring the indictments very soon, definitely before Sept, it will have to be blamed on Justice dept. obstruction and a massive government cover up. If they come up with this bullshit story that they have to wait till after the election, our government will have to be considered unsalvageable. The only way the FBI-DOJ can right themselves is to bring justice. Robert Wray is incapable of justice. I just hope Barr is better than that. Bring the deserved and appropriate charges RIGHT NOW.
Shit? Is it Tuesday already?

Hammer is about to drop from Durham report claim Tuesday! My favorite day of the week.

You guys crack me up.
Tom Fitton is saying it will be a "zinger" Report that will show a Coup attempt and other manipulations by the Democrat Party against the American people.

I believe we are beyond the P.O.N.R., the point of no return. The point where no matter the evidence or findings related to or relevant to any crimes committed by the left, none of it will matter. None of it will matter because even if Joe Biden or Obama or HRC were proven to have held or be holding a smoking gun of coup d'état, their lapdogs in cable news and leftist "journalism" would simply make it all go away; spin the verdict or truth or proof until no one who despises Trump believed a word of it. We've simply become too Balkanized into two groups hanging by a hair over a field of open warfare. We're on the brink, on the verge, about to go hot and fight it out and kill millions of our own fellow Americans this time in the process. What one really needs to ask at this point is who remains in our government with the power to do anything about provable democrat sedition and collusion with our foreign enemies? No one I can think of.

You are right.... we don't believe any of it.... because it's just a right wing dog and pony show.... has nothing to do with the mainstream media.... there is simply no evidence, to support the fake claims... lots of right wing spin and innuendo and huffing and puffing... but never any charges from Barr's DOJ..... because.....drum roll.... there is never the evidence to support a charge/an Indictment..... it's partisan BULL crap, that y'all fall for, every single time..... your handlers....know you well, imo.

What if there are indictments and convictions? Then if they can get the convicted to rollover on the higher ups, to get reduced sentences, just like Mueller tried to do with his "perjury traps" and "process crimes", only better.
If they don't bring the indictments very soon, definitely before Sept, it will have to be blamed on Justice dept. obstruction and a massive government cover up. If they come up with this bullshit story that they have to wait till after the election, our government will have to be considered unsalvageable. The only way the FBI-DOJ can right themselves is to bring justice. Robert Wray is incapable of justice. I just hope Barr is better than that. Bring the deserved and appropriate charges RIGHT NOW.
Wray just hired Jason Jones, partner at the law firm where Rosenstein and Sally Yates work?? WTF? Circling the wagons already??
Wray is a cover up artist and a deep state all star. He's obviously still sat his cover up bullshit. You can bet that he'll be throwing a victory party if he is able to hold off the indictments till after the election. If Barr doesn't stop his obstruction then that makes Barr a cover up artist as well.
Tom Fitton is saying it will be a "zinger" Report that will show a Coup attempt and other manipulations by the Democrat Party against the American people.

I know Fox keeps promising that, but the reality.

Weird Beard Durham will wait until after the election to issue a report, make some snide comments about the people involved, but bring no indictments because he doesn't want to get laughed out of a court.
What if there are indictments and convictions? Then if they can get the convicted to rollover on the higher ups, to get reduced sentences, just like Mueller tried to do with his "perjury traps" and "process crimes", only better.

There are unlikely to be indictments. There will be no convictions, because you aren't going to be able to find a jury that DOESN'T Think Trump is a Russian agent out to destroy America.
What if there are indictments and convictions? Then if they can get the convicted to rollover on the higher ups, to get reduced sentences, just like Mueller tried to do with his "perjury traps" and "process crimes", only better.

There are unlikely to be indictments. There will be no convictions, because you aren't going to be able to find a jury that DOESN'T Think Trump is a Russian agent out to destroy America.
JoB sez: "There will be no convictions, because you aren't going to be able to find a jury that DOESN'T Think Trump is a Russian agent out to destroy America."​
Project much, honey?

Awwwww. Obama Spied on President Trump, it was illegal, and he could go to jail for treason.​
Tom Fitton is saying it will be a "zinger" Report that will show a Coup attempt and other manipulations by the Democrat Party against the American people.

I believe we are beyond the P.O.N.R., the point of no return. The point where no matter the evidence or findings related to or relevant to any crimes committed by the left, none of it will matter. None of it will matter because even if Joe Biden or Obama or HRC were proven to have held or be holding a smoking gun of coup d'état, their lapdogs in cable news and leftist "journalism" would simply make it all go away; spin the verdict or truth or proof until no one who despises Trump believed a word of it. We've simply become too Balkanized into two groups hanging by a hair over a field of open warfare. We're on the brink, on the verge, about to go hot and fight it out and kill millions of our own fellow Americans this time in the process. What one really needs to ask at this point is who remains in our government with the power to do anything about provable democrat sedition and collusion with our foreign enemies? No one I can think of.

You are right.... we don't believe any of it.... because it's just a right wing dog and pony show.... has nothing to do with the mainstream media.... there is simply no evidence, to support the fake claims... lots of right wing spin and innuendo and huffing and puffing... but never any charges from Barr's DOJ..... because.....drum roll.... there is never the evidence to support a charge/an Indictment..... it's partisan BULL crap, that y'all fall for, every single time..... your handlers....know you well, imo.

Care4all sez: "it's just a right wing dog and pony show...."​
The trouble with that little thesis, honey is that we Republicans didn't start the fire, but it keeps on burning, and the world keeps turning, doesn't it. :thanks:

It will be nothing but NaziCon smoke and mirrors.
Y'all thinks, sweetie?
This is dedicated to Barack and Hillary:



Tom Fitton is saying it will be a "zinger" Report that will show a Coup attempt and other manipulations by the Democrat Party against the American people.

I know Fox keeps promising that, but the reality.

Weird Beard Durham will wait until after the election to issue a report, make some snide comments about the people involved, but bring no indictments because he doesn't want to get laughed out of a court.
Yeah, you guys will need some tissues for that election President Donald Trump is gonna win for being the good guy that he's always been, but your mudslingers and yourself thought you could bury him in the muck. The muck doesn't stick, and Trump's gonna kick Biden's patooty. <giggle> :woohoo:

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Tom Fitton is saying it will be a "zinger" Report that will show a Coup attempt and other manipulations by the Democrat Party against the American people.

I just hope they actually indict people for this crime. If they don't this country is doomed.

Mr. Elton sez: "I just hope they actually indict people for this crime. If they don't this country is doomed."​

God doesn't destroy the people he loves and doesn't allow them to be destroyed. He will vindicate those who've been maliciously the victim of false witness, which is a big no-no in Mosaic Law that Jesus illuminated in a way the common man can understand it.

And, Mr. Elton, things are often settled quietly among American legislators when the adults take charge and do things by the U.S. Constitution's directives. If the Democrats drop the Communist/Marxist crap for good, our laws will vindicate the targets of DNC viciousness and hatred. Brotherhood in America requires that the victor does not rub the faces of the loser in their own poopy, so we may or may not get justice for President Trump, but he will be vindicated when the truth comes out. He did not collude. He did not spy on Hillary during the entire campaign, and for once in her life, she is gonna have to apologize for her misdeeds, of which there is an endless list, all of which is true. The endless list on Trump is not true, because without a trace of the truth, Demmies have won elections in the past, and that's gonna end or we can go the unbrotherly love route they've taken since they fired on Ft. Sumpter and got a lot of American men killed shooting at each other in the scuffle between the states.

Edit: Oh, and I would rather there not be war. We can jail those who are rioting and killed people, but avoiding war by getting evil bearers of false witness to be silent and to pursue forgiveness through attrition is a small price to pay for not murdering off half the population that misbehaves. We can work it out, with God's help. Of that I am convinced.
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