Will the Durham Report Help the American People?

I didn't think much could beat seeing Trump beat Clinton in 2016, to the point where Clinton wouldn't even come out and address her supports, possibly even choking out Podesta in the hotel room. But, Trump winning this time will be quite the event to witness.
Tom Fitton is saying it will be a "zinger" Report that will show a Coup attempt and other manipulations by the Democrat Party against the American people.

I believe we are beyond the P.O.N.R., the point of no return. The point where no matter the evidence or findings related to or relevant to any crimes committed by the left, none of it will matter. None of it will matter because even if Joe Biden or Obama or HRC were proven to have held or be holding a smoking gun of coup d'état, their lapdogs in cable news and leftist "journalism" would simply make it all go away; spin the verdict or truth or proof until no one who despises Trump believed a word of it. We've simply become too Balkanized into two groups hanging by a hair over a field of open warfare. We're on the brink, on the verge, about to go hot and fight it out and kill millions of our own fellow Americans this time in the process. What one really needs to ask at this point is who remains in our government with the power to do anything about provable democrat sedition and collusion with our foreign enemies? No one I can think of.

You are right.... we don't believe any of it.... because it's just a right wing dog and pony show.... has nothing to do with the mainstream media.... there is simply no evidence, to support the fake claims... lots of right wing spin and innuendo and huffing and puffing... but never any charges from Barr's DOJ..... because.....drum roll.... there is never the evidence to support a charge/an Indictment..... it's partisan BULL crap, that y'all fall for, every single time..... your handlers....know you well, imo.

I tried to read your post without laughing but couldn’t do it. After years of your mewler! Mewler! Mewler! Russia! Russia! Russia! Impeach! Impeach! Impeach! Horseshit I was unable to control the obvious lack of self reflection and pure hypocrisy.
Tom Fitton is saying it will be a "zinger" Report that will show a Coup attempt and other manipulations by the Democrat Party against the American people.

I believe we are beyond the P.O.N.R., the point of no return. The point where no matter the evidence or findings related to or relevant to any crimes committed by the left, none of it will matter. None of it will matter because even if Joe Biden or Obama or HRC were proven to have held or be holding a smoking gun of coup d'état, their lapdogs in cable news and leftist "journalism" would simply make it all go away; spin the verdict or truth or proof until no one who despises Trump believed a word of it. We've simply become too Balkanized into two groups hanging by a hair over a field of open warfare. We're on the brink, on the verge, about to go hot and fight it out and kill millions of our own fellow Americans this time in the process. What one really needs to ask at this point is who remains in our government with the power to do anything about provable democrat sedition and collusion with our foreign enemies? No one I can think of.

You are right.... we don't believe any of it.... because it's just a right wing dog and pony show.... has nothing to do with the mainstream media.... there is simply no evidence, to support the fake claims... lots of right wing spin and innuendo and huffing and puffing... but never any charges from Barr's DOJ..... because.....drum roll.... there is never the evidence to support a charge/an Indictment..... it's partisan BULL crap, that y'all fall for, every single time..... your handlers....know you well, imo.

I tried to read your post without laughing but couldn’t do it. After years of your mewler! Mewler! Mewler! Russia! Russia! Russia! Impeach! Impeach! Impeach! Horseshit I was unable to control the obvious lack of self reflection and pure hypocrisy.

oh yea

Putin's bitch.
I hate to tell it to you, but the FBI went beyond their means to get Trump associates rather than to try to disprove the lie that Trump somehow colluded, which he never did and they knew it ahead of time.

It isn't their job to disprove anything. The problem was, all these guys lied to the FBI when they investigated, that was the problem.

When you realize how wrong it is to spend millions of dollars on one solitary issue--whether Trump colluded or not--you'll get it that this ought not to have been a free-for-all get Trump supporters by lying to them and getting false confessions, even though that's what went down.

Yeah, it kind of reminded me of when a Special Prosecutor started out investigating a land deal, and ended up investigating the president's sex life. Oh, wait. That was probably okay by you.

and even enemies of the US in the Arabian Penninsula that sold out Israel,

Fuck Israel.

and not President Trump nor people who advised him on corruption of the Democrat election leaders, the FBI, and others useful to the Democrat Party's nefarious ends.

Actually, here's where you got it wrong. Trump had three years of grace because the "Deep State" you whine about is actually pretty darned good at their jobs. But his luck finally ran out. The country is in Chaos on his watch.
About the 3 years you call "grace" with your convenient omissions of fact -- you just keep looking down that itty bitty hole, and you have a Kaleidoscope of confusion that you have about the above 4 points, so you lose 4 points. The first 3 years weren't milk and honey at all. Trump saw himself being lied about by the lying liberal leftists' Main Stream Media referred to frequently here as the LLLMSM, since that's all they do all day long on 200 tv stations in all parts of this nation and particularly on the cable and satellite modems that bring all 200 in in some cases to the people who have no other news than them except for Fox, and btw, a lot of the regular people in the US prefer Fox over all the other 200 stations there are, which is why Fox newscasters are a favorite in the nation and get the best ratings with America and the world who don't buy into prevarications of the Lying Liberal Leftists' Main Stream Media or LLLMSM. Also in that three years, the LLLMSM collected and proffered the lies in their version of Once Upon a Mattress (tm, American movie version of Princess and the Pea). That little lie had it all. The Princess was Hillary Clinton, and poor princess, that mean ol' Trump got his prostitute pals to jump on that mattress that pooooooor Princess Hillary had slept on just a few weeks before, and they peed on where pooooooooooor princess Hillary slept, sob, sob. Yep. Even if the election went south for the Democrats, that never stopped them from routing a loss to get pity from the public, enough just two years later to swipe the house with that huge pack of lies and others, while President Trump dutifully did his good job for the American people with millions more high-paying jobs, which was good for everyone, and in particular, blacks, who were happy to break free from poverty, hunger, and drugs to get a job and take America by the horns for their own piece of the American dream pie. But nooooooooooooo, by that time the Democrats had also met in Obama's office his last day in the White House, where he commanded them to do anything they could get away with to coup the President out of his job in the Oval Office. A couple of years later, even with his best advisers being threatened by corrupt FBI officials by shennanigans like blitzing their homes with helicopters and gunfire and scaring their families half to death. You call that three damn years of "grace" because you left the dis- off the disgrace that their following Obama's commands into the next presidency did not help transfer the power of the Presidentcy in a civil, orderly way, but through dirt with a rusty plow that evil is.
Tom Fitton is saying it will be a "zinger" Report that will show a Coup attempt and other manipulations by the Democrat Party against the American people.

I believe we are beyond the P.O.N.R., the point of no return. The point where no matter the evidence or findings related to or relevant to any crimes committed by the left, none of it will matter. None of it will matter because even if Joe Biden or Obama or HRC were proven to have held or be holding a smoking gun of coup d'état, their lapdogs in cable news and leftist "journalism" would simply make it all go away; spin the verdict or truth or proof until no one who despises Trump believed a word of it. We've simply become too Balkanized into two groups hanging by a hair over a field of open warfare. We're on the brink, on the verge, about to go hot and fight it out and kill millions of our own fellow Americans this time in the process. What one really needs to ask at this point is who remains in our government with the power to do anything about provable democrat sedition and collusion with our foreign enemies? No one I can think of.

You are right.... we don't believe any of it.... because it's just a right wing dog and pony show.... has nothing to do with the mainstream media.... there is simply no evidence, to support the fake claims... lots of right wing spin and innuendo and huffing and puffing... but never any charges from Barr's DOJ..... because.....drum roll.... there is never the evidence to support a charge/an Indictment..... it's partisan BULL crap, that y'all fall for, every single time..... your handlers....know you well, imo.

I tried to read your post without laughing but couldn’t do it. After years of your mewler! Mewler! Mewler! Russia! Russia! Russia! Impeach! Impeach! Impeach! Horseshit I was unable to control the obvious lack of self reflection and pure hypocrisy.

oh yea

Putin's bitch.

When did the "bounties" start? That war has been going on for (19) years.
Trump will be the president that gets us out. You're welcome.
Tom Fitton is saying it will be a "zinger" Report that will show a Coup attempt and other manipulations by the Democrat Party against the American people.

Don't get your hopes up. It's just another distraction.
Tom Fitton is saying it will be a "zinger" Report that will show a Coup attempt and other manipulations by the Democrat Party against the American people.

I believe we are beyond the P.O.N.R., the point of no return. The point where no matter the evidence or findings related to or relevant to any crimes committed by the left, none of it will matter. None of it will matter because even if Joe Biden or Obama or HRC were proven to have held or be holding a smoking gun of coup d'état, their lapdogs in cable news and leftist "journalism" would simply make it all go away; spin the verdict or truth or proof until no one who despises Trump believed a word of it. We've simply become too Balkanized into two groups hanging by a hair over a field of open warfare. We're on the brink, on the verge, about to go hot and fight it out and kill millions of our own fellow Americans this time in the process. What one really needs to ask at this point is who remains in our government with the power to do anything about provable democrat sedition and collusion with our foreign enemies? No one I can think of.

Night Son, the murders of children and adults in Democrat cities is off the chart. The BLM murders are getting a pass with the LLLMSM. (Lying Lockstep Liberal Main Stream Media) giving the Democrats a free fire zone by hyping the litany of lies to a new level and ignoring the 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5-year olds that are murdered just by being pushed around in carriages or riding on little trikes and bikes around their homes where Madmen MSM drug-crazed and lie-angered scenarios have them at a fever pitch, and in that hateful state of mind the Democrats have incurred for them, they shoot recklessly at anything human that moves on the street while they're listening to hate-filled Maxine Waters telling them to go stalk some Republicans, white people, and uncle toms and give them reason to grieve. Democrats often give drugs to people to buy their votes on election cycles, along with marching orders.

We are going to fight back, because we just began to fight, night son. And we are fighting back through the rule of law, which the Sociocommunist Democrat screamers are too angry to follow when murders are far easier to commit than going through the channels of diplomacy, order, and the rule of law. They're not getting any decent coaching than their pissed-off Democrat leaders are screaming at them to get even for poor little ms. Hillary Rodham.
Poor JoeB. You learned nothing from the spanking the DNC got when President Trump won in Nov. 2016. The polls there shilled for Hillary the entire silly season of an election year. It was a big Democrat lie and reliance on the essence of creating a win out of false advertising. You probably learned nothing from the Christine Blasey Ford sham against confirming Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court Justice seat.

Well, we learned that Kavanaugh is a creep who molests women.. but that's probably okay by you.

Trump lost the popular vote. Decisively. The polls were right. We have to make sure we win the states as well this time.

Trump will be the first president prosecuted for Crimes after he leaves.
Christine Blasey Ford was brought in to decimate an innocent man with her Academy-Award winning performance of creating a false case scenario where truth is only an option, and she opted out of the truth in favor of just getting even with President Trump for appointing a Roman Catholic Justice who wasn't overly fond of millions and millions of abortions of future American citizens being done across the nation nonstop until the birth rate was lower than the abortion kills.

Abortion destroys the moral fiber of all its victims except the one that dies, goes to heaven, and waits to confront his killers when they die and he tells them how horrific his being murdered inside his own mother's womb was.

You can cut the crap any time, JoeB.
JoB sez: "There will be no convictions, because you aren't going to be able to find a jury that DOESN'T Think Trump is a Russian agent out to destroy America."Project much, honey?

Awwwww. Obama Spied on President Trump, it was illegal, and he could go to jail for treason.​

Uh, sorry, only people getting "convicted" are Trump and his associates... Manafort, Stone, Flynn, Papodopolous.

And that was before Trump killed 145,000 people and rendered 40 million of us unemployed.
You're lying JoeB. And you're having a party doing it, because that's what you do.
Tom Fitton is saying it will be a "zinger" Report that will show a Coup attempt and other manipulations by the Democrat Party against the American people.

Don't get your hopes up. It's just another distraction.

It certainly wouldn't be if Tom Fitton were a Supreme Court Justice.

Doesn't matter who's on the court. There's no evidence. It's a sham to keep the low information tRumplings low information tRumplings.
Tom Fitton is saying it will be a "zinger" Report that will show a Coup attempt and other manipulations by the Democrat Party against the American people.

I believe we are beyond the P.O.N.R., the point of no return. The point where no matter the evidence or findings related to or relevant to any crimes committed by the left, none of it will matter. None of it will matter because even if Joe Biden or Obama or HRC were proven to have held or be holding a smoking gun of coup d'état, their lapdogs in cable news and leftist "journalism" would simply make it all go away; spin the verdict or truth or proof until no one who despises Trump believed a word of it. We've simply become too Balkanized into two groups hanging by a hair over a field of open warfare. We're on the brink, on the verge, about to go hot and fight it out and kill millions of our own fellow Americans this time in the process. What one really needs to ask at this point is who remains in our government with the power to do anything about provable democrat sedition and collusion with our foreign enemies? No one I can think of.

You are right.... we don't believe any of it.... because it's just a right wing dog and pony show.... has nothing to do with the mainstream media.... there is simply no evidence, to support the fake claims... lots of right wing spin and innuendo and huffing and puffing... but never any charges from Barr's DOJ..... because.....drum roll.... there is never the evidence to support a charge/an Indictment..... it's partisan BULL crap, that y'all fall for, every single time..... your handlers....know you well, imo.

Such ignorance.
Tom Fitton is saying it will be a "zinger" Report that will show a Coup attempt and other manipulations by the Democrat Party against the American people.

I'm with Dobbs, screw a report, I want to see indictments and people being perp walked to jail. Bankrupt those assholes like they did to Flynn and others.

Tom Fitton is saying it will be a "zinger" Report that will show a Coup attempt and other manipulations by the Democrat Party against the American people.

I'm with Dobbs, screw a report, I want to see indictments and people being perp walked to jail. Bankrupt those assholes like they did to Flynn and others.

President Trump doesn't have that option until Attorney General Barr exercises his power of office. He seems to be a facts-first man.
Tom Fitton is saying it will be a "zinger" Report that will show a Coup attempt and other manipulations by the Democrat Party against the American people.

Don't get your hopes up. It's just another distraction.

It certainly wouldn't be if Tom Fitton were a Supreme Court Justice.

Doesn't matter who's on the court. There's no evidence. It's a sham to keep the low information tRumplings low information tRumplings.

Sorry, Mr. or Ms. Crepitus, but there's evidence all over the map. And justice takes some time with half the judges corrupted by first begging corrupt speaker Nancy Pelosi to leave them the hell alone so they can do their jobs, and they don't dare cross the woman who rides a broom to work.
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Tom Fitton is saying it will be a "zinger" Report that will show a Coup attempt and other manipulations by the Democrat Party against the American people.

Don't get your hopes up. It's just another distraction.

A coup isn't a distraction, doll. It's a treasonous offense with life in jail time or the chair as options.
Tom Fitton is saying it will be a "zinger" Report that will show a Coup attempt and other manipulations by the Democrat Party against the American people.

Sadly, I'll believe it when I see it. I haven't seen a lot from Barr that impresses me. Screw BLM and these protests: this is what the American people ought to be angry over. Until heads roll in the FBI and DOJ and there is real reform, American Law remains a sham.

Attorney General Barr is pledged to this country, and he does justice things the right way. I will put him on my prayer list for strength uncommon for just one man. Please join me in praying for the Justice Department. They're our best hope that right will be done to the actions of the men and women who run this country. Right being done often means those who wronged others, seethed calumnies from their lying mouths, cheated the American people out of the taxes they paid for an orderly governmental process, or with power forced FBI men to go wrong. And AG Barr is up against omeurta that is harder than heck to undo, because omeurta men and women have pledged themselves to other dieties than God who protects his faithful puritan believers who begged him over the centuries to take care of their progeny. I believe God heard those puritans who were driven from the Old World to start over in the New. I believe God takes pity on those who suffered under evil strongarm dictators known for pissing all over the 10 Mosaic principles for peace on earth and peace in a town, a neighborhood, a home, and even one person's heart.
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Tom Fitton is saying it will be a "zinger" Report that will show a Coup attempt and other manipulations by the Democrat Party against the American people.

Don't get your hopes up. It's just another distraction.

It certainly wouldn't be if Tom Fitton were a Supreme Court Justice.

Doesn't matter who's on the court. There's no evidence. It's a sham to keep the low information tRumplings low information tRumplings.

According to my sources, an Australian man of computer means has faithfully recorded the demonic sayings and doings of Americans bent on farting out communism against this free nation. So interpreted to deeds, that is a red flag for Demonrats who used to get away with bloody murder but now are surveilled by people who do not esteem communism in the slightest.
EAST LANSING, MI -- A survey from Michigan State University's Institute for Public Policy and Social Research suggests Democrat Hillary Clinton has a wide lead over Republican Donald Trump among Michigan's likely voters.

That was one poll. Other polls showed it within the margin of error.

The only one that was a surprise was Wisconsin.

There won't be any surprises this time. If anything, things are only going to get worse for Trump, not better.

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