Will the Durham Report Help the American People?

Tom Fitton is saying it will be a "zinger" Report that will show a Coup attempt and other manipulations by the Democrat Party against the American people.

Sadly, I'll believe it when I see it. I haven't seen a lot from Barr that impresses me. Screw BLM and these protests: this is what the American people ought to be angry over. Until heads roll in the FBI and DOJ and there is real reform, American Law remains a sham.
JoB sez: "There will be no convictions, because you aren't going to be able to find a jury that DOESN'T Think Trump is a Russian agent out to destroy America."Project much, honey?

Awwwww. Obama Spied on President Trump, it was illegal, and he could go to jail for treason.​

Uh, sorry, only people getting "convicted" are Trump and his associates... Manafort, Stone, Flynn, Papodopolous.

And that was before Trump killed 145,000 people and rendered 40 million of us unemployed.
Yeah, you guys will need some tissues for that election President Donald Trump is gonna win for being the good guy that he's always been, but your mudslingers and yourself thought you could bury him in the muck. The muck doesn't stick, and Trump's gonna kick Biden's patooty.

Uh, no, you don't kill hundreds of thousands of people, put millions out of jobs and watch over riots and get re-elected. It just doesn't happen.

Trump is trailing Biden by 9 points, and if the election where held today, he'd win 352 electoral votes.

But it will get much, much worse for Trump, when those 20 million unemployed see their payments slashed this week.
Tom Fitton is saying it will be a "zinger" Report that will show a Coup attempt and other manipulations by the Democrat Party against the American people.

Sadly, I'll believe it when I see it. I haven't seen a lot from Barr that impresses me. Screw BLM and these protests: this is what the American people ought to be angry over. Until heads roll in the FBI and DOJ and there is real reform, American Law remains a sham.

The American Constitution was written in part to beget orderliness in the business of the country which is largely decided in the Legislative Branch, and that has received a harsh breach under Nancy Pelosi's tutelage as speaker of the House. When her role in the riotous carryings on in Democrat states comes to light, she is likely to leave peaceably rather than to face utter humiliation that she deserves.

Part of the responsibilities of orderliness requires doing some fixes with the utmost of discretion, rather than vengeful screamings that disorder the feelings of common people about govenrment. I think she will leave quietly. And so will some others who've been equally big jerks in rifting the nation apart. We can overcome these clowns, but it will take (1) Diplomacy that does not seem present at this moment. (2) Forgiveness for those who want it (3) Quiet resignations of those who've tormented President Trump using their high offices in the House and Senate. This includes supporters of the lies Christine Blasey Ford was paid $800,000. for by the Democrats/and/or/George Soros who is behind a lot of the garbage going on in the House right now which has abused truth, their fellow Americans, and worst of all the common people in the United States. It will take some of us a long time to get used to the fact we may not get the relief that revenge brings for the moment. Real relief is forgiveness and trying to keep on keeping on from here. And that's what I think, as little as I've seen that even from myself.
JoB sez: "There will be no convictions, because you aren't going to be able to find a jury that DOESN'T Think Trump is a Russian agent out to destroy America."Project much, honey?

Awwwww. Obama Spied on President Trump, it was illegal, and he could go to jail for treason.​

Uh, sorry, only people getting "convicted" are Trump and his associates... Manafort, Stone, Flynn, Papodopolous.

And that was before Trump killed 145,000 people and rendered 40 million of us unemployed.
I hate to tell it to you, but the FBI went beyond their means to get Trump associates rather than to try to disprove the lie that Trump somehow colluded, which he never did and they knew it ahead of time.

When you realize how wrong it is to spend millions of dollars on one solitary issue--whether Trump colluded or not--you'll get it that this ought not to have been a free-for-all get Trump supporters by lying to them and getting false confessions, even though that's what went down. The problem with going after Republican presidential staff and supporters with the idea the FBI can build castles in Spain in the dreams of the Democrat Party whilst ignoring their own growing noses like Pinocchio about Trump's innocence, they forgot one thing even though they knew it. Obama-Biden-Rodham colluded with Russia, China, the Ukranians, and even enemies of the US in the Arabian Penninsula that sold out Israel, they were the rotten eggs and not President Trump nor people who advised him on corruption of the Democrat election leaders, the FBI, and others useful to the Democrat Party's nefarious ends.

Joe, face it. You've been had.
Yeah, you guys will need some tissues for that election President Donald Trump is gonna win for being the good guy that he's always been, but your mudslingers and yourself thought you could bury him in the muck. The muck doesn't stick, and Trump's gonna kick Biden's patooty.

Uh, no, you don't kill hundreds of thousands of people, put millions out of jobs and watch over riots and get re-elected. It just doesn't happen.

Trump is trailing Biden by 9 points, and if the election where held today, he'd win 352 electoral votes.

But it will get much, much worse for Trump, when those 20 million unemployed see their payments slashed this week.
Poor JoeB. You learned nothing from the spanking the DNC got when President Trump won in Nov. 2016. The polls there shilled for Hillary the entire silly season of an election year. It was a big Democrat lie and reliance on the essence of creating a win out of false advertising. You probably learned nothing from the Christine Blasey Ford sham against confirming Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court Justice seat.
I hate to tell it to you, but the FBI went beyond their means to get Trump associates rather than to try to disprove the lie that Trump somehow colluded, which he never did and they knew it ahead of time.

It isn't their job to disprove anything. The problem was, all these guys lied to the FBI when they investigated, that was the problem.

When you realize how wrong it is to spend millions of dollars on one solitary issue--whether Trump colluded or not--you'll get it that this ought not to have been a free-for-all get Trump supporters by lying to them and getting false confessions, even though that's what went down.

Yeah, it kind of reminded me of when a Special Prosecutor started out investigating a land deal, and ended up investigating the president's sex life. Oh, wait. That was probably okay by you.

and even enemies of the US in the Arabian Penninsula that sold out Israel,

Fuck Israel.

and not President Trump nor people who advised him on corruption of the Democrat election leaders, the FBI, and others useful to the Democrat Party's nefarious ends.

Actually, here's where you got it wrong. Trump had three years of grace because the "Deep State" you whine about is actually pretty darned good at their jobs. But his luck finally ran out. The country is in Chaos on his watch.
Poor JoeB. You learned nothing from the spanking the DNC got when President Trump won in Nov. 2016. The polls there shilled for Hillary the entire silly season of an election year. It was a big Democrat lie and reliance on the essence of creating a win out of false advertising. You probably learned nothing from the Christine Blasey Ford sham against confirming Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court Justice seat.

Well, we learned that Kavanaugh is a creep who molests women.. but that's probably okay by you.

Trump lost the popular vote. Decisively. The polls were right. We have to make sure we win the states as well this time.

Trump will be the first president prosecuted for Crimes after he leaves.
Yeah, you guys will need some tissues for that election President Donald Trump is gonna win for being the good guy that he's always been, but your mudslingers and yourself thought you could bury him in the muck. The muck doesn't stick, and Trump's gonna kick Biden's patooty.

Uh, no, you don't kill hundreds of thousands of people, put millions out of jobs and watch over riots and get re-elected. It just doesn't happen.

Trump is trailing Biden by 9 points, and if the election where held today, he'd win 352 electoral votes.

But it will get much, much worse for Trump, when those 20 million unemployed see their payments slashed this week.
Poor JoeB. You learned nothing from the spanking the DNC got when President Trump won in Nov. 2016. The polls there shilled for Hillary the entire silly season of an election year. It was a big Democrat lie and reliance on the essence of creating a win out of false advertising. You probably learned nothing from the Christine Blasey Ford sham against confirming Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court Justice seat.

In 2016 the people proved the narrative being spun in the liberal news media was complete BS. So why are they again spinning the same narrative? They got nothing else, Trump stomped their ass on all the issues important to the people.
JoB sez: "There will be no convictions, because you aren't going to be able to find a jury that DOESN'T Think Trump is a Russian agent out to destroy America."Project much, honey?

Awwwww. Obama Spied on President Trump, it was illegal, and he could go to jail for treason.​

Uh, sorry, only people getting "convicted" are Trump and his associates... Manafort, Stone, Flynn, Papodopolous.

And that was before Trump killed 145,000 people and rendered 40 million of us unemployed.
I hate to tell it to you, but the FBI went beyond their means to get Trump associates rather than to try to disprove the lie that Trump somehow colluded, which he never did and they knew it ahead of time.

When you realize how wrong it is to spend millions of dollars on one solitary issue--whether Trump colluded or not--you'll get it that this ought not to have been a free-for-all get Trump supporters by lying to them and getting false confessions, even though that's what went down. The problem with going after Republican presidential staff and supporters with the idea the FBI can build castles in Spain in the dreams of the Democrat Party whilst ignoring their own growing noses like Pinocchio about Trump's innocence, they forgot one thing even though they knew it. Obama-Biden-Rodham colluded with Russia, China, the Ukranians, and even enemies of the US in the Arabian Penninsula that sold out Israel, they were the rotten eggs and not President Trump nor people who advised him on corruption of the Democrat election leaders, the FBI, and others useful to the Democrat Party's nefarious ends.

Joe, face it. You've been had.

Joe is part of the cabal. Or at least he is a useless idiot. Facts don't matter to him. He just wants this country to be destroyed.

Who he wants to win, pootin, or xi is not known. But he is anti America to his core.
Joe is part of the cabal. Or at least he is a useless idiot. Facts don't matter to him. He just wants this country to be destroyed.

Who he wants to win, pootin, or xi is not known. But he is anti America to his core.

Sorry, man, if I wanted the country to be destroyed, I'd vote for Trump for four more years.

145,000 Dead, 40 million jobs lost, riots in the streets for 8 weeks. I couldn't imagine Xi or Putin engineering that in their wildest dreams.
Tom Fitton is saying it will be a "zinger" Report that will show a Coup attempt and other manipulations by the Democrat Party against the American people.

It’s red meat for the right wing trolls and will be ignored by the Left. My guess is that some procedural mistakes will be uncovered and dealt with in the FBI. This is always a good thing. The bad is the political spin that will come from it. Trump is trying to discredit and vilify the FBI to cover his shady dealings. So he and his team are going to politicize the shit out of any wrong doing that’s uncovered.

it’s a very mindless and immature time in our country. I hope we get through it soon so we can elevate
Joe is part of the cabal. Or at least he is a useless idiot. Facts don't matter to him. He just wants this country to be destroyed.

Who he wants to win, pootin, or xi is not known. But he is anti America to his core.

Sorry, man, if I wanted the country to be destroyed, I'd vote for Trump for four more years.

145,000 Dead, 40 million jobs lost, riots in the streets for 8 weeks. I couldn't imagine Xi or Putin engineering that in their wildest dreams.

You are so severely anti America it isn't funny. The sooner you are sent packing, the better.
Tom Fitton is saying it will be a "zinger" Report that will show a Coup attempt and other manipulations by the Democrat Party against the American people.

Then it will be composed of lies. The fact is that the IG report concluded the investigation into Trump was justified. The crazier the reporft, the worse it will be for Trump.
Wray is a cover up artist and a deep state all star. He's obviously still sat his cover up bullshit. You can bet that he'll be throwing a victory party if he is able to hold off the indictments till after the election. If Barr doesn't stop his obstruction then that makes Barr a cover up artist as well.

He was appointed by Trump.
Bottom line. Trump is for the American people and the Democrat party is for chaos, destruction and poverty. You can see their vision coming to fruition in Portland, Seattle and Chicago. The American people reject your ludicrous liberal positions.
Yeah, you guys will need some tissues for that election President Donald Trump is gonna win for being the good guy that he's always been, but your mudslingers and yourself thought you could bury him in the muck. The muck doesn't stick, and Trump's gonna kick Biden's patooty.

Uh, no, you don't kill hundreds of thousands of people, put millions out of jobs and watch over riots and get re-elected. It just doesn't happen.

Trump is trailing Biden by 9 points, and if the election where held today, he'd win 352 electoral votes.

But it will get much, much worse for Trump, when those 20 million unemployed see their payments slashed this week.
Poor JoeB. You learned nothing from the spanking the DNC got when President Trump won in Nov. 2016. The polls there shilled for Hillary the entire silly season of an election year. It was a big Democrat lie and reliance on the essence of creating a win out of false advertising. You probably learned nothing from the Christine Blasey Ford sham against confirming Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court Justice seat.

Trump narrowly won. There was no spanking. Trump is the one who is getting the spanking. The polls showed Clinton's decline. The final polls showed Clinton with a 3 point lead and she won by 2.1%. Also worth noting that the RCP averages in Pennsylvania and Michigan were within the margin of error.
Yeah, you guys will need some tissues for that election President Donald Trump is gonna win for being the good guy that he's always been, but your mudslingers and yourself thought you could bury him in the muck. The muck doesn't stick, and Trump's gonna kick Biden's patooty.

Uh, no, you don't kill hundreds of thousands of people, put millions out of jobs and watch over riots and get re-elected. It just doesn't happen.

Trump is trailing Biden by 9 points, and if the election where held today, he'd win 352 electoral votes.

But it will get much, much worse for Trump, when those 20 million unemployed see their payments slashed this week.
Poor JoeB. You learned nothing from the spanking the DNC got when President Trump won in Nov. 2016. The polls there shilled for Hillary the entire silly season of an election year. It was a big Democrat lie and reliance on the essence of creating a win out of false advertising. You probably learned nothing from the Christine Blasey Ford sham against confirming Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court Justice seat.

Trump narrowly won. There was no spanking. Trump is the one who is getting the spanking. The polls showed Clinton's decline. The final polls showed Clinton with a 3 point lead and she won by 2.1%. Also worth noting that the RCP averages in Pennsylvania and Michigan were within the margin of error.

Clinton has big lead over Trump in Michigan, MSU survey shows

EAST LANSING, MI -- A survey from Michigan State University's Institute for Public Policy and Social Research suggests Democrat Hillary Clinton has a wide lead over Republican Donald Trump among Michigan's likely voters.

The quarterly State of the State Survey conducted by the institute tracked voters from Sept. 1 to Oct. 30 and found that among likely voters in Michigan, 52 percent said they would vote for Clinton and 32 percent said they would vote for Trump.

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