Will the far left let Iraq burn to prove that they were right?

The Obomanation should send Jake the Flake over....he seems to have all the answers!

Far better answers for American than any of the far right or social con wing. Yep.

Well, Miss Sec. of State...what's your plan for Iraq....we peons want to know!

Showing your stupidity was the point, and you just proved it.

Now Bush et al caused the problem, Obama did not bring the troops home immediately, and here we are stuck in the mud.

My solution: keep giving munitions and intel to the Iraqis, understand my prediction of Iraqi Iranian alliance has come true, and stand as far back as possible.

Anybody who opposes an American energy independence needs to be sent to oil patch to work.

Oh, never ever let the mofo neo-cons even on federal land when strategy is being discussed.
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Con's push for war with Iraq. Pretty much everybody says it'll be a mistake. As predicted, it turns into a disaster. Bush leaves office and leaves yet another mess for Obama. Predictably, cons pretend everything was fine when Bush left office, and that Iraq went to shit only after Obama took office. Typical con bullshit. It sounds great to them. Problem is, nobody else buys it. Everybody knows we shouldn't have gone into Iraq in the first place, and no amount of "hey look over here!" from the far right is going to change that fact.
Far better answers for American than any of the far right or social con wing. Yep.

Well, Miss Sec. of State...what's your plan for Iraq....we peons want to know!

Showing your stupidity was the point, and you just proved it.

Now Bush et al caused the problem, Obama did not bring the troops home immediately, and here we are stuck in the mud.

My solution: keep giving munitions and intel to the Iraqis, understand my prediction of Iraqi Iranian alliance has come true, and stand as far back as possible.

Anybody who opposes an American energy independence needs to be sent to oil patch to work.

Oh, never ever let the mofo neo-cons even on federal land when strategy is being discussed.

Even YOU aren't dumb enough to believe Bush alone caused the problems...Do I have to post all those Youtubes AGAIN with ALL major Democrats wanting REGIME CHANGE?.... Don't be as stupid as we know you are!

Why give them anything? Make them now PAY, and pay royally with their OIL MONEY for our munitions! Perhaps the Shia's of Iran will give the primarily Sunni gov't of Iraq, the help it needs?...You think so, and what is their price for their help?....A lead role in Iraq government?

So you want to send the obomanation to a oil patch to work, I can go along with that!

Obama and Clinton Vote Against Oil Independence – Again

Your last sentence shows what a diseased mind and failure to logically think, can do to a Kool-Aid drinker.... Bottoms up, Rep Frog Boy II!
Con's push for war with Iraq. Pretty much everybody says it'll be a mistake. As predicted, it turns into a disaster. Bush leaves office and leaves yet another mess for Obama. Predictably, cons pretend everything was fine when Bush left office, and that Iraq went to shit only after Obama took office. Typical con bullshit. It sounds great to them. Problem is, nobody else buys it. Everybody knows we shouldn't have gone into Iraq in the first place, and no amount of "hey look over here!" from the far right is going to change that fact.

Must remind self to add Just Eat Dick to the list of dumbest mother fucking liberals on USMB....but he's always good for comic relief, just when you think these 2 digit IQ'd morons are starting to see the light.... You Go Girl!
The Iraq War was a failure by the end of 2003....

Not really. Iraq was not really a failure until it went from a war to a useless nation building effort.

I don't know haw many bullshit wars it is going to take before we realize that we cannot go gallivanting around the world establishing governments that the people do not want.
Think about during the Bush years they wanted Iraq to be a failure and made sure after they rose to power that it would be.

Now that this time has arrived and Iraqi is burning like they wished, they are pretending they had no part in it or that they want it.

So how far is the far left willing to go to make sure their Bush era propaganda messages come true? How many will have to die before the far left religious followers claim victory on this?
They don't care how many people die, as long as they get their way.

They would gladly have consigned any number of Iraqis to death at Saddam's hand as long as they could have thwarted Bush's plans.

Human life is meaningless to progressives. This really is undeniable.
Letting Iraq burn wouldn't even be close to the worst thing our country let happen in 2014.

There's a continent called Africa (Sara Palin thinks it's a country) anyway -- total horror show over there.
Letting Iraq burn wouldn't even be close to the worst thing our country let happen in 2014.

There's a continent called Africa (Sara Palin thinks it's a country) anyway -- total horror show over there.



THE MANCHURIAN MUSLIM THINKS HAWAII IS IN ASIA!!!...FUCKING MORON!!!Within the first 5 seconds of video...he's in Hawaii!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9hPXHD4WH0]Obama: Hawaii in Asia - YouTube[/ame]
When the Iraq invasion first happened there were many Democrats on board with it not because they were lied to nut because many of the, believed Iraq had WMD and they believed this because many intelligence agencies around the world thought it now lets stipulate here and now that was incorrect they got it wrong.Now lets move ahead a bit as the military was moving through Iraq with great success and Saddam's forces were falling and being decimated and the people were dancing in the streets and cheering as statues of Saddam were being pulled down and what the Bush administration was doing was going great no one on the left was saying they had been tricked or lied to were they? Now lets move to after Saddam that part of the mission was handled extremely badly by the Bush administration that's just a fact the insurgency sprang up the going got tough solider's started dying and public support for the war started dropping which was also about the time Democrats started find their opposition to the war and decided they had been lied to it took awhile longer than it should have but the Bush administration finally changed course came up with the surge strategy and began turning things around in Iraq. That pretty much takes care of the Bush part of this so now lets move to the Obama years as he takes office things are still going pretty well in Iraq no major violence or uprisings in fact things were going so well Vice President Joe Biden made this statement about Iraq in 2010.

I am very optimistic about -- about Iraq. I mean, this could be one of the great achievements of this administration. You're going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the end of the summer. You're going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government," said Biden.

"I spent -- I've been there 17 times now. I go about every two months -- three months. I know every one of the major players in all of the segments of that society. It's impressed me. I've been impressed how they have been deciding to use the political process rather than guns to settle their differences."

So what happened between then and now?
This I believe was around the time when the Obama administration and the Iraqi government was trying to work out an agreement for extending the status of forces agreement there are varying reasons and theories as to why that didn't get done but the bottom line is it didn't and without the U.S. military there as a stabilizing force and someone who could moderate the differences between the factions and help them find common ground things began to come apart it took some time but the old differences came back outside forces came in and Iraq has degenerated back the way it was after the fall of Saddam and before the surge and this is where we are today what will happen next as I stated in another thread I feel Iraq will go the way of Syria.
Con's push for war with Iraq. Pretty much everybody says it'll be a mistake. As predicted, it turns into a disaster. Bush leaves office and leaves yet another mess for Obama. Predictably, cons pretend everything was fine when Bush left office, and that Iraq went to shit only after Obama took office. Typical con bullshit. It sounds great to them. Problem is, nobody else buys it. Everybody knows we shouldn't have gone into Iraq in the first place, and no amount of "hey look over here!" from the far right is going to change that fact.

Must remind self to add Just Eat Dick to the list of dumbest mother fucking liberals on USMB....but he's always good for comic relief, just when you think these 2 digit IQ'd morons are starting to see the light.... You Go Girl!

Insults. That really is all you have, huh? How ironic that you talk about the IQs of others when you can't even respond without acting like a 2 yr old.
Con's push for war with Iraq. Pretty much everybody says it'll be a mistake. As predicted, it turns into a disaster. Bush leaves office and leaves yet another mess for Obama. Predictably, cons pretend everything was fine when Bush left office, and that Iraq went to shit only after Obama took office. Typical con bullshit. It sounds great to them. Problem is, nobody else buys it. Everybody knows we shouldn't have gone into Iraq in the first place, and no amount of "hey look over here!" from the far right is going to change that fact.

Must remind self to add Just Eat Dick to the list of dumbest mother fucking liberals on USMB....but he's always good for comic relief, just when you think these 2 digit IQ'd morons are starting to see the light.... You Go Girl!

Insults. That really is all you have, huh? How ironic that you talk about the IQs of others when you can't even respond without acting like a 2 yr old.

Well, Just Eat Dick, we have all the important subversive democrats, on YouTube saying we must have regime change, and Saddam has WMD, voted for the war, and were for it before they were against it, apparently your brain, that can't possibly be larger than a pea, just can't handle REAL FACTS ,and video proving your blowing smoke up your own ass! In other words, you are a complete and utter moron of the first order!

If anyone deserve this, it has to be you!

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Will the far left let Iraq burn to prove that they were right?

If it gets them reelected yes.
Must remind self to add Just Eat Dick to the list of dumbest mother fucking liberals on USMB....but he's always good for comic relief, just when you think these 2 digit IQ'd morons are starting to see the light.... You Go Girl!

Insults. That really is all you have, huh? How ironic that you talk about the IQs of others when you can't even respond without acting like a 2 yr old.

Well, Just Eat Dick, we have all the important subversive democrats, on YouTube saying we must have regime change, and Saddam has WMD, voted for the war, and were for it before they were against it, apparently your brain, that can't possibly be larger than a pea, just can't handle REAL FACTS ,and video proving your blowing smoke up your own ass! In other words, you are a complete and utter moron of the first order!

If anyone deserve this, it has to be you!


Thanks for proving my point, Vagisil.
Con's push for war with Iraq. Pretty much everybody says it'll be a mistake. As predicted, it turns into a disaster. Bush leaves office and leaves yet another mess for Obama. Predictably, cons pretend everything was fine when Bush left office, and that Iraq went to shit only after Obama took office. Typical con bullshit. It sounds great to them. Problem is, nobody else buys it. Everybody knows we shouldn't have gone into Iraq in the first place, and no amount of "hey look over here!" from the far right is going to change that fact.

Must remind self to add Just Eat Dick to the list of dumbest mother fucking liberals on USMB....but he's always good for comic relief, just when you think these 2 digit IQ'd morons are starting to see the light.... You Go Girl!

Insults. That really is all you have, huh? How ironic that you talk about the IQs of others when you can't even respond without acting like a 2 yr old.

Actually, he already addressed the fact that your entire post is an outright delusion.

That is simple fact. 'Pretty much everybody' did not say it was a mistake. That is an outright falsehood.
Nyvin is 100% accurate.

The Bush admin did not commit enough boots on the ground to transform the Iraqi people into acquiescent little American puppets.

right, because we fought all the iraqi people and not just a few radicals and non-iraqis....

you're an idiot

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