Will the far left let Iraq burn to prove that they were right?

Iraq is over. That blunder resulted in the Shiites aligned with Shiite Iran, seizing control of the country. Let's stop pouring $Billions in American Tax Dollars into that quagmire. Time to cut our losses. Let's not only get out of Iraq, let's dramatically scale back our meddling in the Middle East all-together. Time to come home.

Well Obama made it worse, every time the far left takes over things get worse!
Iraq is over. That blunder resulted in the Shiites aligned with Shiite Iran, seizing control of the country. Let's stop pouring $Billions in American Tax Dollars into that quagmire. Time to cut our losses. Let's not only get out of Iraq, let's dramatically scale back our meddling in the Middle East all-together. Time to come home.

Well Obama made it worse, every time the far left takes over things get worse!

I don't know if i can agree with that. I'm no Hussein fan, but Iraq was all Bush's bloody blunder. He handed the country over to the Shiites aligned with Shiite Iran. It's a horrific mess over there. Let's stop flushing $Billions in Tax Dollars down that toilet. Time to come home.
Think about during the Bush years they wanted Iraq to be a failure and made sure after they rose to power that it would be.

Now that this time has arrived and Iraqi is burning like they wished, they are pretending they had no part in it or that they want it.

So how far is the far left willing to go to make sure their Bush era propaganda messages come true? How many will have to die before the far left religious followers claim victory on this?
I'm going to get over Trump winning in the same timeframe you got over Obama winning. He won in 2008 and here you are crying in 2014. What a loser.

And you far left drones continue to prove my comments!

You are proving that you hate trump out of spite now, because non far left drones knew Obama would be bad for the country!

But then again we know you will not support anything that does not have (D) behind it.

It is funny to watch the hate obsession of the far left drone as they will deny reality and continue to prove my comments correct!

It was funny watching you guys squirm for 8 years. Luckily I only have 1-3 more years of this.
Iraq is over. That blunder resulted in the Shiites aligned with Shiite Iran, seizing control of the country. Let's stop pouring $Billions in American Tax Dollars into that quagmire. Time to cut our losses. Let's not only get out of Iraq, let's dramatically scale back our meddling in the Middle East all-together. Time to come home.

Well Obama made it worse, every time the far left takes over things get worse!

I don't know if i can agree with that. I'm no Hussein fan, but Iraq was all Bush's bloody blunder. He handed the country over to the Shiites aligned with Shiite Iran. It's a horrific mess over there. Let's stop flushing $Billions in Tax Dollars down that toilet. Time to come home.

No Actually Iraq was doing well (definitely not at the start) before Obama did his announcement and pulled the troops out to appease 3$ of the base. So ISIS could fill the void.
Iraq is over. That blunder resulted in the Shiites aligned with Shiite Iran, seizing control of the country. Let's stop pouring $Billions in American Tax Dollars into that quagmire. Time to cut our losses. Let's not only get out of Iraq, let's dramatically scale back our meddling in the Middle East all-together. Time to come home.

Well Obama made it worse, every time the far left takes over things get worse!

I don't know if i can agree with that. I'm no Hussein fan, but Iraq was all Bush's bloody blunder. He handed the country over to the Shiites aligned with Shiite Iran. It's a horrific mess over there. Let's stop flushing $Billions in Tax Dollars down that toilet. Time to come home.
Trump believed that too until he took over. Now he's surging in Afganistan. He must not realize Pakistan is a safe haven for terrorists. Unless Trump is going to solve that problem, and we know he's not, then he's just going to be playing wack a mole with terrorists. Cost us trillions and not solve anything.

I'm not weak on terror I'm soft on stupid.
Think about during the Bush years they wanted Iraq to be a failure and made sure after they rose to power that it would be.

Now that this time has arrived and Iraqi is burning like they wished, they are pretending they had no part in it or that they want it.

So how far is the far left willing to go to make sure their Bush era propaganda messages come true? How many will have to die before the far left religious followers claim victory on this?
I'm going to get over Trump winning in the same timeframe you got over Obama winning. He won in 2008 and here you are crying in 2014. What a loser.

And you far left drones continue to prove my comments!

You are proving that you hate trump out of spite now, because non far left drones knew Obama would be bad for the country!

But then again we know you will not support anything that does not have (D) behind it.

It is funny to watch the hate obsession of the far left drone as they will deny reality and continue to prove my comments correct!

It was funny watching you guys squirm for 8 years. Luckily I only have 1-3 more years of this.

I did not squirm at all, I just pointed out Obama was a disaster and he was.

Then again you did support his illegal wars!
Iraq is over. That blunder resulted in the Shiites aligned with Shiite Iran, seizing control of the country. Let's stop pouring $Billions in American Tax Dollars into that quagmire. Time to cut our losses. Let's not only get out of Iraq, let's dramatically scale back our meddling in the Middle East all-together. Time to come home.

Well Obama made it worse, every time the far left takes over things get worse!

I don't know if i can agree with that. I'm no Hussein fan, but Iraq was all Bush's bloody blunder. He handed the country over to the Shiites aligned with Shiite Iran. It's a horrific mess over there. Let's stop flushing $Billions in Tax Dollars down that toilet. Time to come home.

No Actually Iraq was doing well (definitely not at the start) before Obama did his announcement and pulled the troops out to appease 3$ of the base. So ISIS could fill the void.

No it wasn't. The Iraqi's weren't interested in fighting for their own country. When Isis attacked they dropped their weapons and ran. What do you want us to do about that?

Lets see if Trump makes any improvement to Iraq or Afganistan.
Iraq is over. That blunder resulted in the Shiites aligned with Shiite Iran, seizing control of the country. Let's stop pouring $Billions in American Tax Dollars into that quagmire. Time to cut our losses. Let's not only get out of Iraq, let's dramatically scale back our meddling in the Middle East all-together. Time to come home.

Well Obama made it worse, every time the far left takes over things get worse!

I don't know if i can agree with that. I'm no Hussein fan, but Iraq was all Bush's bloody blunder. He handed the country over to the Shiites aligned with Shiite Iran. It's a horrific mess over there. Let's stop flushing $Billions in Tax Dollars down that toilet. Time to come home.
Trump believed that too until he took over. Now he's surging in Afganistan. He must not realize Pakistan is a safe haven for terrorists. Unless Trump is going to solve that problem, and we know he's not, then he's just going to be playing wack a mole with terrorists. Cost us trillions and not solve anything.

I'm not weak on terror I'm soft on stupid.

Says the far left drone that supports ISIS!
Iraq is over. That blunder resulted in the Shiites aligned with Shiite Iran, seizing control of the country. Let's stop pouring $Billions in American Tax Dollars into that quagmire. Time to cut our losses. Let's not only get out of Iraq, let's dramatically scale back our meddling in the Middle East all-together. Time to come home.

Well Obama made it worse, every time the far left takes over things get worse!

I don't know if i can agree with that. I'm no Hussein fan, but Iraq was all Bush's bloody blunder. He handed the country over to the Shiites aligned with Shiite Iran. It's a horrific mess over there. Let's stop flushing $Billions in Tax Dollars down that toilet. Time to come home.

No Actually Iraq was doing well (definitely not at the start) before Obama did his announcement and pulled the troops out to appease 3$ of the base. So ISIS could fill the void.

No it wasn't. The Iraqi's weren't interested in fighting for their own country. When Isis attacked they dropped their weapons and ran. What do you want us to do about that?

Lets see if Trump makes any improvement to Iraq or Afganistan.

No Iraq had just started to do that, but Obama needed to appease people like you so many Iraqi's had to die and ISIS rose to power because of your appeasement!

Silly far left drone!
Think about during the Bush years they wanted Iraq to be a failure and made sure after they rose to power that it would be.

Now that this time has arrived and Iraqi is burning like they wished, they are pretending they had no part in it or that they want it.

So how far is the far left willing to go to make sure their Bush era propaganda messages come true? How many will have to die before the far left religious followers claim victory on this?
I'm going to get over Trump winning in the same timeframe you got over Obama winning. He won in 2008 and here you are crying in 2014. What a loser.

And you far left drones continue to prove my comments!

You are proving that you hate trump out of spite now, because non far left drones knew Obama would be bad for the country!

But then again we know you will not support anything that does not have (D) behind it.

It is funny to watch the hate obsession of the far left drone as they will deny reality and continue to prove my comments correct!

It was funny watching you guys squirm for 8 years. Luckily I only have 1-3 more years of this.

I did not squirm at all, I just pointed out Obama was a disaster and he was.

Then again you did support his illegal wars!

That's debatable.

President Obama found an out in the law; namely that he can bypass the requirements of the WPR if the US is not engaged in active "hostilities". This was precisely the position taken by the White House … even though at the time US planes were dropping bombs in Libya, firing missiles from off-shore and, according to some reports, coordinating with British forward air controllers on the ground. Only by the most tortured definition do such actions not qualify as hostilities. Indeed Obama's own office of legal counsel determined that US actions represented "hostilities" and required congressional authorization to continue. They were overruled by the president.

The real Obama scandal: fighting illegal wars in Libya and Pakistan | Michael Cohen
Iraq is over. That blunder resulted in the Shiites aligned with Shiite Iran, seizing control of the country. Let's stop pouring $Billions in American Tax Dollars into that quagmire. Time to cut our losses. Let's not only get out of Iraq, let's dramatically scale back our meddling in the Middle East all-together. Time to come home.

Well Obama made it worse, every time the far left takes over things get worse!

I don't know if i can agree with that. I'm no Hussein fan, but Iraq was all Bush's bloody blunder. He handed the country over to the Shiites aligned with Shiite Iran. It's a horrific mess over there. Let's stop flushing $Billions in Tax Dollars down that toilet. Time to come home.

No Actually Iraq was doing well (definitely not at the start) before Obama did his announcement and pulled the troops out to appease 3$ of the base. So ISIS could fill the void.

No it wasn't. The Iraqi's weren't interested in fighting for their own country. When Isis attacked they dropped their weapons and ran. What do you want us to do about that?

Lets see if Trump makes any improvement to Iraq or Afganistan.

No Iraq had just started to do that, but Obama needed to appease people like you so many Iraqi's had to die and ISIS rose to power because of your appeasement!

Silly far left drone!
Can't wait for Trump to fix it and win that war.
Think about during the Bush years they wanted Iraq to be a failure and made sure after they rose to power that it would be.

Now that this time has arrived and Iraqi is burning like they wished, they are pretending they had no part in it or that they want it.

So how far is the far left willing to go to make sure their Bush era propaganda messages come true? How many will have to die before the far left religious followers claim victory on this?
I'm going to get over Trump winning in the same timeframe you got over Obama winning. He won in 2008 and here you are crying in 2014. What a loser.

And you far left drones continue to prove my comments!

You are proving that you hate trump out of spite now, because non far left drones knew Obama would be bad for the country!

But then again we know you will not support anything that does not have (D) behind it.

It is funny to watch the hate obsession of the far left drone as they will deny reality and continue to prove my comments correct!

It was funny watching you guys squirm for 8 years. Luckily I only have 1-3 more years of this.

I did not squirm at all, I just pointed out Obama was a disaster and he was.

Then again you did support his illegal wars!

That's debatable.

President Obama found an out in the law; namely that he can bypass the requirements of the WPR if the US is not engaged in active "hostilities". This was precisely the position taken by the White House … even though at the time US planes were dropping bombs in Libya, firing missiles from off-shore and, according to some reports, coordinating with British forward air controllers on the ground. Only by the most tortured definition do such actions not qualify as hostilities. Indeed Obama's own office of legal counsel determined that US actions represented "hostilities" and required congressional authorization to continue. They were overruled by the president.

The real Obama scandal: fighting illegal wars in Libya and Pakistan | Michael Cohen

And the far left continues to prove my comments!

They let Iraq crash and burn just so they could feel they were right all along about Iraq!

Post all the far left propaganda you need to justify the illegal wars of Obama!
Well Obama made it worse, every time the far left takes over things get worse!

I don't know if i can agree with that. I'm no Hussein fan, but Iraq was all Bush's bloody blunder. He handed the country over to the Shiites aligned with Shiite Iran. It's a horrific mess over there. Let's stop flushing $Billions in Tax Dollars down that toilet. Time to come home.

No Actually Iraq was doing well (definitely not at the start) before Obama did his announcement and pulled the troops out to appease 3$ of the base. So ISIS could fill the void.

No it wasn't. The Iraqi's weren't interested in fighting for their own country. When Isis attacked they dropped their weapons and ran. What do you want us to do about that?

Lets see if Trump makes any improvement to Iraq or Afganistan.

No Iraq had just started to do that, but Obama needed to appease people like you so many Iraqi's had to die and ISIS rose to power because of your appeasement!

Silly far left drone!
Can't wait for Trump to fix it and win that war.

Obama ended the war, or did you forget that?

President Obama Has Ended the War in Iraq

He had to do that to appease the fools like you!

See they can not get the facts right on wars, but clearly support the illegal wars of Obama!
No Actually Iraq was doing well (definitely not at the start) before Obama did his announcement and pulled the troops out to appease 3$ of the base. So ISIS could fill the void.

ISIS was in Iraq long before Obama took office. They merely went by a different name.

al-Qaeda in Iraq

Thanks Bushie - for listening to a "higher father" than his own - who knew better.

No Actually Iraq was doing well (definitely not at the start) before Obama did his announcement and pulled the troops out to appease 3$ of the base. So ISIS could fill the void.

ISIS was in Iraq long before Obama took office. They merely went by a different name.

al-Qaeda in Iraq

Thanks Bushie - for listening to a "higher father" than his own - who knew better.


No seriously dude. Iraq was doing really well. So was America. That's why a black young liberal beat a fucking war hero
No Actually Iraq was doing well (definitely not at the start) before Obama did his announcement and pulled the troops out to appease 3$ of the base. So ISIS could fill the void.

ISIS was in Iraq long before Obama took office. They merely went by a different name.

al-Qaeda in Iraq

Thanks Bushie - for listening to a "higher father" than his own - who knew better.


ISIS was started in 1999 under another name in the country of Syria, but hey do not let the fact get in the way! That is if you want to report all the facts, not just the ones thingk prove your point!

ISIS rose to power under Obama no mater how the far left wants to spin it!

Obama and the far left let Iraq burn so they could be right!

Must make you far left drones feel real good!
No Actually Iraq was doing well (definitely not at the start) before Obama did his announcement and pulled the troops out to appease 3$ of the base. So ISIS could fill the void.

ISIS was in Iraq long before Obama took office. They merely went by a different name.

al-Qaeda in Iraq

Thanks Bushie - for listening to a "higher father" than his own - who knew better.


No seriously dude. Iraq was doing really well. So was America. That's why a black young liberal beat a fucking war hero

Once again the racist far left drones show their true colors!
Iraq is over. That blunder resulted in the Shiites aligned with Shiite Iran, seizing control of the country. Let's stop pouring $Billions in American Tax Dollars into that quagmire. Time to cut our losses. Let's not only get out of Iraq, let's dramatically scale back our meddling in the Middle East all-together. Time to come home.

Well Obama made it worse, every time the far left takes over things get worse!

I don't know if i can agree with that. I'm no Hussein fan, but Iraq was all Bush's bloody blunder. He handed the country over to the Shiites aligned with Shiite Iran. It's a horrific mess over there. Let's stop flushing $Billions in Tax Dollars down that toilet. Time to come home.
Trump believed that too until he took over. Now he's surging in Afganistan. He must not realize Pakistan is a safe haven for terrorists. Unless Trump is going to solve that problem, and we know he's not, then he's just going to be playing wack a mole with terrorists. Cost us trillions and not solve anything.

I'm not weak on terror I'm soft on stupid.

Yeah, i'm disappointed in Trump on his foreign policy so far. But i probably expected too much of him. The MIC calls the shots in matters of war. Their goal is to make war permanent. I don't think any President can stop them.
Think about during the Bush years they wanted Iraq to be a failure and made sure after they rose to power that it would be.

Now that this time has arrived and Iraqi is burning like they wished, they are pretending they had no part in it or that they want it.

So how far is the far left willing to go to make sure their Bush era propaganda messages come true? How many will have to die before the far left religious followers claim victory on this?
The right wing cannot be bothered to, get serious about allegedly, really serious times of war.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.
Lowering taxes during alleged times of really really serious war, is just redistribution of wealth that the right wing also likes to whine about, that favors capitalists of wealth.

See another far left drone that supported the wars of Obama!

They were anti war until 2009!

More proof why the far left should never be in charge of anything!

Dear right wingers, there is no terror clause; there is a general welfare clause.
The right wing was willing to "torch", health care reform with nothing but repeal.
Iraq is over. That blunder resulted in the Shiites aligned with Shiite Iran, seizing control of the country. Let's stop pouring $Billions in American Tax Dollars into that quagmire. Time to cut our losses. Let's not only get out of Iraq, let's dramatically scale back our meddling in the Middle East all-together. Time to come home.
All of our wars on ...., except our war on poverty, need to be listed under defense spending.

Thus, the right wing needs to come up with wartime tax rates or stop wasting the (Other) Peoples' tax monies.

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