Will the Free Sh!t Army (The Squad) force Manchin to consider switching parties?

It's too bad no one in the Republican party said no when we ran up 8 trillion in new debt under Trump. It's too bad that not a one called him out.
Did Trump want to spend $100 BILLION to make life easier for illegal wetbacks…did he want to fund a legal fund for wetbacks that would be used to fight taxpayer funded cases against wetbacks?
Doubt it. Unless Manchin actually didn't mind the name calling, harass and mobbing the unhinged leftist have been doing.

It's not like the Republicans didn't do that to Cheney also. Should she go (I)?
The dude seems like a man of principle…If the rabid beggars keep insulting him and backing him into a corner I could see him making a declaration that would really stir some shit up. Tread lightly and use caution beggars you need Manchin more than Manchin needs you.
You guys rail against policy about “free shit”, but we all know that if a policy was targeted to you to get free shit, you would gladly accept it but would pretend you rejected it.
You guys rail against policy about “free shit”, but we all know that if a policy was targeted to you to get free shit, you would gladly accept it but would pretend you rejected it.
That’s a cool personal theory that goes to shit real fast when you realize that good decent people make sure they don’t qualify for free shit.
That’s a cool personal theory that goes to shit real fast when you realize that good decent people make sure they don’t qualify for free shit.

Well that puts a dump on our entire economic system then as it's needed the taxpayers to bail them out over and over............
Well that puts a dump on our entire economic system then as it's needed the taxpayers to bail them out over and over............
When you say “bail out” do you really mean public investment in the advancement and expansion of American companies?
Do you still believe hard working Americans should prefer to invest in Guadalupe, ShaQuita, their baby factories and weed inventory?
When you say “bail out” do you really mean public investment in the advancement and expansion of American companies?
Do you still believe hard working Americans should prefer to invest in Guadalupe, ShaQuita, their baby factories and weed inventory?

You support your socialist programs and other will support theirs. We have covered this many times, just don't pretend you don't support it.
You support your socialist programs and other will support theirs. We have covered this many times, just don't pretend you don't support it.
Hahaha…right, one ideology makes perfect sense evidenced by Americas historical data while the other is retarded emotionally charged absolute Lib bullshit….NOBODY sane wants to invest in filthy bottom feeding human beings…PERIOD.
You guys rail against policy about “free shit”, but we all know that if a policy was targeted to you to get free shit, you would gladly accept it but would pretend you rejected it.
All people who have raised children should receive massive reparations for it. If you stayed married add some more moolah.
That’s a cool personal theory that goes to shit real fast when you realize that good decent people make sure they don’t qualify for free shit.
It begins to appear that Manchin is an actual Democrat. In the sense that the party once was really an AMERICAN political party. While I believe it futile to even try, he could be the leader who drags the progressive elite back into the real world. If they don't suicide him first.
“I really miss those traditional bipartisan ‘conservatives’, the ones who didn’t conserve, preserve or protect anything, the ones with no ball-sack, the one’s that would thump their Bibles, polish the AR-15’s they’d never have the nuts to use and ignore us disgusting degenerates while we run amok, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries anything goes socialist shithole we seek.”
You’re probably right…I’m sure he’s thought about being Seth Rich-ed / Clinton-ed
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Free stuff? Every other modern country believes they are the benefits of citizenship for the unfortunate. Of course, as Mario Cuomo said, Reagan made it acceptable to blame poor people. With Rush Limbaugh, now it's acceptable to hate poor people lol. Poor America. Every other modern country has very cheap or free college and training, I living wage, great infrastructure, health care daycare paid parental leave and great vacations. Most of that is paid back by better jobs for the middle class and the working class. Nobody wants to be on welfare, They want jobs that are worth having... America is totally stressed out by unfair economy and jobs.

The Washington examiner is a piece of crap fake newspaper owned by a piece of s*** greedy idiot oligarch. Pure GOP propaganda. Do you have a reliable source? What a load of crap you believe... Of course we have no idea what he is talking about it's totally out of context and probably imaginary. Typical crap for you lol
Sure, he’s a corporate fossils fuel whore.

He's a Senator from a state whose major industry is coal. But yeah, it's totally reasonable for you to expect him to put your agenda priorities ahead of those of his constituents. Because they only vote for or against him, whereas you are deeply important because . . . wait, who the fuck are you that he should care what you want?

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