Will the Free Sh!t Army (The Squad) force Manchin to consider switching parties?

The dude seems like a man of principleā€¦If the rabid beggars keep insulting him and backing him into a corner I could see him making a declaration that would really stir some shit up. Tread lightly and use caution beggars you need Manchin more than Manchin needs you.

No way he changes parties, he does that he is back to being a nobody. Right now he is the most powerful man in the country, and he is loving it. For the first time in his life he is actually important and he will never let that go until it is taken from him
Why should Manchin wait to switch parties?
The democrats are pressuring him to support BBB.
If Joe switched now the heat would be off.

He is having his ass kissed from both sides, he is the center of attention and is making all the calls. He switches parties and he is back to being a nobody that nobody cares about form a tiny state most people do to care about
No way he changes parties, he does that he is back to being a nobody. Right now he is the most powerful man in the country, and he is loving it. For the first time in his life he is actually important and he will never let that go until it is taken from him

Joe won his Senate seat because of the way he reacted to the Sago Mine disaster as governor. This is certainly a different level but he's been there before.
Joe won his Senate seat because of the way he reacted to the Sago Mine disaster as governor. This is certainly a different level but he's been there before.

It is a little different to be told "good job" over one incident than to be the center of attention for the whole nation and to have the power brokers from both parties sucking up to you and giving you whatever it is you ask for. He is now swimming in campaign money, he has almost doubled his take over the last year.

Life is good for him right now, joining the Repubs would end all of that in an instant.
To the two people who just say ā€œdisagree,ā€ you need to add some content so we can debate it. Otherwise, itā€™s just meaningless.

And you are claiming that Dems are NOT demonizing people who wonā€™t go along with them? You need to be on the receiving end of the hate weā€™ve been under for the last four years, and then make that comment.

They are so full of hate for Trump voters that they canā€™t control themselves. One of them came up to me at the reception following my fatherā€™s funeral (RIP, Dad) and asked me how I could vote for a racist and live with myself. At my own fatherā€™s funeral! This is how much they have demonized us.
To the two people who just say ā€œdisagree,ā€ you need to add some content so we can debate it. Otherwise, itā€™s just meaningless.

And you are claiming that Dems are NOT demonizing people who wonā€™t go along with them? You need to be on the receiving end of the hate weā€™ve been under for the last four years, and then make that comment.

They are so full of hate for Trump voters that they canā€™t control themselves. One of them came up to me at the reception following my fatherā€™s funeral (RIP, Dad) and asked me how I could vote for a racist and live with myself. At my own fatherā€™s funeral! This is how much they have demonized us.

The negative isn't because the Democrats are demonizing Manchin. The negative is because the Republicans do the same thing. ie: Cheney.
The negative isn't because the Democrats are demonizing Manchin. The negative is because the Republicans do the same thing. ie: Cheney.
Why isnā€™t a negative when the Dems do to Manchin (worse, even) what the Republicans do to Cheney?

And itā€™s worse with Manchin.
Manchin is a lot more powerful right now as a Democrat, so no point in him changing parties. He will CONTINUE to be powerful all next year, so if I understand any of this, I would not expect him to switch in 2022.

Now, after a big Dem washout in the Midterm elections, maybe he will. Depending on what his constituency wants!! They may be ready for him to change, they may not. He'll know. He might prefer to be on the winning GOP side after 2022.
I don't trust him
He'll get some ping pong stadium named after him for the community. and he will vote for it.
I don't trust him
He'll get some ping pong stadium named after him for the community. and he will vote for it.
It IS very unsettling that we have one single Democrat blocking the Democratsā€™ intent on crashing the economy, paying people to refuse to work, ensuring that American productivity drops (thereā€™s that ā€œequityā€ stuffā€¦.it brings everything down), and making her closer to a 3rd-world country.
Sure, heā€™s a corporate fossils fuel whore.
There is no such thing as fossil fuel FOOL!

Hydrocarbons are one of the most abundant substances on Earth. Heat and pressure convert things like limestone in to the gas you out in to your car, or the oil your boyfriend spreads on your ass.
Why isnā€™t a negative when the Dems do to Manchin (worse, even) what the Republicans do to Cheney?

And itā€™s worse with Manchin.

Why isn't it a negative when Republicans do it? I've sided with Manchin here so your question to me is simply you trying to deflect from my point.

And no, it's no more worse than what was done to Cheney.

My negative was a comment on your blind partisanship.
Manchin isnā€™t switching parties. If there was such a benefit for doing so, he would have already announced.
Why isn't it a negative when Republicans do it? I've sided with Manchin here so your question to me is simply you trying to deflect from my point.

And no, it's no more worse than what was done to Cheney.

My negative was a comment on your blind partisanship.
And you are such a partisan that you canā€™t see what you just did. I said it is beyond despicable to have the WH defame a Democratā€™s for disagreeing with the, and you flip to Cheney.

And of course itā€™s worse what is being done to Manchin. The White House is going to strong-arm and demean him until, they hope, he finally surrenders - much like Obama did to that cornhusker Senator.
And you are such a partisan that you canā€™t see what you just did. I said it is beyond despicable to have the WH defame a Democratā€™s for disagreeing with the, and you flip to Cheney.

And of course itā€™s worse what is being done to Manchin. The White House is going to strong-arm and demean him until, they hope, he finally surrenders - much like Obama did to that cornhusker Senator.

This is why I simply post a thumbs down as opposed to address you.
The dude seems like a man of principleā€¦If the rabid beggars keep insulting him and backing him into a corner I could see him making a declaration that would really stir some shit up. Tread lightly and use caution beggars you need Manchin more than Manchin needs you.
The left are so stupid. The damned state is deep red and a Democrat (Manchin) owns a seat in it. So, what's the best thing to do, alienate Manchin so he reaches the point where he is at today? How about making him switch parties to Independent? How about forcing him to be a Republican? How about taking the case directly to WV where if they vote him out, surely a reddy will win the seat? I repeat, the left are so stupid.
There is a zero chance he becomes a Republican. Like many in WV he may switch to (I) though.

Yeah, not sure why he hasn't made the Independent switch yet. Sinema too.

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