Will the Gulf Stream really collapse by 2025?


Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2012
The Gulf Stream system of warm ocean currents could collapse as early as 2025, a scientific study has warned.

The end of the system, which drives the Atlantic's currents and determines western Europe's weather, would likely lead to lower temperatures and catastrophic climate impacts.

But leading scientists have reservations about the study and say it is not established science.

It is far from certain the system will shut down this century, they say.

Another "could" article. The Gulf Stream "could" rain lollypops also.
What would cause the breakdown of the system?
energy from the sun and Solar wind electric current flow variations
nothing you can do about it.
can't tax this one out of existence
carbon credits :doubt: nope
What would cause the breakdown of the system?
Temperature dependent changes in ocean water salinity and density coupled with changes in wind patterns due to solar variations which can be a combination of changes in solar radiation, solar flares or orbital forcing.
The Gulf Stream system of warm ocean currents could collapse as early as 2025, a scientific study has warned.

The end of the system, which drives the Atlantic's currents and determines western Europe's weather, would likely lead to lower temperatures and catastrophic climate impacts.

But leading scientists have reservations about the study and say it is not established science.

It is far from certain the system will shut down this century, they say.

Here's a few links on the subject that you might find interesting.

energy from the sun and Solar wind electric current flow variations
nothing you can do about it.
can't tax this one out of existence
carbon credits :doubt: nope
It IS unlikely this can be stopped but the only thing that might is the reduction of CO2 in the atmosphere as rapidly as possible. And the studies indicate it is a bistable system. Once it collapses, it will take significant changes to get it to start back up again. We might have stopped it if we had gotten serious about reducing GHGs 20-30 years ago, but there were too many fools around telling us it wasnt't happening, that it didn't matter or that we couldn't do anything about it anyway. Thanks.
What would cause the breakdown of the system?

American CO2 and not China 300 new coal plants every year, amiright?

Do I pass? Am I now a Member of the AGWCult? DO I have to blow up a glacier? Deface some famous art work?
And if we, the American people, had just zeroed out the Co2 Fraud, we wouldn't have to ponder this completely speculative bullshit about nothing. Ocean currents are like wind, they are weather, not climate.

What would happen if ocean currents shifted?

And if we, the American people, had just zeroed out the Co2 Fraud, we wouldn't have to ponder this completely speculative bullshit about nothing. Ocean currents are like wind, they are weather, not climate.

What would happen if ocean currents shifted?


Yup! So many programs and Departments need to be Mieled in the USA

Department of Agriculture, no soup for you!

Green New Deal, Adios!
Yup! So many programs and Departments need to be Mieled in the USA

Department of Agriculture, no soup for you!

Green New Deal, Adios!

And a "conservative media" that won't ask why one Earth polar circle has 9+ times the other....

If we cannot diagnose correctly, we fall for every one of these idiot science frauds where it is BIG GOVERNMENT "to the rescue" really looting us...
It's all about CONTROL. The universal goal of the Left is control of our lives by Government. Frighten people, get the Leftist legislatures involved, and start controlling yet another aspect of our lives.
It's all about CONTROL. The universal goal of the Left is control of our lives by Government. Frighten people, get the Leftist legislatures involved, and start controlling yet another aspect of our lives.

It also exposes the "conservative media" (Faux, RAV, OANN) as complete frauds too, since they censor and lie to promote the Co2 FRAUD.
It's all about CONTROL. The universal goal of the Left is control of our lives by Government. Frighten people, get the Leftist legislatures involved, and start controlling yet another aspect of our lives.
The history of left and righ in this nation's government does not support your contention. The left has consistently worked to increase, broaden 'liberalize' civil rights while the right with its nonstop culture wars has done nothing but ban and defund and restrict human choices. Abortion. Gender dysphoria. Same-sex marriage. Immigration. Travel for care. Education. Books. For christ's sake get your fucking head on straight. You're pushing for the fucking nazis.
The left has consistently worked to increase, broaden 'liberalize' civil rights

The right to have no right to refuse a Murderous FRAUX "vaccine"
The right of homosexual public education "employees" to homo-rape America's kids
The right to have to right to refuse "homO Care"
The right to have a government that practices/enforces DNA discrimination
The right to have no privacy
The right to have guns confiscated
The right to have no safety after left wing big government steals your gun and defunds the cops

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