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Will the labor shortage now end? Millions of Americans Set to Lose Pandemic Unemployment Benefits Next Week, No Signs of States Extending

You know, I am not really buying that personal responsibility bullshit from Republicans anymore. Cry to the government to remedy your irresponsible decisions? If you are an American in Afghanistan you had more than a years notice of the withdrawal. The set date was pushed ahead, TWICE. It was not May 31, it became August 31. But your ass is still there, and Republicans now expect the government to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to fly them out, let alone put the lives of our members in the Armed forces at risk. Like the my body my decision bullshit, you Republicans are a bunch of hypocritical dumbfawks.
Perhaps, if the people that are left in Afghanistan got the true facts and not the bullshit that was given to them from the Afghani president and
Lyin' Joe they could have made the right responsible decision.
But, go ahead and perpetuate what your masters tell you.

In much of the call, Biden focused on what he called the Afghan government’s “perception” problem. “I need not tell you the perception around the world and in parts of Afghanistan, I believe, is that things are not going well in terms of the fight against the Taliban,” Biden said. “And there is a need, whether it is true or not, there is a need to project a different picture.”

Biden told Ghani that if Afghanistan’s prominent political figures were to give a press conference together, backing a new military strategy, “that will change perception, and that will change an awful lot I think.”

Exactly. Doubling minimum wage might make your Big Mac cost 10 cents more, but a McDonald's restaurant sells 800 hamburgers a day, 700 french fries a day, 1,000 soft drinks and coffee a day. The loss is so widely spread not many would take notice.

But Bob at Bob's hardware store doesn't sell 600 hammers a day, 200 pounds of nails or screws a day, or 300 saws a day. Plus Bob already has problems with online companies and huge companies like Home Deptot and Menard's to try and deal with. Bob won't be in business very long.

Bob at Bob's Hardware store is probably paying his employees $15 an hour or more already, because unlike big box stores, Bob has to look his employees in the eye every day, and know they don't get enough income to put a roof over their heads if he pays them minimum wage. The guys making the decisions at McDonalds, Walmart or Home Depot only see frontline employees when they go to the store to shop for themselves, and they have no idea of their lives. They make decisions about wages and benefits based on numbers on a spreadsheet, nothing more.

Bob isn't going out of business because of employee wages. Bob is going out of business because Walmart and Home Depot are undercutting his prices. They'll lose money selling the stuff until he goes under as a result. As a small dealer, he doesn't get the big volume discounts of the big box stores, and has to rely on providing superior service, higher quality products, and experienced knowledgeable staff to compete. Once Bob, and all of the independents like him are gone, the big box stores raise their prices too.

Ray, your knowledge of how the economy really works would fit into a thimble.
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You are incorrect. The primary requirement for a "fair" transaction is called equal consideration. It is even a legal concept. But if the decision is work or starve, which is what you Republicans want, contrasted with just hire someone else, there is nothing close to "equal consideration". The minimum wage has became just that, the minimum a company has to offer an employee. It bears no resemblance to productivity or value.

The free market works like this, you pay employees the least amount possible and you charge the highest price you can get. The idea that increases in the minimum wage will translate into higher prices depends upon a functioning "free market" with equal consideration. I am here to tell you that does not exist. Some companies will increase their pay, and they will absorb that cost, because they will want to be competitive. Chick Fila could absolutely dominate the market if they would increase their starting pay to $15 an hour. In some markets, they have already done as much. Walmart is in the same position, they have increased starting pay for warehouse workers to $20 an hour. And your trucking post demonstrates precisely that concept. Target is in the same position. Warehouse workers, like my son, now make more than $20 an hour.

And all that without raising the minimum wage ten cents. :eusa_shhh:

So now your son is making $20.00 an hour, great because he is making almost three times the minimum wage. Now that minimum wage increases to $15.00 an hour. Your son is at a loss because he's only making 25% more of minimum wage instead of 2.5 times as much. Your son is going to march into HR and demand much more money. After all, the cost of everything will be going through the roof.

What you don't understand about business is they never lose anything when there are new taxes, new labor costs and so on. It's us little people who end up paying in the end each and every time. The owners are not going to make less, the stock holders are not going to earn less, it all gets passed on down to us. So yes, it will create inflation and cost of living increases.

During the winter I like to watch those home improvement shows on HGTV. I'm stunned by the cost of housing in commie states. For a house you pay 850K there, you can buy in my state for 350K. Why is that? Leftist policies drove their cost of living so high that homes are almost un-affordable.

I strongly disagree with this solution. It just adds another layer of administration and expense to programs that already cost too much money in the first place.

The simple solution is to require all businesses to pay a reasonable minimum wage. Wages are a tax deductible expense so every dollar the corporation gives it's employees only costs them 78 cents because the other 22% would be going to the federal government in taxes. But this eliminates the federal government receiving and processing millions of food stamp applications, since such assistance would no longer be necessary for the 70% of recipients who currently work full time.

Food stamp usage and benefits paid would be reduced by 70% overnight, since 70% of recipients are working full time. With only 12 million recipients versus the current 40 million, you could lay off 70% of the people working in Washington to administer this program, for further tax savings.

The problem with having the government supplement wages is that it often costs $2 to put $1 into the hands of the working poor. Whereas, if employers raise wages, all of the administration costs of the big government programs and the size of government is reduced. Taxes lower, the size of government smaller, more money in the hands of working Americans at a lower cost to the American consumer, sounds like a big win for everyone except the shareholders.

This is rewarding work over wealth.
Walmart's business model depends on government assistance. They actually have a program, in house, to help their employees apply. Meanwhile, the Walmart heirs make hundreds of millions of dollars a year sitting on their fat asses. That business model needs to be destroyed and my proposal does just that.
If a business can't pay their employees enough to keep them off government assistance, then good riddance.

If government didn't put so many onerous regs on a company, and allow illegals in to depress the wages, you would have a point. But they do, which means you don't.
Bob at Bob's Hardware store is probably paying his employees $15 an hour or more already, because unlike big box stores, Bob has to look his employees in the eye every day, and know they don't get enough income to put a roof over their heads if he pays them minimum wage. The guys making the decisions at McDonalds, Walmart or Home Depot only see frontline employees when they go to the store to shop for themselves, and they have no idea of their lives. They make decisions about wages and benefits based on numbers on a spreadsheet, nothing more.

Bob isn't going out of business because of employee wages. Bob is going out of business because Walmart and Home Depot are undercutting his prices. They'll lose money selling the stuff until he goes under as a result. As a small dealer, he doesn't get the big volume discounts of the big box stores, and has to rely on providing superior service, higher quality products, and experienced knowledgeable staff to compete. Once Bob, and all of the independents like him are gone, the big box stores raise their prices too.

Ray, your knowledge of how the economy really works would fit into a thimble.

Not true because there are still hardware stores all over the place. Yes, you pay slightly more than Home Depot and such, but the convenience is worth a few cents more. Now the cost of those products increases greatly due to labor costs. Now Bob's products are much more expensive than Home Depots because Home Depot was always able to buy products cheaper than Bob because of the bulk they buy it in.

If Bob was paying more than $15.00 an hour, and $15.00 an hour became the new minimum wage next week, do you really think Bob's employees would be satisfied now making minimum wage? Talk about somebody that doesn't understand economics.
And all that without raising the minimum wage ten cents. :eusa_shhh:

So now your son is making $20.00 an hour, great because he is making almost three times the minimum wage. Now that minimum wage increases to $15.00 an hour. Your son is at a loss because he's only making 25% more of minimum wage instead of 2.5 times as much. Your son is going to march into HR and demand much more money. After all, the cost of everything will be going through the roof.

What you don't understand about business is they never lose anything when there are new taxes, new labor costs and so on. It's us little people who end up paying in the end each and every time. The owners are not going to make less, the stock holders are not going to earn less, it all gets passed on down to us. So yes, it will create inflation and cost of living increases.

During the winter I like to watch those home improvement shows on HGTV. I'm stunned by the cost of housing in commie states. For a house you pay 850K there, you can buy in my state for 350K. Why is that? Leftist policies drove their cost of living so high that homes are almost un-affordable.
Funny, if increased costs are always passed to the consumer then decreased costs should also be passed down. Bitching about inflation and yet corporate taxes were significantly cut. What happened to passing down those savings? Didn't happen. So why would cost increases be passed down?
You see the problem with your numbers don't you? Ten dollars, that is the problem. Hell, I would stand at a busy intersection with a sign before I would work for ten dollars an hour.

We had lunch at a mom and pop burger joint today. I noticed a help wanted sign, kitchen help and dishwasher wanted, 15.00 a hour.

Decent wage for unskilled labor
Funny, if increased costs are always passed to the consumer then decreased costs should also be passed down. Bitching about inflation and yet corporate taxes were significantly cut. What happened to passing down those savings? Didn't happen. So why would cost increases be passed down?

Pay attention. Those tax cuts helped give us the best economy in 50 years. We had a million more jobs than Americans who could do them. Wages were on the rise, and we hit a new record for median household income. Nobody ever said the price of products will decrease because of some tax breaks, but a lot of other great things did take place.
Pay attention. Those tax cuts helped give us the best economy in 50 years. We had a million more jobs than Americans who could do them. Wages were on the rise, and we hit a new record for median household income. Nobody ever said the price of products will decrease because of some tax breaks, but a lot of other great things did take place.

Explaining economics to a leftist is like trying to herd cats
This should HELP the economy SOME. The federal unemployment supplement has DESTROYED many small businesses.

Once again, the FED fucks up nearly everything it touches.

What is going on has nothing to do with the federal unemployment supplement. Workers are fed up and tired of being treated like dirt by employers. They are being asked to risk their lives for minimum gain. Sweatshops are not just in foreign countries. The USA is becoming a sweatshop. Income inequality has grown rapidly since the pandemic. That is fueling worker anger.
Walmart's business model depends on government assistance. They actually have a program, in house, to help their employees apply. Meanwhile, the Walmart heirs make hundreds of millions of dollars a year sitting on their fat asses. That business model needs to be destroyed and my proposal does just that.

And envy raises its ugly head again. I swear every Democrat is afflicted.
What is going on has nothing to do with the federal unemployment supplement. Workers are fed up and tired of being treated like dirt by employers. They are being asked to risk their lives for minimum gain. Sweatshops are not just in foreign countries. The USA is becoming a sweatshop. Income inequality has grown rapidly since the pandemic. That is fueling worker anger.

They aren't working because they are getting paid to sit home. We all know that, even you.
Walmart's business model depends on government assistance. They actually have a program, in house, to help their employees apply. Meanwhile, the Walmart heirs make hundreds of millions of dollars a year sitting on their fat asses. That business model needs to be destroyed and my proposal does just that.

So does mine, but my proposal eliminates all of the waste and expense to the taxpayers in the process.

It is both demeaning and counterproductive that people working 60 hours a week are being subjected to begging from the government for food money. It's this paternalistic notion that the poor can't handle money and shouldn't be given too much of it which I find just as offensive as the idea that corporations are helping their employees to apply, and that the middle class is being forced to subsidize this nonsense.

Isn't this the "plantation mentality" behind the Republican notion of "free shit"? That Democrats are keeping workers dependent on the government by giving them "free shit". Let's get rid of "free shit", and turn it into fair wages paid by America's most profitable corporations, to the workers who earned all that money for them in the first place.

80% of welfare recipients have full time jobs, but only 39% of the wealthy have full time jobs. Which class is working long hours, and which class is sitting at home on their fat asses waiting for a handout from the hardworking Americans who are supporting them in the style to which they have become accustomed?
So does mine, but my proposal eliminates all of the waste and expense to the taxpayers in the process.

It is both demeaning and counterproductive that people working 60 hours a week are being subjected to begging from the government for food money. It's this paternalistic notion that the poor can't handle money and shouldn't be given too much of it which I find just as offensive as the idea that corporations are helping their employees to apply, and that the middle class is being forced to subsidize this nonsense.

Isn't this the "plantation mentality" behind the Republican notion of "free shit"? That Democrats are keeping workers dependent on the government by giving them "free shit". Let's get rid of "free shit", and turn it into fair wages paid by America's most profitable corporations, to the workers who earned all that money for them in the first place.

80% of welfare recipients have full time jobs, but only 39% of the wealthy have full time jobs. Which class is working long hours, and which class is sitting at home on their fat asses waiting for a handout from the hardworking Americans who are supporting them in the style to which they have become accustomed?

Lies all lies
The simple solution is to require all businesses to pay a reasonable minimum wage. Wages are a tax deductible expense so every dollar the corporation gives it's employees only costs them 78 cents because the other 22% would be going to the federal government in taxes.

You are totally lost when it comes to business. If your employer gives you a $1.00 raise in pay, it costs the employer much more than that dollar

Your employer has to contribute more to his or her matching SS and Medicare funds. It likely will cost the employer more for unemployment and workman's compensation insurance. It will cost the employer more to pay you when you're not working like holidays and vacations. That $1..00 an hour is just the start of employee costs.
You are totally lost when it comes to business. If your employer gives you a $1.00 raise in pay, it costs the employer much more than that dollar

Your employer has to contribute more to his or her matching SS and Medicare funds. It likely will cost the employer more for unemployment and workman's compensation insurance. It will cost the employer more to pay you when you're not working like holidays and vacations. That $1..00 an hour is just the start of employee costs.

Ooof, right in the bread basket
No I have a work ethic that was instilled in me at an early age and created my “go for it” nature that required lots of work and reaped lots of benefits
It’s a and maybe The core difference between me and your type who think sitting on their ass and “getting over” is a cool way to live

The fact is that employers are taking advantage of workers and workers are fed up. A work ethic no lo9mger matters. Now it is about getting rich by preying on workers.

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