Will the new gun law be a start to keep guns away from mentally unstable people?

well, at least you are now a known entity as an anti gun and anti freedom posters !! At first , I just though that you were naïve and misinformed about so called assault weapons in a different thread Eaglewings !!
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No of course it won't. Only the most brain dead of lefties would think so.

And any mentally deranged person who wanted a gun would have to go through the trouble of trying to buy one on the sly, the could just take a relative's guns or steal them.

This useless EO by the traitor in the White House, is just an opening leading to more restrictions. Soon, some lunatic or Islamic terrorist will again kill a bunch of people. The next step will be for this idiot president to add still more restrictions. These of course won't work either but he is slowly advancing the left's agenda of power and control.
I suppose, sadly, that those who argue that more and more guns are the way to freedom won't be dissauded no matter what horrible consequences that has.
Whoever wants a gun and cannot buy one legally will just buy them illegally.

Anyone intent on murder will use any weapon they can. Axes and baseball bats are useful substitutes.

Not true . Righties act like getting an
Illegal gun so easy . It is not .
You think illegal suppliers screen their customers?

I don't think they sell to just anyone . Definitely not strangers .

Where do they even get the guns ? They ain't growing them in a basement .
Apparently the Executive Order can be challenged in court for long enough that Obama is out of office.
He had money and could find a gun yes, but using a knife ect. would have given the boy a chance to fight back.
Don't be too confident of the gun-alternative potential. While you might have a chance against a physically inferior, knife-wielding attacker who comes at you face-to-face, someone who really wants to kill you will not afford you that advantage. You might be surprised at how many homicides are effected with blows to the head from behind.

An ordinary hammer is a very lethal weapon -- which is why the Hell's Angels and other biker gangs carry them
Apparently the Executive Order can be challenged in court for long enough that Obama is out of office.
how many will be affected until the Courts get to rule . And the courts sure aren't pure so who knows which way they will rule . -------- just saying tat its all messed up !!
We have people fighting for the "right to die". Guns are just an option.
Is that your pro-gun argument? Guns are needed for assisted suicide? Someone wants to die, "take 'em out".

I said they are an option, that implies alternatives. "Take 'em out", no they are committing suicide assistance is unnecessary. Mental health has nothing to do with guns. Mentally unhealthy people need help.
No gun legislation in the world will protect any of us from impulsive hotheads who want to do harm
He had money and could find a gun yes, but using a knife ect. would have given the boy a chance to fight back.
Don't be too confident of the gun-alternative potential. While you might have a chance against a physically inferior, knife-wielding attacker who comes at you face-to-face, someone who really wants to kill you will not afford you that advantage. You might be surprised at how many homicides are effected with blows to the head from behind.

An ordinary hammer is a very lethal weapon -- which is why the Hell's Angels and other biker gangs carry them
It astounds me when folks like you spend so much time contemplating retaliatory violence, and worrying about violent attacks. It's just not on my mind much.
Will the new gun law be a start to keep guns away from mentally unstable people?

Oh good lord, since when can the President make up new laws all by himself? WTF
Obama's effort will not be a law. It will be an Executive Order, which a succeeding President can easily revoke. Both Trump and Rubio have already stated their intention to revoke Obama's Executive gun restrictions as their first official action, if elected.
We have people fighting for the "right to die". Guns are just an option.
Is that your pro-gun argument? Guns are needed for assisted suicide? Someone wants to die, "take 'em out".

I said they are an option, that implies alternatives. "Take 'em out", no they are committing suicide assistance is unnecessary. Mental health has nothing to do with guns. Mentally unhealthy people need help.
People with anger problems need help and don't need guns to help them. Plenty of mentally ill people are harmless.

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