Will the new gun law be a start to keep guns away from mentally unstable people?

4 years ago I did a well check up and walked into a murder suicide of my neighbors of 18 years, found both dead.

Why shouldn't we have a plan to keep guns out of the wrong hands?

I have a concern though, usually when a person is set on suicide / murder suicide they are calm and many show no signs of mental illness, although behind closed doors he was a crazy and abusive. At least this is what happened in my neighbors case.

The mother (my friend) has been fighting for stricter gun laws ever since.

The Daous' affluent lifestyle with multiple homes, luxury cars and two popular, beautiful and successful children may have seemed storybook to outsiders. But court records obtained by this newspaper and interviews with investigators now reveal the shocking July 27 murder-suicide was the final explosion of violence after a long series of domestic abuse and threats. The most chilling premonition came from a restraining order obtained by Ed Daou's wife just three weeks before his final fatal act.

Court records: Los Gatos developer threatened last year to kill son, self


Dear Eaglewings
The issue of diagnosing and resolving these hidden abuse and addiction cases
is most effectively done by Spiritual Healing methods and ministries.
(see resources posted at freespiritualhealing)

These experienced practitioners aren't fooled by appearances,
and one day their methods will be proven by medical science to work naturally and effectively,
as Scott Peck observed and wrote in his book Glimpses of the Devil advocating for serious medical research and development on these methods as valid and effective diagnosis and treatment.

The average person cannot always tell a cold from a flu, Hantavirus or West Nile,
but that doesn't mean we should ignore the risk just because we aren't perfect.
We should strive harder to NOT miss signs that a situation is more dangerous than it appears.

Unfortunately, the same liberal bias that seeks to censor and demonize anything Christian,
that in this case can lead to a methodical system of diagnosis and cure for mental illness before it becomes criminal, then overcompensate by projecting all the legislative focus onto external measures like gun control.

Clearly, this is imbalanced. Only seeking medication for symptoms and regulations after the fact that have nothing to do with addressing the ROOT CAUSE And CURE for mental illness - internally and spiritually where govt CANNOT legislate.

Because the answers comes from the Christian track, we need to stop this segregation
and obstruction of information and media between right and left, secular and religious,
faith and science, such as by pursuing medical research into spiritual therapy treatment and cures, which satisfies secular standards of science as needed to introduce into public practice as a resource. Once criminal illness has been proven medically to be cured this way, then perhaps govt can require detention of dangerously sick people until such treatment is shown to remove the sources of the sickness, and the person is no longer "infected" similar to a virus like AIDS or Ebola that requires quarantine until the person is proven safe for the public.

Once people understand the solutions, this game will stop of trying to regulate from the outside in, instead of addressing the real problems from the inside out.
4 years ago I did a well check up and walked into a murder suicide of my neighbors of 18 years, found both dead.

Why shouldn't we have a plan to keep guns out of the wrong hands?

I have a concern though, usually when a person is set on suicide / murder suicide they are calm and many show no signs of mental illness, although behind closed doors he was a crazy and abusive. At least this is what happened in my neighbors case.

The mother (my friend) has been fighting for stricter gun laws ever since.

The Daous' affluent lifestyle with multiple homes, luxury cars and two popular, beautiful and successful children may have seemed storybook to outsiders. But court records obtained by this newspaper and interviews with investigators now reveal the shocking July 27 murder-suicide was the final explosion of violence after a long series of domestic abuse and threats. The most chilling premonition came from a restraining order obtained by Ed Daou's wife just three weeks before his final fatal act.

Court records: Los Gatos developer threatened last year to kill son, self


Dear Eaglewings
The issue of diagnosing and resolving these hidden abuse and addiction cases
is most effectively done by Spiritual Healing methods and ministries.
(see resources posted at freespiritualhealing)

These experienced practitioners aren't fooled by appearances,
and one day their methods will be proven by medical science to work naturally and effectively,
as Scott Peck observed and wrote in his book Glimpses of the Devil advocating for serious medical research and development on these methods as valid and effective diagnosis and treatment.

The average person cannot always tell a cold from a flu, Hantavirus or West Nile,
but that doesn't mean we should ignore the risk just because we aren't perfect.
We should strive harder to NOT miss signs that a situation is more dangerous than it appears.

Unfortunately, the same liberal bias that seeks to censor and demonize anything Christian,
that in this case can lead to a methodical system of diagnosis and cure for mental illness before it becomes criminal, then overcompensate by projecting all the legislative focus onto external measures like gun control.

Clearly, this is imbalanced. Only seeking medication for symptoms and regulations after the fact that have nothing to do with addressing the ROOT CAUSE And CURE for mental illness - internally and spiritually where govt CANNOT legislate.

Because the answers comes from the Christian track, we need to stop this segregation
and obstruction of information and media between right and left, secular and religious,
faith and science, such as by pursuing medical research into spiritual therapy treatment and cures, which satisfies secular standards of science as needed to introduce into public practice as a resource. Once criminal illness has been proven medically to be cured this way, then perhaps govt can require detention of dangerously sick people until such treatment is shown to remove the sources of the sickness, and the person is no longer "infected" similar to a virus like AIDS or Ebola that requires quarantine until the person is proven safe for the public.

Once people understand the solutions, this game will stop of trying to regulate from the outside in, instead of addressing the real problems from the inside out.

Finally someone who has a solution , instead of complaining. I did my internship getting pregnant women addicted off the street and into a home for the duration of their pregnancy. They went to school, medical care , got on their feet and many found God through the time they were there.
So many people scream about things on the media yet don't get off their ass to help with the problem.
As far as guns, they scream about mental health yet walk over a man laying on the street.
With anything the person has to want to do the work to change, go to the appointments and counseling .
Thank you for sharing

4 years ago I did a well check up and walked into a murder suicide of my neighbors of 18 years, found both dead.

Why shouldn't we have a plan to keep guns out of the wrong hands?

I have a concern though, usually when a person is set on suicide / murder suicide they are calm and many show no signs of mental illness, although behind closed doors he was a crazy and abusive. At least this is what happened in my neighbors case.

The mother (my friend) has been fighting for stricter gun laws ever since.

The Daous' affluent lifestyle with multiple homes, luxury cars and two popular, beautiful and successful children may have seemed storybook to outsiders. But court records obtained by this newspaper and interviews with investigators now reveal the shocking July 27 murder-suicide was the final explosion of violence after a long series of domestic abuse and threats. The most chilling premonition came from a restraining order obtained by Ed Daou's wife just three weeks before his final fatal act.

Court records: Los Gatos developer threatened last year to kill son, self


Dear Eaglewings
The issue of diagnosing and resolving these hidden abuse and addiction cases
is most effectively done by Spiritual Healing methods and ministries.
(see resources posted at freespiritualhealing)

These experienced practitioners aren't fooled by appearances,
and one day their methods will be proven by medical science to work naturally and effectively,
as Scott Peck observed and wrote in his book Glimpses of the Devil advocating for serious medical research and development on these methods as valid and effective diagnosis and treatment.

The average person cannot always tell a cold from a flu, Hantavirus or West Nile,
but that doesn't mean we should ignore the risk just because we aren't perfect.
We should strive harder to NOT miss signs that a situation is more dangerous than it appears.

Unfortunately, the same liberal bias that seeks to censor and demonize anything Christian,
that in this case can lead to a methodical system of diagnosis and cure for mental illness before it becomes criminal, then overcompensate by projecting all the legislative focus onto external measures like gun control.

Clearly, this is imbalanced. Only seeking medication for symptoms and regulations after the fact that have nothing to do with addressing the ROOT CAUSE And CURE for mental illness - internally and spiritually where govt CANNOT legislate.

Because the answers comes from the Christian track, we need to stop this segregation
and obstruction of information and media between right and left, secular and religious,
faith and science, such as by pursuing medical research into spiritual therapy treatment and cures, which satisfies secular standards of science as needed to introduce into public practice as a resource. Once criminal illness has been proven medically to be cured this way, then perhaps govt can require detention of dangerously sick people until such treatment is shown to remove the sources of the sickness, and the person is no longer "infected" similar to a virus like AIDS or Ebola that requires quarantine until the person is proven safe for the public.

Once people understand the solutions, this game will stop of trying to regulate from the outside in, instead of addressing the real problems from the inside out.

Finally someone who has a solution , instead of complaining. I did my internship getting pregnant women addicted off the street and into a home for the duration of their pregnancy. They went to school, medical care , got on their feet and many found God through the time they were there.
So many people scream about things on the media yet don't get off their ass to help with the problem.
As far as guns, they scream about mental health yet walk over a man laying on the street.
With anything the person has to want to do the work to change, go to the appointments and counseling .
Thank you for sharing


Why on Earth would you want to get pregnant women addicted?

That's just wrong.
4 years ago I did a well check up and walked into a murder suicide of my neighbors of 18 years, found both dead.

Why shouldn't we have a plan to keep guns out of the wrong hands?

I have a concern though, usually when a person is set on suicide / murder suicide they are calm and many show no signs of mental illness, although behind closed doors he was a crazy and abusive. At least this is what happened in my neighbors case.

The mother (my friend) has been fighting for stricter gun laws ever since.

The Daous' affluent lifestyle with multiple homes, luxury cars and two popular, beautiful and successful children may have seemed storybook to outsiders. But court records obtained by this newspaper and interviews with investigators now reveal the shocking July 27 murder-suicide was the final explosion of violence after a long series of domestic abuse and threats. The most chilling premonition came from a restraining order obtained by Ed Daou's wife just three weeks before his final fatal act.

Court records: Los Gatos developer threatened last year to kill son, self

No how could it?

Even if people had to turn over their medical records if one was never diagnosed as mentally ill he could still get a gun
not angry at all , it is you calling names you emotional counselor , probably a little girl from 'san fran' and that's not unusual Eaglewings !!:afro:
a counselor , sheesh , probably an expurt eh Eaglewings ??

:itsok: Poor Pissssssssmoe having to ride his bike with training wheels through 6-10 inches of snoooooooooow.
You rode with eaaaaasy rider through the countryside from the late 60's to the 80's

but now Pismoe grew up and got a bigger bike with training wheels to ride in the snow :lol:

course you are still a 'san fran' councilor that is ignorant about and probably afraid of guns !! [whata man]
4 years ago I did a well check up and walked into a murder suicide of my neighbors of 18 years, found both dead.

Why shouldn't we have a plan to keep guns out of the wrong hands?

I have a concern though, usually when a person is set on suicide / murder suicide they are calm and many show no signs of mental illness, although behind closed doors he was a crazy and abusive. At least this is what happened in my neighbors case.

The mother (my friend) has been fighting for stricter gun laws ever since.

The Daous' affluent lifestyle with multiple homes, luxury cars and two popular, beautiful and successful children may have seemed storybook to outsiders. But court records obtained by this newspaper and interviews with investigators now reveal the shocking July 27 murder-suicide was the final explosion of violence after a long series of domestic abuse and threats. The most chilling premonition came from a restraining order obtained by Ed Daou's wife just three weeks before his final fatal act.

Court records: Los Gatos developer threatened last year to kill son, self


Dear Eaglewings
The issue of diagnosing and resolving these hidden abuse and addiction cases
is most effectively done by Spiritual Healing methods and ministries.
(see resources posted at freespiritualhealing)

These experienced practitioners aren't fooled by appearances,
and one day their methods will be proven by medical science to work naturally and effectively,
as Scott Peck observed and wrote in his book Glimpses of the Devil advocating for serious medical research and development on these methods as valid and effective diagnosis and treatment.

The average person cannot always tell a cold from a flu, Hantavirus or West Nile,
but that doesn't mean we should ignore the risk just because we aren't perfect.
We should strive harder to NOT miss signs that a situation is more dangerous than it appears.

Unfortunately, the same liberal bias that seeks to censor and demonize anything Christian,
that in this case can lead to a methodical system of diagnosis and cure for mental illness before it becomes criminal, then overcompensate by projecting all the legislative focus onto external measures like gun control.

Clearly, this is imbalanced. Only seeking medication for symptoms and regulations after the fact that have nothing to do with addressing the ROOT CAUSE And CURE for mental illness - internally and spiritually where govt CANNOT legislate.

Because the answers comes from the Christian track, we need to stop this segregation
and obstruction of information and media between right and left, secular and religious,
faith and science, such as by pursuing medical research into spiritual therapy treatment and cures, which satisfies secular standards of science as needed to introduce into public practice as a resource. Once criminal illness has been proven medically to be cured this way, then perhaps govt can require detention of dangerously sick people until such treatment is shown to remove the sources of the sickness, and the person is no longer "infected" similar to a virus like AIDS or Ebola that requires quarantine until the person is proven safe for the public.

Once people understand the solutions, this game will stop of trying to regulate from the outside in, instead of addressing the real problems from the inside out.

Finally someone who has a solution , instead of complaining. I did my internship getting pregnant women addicted off the street and into a home for the duration of their pregnancy. They went to school, medical care , got on their feet and many found God through the time they were there.
So many people scream about things on the media yet don't get off their ass to help with the problem.
As far as guns, they scream about mental health yet walk over a man laying on the street.
With anything the person has to want to do the work to change, go to the appointments and counseling .
Thank you for sharing


Why on Earth would you want to get pregnant women addicted?

That's just wrong.
OMG Soggy in NOLA you made me laugh out loud.

Seriously though, to Eaglewings T H A N K Y O U for doing the real work.
Same here, glad to find someone like you who knows what real solutions are about.
From experience and EXAMPLE, actually doing the work, walking the walk. Winner!

Here are some more real solutions:
The Nurturing Network <-- why not promote and fund that instead of Planned Parenthood?
PACE Universal - Teach a girl, feed a village

The day we fund and create more jobs/internships for the real work,
we'll stop wasting billions on two candidates going head to head for one office only one of them can hold. Why not create jobs for both people, for a whole network of people doing the work
instead of preaching and politicizing it for votes and dollars. Why not invest that money directly? Duh!
'Will the new gun law be a start to keep guns away from mentally unstable people?'

Sadly NO...Obama will continue to supply terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartels, and criminals with weapons.

Obama should not be allowed to have access to weapons without adult, Conservative supervision... :p
why so many , why not . Free people own 1 - 2 - 10 different houses . jAY Leno own a hundred cars . In my area people own 10 - 20 guns if they can afford them and wealthy people may own more , who knows , who cares . Free country , its no ones business how many guns a person owns Eaglewings !!
4 years ago I did a well check up and walked into a murder suicide of my neighbors of 18 years, found both dead.

Why shouldn't we have a plan to keep guns out of the wrong hands?

I have a concern though, usually when a person is set on suicide / murder suicide they are calm and many show no signs of mental illness, although behind closed doors he was a crazy and abusive. At least this is what happened in my neighbors case.

The mother (my friend) has been fighting for stricter gun laws ever since.

The Daous' affluent lifestyle with multiple homes, luxury cars and two popular, beautiful and successful children may have seemed storybook to outsiders. But court records obtained by this newspaper and interviews with investigators now reveal the shocking July 27 murder-suicide was the final explosion of violence after a long series of domestic abuse and threats. The most chilling premonition came from a restraining order obtained by Ed Daou's wife just three weeks before his final fatal act.

Court records: Los Gatos developer threatened last year to kill son, self


Dear Eaglewings
The issue of diagnosing and resolving these hidden abuse and addiction cases
is most effectively done by Spiritual Healing methods and ministries.
(see resources posted at freespiritualhealing)

These experienced practitioners aren't fooled by appearances,
and one day their methods will be proven by medical science to work naturally and effectively,
as Scott Peck observed and wrote in his book Glimpses of the Devil advocating for serious medical research and development on these methods as valid and effective diagnosis and treatment.

The average person cannot always tell a cold from a flu, Hantavirus or West Nile,
but that doesn't mean we should ignore the risk just because we aren't perfect.
We should strive harder to NOT miss signs that a situation is more dangerous than it appears.

Unfortunately, the same liberal bias that seeks to censor and demonize anything Christian,
that in this case can lead to a methodical system of diagnosis and cure for mental illness before it becomes criminal, then overcompensate by projecting all the legislative focus onto external measures like gun control.

Clearly, this is imbalanced. Only seeking medication for symptoms and regulations after the fact that have nothing to do with addressing the ROOT CAUSE And CURE for mental illness - internally and spiritually where govt CANNOT legislate.

Because the answers comes from the Christian track, we need to stop this segregation
and obstruction of information and media between right and left, secular and religious,
faith and science, such as by pursuing medical research into spiritual therapy treatment and cures, which satisfies secular standards of science as needed to introduce into public practice as a resource. Once criminal illness has been proven medically to be cured this way, then perhaps govt can require detention of dangerously sick people until such treatment is shown to remove the sources of the sickness, and the person is no longer "infected" similar to a virus like AIDS or Ebola that requires quarantine until the person is proven safe for the public.

Once people understand the solutions, this game will stop of trying to regulate from the outside in, instead of addressing the real problems from the inside out.

Finally someone who has a solution , instead of complaining. I did my internship getting pregnant women addicted off the street and into a home for the duration of their pregnancy. They went to school, medical care , got on their feet and many found God through the time they were there.
So many people scream about things on the media yet don't get off their ass to help with the problem.
As far as guns, they scream about mental health yet walk over a man laying on the street.
With anything the person has to want to do the work to change, go to the appointments and counseling .
Thank you for sharing


Why on Earth would you want to get pregnant women addicted?

That's just wrong.
OMG Soggy in NOLA you made me laugh out loud.

Seriously though, to Eaglewings T H A N K Y O U for doing the real work.
Same here, glad to find someone like you who knows what real solutions are about.
From experience and EXAMPLE, actually doing the work, walking the walk. Winner!

Here are some more real solutions:
The Nurturing Network <-- why not promote and fund that instead of Planned Parenthood?
PACE Universal - Teach a girl, feed a village

The day we fund and create more jobs/internships for the real work,
we'll stop wasting billions on two candidates going head to head for one office only one of them can hold. Why not create jobs for both people, for a whole network of people doing the work
instead of preaching and politicizing it for votes and dollars. Why not invest that money directly? Duh!

why so many , why not . Free people own 1 - 2 - 10 different houses . jAY Leno own a hundred cars . In my area people own 10 - 20 guns if they can afford them and wealthy people may own more , who knows , who cares . Free country , its no ones business how many guns a person owns Eaglewings !!

You seemed to have missed the point of my thread.
It is not about how many guns people have, it is about would these laws help from guns getting into the wrong hands like my neighbor.
He was ordered by court to turn the gun over due to his mental state, yet he fell through the cracks and a 23 year old cancer survivor was murdered while he slept.. There is something wrong with that picture..its not ok...

can't have too many guns , ask the guys that 'pol pot' killed or ask the people that 'idid amin' et [ate] Eaglewings !!
can't have too many guns , ask the guys that 'pol pot' killed or ask the people that 'idid amin' et [ate] Eaglewings !!

Oh yes I did, in my resent post........Pismooooooo :cow:

I support the guys in Oregon right now, I see how some people with power can ruin life's. The men up there are standing up to it, so I get it.

I also get why a mother is fighting for laws to keep guns out of the hands of violent mentally ill.
I watched the boy grow up for 23 years across the street , playing with my boys. who are men now. I get it.

why so many , why not . Free people own 1 - 2 - 10 different houses . jAY Leno own a hundred cars . In my area people own 10 - 20 guns if they can afford them and wealthy people may own more , who knows , who cares . Free country , its no ones business how many guns a person owns Eaglewings !!
4 years ago I did a well check up and walked into a murder suicide of my neighbors of 18 years, found both dead.

Why shouldn't we have a plan to keep guns out of the wrong hands?

I have a concern though, usually when a person is set on suicide / murder suicide they are calm and many show no signs of mental illness, although behind closed doors he was a crazy and abusive. At least this is what happened in my neighbors case.

The mother (my friend) has been fighting for stricter gun laws ever since.

The Daous' affluent lifestyle with multiple homes, luxury cars and two popular, beautiful and successful children may have seemed storybook to outsiders. But court records obtained by this newspaper and interviews with investigators now reveal the shocking July 27 murder-suicide was the final explosion of violence after a long series of domestic abuse and threats. The most chilling premonition came from a restraining order obtained by Ed Daou's wife just three weeks before his final fatal act.

Court records: Los Gatos developer threatened last year to kill son, self


Dear Eaglewings after reading your reply to pismoe
and reading again through your whole article posted,
I saw that the son who was shot was found to be cancer-free
and the father's threats weren't really about fear of suffering.

He seemed mentally obsessed with abusing any idea to justify killing people.
I'm so sorry to hear about this, but I thank you for posting it.

I must add that the same spiritual healing used to identify and cure causes of mental
and criminal illness, equally works to cure physical diseases as well, such as cancer
from building up in the body (due to effects of unforgiven conflicts
on impairing and blocking the mind and body's natural self-healing process).

When these blockages are removed, sometimes affecting one generation to the next,
then the healing capacity that returns can not only affect and restore the mind but body as well. Whole families have been healed by healing the one person, where relations are healed as a result.

This is more than just mental but can be proven to affect physical diseases and recovery times, as well social relationships that are transformed by the same forgiveness therapy that corrects and restores back to normal health. People who should have died or remained crippled from diseases have baffled doctors by healing instead. Maybe you have seen this already,
but what of people who haven't -- how can we get the medical community to establish this?

Again the more I read into the tragic story you posted,
with both the mental and physical illness, and abusive violent relationships that escalated,
the intensity and impact is only matched by the solutions that are possible,
the suffering of others that can be reduced, corrected or prevented altogether
had this family and others had access to spiritual healing help. Which is free and natural.
It just needs to be proven by replicated research and made accessible to the public.

So sorry this family suffered from all this, when it could have been prevented
by intervening at the first sign of abuse and trouble.

My family has been through a lot, too. So I totally sympathize.
If you are interested in asking foundations to invest seriously in this field of medical research,
I met a grant reviewer with Templeton Foundation that funded the research on
Francis MacNutt's healing ministry teamwork and successful results with RA patients.

By replicating 2-3 more studies on other illnesses, such as schizophrenia and demonic voices,
PTSD in Veterans to prevent suicide, or how about anorexic/bulimia and eating disorders or phobias, maybe all this suffering will not be in vain if it motivates serious research into permanent cures.

Thank you again Eaglewings
After what I've been through with my own family, I'd like to see this medical research through all the way. Let me know if you are interested.
I for one do not want to hear another story like Andrea Yates whose kids could have been saved if the parents got help in time. Totally preventable, and I would blame myself for not trying harder to prevent the next case and the next one.
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