Will the new gun law be a start to keep guns away from mentally unstable people?

why so many , why not . Free people own 1 - 2 - 10 different houses . jAY Leno own a hundred cars . In my area people own 10 - 20 guns if they can afford them and wealthy people may own more , who knows , who cares . Free country , its no ones business how many guns a person owns Eaglewings !!
4 years ago I did a well check up and walked into a murder suicide of my neighbors of 18 years, found both dead.

Why shouldn't we have a plan to keep guns out of the wrong hands?

I have a concern though, usually when a person is set on suicide / murder suicide they are calm and many show no signs of mental illness, although behind closed doors he was a crazy and abusive. At least this is what happened in my neighbors case.

The mother (my friend) has been fighting for stricter gun laws ever since.

The Daous' affluent lifestyle with multiple homes, luxury cars and two popular, beautiful and successful children may have seemed storybook to outsiders. But court records obtained by this newspaper and interviews with investigators now reveal the shocking July 27 murder-suicide was the final explosion of violence after a long series of domestic abuse and threats. The most chilling premonition came from a restraining order obtained by Ed Daou's wife just three weeks before his final fatal act.

Court records: Los Gatos developer threatened last year to kill son, self


Dear Eaglewings after reading your reply to pismoe
and reading again through your whole article posted,
I saw that the son who was shot was found to be cancer-free
and the father's threats weren't really about fear of suffering.

He seemed mentally obsessed with abusing any idea to justify killing people.
I'm so sorry to hear about this, but I thank you for posting it.

I must add that the same spiritual healing used to identify and cure causes of mental
and criminal illness, have also worked to cure physical diseases such as cancer as well
from building up in the body (due to effects of unforgiven conflicts
on impairing and blocking the mind and body's natural self-healing).

When these blockages are removed, sometimes affecting one generation to the next,
then the healing capacity that is recovered can not only affect and restore the mind but body as well.
Whole families have been healed by healing the one person, where relations are healed as a result.

This is more than just mental but can be proven to affect physical diseases and recovery times as well.
People who should have died or remained crippled from diseases have baffled doctors by healing instead.

Again the more I read into the tragic story you posted,
with both the mental and physical illness, and abusive violent relationships that escalated,
the intensity and impact is only matched by the solutions that are possible,
the suffering of others that can be reduced, corrected or prevented altogether
had this family and others had access to spiritual healing help. Which is free and natural.
It just needs to be proven by replicated research and made accessible to the public.

So sorry this family suffered from all this, when it could have been prevented
by intervening at the first sign of abuse and trouble.

My family has been through a lot, too. So I totally sympathize.
If you are interested in asking foundations to invest seriously in this field of medical research,
I met a grant reviewer with Templeton Foundation that funded the research on
Francis MacNutt's healing ministry teamwork and successful results with RA patients.

By replicating 2-3 more studies on other illnesses, such as schizophrenia and demonic voices,
PTSD in Veterans to prevent suicide, or how about anorexic/bulimia and eating disorders or phobias, maybe all this suffering will not be in vain if it motivates serious research into permanent cures.

Thank you again Eaglewings
After what I've been through with my own family, I'd like to see this medical research through all the way. Let me know if you are interested.
I for one do not want to hear another story like Andrea Yates whose kids could have been saved if the parents got help in time. Totally preventable, and I would blame myself for not trying harder to prevent the next case and the next one.

Again you totally get it, and why I made the thread.
Andrew was a strong christian young man, and rose above his fathers abuse.

There is actually a movie on it where they wanted me to be interviewed but I refused because it was for their own profit
It is call behind mansion walls daddy dearest I think.

I am not actually working right now, due to cancer as well but if I do go back I would love to look into it.

Very kind of you to really take the time.

sounds like some of you people are just emotionally ruled boneheads , All the silly work you do will be for naught except for you councilors patting each other on the back Eaglewings !!
why so many , why not . Free people own 1 - 2 - 10 different houses . jAY Leno own a hundred cars . In my area people own 10 - 20 guns if they can afford them and wealthy people may own more , who knows , who cares . Free country , its no ones business how many guns a person owns Eaglewings !!
4 years ago I did a well check up and walked into a murder suicide of my neighbors of 18 years, found both dead.

Why shouldn't we have a plan to keep guns out of the wrong hands?

I have a concern though, usually when a person is set on suicide / murder suicide they are calm and many show no signs of mental illness, although behind closed doors he was a crazy and abusive. At least this is what happened in my neighbors case.

The mother (my friend) has been fighting for stricter gun laws ever since.

The Daous' affluent lifestyle with multiple homes, luxury cars and two popular, beautiful and successful children may have seemed storybook to outsiders. But court records obtained by this newspaper and interviews with investigators now reveal the shocking July 27 murder-suicide was the final explosion of violence after a long series of domestic abuse and threats. The most chilling premonition came from a restraining order obtained by Ed Daou's wife just three weeks before his final fatal act.

Court records: Los Gatos developer threatened last year to kill son, self


Dear Eaglewings after reading your reply to pismoe
and reading again through your whole article posted,
I saw that the son who was shot was found to be cancer-free
and the father's threats weren't really about fear of suffering.

He seemed mentally obsessed with abusing any idea to justify killing people.
I'm so sorry to hear about this, but I thank you for posting it.

I must add that the same spiritual healing used to identify and cure causes of mental
and criminal illness, have also worked to cure physical diseases such as cancer as well
from building up in the body (due to effects of unforgiven conflicts
on impairing and blocking the mind and body's natural self-healing).

When these blockages are removed, sometimes affecting one generation to the next,
then the healing capacity that is recovered can not only affect and restore the mind but body as well.
Whole families have been healed by healing the one person, where relations are healed as a result.

This is more than just mental but can be proven to affect physical diseases and recovery times as well.
People who should have died or remained crippled from diseases have baffled doctors by healing instead.

Again the more I read into the tragic story you posted,
with both the mental and physical illness, and abusive violent relationships that escalated,
the intensity and impact is only matched by the solutions that are possible,
the suffering of others that can be reduced, corrected or prevented altogether
had this family and others had access to spiritual healing help. Which is free and natural.
It just needs to be proven by replicated research and made accessible to the public.

So sorry this family suffered from all this, when it could have been prevented
by intervening at the first sign of abuse and trouble.

My family has been through a lot, too. So I totally sympathize.
If you are interested in asking foundations to invest seriously in this field of medical research,
I met a grant reviewer with Templeton Foundation that funded the research on
Francis MacNutt's healing ministry teamwork and successful results with RA patients.

By replicating 2-3 more studies on other illnesses, such as schizophrenia and demonic voices,
PTSD in Veterans to prevent suicide, or how about anorexic/bulimia and eating disorders or phobias, maybe all this suffering will not be in vain if it motivates serious research into permanent cures.

Thank you again Eaglewings
After what I've been through with my own family, I'd like to see this medical research through all the way. Let me know if you are interested.
I for one do not want to hear another story like Andrea Yates whose kids could have been saved if the parents got help in time. Totally preventable, and I would blame myself for not trying harder to prevent the next case and the next one.

Again you totally get it, and why I made the thread.
Andrew was a strong christian young man, and rose above his fathers abuse.

There is actually a movie on it where they wanted me to be interviewed but I refused because it was for their own profit
It is call behind mansion walls daddy dearest I think.

I am not actually working right now, due to cancer as well but if I do go back I would love to look into it.

Very kind of you to really take the time.

I will PM you or please email me at emilynghiem at hotmail.
I can send you MacNutt's book on HEALING and also my friend Olivia's # who
helps families overcome cancer because she does this same healing prayer,
for free over the phone if that's all that's needed. Some require prayer in person, so she
volunteers at MD Anderson to help families for free. The more people healed, the circuit
gets stronger and can carry and reach more people. the healing energy just multiplies,
so one day, we will beat mental illness and all the physical ills as well. The good energy trumps the bad, and only one is sustainable.

Take care, thanks so much. So glad we both get it. And with that, we can share with others.
The right answers catch on, and the problems just can't compete.
Just a matter of time. Thank you Eaglewings You're the best!
sounds like some of you people are just emotionally ruled boneheads , All the silly work you do will be for naught except for you councilors patting each other on the back Eaglewings !!

Pismoooooooooooooooooooooooooo :cow:

Any of us can make a difference in another's life , we plant seed's and let God do the rest
I am a recovering addict many years now, and that is what we do....

sounds like some of you people are just emotionally ruled boneheads , All the silly work you do will be for naught except for you councilors patting each other on the back Eaglewings !!

Hi pismoe if you want to head the "control group" of skeptics who don't believe
Spiritual Healing is natural and can be proven by replicated studies to be consistent with science
and medicine,
I challenge you to join me in a 10 million dollar bet.

Skeptics on one side and Believers on the other.
We'll both ask sponsors, famous atheists like Dawkins/Hawking etc. to bet on a side.
Raise 5 million each and go head to head.

if it turns out forgiveness therapy can be shown to CORRELATE with spiritual healing of
minds, bodies and relationships between people
(and vice versa, unforgiveness and degrees of both can be shown to CORRELATE
with proportional rates of failure to heal/reconcile and success in healing/restoration)
then the losers on the skeptic side donate the 5 million to the charities or causes of the winners' choices.

And if the skeptics win at naysaying and poking holes and show there is no correlation at all
between forgiveness therapy and healing of mind body and relations
then the losers on the believers side donate their 5 million in sponsorship to the causes of the skeptics.

If you really believe this is nonsense, put your money where your mouth is.
I am willing to bet all 10 million, help raise that money on both sides, just to see this happen.
I'd love to take on Dawkins, Hawking, anyone else who wants to see empirical data backing these theories. I'm all for the humanists getting what they want in terms of scientific evidence that can be confirmed. Like the theory of gravity, it may not ever be proven except we agree it's consistent.

We can bet Donald Trump or Bill Gates that medical proof that spiritual healing works
would have greater impact on the cults and gang trafficking along the border,
because it would actually cure the root cause of the evils going rampant there.
It would not only heal the addictions, but the sick abusive relationships.

By curing the occult addictions and criminal sickness,
all the related crime and violence will also dissipate.

pismoe I can send you and Eaglewings the same books to look at.
And you can decide if this is quantifiable by science or not.
Scott Peck was convinced after he saw proof of healing incureable schizophrenics this way.
He started as a skeptic seeking to disprove his priest friend after years of arguing over this.
He was certain he would be able to prove this sickness and deliverance was all "delusional"
as "chemical imbalances" in the patients' brains. Instead he came to understand the process
by experiencing and seeing the stages of change and recovery himself.

See "Glimpses of the Devil" by Scott Peck"
"Healing" by Francis MacNutt

10 million dollars says medical research will show the correlation
between forgiveness and healing, of mind body relations and patterns of abuse and addiction,
as well as correlation between unforgiven conflicts and continued patterns of illness, abuse and addiction.

We can donate the 10 million to charity so everyone wins.
Pick a side, pismoe. Pick a charitable cause you care so much for you'd be willing to lose just to get them publicity or help if you win. Let's go for this, settle this issue once and for all. Either it can be proven by science if there is anything to this forgiveness process on healing and transforming people inside out, or it has no more or less effect than the control group refusing to forgive who think they can achieve the same results.
Last edited:
sounds like some of you people are just emotionally ruled boneheads , All the silly work you do will be for naught except for you councilors patting each other on the back Eaglewings !!

Pismoooooooooooooooooooooooooo :cow:

Any of us can make a difference in another's life , we plant seed's and let God do the rest
I am a recovering addict many years now, and that is what we do....

--------------------------------------------- recovering addict , probably explain you thinking problems Eaglewings !!
The 4 pillars of recovery~ in order to heal and be balanced the 4 pillars need to be strong like the legs on a table. If one is weak the table falls. Good night thanks for your replies.

sounds like some of you people are just emotionally ruled boneheads , All the silly work you do will be for naught except for you councilors patting each other on the back Eaglewings !!

Pismoooooooooooooooooooooooooo :cow:

Any of us can make a difference in another's life , we plant seed's and let God do the rest
I am a recovering addict many years now, and that is what we do....

--------------------------------------------- recovering addict , probably explain you thinking problems Eaglewings !!

Perhaps...lol Maybe your problem is you sniffed in too many bugs up your nose while riding your mooooootercycle Pismooooooooo :cow:
Good night
The 4 pillars of recovery~ in order to heal and be balanced the 4 pillars need to be strong like the legs on a table. If one is weak the table falls. Good night thanks for your replies.

-------------------------- pretty funny , living your life doing Psycho babble ehh , i suppose that you are pretty good at the 'self love' , you can probably even switch hands eh Eaglewings ??
4 years ago I did a well check up and walked into a murder suicide of my neighbors of 18 years, found both dead.

Why shouldn't we have a plan to keep guns out of the wrong hands?

I have a concern though, usually when a person is set on suicide / murder suicide they are calm and many show no signs of mental illness, although behind closed doors he was a crazy and abusive. At least this is what happened in my neighbors case.

The mother (my friend) has been fighting for stricter gun laws ever since.

The Daous' affluent lifestyle with multiple homes, luxury cars and two popular, beautiful and successful children may have seemed storybook to outsiders. But court records obtained by this newspaper and interviews with investigators now reveal the shocking July 27 murder-suicide was the final explosion of violence after a long series of domestic abuse and threats. The most chilling premonition came from a restraining order obtained by Ed Daou's wife just three weeks before his final fatal act.

Court records: Los Gatos developer threatened last year to kill son, self


There's no way to stop it all. But if a person has a history of being mentally unstable or challenged at least he won''t be able to walk into a gun shop and buy a gun.

The Sandy Hook massacre--was because this very ignorant woman purchased the guns legally but her son was mentally unstable, and had access to them. The Columbine tragedy, those boys got their guns from their parents.

Anyone who has a family member that is not quite right, or that has children-- teens or others in their household has got to be responsible enough to keep guns away from them. Either don't buy one, or keep it in a gun & ammo in a gun safe and the key well hidden from them. Just plain horse sense.

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