Will the people who control Joe Biden boot him soon? Roger Kimball makes the argument....

Durham said she spied on his campaign.. that doesn’t bother you?

No he did not. You really have to be a gullible idiot to believe this crap.

Durham has gone on record as saying the FOX News and the rest of the right wing media are lying and have misread his pleadings.

No he did not. You really have to be a gullible idiot to believe this crap.

Durham has gone on record as saying the FOX News and the rest of the right wing media are lying and have misread his pleadings.

Two commie propaganda links 🤣🤣🤣 talk about miss information hahah
The monkey tosses his feces at the humans passing by to express his frustration in the only way he is capable of showing his outrage, given his limited intellect.
You're so fucking easy! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

We love watching you spin on your coccyx and make this noise....

Keep telling those lies. You might even convince yourself eventually.
The laptops are real, the crimes are real, the MSM and FBI are fake.

Yeah, no one believes the laptops are really hunters...
My god keep him until at least November so we can sweep, then impeach, (means we can investigate the lap top)
They throw old bag of bones in jail.. Harris will finish up the term in horrible leadership fashion. Trump will sweep.
Don't bet the farm on that sweep. Right now, Republicans are once again doing a bang up job of trying to snatch defeat from the jaws of certain victory..primarily because they CAN'T seem to leave the former guy behind. :)
Don't bet the farm on that sweep. Right now, Republicans are once again doing a bang up job of trying to snatch defeat from the jaws of certain victory..primarily because they CAN'T seem to leave the former guy behind. :)
The former guy that won close to 90% of the counties in America in 2020? Yeah about that lol
Irrelevant what I think. He was impeached for being Trump. If you can't see that, please shut up and enjoy your denial in embarrassed silence.
He was impeached for trying to strongarm a foreign leader to dig up dirt on his political opponent and for fomenting and inciting insurrection first and then trying to usurp the results of a free and fairly held election..which he lost. (Brad, we're just looking for 11K votes here. LOL).
He was impeached for trying to strongarm a foreign leader to dig up dirt on his political opponent and for fomenting and inciting insurrection first and then trying to usurp the results of a free and fairly held election..which he lost. (Brad, we're just looking for 11K votes here. LOL).
Right. :rolleyes:
He was impeached for trying to strongarm a foreign leader to dig up dirt on his political opponent and for fomenting and inciting insurrection first and then trying to usurp the results of a free and fairly held election..which he lost. (Brad, we're just looking for 11K votes here. LOL).
Investing corruption is against the law? Huh?
The former guy that won close to 90% of the counties in America in 2020? Yeah about that lol
Lotsa counties that span wide open spaces in this county with very few voters. One of my issues with the current electoral system.
When are you humpers going to get it through your thick skulls that these types of numbers mean NOTHING in elections. :)
Investing corruption is against the law? Huh?
There was no corruption. That has already been established. And Zelensky wouldn't play along on a made up witch hunt...so Trump threw him to the dogs..ie..his BFF in Moscow. :)
Lotsa counties that span wide open spaces in this county with very few voters. One of my issues with the current electoral system.
When are you humpers going to get it through your thick skulls that these types of numbers mean NOTHING in elections. :)
The definition of county. : the people of a county
Don’t let the definition of people scare you from looking like a complete ass lol
There was no corruption. That has already been established. And Zelensky wouldn't play along on a made up witch hunt...so Trump threw him to the dogs..ie..his BFF in Moscow. :)
There was no corruption? Joe Biden literally let his son use Air Force two to complete $1 billion deal with China. Lol Joe Biden was feeding Ukraine money, while that money was being laundered into his sons energy accounts.. lol where do you get your news from CNN? Lol
The definition of county. : the people of a county
Don’t let the definition of people scare you from looking like a complete ass lol
I'm trying to tell you that when you flash a map containing a lot of red area that a good deal of that red are wide open spaces with few voters in them.
So, your savior can win as many of those largely empty counties as you can brag about...and still lose the general election.

Deal with it, snowflake.
There was no corruption? Joe Biden literally let his son use Air Force two to complete $1 billion deal with China. Lol Joe Biden was feeding Ukraine money, while that money was being laundered into his sons energy accounts.. lol where do you get your news from CNN? Lol
None. As so far, there is no credible evidence provided by ANYONE (sorry, no laptop. :(), AND the fact that Hunter Biden isn't and will never be President.....your accusations skimmed from alt-right media sources....are full of shit..just like you. :auiqs.jpg:
Roger Kimball is a great read
If you like idiotic screeds written by election conspiracy theorists. As for the NYT's coverage of the investigation of Hunter..........

I thought the "liberal media" was in the tank for Dems? So how come the NYT is covering the story?
Does Joe get any credit for allowing the DoJ investigation to continue when you guys know damn well Trump would have killed an investigation in to one of his kids?
I see no suggestion of any corrupt activity involving the prez.
Are you guys really getting a woody over a tax evasion case and possible influence peddling? Really? With Trump's history! I think it's pretty well known Hunter has made a career out of playing on his dad's name. From all I know he's a deeply flawed person. If he committed a crime he should be held responsible. But the facts thus far do not have implications for Joe's presidency. Which is more than I can say for the dozens of scandals former President Bonespurs was part of.

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