Will the Real Tea Party please stand up?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
Will The Real Tea Party Please Stand Up! | TheBlaze.com

This is precisely the problem I have with the Tea Party. There are too many people who can claim to be Tea Party with completely wacky theories that undermine serious arguments for limited government.

It's one of the reasons why I have not felt inclined to call myself a Tea Party member despite having many sympathies toward their issues.

I've been noticing lately that people on both sides of the argument are getting more and more deranged. We need to stop that.

Maybe we need to stop trying to fix our country and just focus on fixing ourselves.
The tea party concerns itself with only one issue the size of government. There are groups that consider themselves tea party who are concerned with the size of government and something else. Then there are the evil democrats that refer to everything they don't like as tea party.
The Tea Party was a Grass Roots movement. Not the establishment.

It has been hijacked. The core principles remain the same.
It's one of the reasons why I have not felt inclined to call myself a Tea Party member despite having many sympathies toward their issues.
Why should anyone? As, if you want small government, you won't get it by supporting a movement funded by corporate interests. Who seek to keep their corporate welfare policies intact, whilst disproportionately targeting those on social welfare, to create a larger low-wage labor force.

The US national debt is caused by corporate welfare more than social welfare, and taxes fall very low on the super rich, who are able to send all their money to Swiss bank accounts and avoid paying any tax - which is the reason that the US has less tax revenue than it used to (and less capacity to pay down debt).

It is curious to watch the Tea Party rave and rave about big government, while supporting and accepting funding from the very groups that make it so big or inefficient. The Tea Party are pseudo-anti-state, and are anti-free market (if you believe that corporations shouldn't be allowed to earn money off government and use it to establish monopolies).
It's one of the reasons why I have not felt inclined to call myself a Tea Party member despite having many sympathies toward their issues.
Why should anyone? As, if you want small government, you won't get it by supporting a movement funded by corporate interests. Who seek to keep their corporate welfare policies intact, whilst disproportionately targeting those on social welfare, to create a larger low-wage labor force.

The US national debt is caused by corporate welfare more than social welfare, and taxes fall very low on the super rich, who are able to send all their money to Swiss bank accounts and avoid paying any tax - which is the reason that the US has less tax revenue than it used to (and less capacity to pay down debt).

It is curious to watch the Tea Party rave and rave about big government, while supporting and accepting funding from the very groups that make it so big or inefficient. The Tea Party are pseudo-anti-state, and are anti-free market (if you believe that corporations shouldn't be allowed to earn money off government and use it to establish monopolies).

Standard Pravda. aka We can't cut anything, especially Social Programs.

The left argues with tiny cuts and refuses to cut hardly anything as the establishment continues to establish more Gov't.
It's one of the reasons why I have not felt inclined to call myself a Tea Party member despite having many sympathies toward their issues.
Why should anyone? As, if you want small government, you won't get it by supporting a movement funded by corporate interests. Who seek to keep their corporate welfare policies intact, whilst disproportionately targeting those on social welfare, to create a larger low-wage labor force.

The US national debt is caused by corporate welfare more than social welfare, and taxes fall very low on the super rich, who are able to send all their money to Swiss bank accounts and avoid paying any tax - which is the reason that the US has less tax revenue than it used to (and less capacity to pay down debt).

It is curious to watch the Tea Party rave and rave about big government, while supporting and accepting funding from the very groups that make it so big or inefficient. The Tea Party are pseudo-anti-state, and are anti-free market (if you believe that corporations shouldn't be allowed to earn money off government and use it to establish monopolies).

Standard Pravda. aka We can't cut anything, especially Social Programs.

The left argues with tiny cuts and refuses to cut hardly anything as the establishment continues to establish more Gov't.
Corporate Welfare costs more than Social Welfare, so is the best place to start:
My Cato Institute colleague Tad DeHaven has published a new study, “Corporate Welfare in the Federal Budget,” on business subsidies, which he figures to cost about $100 billion a year. Slashing corporate welfare obviously won’t balance the budget—which is why middle class and defense welfare also have to go on the chopping block. However, cutting business subsidies would be a good start to balancing the budget. Moreover, going after corporate welfare is essential to create a budget package that the public will see as fair.
Where to Cut the Federal Budget? Start by Killing Corporate Welfare - Forbes
What on earth is defense welfare?
According to the article:
Number six is the Department of Defense, which spends $4.7 billion on applied R&D. Some share of the weapons purchased by the Pentagon also should be considered to be corporate welfare, since Congress often mandates procurement of weapons which the military doesn’t want. Legislators hope to create local jobs by enriching arms makers. Politicians long have misused taxpayer money to enrich political supporters. But weakening America’s defense for political reasons is especially outrageous.

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