Will the Trump Stock Market crash equal Bush’s?

...Republicans crashed the stock market...
Where does the trade war factor in?
How about the millions who lost their jobs and careers due to unfair trade practices?
Market down 3% just today

Trump sits and pouts
The market is just gearing up for the massive fail the democrats will bring when they take over in January.

Congratulations...you just proved that you have little/no idea what is driving this economic turmoil.
...Republicans crashed the stock market...
Where does the trade war factor in?
How about the millions who lost their jobs and careers due to unfair trade practices?
And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof (not opinions) that
Market down 3% just today

Trump sits and pouts
The market is just gearing up for the massive fail the democrats will bring when they take over in January.

Congratulations...you just proved that you have no idea what is driving this economic turmoil.
I know that everywhere democrats are in power failure ensues. Deny it all you want. This is a good example of why I refuse to debate you filthy scum on anything.
And before Trumpbots start screaming: 'It's all the Fed's fault'?

Remember - Trump appointed both the Fed Chair and Vice Chair...so he has no one to blame but himself for what the Fed is doing.
/——/ Like he’s a fuc*ing mind reader? No matter who appointed these clowns they are screwing up the market.
...Republicans crashed the stock market...
Where does the trade war factor in?
How about the millions who lost their jobs and careers due to unfair trade practices?
---or how about all the millions that have gotten jobs because of the new trade deals that we not have. Bottom line here is that the unemployment rate's down to 3.7 and for the first time in history there are more job openings in the U.S. than unemployed.

All this seems to have Democrats in a lather. A leading Democrat talk show host said last June:

I think one way to get rid of Trump is a crashing economy. So please bring on a recession. Sorry if it hurts people, but its either root for a recession or lose your democracy.
With so this talk about a stock market crash (one that's so much easier to blame on Pelosi than Trump) somehow none of our leftwing collegues here chanting the old mantra "Main Street matters, not Wall Street"
Trump Republicans are printing & airdropping billions more QE money to keep the economy afloat! Fed Repos for Days!
Trump Republicans are printing & airdropping billions more QE money to keep the economy afloat! Fed Repos for Days!
Trump has been President for 973 days, and over the period that Fed has reduced it's balance sheet by $608.143B.

Over Obama's final 973 days, the Fed increased it's balance sheet by $138.104B


Can you direct me to your hair on fire posts during Obama's final 973 days where you were shrieking about Obama Democrats airdropping billions in QE money to keep the economy afloat?
Trump Republicans are printing & airdropping billions more QE money to keep the economy afloat! Fed Repos for Days!

Trump Republicans are printing & airdropping billions more QE money to keep the economy afloat!

QE is when they purchase bonds to permanently increase the money supply.
These repos are for 14 days.
It has been ten years since Republicans crashed the stock market

Trump is showing signs of collapsing the economy
Honestly, it felt kind of good to say “I told you so” after Dubya’s Presidency completely crashed and burned, leaving our alliances and economy in complete turmoil and disaster; but god dammit did I hope I’d never have to say it again.

This was argued to death in 2008 - please just google an older forum. The President doesn't run the economy (especially Bush). Trump is the rare exception, he actually did improve the economy with tax cuts and slowing down the Chinese wrecking ball.

But yeah - we might have another recession, but if we do it will because of European socialists, failing economies in South America and most likely if a Democrats somehow wins the Pres in 2020. The US has the strongest economy in the world (now) - vote Trump if you want it to continue.
It has been ten years since Republicans crashed the stock market

Trump is showing signs of collapsing the economy
This is going to be way worse because he’s not only destroying so many businesses, he’s destroying agriculture. We’re going to have a hard time feeding ourselves as a nation.
It has been ten years since Republicans crashed the stock market

Trump is showing signs of collapsing the economy
Honestly, it felt kind of good to say “I told you so” after Dubya’s Presidency completely crashed and burned, leaving our alliances and economy in complete turmoil and disaster; but god dammit did I hope I’d never have to say it again.

This was argued to death in 2008 - please just google an older forum. The President doesn't run the economy (especially Bush). Trump is the rare exception, he actually did improve the economy with tax cuts and slowing down the Chinese wrecking ball.

But yeah - we might have another recession, but if we do it will because of European socialists, failing economies in South America and most likely if a Democrats somehow wins the Pres in 2020. The US has the strongest economy in the world (now) - vote Trump if you want it to continue.
That's right!

As for the Stock Market "Crash". It's up 19% year to date with another quarter to go!

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