Will the Trump Stock Market crash equal Bush’s?

...Republicans crashed the stock market...
Where does the trade war factor in?
A lot of left wingers say the market's crashing because of the murderous apocalyptic devastating trade war catastropy, but months after tariffs stopped going up the major indexes were still at the same high level. That's when the Democrats took over the House, and since then major indexes have fallen fourteen percent:
It has been ten years since Republicans crashed the stock market

Trump is showing signs of collapsing the economy

Lol no chance. Under Bush many of the biggest banks in the world were set to become defunct. Bush of course saved the banks and as the market was retracing Hussein took all the credit.

Actually the market continued to drop after Obama took office. If Bush had already reversed it, the market would have been going up by the time Obama took office

It was the Obama Stimulus that reversed the market

Not even close.

Then why did GDP increase, Unemployment reverse and the stock market surge right after the Great Obama passed the stimulus act?

Yet mysteriously there’s nothing we have to show for all that money spent?
...Republicans crashed the stock market...
Where does the trade war factor in?
A lot of left wingers say the market's crashing because of the murderous apocalyptic devastating trade war catastropy, but months after tariffs stopped going up the major indexes were still at the same high level. That's when the Democrats took over the House, and since then major indexes have fallen fourteen percent:
That is some major butthurt

Ignore Trumps destructive trade and economic policy

Must be those Democrats who haven’t even taken office yet
It has been ten years since Republicans crashed the stock market

Trump is showing signs of collapsing the economy
That includes the global markets at this so-called president and his GOPer cronies as of October 24, 2018 cost the global markets $5 trillion. Yet dare not dispute tRump and his GOPers with the peril of getting banned but be silent and submissive like a scared fool is basically death for the living.

source: marketwatch
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It has been ten years since Republicans crashed the stock market

Trump is showing signs of collapsing the economy

No, because the Democrats ONLY control the House. Democrats controlled the House AND Senate during the end of Bush's terms, which is why the economy crashed SO completely.
It has been ten years since Republicans crashed the stock market

Trump is showing signs of collapsing the economy
Additionally, markets and no thanks to tRump and his GOPer cronies have caused global markets to erase all gains in 10 years, and back to the post Bush era. It took Democrats to clean that up, and no doubt it will take Democrats to clean up Trump's mess with fortunately a Democratic majority House.
...Republicans crashed the stock market...
Where does the trade war factor in?
A lot of left wingers say the market's crashing because of the murderous apocalyptic devastating trade war catastropy, but months after tariffs stopped going up the major indexes were still at the same high level. That's when the Democrats took over the House, and since then major indexes have fallen fourteen percent:
That is some major butthurt

Ignore Trumps destructive trade and economic policy

Must be those Democrats who haven’t even taken office yet

Well, it is, because they won't stop talking about how they're going to "get Trump" and people know that means they won't be doing anything for the American people, so they are starting to try to protect their money.
Time for another irresponsible tax cut to prop up the market and add billions to the national debt.
/——/ Cut spending and leave the tax cuts as they are.


Cut the wall
Five billion dollars for a ‘wall’ that will do nothing to address border security, five billion dollars wasted the consequence of rightwing fear, bigotry, and hate.

Five billion dollars for a ‘wall’ that won't even be built.

So much for Republicans being the party of ‘fiscal responsibility.’

What’s hateful about wanting to secure your boarders? Your post is proof that when conservatives propose legislation you disagree with, the liberal default position is to say it’s hateful legislation. What’s more alarming is you don’t want to secure our boarder. I’m not saying it because you’re against a wall, I’m saying it because you have no ideas to solve the problem. So obviously don’t have a problem with open boarders, which is what we have now

Fine...then where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that the wall will cut illegal immigration by at least 50%. Or even 20%. Hell...even just 10%.

Without that - you are just asking for money with ZERO factual proof to back it up that it will be money well spent.

The fiscal deficit is COMPLETELY out of control. Last year it was $1.3 trillion. This year, it appears to be on pace for $1.6 trillion so far.

And now, you want even more money - that Trump promised the Mexicans would pay for anyway - for something that you have not even proven is money well spent.

So...where is this link to UNBIASED, FACTUAL PROOF (not opinions - factual proof) that this wall will cut illegal immigration by even 10%, please?
/——-/ The smartest woman in the world said so and that’s good enough for me: "Well, look I voted numerous times when I was a Senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in and I do think you have to control your borders." -HRC
...Democrats who haven’t even taken office yet
Knock yourself out guy, its just that folks who are too much into faction politics don't end up creating as much weath so that's why I take a pass.

Stock prices are what econ wonks call a "leading indicator". They change immediately before the general economy. It's like how Krugman predicted on election day that Trump's election would cause a huge crash. What really happened was now the DOW & NASDAQ are up 24% two years later. So much for the "Trump crash".

Folks can argue w/ cause as to why this all happened, but to deny that this is what happened is worse than crazy, it's a waste of money.
It has been ten years since Republicans crashed the stock market

Trump is showing signs of collapsing the economy

No, because the Democrats ONLY control the House. Democrats controlled the House AND Senate during the end of Bush's terms, which is why the economy crashed SO completely.

And a Bush veto blocked all legislation

So what exactly did Democrats pass that caused an economic crash?
/——/ Cut spending and leave the tax cuts as they are.


Cut the wall
Five billion dollars for a ‘wall’ that will do nothing to address border security, five billion dollars wasted the consequence of rightwing fear, bigotry, and hate.

Five billion dollars for a ‘wall’ that won't even be built.

So much for Republicans being the party of ‘fiscal responsibility.’

What’s hateful about wanting to secure your boarders? Your post is proof that when conservatives propose legislation you disagree with, the liberal default position is to say it’s hateful legislation. What’s more alarming is you don’t want to secure our boarder. I’m not saying it because you’re against a wall, I’m saying it because you have no ideas to solve the problem. So obviously don’t have a problem with open boarders, which is what we have now

Fine...then where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that the wall will cut illegal immigration by at least 50%. Or even 20%. Hell...even just 10%.

Without that - you are just asking for money with ZERO factual proof to back it up that it will be money well spent.

The fiscal deficit is COMPLETELY out of control. Last year it was $1.3 trillion. This year, it appears to be on pace for $1.6 trillion so far.

And now, you want even more money - that Trump promised the Mexicans would pay for anyway - for something that you have not even proven is money well spent.

So...where is this link to UNBIASED, FACTUAL PROOF (not opinions - factual proof) that this wall will cut illegal immigration by even 10%, please?
/——-/ The smartest woman in the world said so and that’s good enough for me: "Well, look I voted numerous times when I was a Senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in and I do think you have to control your borders." -HRC
Where does that say we need to spend more on walls?

We put walls in high volume areas. Why do we need them in the middle of nowhere?
It has been ten years since Republicans crashed the stock market

Trump is showing signs of collapsing the economy

No, because the Democrats ONLY control the House. Democrats controlled the House AND Senate during the end of Bush's terms, which is why the economy crashed SO completely.

And a Bush veto blocked all legislation

So what exactly did Democrats pass that caused an economic crash?

Bush veto? The guy only vetoed 12 bills and of that, 4 were overridden So, the "veto defense" fails.

U.S. Senate: Vetoes by President George W. Bush

And to answer the second part:

Government Policies Caused The Financial Crisis And Made the Recession Worse

Cut the wall
Five billion dollars for a ‘wall’ that will do nothing to address border security, five billion dollars wasted the consequence of rightwing fear, bigotry, and hate.

Five billion dollars for a ‘wall’ that won't even be built.

So much for Republicans being the party of ‘fiscal responsibility.’

What’s hateful about wanting to secure your boarders? Your post is proof that when conservatives propose legislation you disagree with, the liberal default position is to say it’s hateful legislation. What’s more alarming is you don’t want to secure our boarder. I’m not saying it because you’re against a wall, I’m saying it because you have no ideas to solve the problem. So obviously don’t have a problem with open boarders, which is what we have now

Fine...then where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that the wall will cut illegal immigration by at least 50%. Or even 20%. Hell...even just 10%.

Without that - you are just asking for money with ZERO factual proof to back it up that it will be money well spent.

The fiscal deficit is COMPLETELY out of control. Last year it was $1.3 trillion. This year, it appears to be on pace for $1.6 trillion so far.

And now, you want even more money - that Trump promised the Mexicans would pay for anyway - for something that you have not even proven is money well spent.

So...where is this link to UNBIASED, FACTUAL PROOF (not opinions - factual proof) that this wall will cut illegal immigration by even 10%, please?
/——-/ The smartest woman in the world said so and that’s good enough for me: "Well, look I voted numerous times when I was a Senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in and I do think you have to control your borders." -HRC
Where does that say we need to spend more on walls?

We put walls in high volume areas. Why do we need them in the middle of nowhere?
/—-/ Go ask Hildabeast. She’s a reasonable person.
It has been ten years since Republicans crashed the stock market

Trump is showing signs of collapsing the economy

No, because the Democrats ONLY control the House. Democrats controlled the House AND Senate during the end of Bush's terms, which is why the economy crashed SO completely.

And a Bush veto blocked all legislation

So what exactly did Democrats pass that caused an economic crash?

Bush veto? The guy only vetoed 12 bills and of that, 4 were overridden So, the "veto defense" fails.

U.S. Senate: Vetoes by President George W. Bush

And to answer the second part:

Government Policies Caused The Financial Crisis And Made the Recession Worse

There are vetos and threats of veto which have the same outcome
Bottom line....no legislation affecting the economy got through
Five billion dollars for a ‘wall’ that will do nothing to address border security, five billion dollars wasted the consequence of rightwing fear, bigotry, and hate.

Five billion dollars for a ‘wall’ that won't even be built.

So much for Republicans being the party of ‘fiscal responsibility.’

What’s hateful about wanting to secure your boarders? Your post is proof that when conservatives propose legislation you disagree with, the liberal default position is to say it’s hateful legislation. What’s more alarming is you don’t want to secure our boarder. I’m not saying it because you’re against a wall, I’m saying it because you have no ideas to solve the problem. So obviously don’t have a problem with open boarders, which is what we have now

Fine...then where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that the wall will cut illegal immigration by at least 50%. Or even 20%. Hell...even just 10%.

Without that - you are just asking for money with ZERO factual proof to back it up that it will be money well spent.

The fiscal deficit is COMPLETELY out of control. Last year it was $1.3 trillion. This year, it appears to be on pace for $1.6 trillion so far.

And now, you want even more money - that Trump promised the Mexicans would pay for anyway - for something that you have not even proven is money well spent.

So...where is this link to UNBIASED, FACTUAL PROOF (not opinions - factual proof) that this wall will cut illegal immigration by even 10%, please?
/——-/ The smartest woman in the world said so and that’s good enough for me: "Well, look I voted numerous times when I was a Senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in and I do think you have to control your borders." -HRC
Where does that say we need to spend more on walls?

We put walls in high volume areas. Why do we need them in the middle of nowhere?
/—-/ Go ask Hildabeast. She’s a reasonable person.
WTF does that have to do with what I posted?
What’s hateful about wanting to secure your boarders? Your post is proof that when conservatives propose legislation you disagree with, the liberal default position is to say it’s hateful legislation. What’s more alarming is you don’t want to secure our boarder. I’m not saying it because you’re against a wall, I’m saying it because you have no ideas to solve the problem. So obviously don’t have a problem with open boarders, which is what we have now

Fine...then where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that the wall will cut illegal immigration by at least 50%. Or even 20%. Hell...even just 10%.

Without that - you are just asking for money with ZERO factual proof to back it up that it will be money well spent.

The fiscal deficit is COMPLETELY out of control. Last year it was $1.3 trillion. This year, it appears to be on pace for $1.6 trillion so far.

And now, you want even more money - that Trump promised the Mexicans would pay for anyway - for something that you have not even proven is money well spent.

So...where is this link to UNBIASED, FACTUAL PROOF (not opinions - factual proof) that this wall will cut illegal immigration by even 10%, please?
/——-/ The smartest woman in the world said so and that’s good enough for me: "Well, look I voted numerous times when I was a Senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in and I do think you have to control your borders." -HRC
Where does that say we need to spend more on walls?

We put walls in high volume areas. Why do we need them in the middle of nowhere?
/—-/ Go ask Hildabeast. She’s a reasonable person.
WTF does that have to do with what I posted?
/——/ You disagree with Hildabeast on the need for a wall? Why do you hate women.
The stock market may tank with lessened consumer confidence due to incoming Democrat Congress and Fed abnormally raising rates too fast.

The economy will slow some, but nothing like the Bush days. Fuel will continue to be cheaper, housing may fall a bit..maybe. The grocery store may get interesting as adjustments for the tariffs are made.

Nothing like what Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama did. They totally wrecked the economy.
rightwinger what you have to understand is the banking debacle was a real crisis. That’s why democrats were forced to work with a lame duck republican president on a enormous piece of legislation
Fine...then where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that the wall will cut illegal immigration by at least 50%. Or even 20%. Hell...even just 10%.

Without that - you are just asking for money with ZERO factual proof to back it up that it will be money well spent.

The fiscal deficit is COMPLETELY out of control. Last year it was $1.3 trillion. This year, it appears to be on pace for $1.6 trillion so far.

And now, you want even more money - that Trump promised the Mexicans would pay for anyway - for something that you have not even proven is money well spent.

So...where is this link to UNBIASED, FACTUAL PROOF (not opinions - factual proof) that this wall will cut illegal immigration by even 10%, please?
/——-/ The smartest woman in the world said so and that’s good enough for me: "Well, look I voted numerous times when I was a Senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in and I do think you have to control your borders." -HRC
Where does that say we need to spend more on walls?

We put walls in high volume areas. Why do we need them in the middle of nowhere?
/—-/ Go ask Hildabeast. She’s a reasonable person.
WTF does that have to do with what I posted?
/——/ You disagree with Hildabeast on the need for a wall? Why do you hate women.

What does wall funding from 13 years ago have to do with today?

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