Will the USA turn to fascism to defeat peaceful protestors?

So, has any of this criminal-defending stopped the "truckers" from being sent packing?

No? It's just something the Trumptard authoritarian lackeys were told to get hysterical about today? Imagine that.

Don't worry, Trumptards. Your masters will give you a different story to get hysterical about tomorrow. They always come up with something special to have you wetting yourselves over. Keeping you hysterical keeps you obedient, and they like you obedient.

Again, I'm begging your fascist shitstains to try it in the USA. That would be such a massive electoral win for Democrats. That's why the GOP leaders have no interest in it.
Our freedom convoy is going to roll in November.
The USA pushed back HARD on the federal government being used to stop VIOLENT ANTIFABLM RIOTS.



Now we see governments are resorting to martial law and fascism to squash a peaceful protest with no murders, no looting, no burning down government buildings, no assaults.

We have seen a protest change from a “small fringe minority” to the greatest threat in the history of a nation in 2 weeks.

The response to the demands of the protestors to end mandates is for the government to declare maritial law and steal assets of the protestors.


We need to wake up and push back against this left wing authoritarianism.
Where the fuck did you get this
Reality, so it's understandable that you're not familiar with it. We get it. You're off in your own little cult bubble.

^ obviously wrong idea? The right kills more cops than the left? Pff, you guys probably AT LEAST 10 times as many cops. Do you have any idea how many cops were LITERALLY assasinated by BLM last year?
As far as I know ... none.

So your claim is that "more officers were killed" means "lots of officers were assassinated by BLM." Normal people would point out that your conclusion is not supported in any way by your premise.

Now, some reality.

Police officers killed, by political extremists, 2011 - 2020

Left wing - 10
Right wing - 14
Islamic - 1
Other - 1
Go on, tell us more about how arresting violent right-wing terrorists makes you a victim.

You spend your days running cover for those flying swastikas and Confederate flags right now. All the Trump cultists here do. YOu clearly all identify very strongly with Nazis and slavers.
The sad thing is they refuse to admit even to themselves that they are the enemy within.
The sad thing is they refuse to admit even to themselves that they are the enemy within.
To whom. If it ever gets to vaccine passport or Else. Ill choose else. No one made you say Obey me or we will destroy you.

That would be on you if we have ELSE in this country.
Reality, so it's understandable that you're not familiar with it. We get it. You're off in your own little cult bubble.

As far as I know ... none.

So your claim is that "more officers were killed" means "lots of officers were assassinated by BLM." Normal people would point out that your conclusion is not supported in any way by your premise.

Now, some reality.

Police officers killed, by political extremists, 2011 - 2020

Left wing - 10
Right wing - 14
Islamic - 1
Other - 1
well shit, one cop was charged for killing Goerge Floyd and the entire police force must be defunded. Yep, only in your bubble dumb fk.
Dorner was killed by the right wing? The 30 murders at BLM riots were caused by the right wing? :cuckoo:

Im unaware of any cop ever being murdered at a right wing protest. Literally ever in the history of the nation.
I spent 32 years in Law Enforcement. I went to a number of services for those who gave their life to our communities. The majority of those officers were murdered going to a Domestic Violence Call.

There were no political issues in these murders, they were mostly drunks or drug addicts and bullies, all with guns. Maybe you ought to take a ride along on some Saturday night shift, therein you might have some insight into law enforcement and those who they arrest.
The USA pushed back HARD on the federal government being used to stop VIOLENT ANTIFABLM RIOTS.



Now we see governments are resorting to martial law and fascism to squash a peaceful protest with no murders, no looting, no burning down government buildings, no assaults.

We have seen a protest change from a “small fringe minority” to the greatest threat in the history of a nation in 2 weeks.

The response to the demands of the protestors to end mandates is for the government to declare maritial law and steal assets of the protestors.


We need to wake up and push back against this left wing authoritarianism.
When does peaceful protest come armed...

I spent 32 years in Law Enforcement. I went to a number of services for those who gave their life to our communities. The majority of those officers were murdered going to a Domestic Violence Call.
most are. It's going to someone's home you know nothing about. but you most likely never feared when you walked in.
Reality, so it's understandable that you're not familiar with it. We get it. You're off in your own little cult bubble.

As far as I know ... none.

So your claim is that "more officers were killed" means "lots of officers were assassinated by BLM." Normal people would point out that your conclusion is not supported in any way by your premise.

Now, some reality.

Police officers killed, by political extremists, 2011 - 2020

Left wing - 10
Right wing - 14
Islamic - 1
Other - 1
Do you have any idea how many cops are killed each year? Do you know the race of the perpetrators in the majority of these murders? Of course you do. Everyone knows that black people kill more cops than any other group, and as we know, they are virtually all left leaning (you democrats are very fond of pointing out that fact). Sorry, but the left is responsible for at least 80% of all police murders, though probably closer to 90%, realistically speaking.

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