Will the USA turn to fascism to defeat peaceful protestors?

that whore Is literally a joke. a shill. a troll. you can't take it seriously.
Ive never understood how someone can throw away their own integrity so readily. Saying obviously wrong shit is not a winning strategy. I dont get it.
Ive never understood how someone can throw away their own integrity so readily. Saying obviously wrong shit is not a winning strategy. I dont get it.
Really the only explanation is they are a paid troll. Of course you cant prove that here, but its the only thing that makes sense. No one believes the nonsense they post. Not even their fellow leftists. Even the lefties roll their eyes and laugh at that shit. They just dont have the courage to speak out against it.

Tell me the last time you heard such nonsense in public? In person? NEVER. Because these loons know they would be absolutely laughed out of existence!!!! Unfortunately the internet has given completely mentally ill people an anonymous place to post complete drivel.
I'm not sure if this is an attempt to whitewash the very violent 1/6 insurrection, an attempt to whitewash the current attempt of a few fascist Canadians (backed monetarily by fascist Americans to violently overthrow their government with force, or an attampt to whitewash future planned conservative terrorist attacks.

OP, can you clarify?

If you feel the constant need to justify your own side's terrorism, as most of the right is doing these days, then you're on the wrong side.
No one who defended the BLM riots has any credibility to call the Jan 6 prottest "very violent."
There's more of that nazi thing where they scream about how violent the liberals/jews are, to justify even more brownshirt violence against liberals/jews.

You're not fooling anyone. We stomped you Nazi cockroaches once, and we'll do it again.

I love you guys as the consolation prize. You see, none of the people who are Deplorables and screwed with people have risen up to take you out. There are a high percentage of Deplorables who nothing to anyone did who get that blame. There is a percentage of Progs who have done the same. But they are not taken to task. And with everyone blaming everyone for all of the problems those who have experienced in real terms with no resolution, get to see this play out. Even if it affects them a bit. Power fiefdoms are now changing. But they have ph uked over a lot of people and have not paid for it. Many are collecting good pensions now and have not been taken to task. And that is why I believe our nation is in trouble.
Go on, tell us more about how arresting violent right-wing terrorists makes you a victim.

You spend your days running cover for those flying swastikas and Confederate flags right now. All the Trump cultists here do. YOu clearly all identify very strongly with Nazis and slavers.
The only ones flying swastikas or Confederate flags were BLM and Antifa vermin running a false flag operation. It's their favorite tactic.
The USA pushed back HARD on the federal government being used to stop VIOLENT ANTIFABLM RIOTS.



Now we see governments are resorting to martial law and fascism to squash a peaceful protest with no murders, no looting, no burning down government buildings, no assaults.

We have seen a protest change from a “small fringe minority” to the greatest threat in the history of a nation in 2 weeks.

The response to the demands of the protestors to end mandates is for the government to declare maritial law and steal assets of the protestors.


We need to wake up and push back against this left wing authoritarianism.
Why shouldn't the government protect the vast majority who aren't idiots like you?
It's not fascism dickhead. It's constitutional.
There's more of that nazi thing where they scream about how violent the liberals/jews are, to justify even more brownshirt violence against liberals/jews.

You're not fooling anyone. We stomped you Nazi cockroaches once, and we'll do it again.

No one is fooled by this prog smear of the truckers. That's your modus operandi.
Hey a shot from right field. I was making fun of them calling Canadians Fascist.

Which Jews do you think are/were terrorist?
the ones that you all imply were. If the protestors in canada are, then so were the Jews.
There's more of that nazi thing where they scream about how violent the liberals/jews are, to justify even more brownshirt violence against liberals/jews.

You're not fooling anyone. We stomped you Nazi cockroaches once, and we'll do it again.

see, yet another demofk who thinks the Jews deserved what they got. Wow, I never would have thunk it.
Your read? I suppose so since you can read but not comprehend. When your biases are ingrained within the space between your ears, and loaded by a brainwash it is ne'er impossible to think and weed out what the AM Radio talking heads are doing. They make money and they are exactly like trump's speeches and tweets, demagogues and charlatans.
so you have nothing to say? what a waste of a post in a thread you're supposed to follow the OP. Insults are so ghey!!!
I'm not sure if this is an attempt to whitewash the very violent 1/6 insurrection, an attempt to whitewash the current attempt of a few fascist Canadians (backed monetarily by fascist Americans to violently overthrow their government with force, or an attampt to whitewash future planned conservative terrorist attacks.

OP, can you clarify?

If you feel the constant need to justify your own side's terrorism, as most of the right is doing these days, then you're on the wrong side.
People calling for more freedom are fascists?...lmao
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It's a standard fascist propaganda tactic to make up stories about how the Jews/liberals are the real villains, in order to justify even more brownshirt violence against Jews/liberals.

That is, we're on to you.
Leftists aren't Liberals. Historically Liberals want less government, not more government. The drivers in the Freedom Convoy qualify as Liberals
So, has any of this criminal-defending stopped the "truckers" from being sent packing?

No? It's just something the Trumptard authoritarian lackeys were told to get hysterical about today? Imagine that.

Don't worry, Trumptards. Your masters will give you a different story to get hysterical about tomorrow. They always come up with something special to have you wetting yourselves over. Keeping you hysterical keeps you obedient, and they like you obedient.

Again, I'm begging your fascist shitstains to try it in the USA. That would be such a massive electoral win for Democrats. That's why the GOP leaders have no interest in it.

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