Will the USA turn to fascism to defeat peaceful protestors?

I spent 32 years in Law Enforcement. I went to a number of services for those who gave their life to our communities. The majority of those officers were murdered going to a Domestic Violence Call.

There were no political issues in these murders, they were mostly drunks or drug addicts and bullies, all with guns. Maybe you ought to take a ride along on some Saturday night shift, therein you might have some insight into law enforcement and those who they arrest.
Who said anything about political issues? Im talking about the left and the right. The left is responsible for FAR more murders than the right. Most cases of domestic violence are committed by blacks, of which 90% of them vote democrat, so spare me your nonsense.

Last year we had a cops being executed by BLM supporters on many occasions. They were literally walking up and shooting them in the head.
Do you have any idea how many cops are killed each year? Do you know the race of the perpetrators in the majority of these murders? Of course you do. Everyone knows that black people kill more cops than any other group, and as we know, they are virtually all left leaning (you democrats are very fond of pointing out that fact). Sorry, but the left is responsible for at least 80% of all police murders, though probably closer to 90%, realistically speaking.

Your racism is on clear display again.



"The FBI provided The Fact Checker a detailed database of victim officers and offenders in felonious incidents, accidental deaths and assaults with injury, from the early 1980s.

From 1980 to 2013, there were 2,269 officers killed in felonious incidents, and 2,896 offenders. The racial breakdown of offenders over the 33-year period was on par with the 10-year period: 52 percent were white, and 41 percent were black."
well shit, one cop was charged for killing Goerge Floyd and the entire police force must be defunded. Yep, only in your bubble dumb fk.
Name what LE Agency has yet to be defunded? For that matter, when has any bill in any legislature or The Congress ever put forth a bill to confiscate firearms without due process?
Name what LE Agency has yet to be defunded? For that matter, when has any bill in any legislature or The Congress ever put forth a bill to confiscate firearms without due process?

most are. It's going to someone's home you know nothing about. but you most likely never feared when you walked in.
Two of these officers who were murdered before opening the door to an apt. on a DV Call. They were in constant verbal touch to dispatch when the door opened and the operator heard gun fire. Then silence.

I taught a section on POST and played this recording to rookie officers, it was two minutes long, and there was not a dry eye in the house.
Two of these officers who were murdered before opening the door to an apt. on a DV Call. They were in constant verbal touch to dispatch when the door opened and the operator heard gun fire. Then silence.

I taught a section on POST and played this recording to rookie officers, it was two minutes long, and there was not a dry eye in the house.

I guess you didn't play the recording to them!
What's your point?
Two of these officers who were murdered before opening the door to an apt. on a DV Call. They were in constant verbal touch to dispatch when the door opened and the operator heard gun fire. Then silence.

I taught a section on POST and played this recording to rookie officers, it was two minutes long, and there was not a dry eye in the house.
And. What does this have to do with Going full Fascist on people over a damned jab? No law has been passed just BS mandates by politicians obsessed with power. Same in Canada.

Do you support vaccine passports in this country the same as Canada. And if so as a former LE officer would you go arrest people who left their home without a passport?
Your racism is on clear display again.



"The FBI provided The Fact Checker a detailed database of victim officers and offenders in felonious incidents, accidental deaths and assaults with injury, from the early 1980s.

From 1980 to 2013, there were 2,269 officers killed in felonious incidents, and 2,896 offenders. The racial breakdown of offenders over the 33-year period was on par with the 10-year period: 52 percent were white, and 41 percent were black."
Whats with the decade old statistics? What were the percentages from last year?

Also, thanks for pointing out that white people dont kill cops at the same rate that their percentage of the population would suggest. And for the record, are you under the impression that every cop killed by a white person was right wing? Sorry, but cops arent getting mowed down in rural America. :laugh:

Even using your decade old percentages, you clearly just demonstrated that democrats are responsible for the majority of cop deaths. I rest my case.
What is digusting is the people who claimed Trump is a NAZI for offering federal assistance to states suffering loss of life and property from ANTIFABLM riots are the same people who love that Trudeau went ACTUAL NAZI against an ACTUAL PEACEFUL PROTEST.

If you are among that crowd, you are fucked in the head.
Whats with the decade old statistics? What were the percentages from last year?

Also, thanks for pointing out that white people dont kill cops at the same rate that their percentage of the population would suggest. And for the record, are you under the impression that every cop killed by a white person was right wing? Sorry, but cops arent getting mowed down in rural America. :laugh:

Even using your decade old percentages, you clearly just demonstrated that democrats are responsible for the majority of cop deaths. I rest my case.
The article cites information from 1980-2013 and included 2015 in a data set.

So, a decade?

Also, it totally refutes your racist assertion of 90%.

Go to the losers lounge.
1/6 insuurrection? What the hell does January 6th have to do with murderous BLM riots in the OP? No one but you mentioned January 6th. :cuckoo:
Your biases are the problem for you lack of understanding: First of all Black Lives Matter was not a mob nor did they create riots. Second, the looting is based on poverty not political activities; Third, those who burned building, shot police officers and vandalized property masked and in all black colors; thus they cannot be considered members of the peaceful BLM protestors. In fact they appeared to be anarchists on the far left, or agent provocateurs on the far right.

January 6, 2021 was an attempted coup. A mob of supporters of Donald Trump vandalized our nation's capitol building, injuring 140 law enforcement officers and chanting to kill the Vice President of the United States.

BLM has an agenda. The agenda was clear and honest not criminal; the reason BLM are ethically and legally acceptable for walking peacefully for this very clear purpose, to wit: To inform the American People that some police officers have abused their power and use force when unnecessary.

Those who marched to the Capitol were "invited" by the President of the United States to "pressure" the Vice President of the United States to not carry out his Constitutional Duty.

Thus those who believe the election was stolen from the Former President, and listened to his speeches that the election - before a vote was cast - was rigged. The same rhetoric he used before the election in 2016, then he stopped making any speech or tweet suggesting this election was rigged.
Your biases are the problem for you lack of understanding: First of all Black Lives Matter was not a mob nor did they create riots. Second, the looting is based on poverty not political activities; Third, those who burned building, shot police officers and vandalized property masked and in all black colors; thus they cannot be considered members of the peaceful BLM protestors. In fact they appeared to be anarchists on the far left, or agent provocateurs on the far right.

January 6, 2021 was an attempted coup. A mob of supporters of Donald Trump vandalized our nation's capitol building, injuring 140 law enforcement officers and chanting to kill the Vice President of the United States.

BLM has an agenda. The agenda was clear and honest not criminal; the reason BLM are ethically and legally acceptable for walking peacefully for this very clear purpose, to wit: To inform the American People that some police officers have abused their power and use force when unnecessary.

Those who marched to the Capitol were "invited" by the President of the United States to "pressure" the Vice President of the United States to not carry out his Constitutional Duty.

Thus those who believe the election was stolen from the Former President, and listened to his speeches that the election - before a vote was cast - was rigged. The same rhetoric he used before the election in 2016, then he stopped making any speech or tweet suggesting this election was rigged.
Its absurd that you actually believe any of this ^ horseshit. Youre fucking delusional.

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