Will the world be more violent, the same or less under a President Trump?

My comment on IED's was greeted by Picaro in this manner:

"Hell yeah!!! We should wait until they do become normal first, and then do something about it! Great Plan!!! Ur a jeenyus at this stuff! How is it you ain't President???"

S/he may be too young to remember, but President Bush and Cheney, Rumsfeld and Powell should have anticipated IED's in Iraq, for when I was in the Service they were called Satchel Bombs and left on bicycles on the streets of Saigon. One more reason to remember why Iraq became a fiasco, a leadership which reacted with emotion not cool reasoning.

Keep this in mind when Election Day arrives, Trump is all about raising emotions, and HRC is all about rational discussions and planning for contingencies, something those with experience understand.

I don't know what Picaro wrote, so I'll take your word for it.

As for IEDs and other guerilla tactics, they are elements of an underdog's arsenal. Shame on the "top dog" that doesn't anticipate them. In this day whereby U.S. military might dwarfs that of all our actual combatant opponents, and our military peers know that full-on armed conflict with us can likely lead to an outcome that desireable for neither side no matter which "wins," it's all but a foregone conclusion that the U.S. will find itself fighting in asymmetric battles/wars. As William Cohen said, "the post-Cold War world of the 1990s was a 'paradox [where] American military superiority actually increase[d] the threat of... attack against [the U.S.] by creating incentives for adversaries to challenge us asymmetrically.'"
  • Strategic Asymmetric Deception and Its Role in the Current Threat Environment

    Asymmetric warfare comprises attempts to circumvent or undermine an opposing force's strengths while exploiting his weaknesses and vulnerabilities. The weaker party does this using methods that differ significantly from the apparently stronger party; the weaker party typically employs innovative, nontraditional tactics, weapons, or technologies that can be applied at all levels of warfare—strategic, operational, and tactical—and across the spectrum of military operations.

  • How the Weak Win Wars
    • The following typology of ideal-type strategies is a useful starting point for analysis:
      • Attack (strong actor) strategies:
        1. direct attack
        2. barbarism
      • Defense (weak actor) strategies:
        1. direct defense
        2. guerrilla warfare strategy
Guerrilla warfare strategy (GWS) is the organization of a portion of society for the purpose of imposing costs on an adversary using armed forces trained to avoid direct confrontation. These costs include the loss of soldiers, supplies, infrastructure, peace of mind, and most important, time. Although GWS primarily targets opposing armed forces and their support resources, its goal is to destroy not the capacity but the will of the attacker.

GWS requires two elements: (1) physical sanctuary (e.g., swamps, mountains, thick forest, or jungle) or political sanctuary (e.g., weakly defended border areas or border areas controlled by sympathetic states), and (2) a supportive population (to supply Žghters with intelligence and logistical support, as well as replacements). The method of GWS is well summarized by perhaps its most famous practitioner, Mao Tse-tung:
“In guerrilla warfare, select the tactic of seeming to come from the east and attacking from the west; avoid the solid, attack the hollow; attack; withdraw; deliver a lightning blow, seek a lightning decision. When guerrillas engage a stronger enemy, they withdraw when he advances; harass him when he stops; strike him when he is weary; pursue him when he withdraws. In guerrilla strategy, the enemy’s rear, anks, and other vulnerable spots are his vital points, and there he must be harassed, attacked, dispersed, exhausted, and annihilated.”​

GWS is not a strategy for obtaining a quick, decisive defeat of invading or occupying forces. Moreover, because guerrillas cannot hold or defend particular areas, they do not provide security for their families while on operations or when demobilized to await new missions. GWS is therefore a strategy that requires placing key values (e.g., farms, family, religious or cultural sites, and towns) directly in the hands of the adversary. Logically then, important costs of adopting a GWS depend on both the purpose and the restraint of the adversary. When invading or occupying forces do not exercise restraint in the use of force, or when their purpose is the destruction of a weak actor’s people, GWS can become a prohibitively expensive defensive strategy.​

    Globalization is having a tremendous effect on the ability of terrorist and criminal organizations to act on a global scale. These organizations are using asymmetrical means to target U.S. interests at home and abroad. The events of September 11th were the culminating effect of this trend that has played an increasingly greater role in the world in which we live.
Like I said, you have my sympathies. The next 8 years are gonna be hard on you.

Hillary's lead is down to 3 points now.

Your lying confidence is just you being an ass.
Yeah, I'm worried.

You are pretending that you see no difference from complete asshole confidence and "worried".

I refuse to believe that you are that stupid.

The gap is not large and it is closing.

For you to airily dismiss my well argued points, supposedly because there is no chance of Trump winning is not called for and is just you being a dishonest asshole.

You are a troll. You refuse to address the topic, but stick around to be an asshole.
I can believe you are stupid enough to not comprehend I am that confident in Hillary winning. Crazy Donald hasn't been up for more than a couple of days since he announced he's running. And national polls don't speak as loudly as state-by-state polling ...

That map plus the table here is all one needs to know about the GOP's immigration policy.
  • Look at all the "red" states that will go "blue" if those 11M immigrants become citizens and thus legally able to vote. Several of the most reliably "red" states likely would not be any longer.
  • Consider what happens now given that states count illegals when "redistricting" and apportioning.

Why do you say GOP and leave out the Dems?

Do you think the dems have evolved beyond self interest? LOL!!

And what about all the anti-TRump republicans who disagreed with Trump on immigration? It being anti-immigration is "bad", does that make them "Good"?
Hillary's lead is down to 3 points now.

Your lying confidence is just you being an ass.
Yeah, I'm worried.


You are pretending that you see no difference from complete asshole confidence and "worried".

I refuse to believe that you are that stupid.

The gap is not large and it is closing.

For you to airily dismiss my well argued points, supposedly because there is no chance of Trump winning is not called for and is just you being a dishonest asshole.

You are a troll. You refuse to address the topic, but stick around to be an asshole.
I can believe you are stupid enough to not comprehend I am that confident in Hillary winning. Crazy Donald hasn't been up for more than a couple of days since he announced he's running. And national polls doesn't speak as loudly as state-by-state polling ...


If you are so confident that Trump won't win that you can't be bothered to discuss the issues, why are you in a thread on a discussion site about Trump's potential presidency?

Rhetorical question.

You are here to try to advance your agenda and make your case.

Except that I called you on your bullshit and now you are coming up with excuses to NOT discuss the issues.

And as the national average closes, those states will change.

You do understand that the parts make up the whole, thus changes in the whole are caused by changes in the parts?
Nah, I joined this thread quoting the next president's perspective on Crazy Donald's threat to peace. You chose naming calling as a rebuttal. You really do come off as quite insecure. But then, look at who you're supporting ... the next loser in a presidential race, so it's understandable.

Not to mention, you have absolutely no idea how silly you look crowing about how Hillary leads by only 3 points. :eusa_doh: Obama won the 2012 election by about 4 points nationally ... that translated into an electoral landslide.

And your nonsense the polls closing is worthless since Crazy Donald has spent this entire election season playing catch up with Hillary. Every time he catches up, he falls back down again. Viagra couldn't even help him deliver staying power.


YOu accuse me of choosing name calling as a rebuttal.

And then you address my actual rebuttal.

And it isn't election day YET. ANd the spread today is 2.8.
Yeah, I'm worried.


You are pretending that you see no difference from complete asshole confidence and "worried".

I refuse to believe that you are that stupid.

The gap is not large and it is closing.

For you to airily dismiss my well argued points, supposedly because there is no chance of Trump winning is not called for and is just you being a dishonest asshole.

You are a troll. You refuse to address the topic, but stick around to be an asshole.
I can believe you are stupid enough to not comprehend I am that confident in Hillary winning. Crazy Donald hasn't been up for more than a couple of days since he announced he's running. And national polls doesn't speak as loudly as state-by-state polling ...


If you are so confident that Trump won't win that you can't be bothered to discuss the issues, why are you in a thread on a discussion site about Trump's potential presidency?

Rhetorical question.

You are here to try to advance your agenda and make your case.

Except that I called you on your bullshit and now you are coming up with excuses to NOT discuss the issues.

And as the national average closes, those states will change.

You do understand that the parts make up the whole, thus changes in the whole are caused by changes in the parts?
Nah, I joined this thread quoting the next president's perspective on Crazy Donald's threat to peace. You chose naming calling as a rebuttal. You really do come off as quite insecure. But then, look at who you're supporting ... the next loser in a presidential race, so it's understandable.

Not to mention, you have absolutely no idea how silly you look crowing about how Hillary leads by only 3 points. :eusa_doh: Obama won the 2012 election by about 4 points nationally ... that translated into an electoral landslide.

And your nonsense the polls closing is worthless since Crazy Donald has spent this entire election season playing catch up with Hillary. Every time he catches up, he falls back down again. Viagra couldn't even help him deliver staying power.


YOu accuse me of choosing name calling as a rebuttal.

And then you address my actual rebuttal.

And it isn't election day YET. ANd the spread today is 2.8.
No worries, keep on celebrating how Crazy Donald is still losing; just by not as much.

Will the world be more violent, the same or less under a President Trump?

My opinion: Trump very clearly has very little control of himself and is the kind of man that would probably get us into major wars with nations like china, India, Russia, Turkey, etc. Sure, the middle east has been violent but the world in general has been fairly peaceful under Obama but I don't expect that to remain so under Trump.

This is a man that handles everything with attack, attack and more attack. He'll probably tell the president of China to go fuck himself and have air craft carriers off the coast of china daring them to make a move.
Actually, Trump has always been known as an excellent negotiator.
Will the world be more violent, the same or less under a President Trump?

My opinion: Trump very clearly has very little control of himself and is the kind of man that would probably get us into major wars with nations like china, India, Russia, Turkey, etc. Sure, the middle east has been violent but the world in general has been fairly peaceful under Obama but I don't expect that to remain so under Trump.

This is a man that handles everything with attack, attack and more attack. He'll probably tell the president of China to go fuck himself and have air craft carriers off the coast of china daring them to make a move.
Actually, Trump has always been known as an excellent negotiator.

Many lefties know that. THey just choose to lie in order to create a strawman that HIllary can run against.

THey know that they can't make a case to vote for her based on the TRUTH.

Other lefties are dumb enough to believe those lies.

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