Will there be any Electoral College hanky-panky in the 2020 election?

I've been hearing rumors. Have you heard anything?

There could be few better testaments to the lunacy of our electoral system than the fact that, on Wednesday, the Supreme Court, made up of the most august judges in the land, spent time considering whether one random guy somewhere should be able to decide who the next president is.

But that’s just what happened. And even if the judges take what might be the most practical course in this case — which concerns the question of “faithless electors” — it’s a good reminder that, because our system is so uniquely undemocratic, we could be heading for yet another election in which the person who gets the most votes is not the one who wins.
And that’s not even the most terrifying prospect.

This Supreme Court case asks whether, having been sent to the electoral college on the presumption they’d cast their votes for a particular candidate, electors are allowed under the Constitution to change their minds and act as free agents.

The electoral college is a ticking time bomb for November

How is it that folks like you still don't understand how we elect presidents?
If the founding fathers were alive today - my guess is that they would like a do-over on several things.
I've been hearing rumors. Have you heard anything?

There could be few better testaments to the lunacy of our electoral system than the fact that, on Wednesday, the Supreme Court, made up of the most august judges in the land, spent time considering whether one random guy somewhere should be able to decide who the next president is.

But that’s just what happened. And even if the judges take what might be the most practical course in this case — which concerns the question of “faithless electors” — it’s a good reminder that, because our system is so uniquely undemocratic, we could be heading for yet another election in which the person who gets the most votes is not the one who wins.
And that’s not even the most terrifying prospect.

This Supreme Court case asks whether, having been sent to the electoral college on the presumption they’d cast their votes for a particular candidate, electors are allowed under the Constitution to change their minds and act as free agents.

The electoral college is a ticking time bomb for November

Holy horse crap.. You ASKING electoral college abuse? You ever hear of the 14 largely BLUE states that signed a pact DEMANDING their electors IGNORE the will of their residents' votes and cast their votes for the Popular vote winner??

Seriously -- you this clueless ALL the time? This is gonna backfire on your asses like most of your schemes.. If Trump WINS the popular vote -- you'll see trainloads of lawyers running to court to REMOVE the legislation they all passed.. Otherwise NY. Cali.Illinois and 11 other Blue states would turn ALL RED on the official electoral college results..

How'd you miss this chief???

The Electoral College is a dinosaur. Popular vote reflects the real will of the people. People count - not acreage.

Then WhyTF you worried about it? It aint going anywhere.. It's MORE democratic than the Senate. You revolutionaries would have to burn the SENATE off of the Constitution first..

The electoral college is THOUSANDS of times MORE democratic than your average DNC "Super Delegate"... :2up:

Why are you always so hostile and usually on the wrong side of most issues? Do you honestly believe the Electoral College is how presidential elections should be decided and that electors should be able to just ignore the popular vote in their state?

Time for your civics lesson:

"The Electoral College was created for two reasons. The first purpose was to create a buffer between the population and the selection of a President. The second as part of the structure of the government that gave extra power to the smaller states.

The first reason that the founders created the Electoral College is hard to understand today. The founding fathers were afraid of direct election to the Presidency. They feared a tyrant could manipulate public opinion and come to power. Hamilton wrote in the Federalist Papers:

It was equally desirable, that the immediate election should be made by men most capable of analyzing the qualities adapted to the station, and acting under circumstances favorable to deliberation, and to a judicious combination of all the reasons and inducements which were proper to govern their choice. A small number of persons, selected by their fellow-citizens from the general mass, will be most likely to possess the information and discernment requisite to such complicated investigations. It was also peculiarly desirable to afford as little opportunity as possible to tumult and disorder. This evil was not least to be dreaded in the election of a magistrate, who was to have so important an agency in the administration of the government as the President of the United States. But the precautions which have been so happily concerted in the system under consideration, promise an effectual security against this mischief..."

Why the Electoral College.
I've been hearing rumors. Have you heard anything?

There could be few better testaments to the lunacy of our electoral system than the fact that, on Wednesday, the Supreme Court, made up of the most august judges in the land, spent time considering whether one random guy somewhere should be able to decide who the next president is.

But that’s just what happened. And even if the judges take what might be the most practical course in this case — which concerns the question of “faithless electors” — it’s a good reminder that, because our system is so uniquely undemocratic, we could be heading for yet another election in which the person who gets the most votes is not the one who wins.
And that’s not even the most terrifying prospect.

This Supreme Court case asks whether, having been sent to the electoral college on the presumption they’d cast their votes for a particular candidate, electors are allowed under the Constitution to change their minds and act as free agents.

The electoral college is a ticking time bomb for November

Holy horse crap.. You ASKING electoral college abuse? You ever hear of the 14 largely BLUE states that signed a pact DEMANDING their electors IGNORE the will of their residents' votes and cast their votes for the Popular vote winner??

Seriously -- you this clueless ALL the time? This is gonna backfire on your asses like most of your schemes.. If Trump WINS the popular vote -- you'll see trainloads of lawyers running to court to REMOVE the legislation they all passed.. Otherwise NY. Cali.Illinois and 11 other Blue states would turn ALL RED on the official electoral college results..

How'd you miss this chief???

The Electoral College is a dinosaur. Popular vote reflects the real will of the people. People count - not acreage.

Then WhyTF you worried about it? It aint going anywhere.. It's MORE democratic than the Senate. You revolutionaries would have to burn the SENATE off of the Constitution first..

The electoral college is THOUSANDS of times MORE democratic than your average DNC "Super Delegate"... :2up:

Why are you always so hostile and usually on the wrong side of most issues? Do you honestly believe the Electoral College is how presidential elections should be decided and that electors should be able to just ignore the popular vote in their state?

Time for your civics lesson:

"The Electoral College was created for two reasons. The first purpose was to create a buffer between the population and the selection of a President. The second as part of the structure of the government that gave extra power to the smaller states.

The first reason that the founders created the Electoral College is hard to understand today. The founding fathers were afraid of direct election to the Presidency. They feared a tyrant could manipulate public opinion and come to power. Hamilton wrote in the Federalist Papers:

It was equally desirable, that the immediate election should be made by men most capable of analyzing the qualities adapted to the station, and acting under circumstances favorable to deliberation, and to a judicious combination of all the reasons and inducements which were proper to govern their choice. A small number of persons, selected by their fellow-citizens from the general mass, will be most likely to possess the information and discernment requisite to such complicated investigations. It was also peculiarly desirable to afford as little opportunity as possible to tumult and disorder. This evil was not least to be dreaded in the election of a magistrate, who was to have so important an agency in the administration of the government as the President of the United States. But the precautions which have been so happily concerted in the system under consideration, promise an effectual security against this mischief..."

Why the Electoral College.

Yes, we know the framers didn't trust the "people" - which is how we ended up with Trump. Hillary Clinton received about 3,000,000 more popular votes than Trump. Let the "people" decide.
I've been hearing rumors. Have you heard anything?

There could be few better testaments to the lunacy of our electoral system than the fact that, on Wednesday, the Supreme Court, made up of the most august judges in the land, spent time considering whether one random guy somewhere should be able to decide who the next president is.

But that’s just what happened. And even if the judges take what might be the most practical course in this case — which concerns the question of “faithless electors” — it’s a good reminder that, because our system is so uniquely undemocratic, we could be heading for yet another election in which the person who gets the most votes is not the one who wins.
And that’s not even the most terrifying prospect.

This Supreme Court case asks whether, having been sent to the electoral college on the presumption they’d cast their votes for a particular candidate, electors are allowed under the Constitution to change their minds and act as free agents.

The electoral college is a ticking time bomb for November

Holy horse crap.. You ASKING electoral college abuse? You ever hear of the 14 largely BLUE states that signed a pact DEMANDING their electors IGNORE the will of their residents' votes and cast their votes for the Popular vote winner??

Seriously -- you this clueless ALL the time? This is gonna backfire on your asses like most of your schemes.. If Trump WINS the popular vote -- you'll see trainloads of lawyers running to court to REMOVE the legislation they all passed.. Otherwise NY. Cali.Illinois and 11 other Blue states would turn ALL RED on the official electoral college results..

How'd you miss this chief???

The Electoral College is a dinosaur. Popular vote reflects the real will of the people. People count - not acreage.

Then WhyTF you worried about it? It aint going anywhere.. It's MORE democratic than the Senate. You revolutionaries would have to burn the SENATE off of the Constitution first..

The electoral college is THOUSANDS of times MORE democratic than your average DNC "Super Delegate"... :2up:

Why are you always so hostile and usually on the wrong side of most issues? Do you honestly believe the Electoral College is how presidential elections should be decided and that electors should be able to just ignore the popular vote in their state?
I've been hearing rumors. Have you heard anything?

There could be few better testaments to the lunacy of our electoral system than the fact that, on Wednesday, the Supreme Court, made up of the most august judges in the land, spent time considering whether one random guy somewhere should be able to decide who the next president is.

But that’s just what happened. And even if the judges take what might be the most practical course in this case — which concerns the question of “faithless electors” — it’s a good reminder that, because our system is so uniquely undemocratic, we could be heading for yet another election in which the person who gets the most votes is not the one who wins.
And that’s not even the most terrifying prospect.

This Supreme Court case asks whether, having been sent to the electoral college on the presumption they’d cast their votes for a particular candidate, electors are allowed under the Constitution to change their minds and act as free agents.

The electoral college is a ticking time bomb for November

Holy horse crap.. You ASKING electoral college abuse? You ever hear of the 14 largely BLUE states that signed a pact DEMANDING their electors IGNORE the will of their residents' votes and cast their votes for the Popular vote winner??

Seriously -- you this clueless ALL the time? This is gonna backfire on your asses like most of your schemes.. If Trump WINS the popular vote -- you'll see trainloads of lawyers running to court to REMOVE the legislation they all passed.. Otherwise NY. Cali.Illinois and 11 other Blue states would turn ALL RED on the official electoral college results..

How'd you miss this chief???

The Electoral College is a dinosaur. Popular vote reflects the real will of the people. People count - not acreage.

Then WhyTF you worried about it? It aint going anywhere.. It's MORE democratic than the Senate. You revolutionaries would have to burn the SENATE off of the Constitution first..

The electoral college is THOUSANDS of times MORE democratic than your average DNC "Super Delegate"... :2up:

Why are you always so hostile and usually on the wrong side of most issues? Do you honestly believe the Electoral College is how presidential elections should be decided and that electors should be able to just ignore the popular vote in their state?
you're an idiot the elector do not ignore the popular vote of their state
I've been hearing rumors. Have you heard anything?

There could be few better testaments to the lunacy of our electoral system than the fact that, on Wednesday, the Supreme Court, made up of the most august judges in the land, spent time considering whether one random guy somewhere should be able to decide who the next president is.

But that’s just what happened. And even if the judges take what might be the most practical course in this case — which concerns the question of “faithless electors” — it’s a good reminder that, because our system is so uniquely undemocratic, we could be heading for yet another election in which the person who gets the most votes is not the one who wins.
And that’s not even the most terrifying prospect.

This Supreme Court case asks whether, having been sent to the electoral college on the presumption they’d cast their votes for a particular candidate, electors are allowed under the Constitution to change their minds and act as free agents.

The electoral college is a ticking time bomb for November

Holy horse crap.. You ASKING electoral college abuse? You ever hear of the 14 largely BLUE states that signed a pact DEMANDING their electors IGNORE the will of their residents' votes and cast their votes for the Popular vote winner??

Seriously -- you this clueless ALL the time? This is gonna backfire on your asses like most of your schemes.. If Trump WINS the popular vote -- you'll see trainloads of lawyers running to court to REMOVE the legislation they all passed.. Otherwise NY. Cali.Illinois and 11 other Blue states would turn ALL RED on the official electoral college results..

How'd you miss this chief???

The Electoral College is a dinosaur. Popular vote reflects the real will of the people. People count - not acreage.

Then WhyTF you worried about it? It aint going anywhere.. It's MORE democratic than the Senate. You revolutionaries would have to burn the SENATE off of the Constitution first..

The electoral college is THOUSANDS of times MORE democratic than your average DNC "Super Delegate"... :2up:

Why are you always so hostile and usually on the wrong side of most issues? Do you honestly believe the Electoral College is how presidential elections should be decided and that electors should be able to just ignore the popular vote in their state?

Time for your civics lesson:

"The Electoral College was created for two reasons. The first purpose was to create a buffer between the population and the selection of a President. The second as part of the structure of the government that gave extra power to the smaller states.

The first reason that the founders created the Electoral College is hard to understand today. The founding fathers were afraid of direct election to the Presidency. They feared a tyrant could manipulate public opinion and come to power. Hamilton wrote in the Federalist Papers:

It was equally desirable, that the immediate election should be made by men most capable of analyzing the qualities adapted to the station, and acting under circumstances favorable to deliberation, and to a judicious combination of all the reasons and inducements which were proper to govern their choice. A small number of persons, selected by their fellow-citizens from the general mass, will be most likely to possess the information and discernment requisite to such complicated investigations. It was also peculiarly desirable to afford as little opportunity as possible to tumult and disorder. This evil was not least to be dreaded in the election of a magistrate, who was to have so important an agency in the administration of the government as the President of the United States. But the precautions which have been so happily concerted in the system under consideration, promise an effectual security against this mischief..."

Why the Electoral College.

Yes, we know the framers didn't trust the "people" - which is how we ended up with Trump. Hillary Clinton received about 3,000,000 more popular votes than Trump. Let the "people" decide.
30 states full of popular votes for the president won the day
I've been hearing rumors. Have you heard anything?

There could be few better testaments to the lunacy of our electoral system than the fact that, on Wednesday, the Supreme Court, made up of the most august judges in the land, spent time considering whether one random guy somewhere should be able to decide who the next president is.

But that’s just what happened. And even if the judges take what might be the most practical course in this case — which concerns the question of “faithless electors” — it’s a good reminder that, because our system is so uniquely undemocratic, we could be heading for yet another election in which the person who gets the most votes is not the one who wins.
And that’s not even the most terrifying prospect.

This Supreme Court case asks whether, having been sent to the electoral college on the presumption they’d cast their votes for a particular candidate, electors are allowed under the Constitution to change their minds and act as free agents.

The electoral college is a ticking time bomb for November

Holy horse crap.. You ASKING electoral college abuse? You ever hear of the 14 largely BLUE states that signed a pact DEMANDING their electors IGNORE the will of their residents' votes and cast their votes for the Popular vote winner??

Seriously -- you this clueless ALL the time? This is gonna backfire on your asses like most of your schemes.. If Trump WINS the popular vote -- you'll see trainloads of lawyers running to court to REMOVE the legislation they all passed.. Otherwise NY. Cali.Illinois and 11 other Blue states would turn ALL RED on the official electoral college results..

How'd you miss this chief???

They are counting on massive voter fraud?
I've been hearing rumors. Have you heard anything?

There could be few better testaments to the lunacy of our electoral system than the fact that, on Wednesday, the Supreme Court, made up of the most august judges in the land, spent time considering whether one random guy somewhere should be able to decide who the next president is.

But that’s just what happened. And even if the judges take what might be the most practical course in this case — which concerns the question of “faithless electors” — it’s a good reminder that, because our system is so uniquely undemocratic, we could be heading for yet another election in which the person who gets the most votes is not the one who wins.
And that’s not even the most terrifying prospect.

This Supreme Court case asks whether, having been sent to the electoral college on the presumption they’d cast their votes for a particular candidate, electors are allowed under the Constitution to change their minds and act as free agents.

The electoral college is a ticking time bomb for November

Holy horse crap.. You ASKING electoral college abuse? You ever hear of the 14 largely BLUE states that signed a pact DEMANDING their electors IGNORE the will of their residents' votes and cast their votes for the Popular vote winner??

Seriously -- you this clueless ALL the time? This is gonna backfire on your asses like most of your schemes.. If Trump WINS the popular vote -- you'll see trainloads of lawyers running to court to REMOVE the legislation they all passed.. Otherwise NY. Cali.Illinois and 11 other Blue states would turn ALL RED on the official electoral college results..

How'd you miss this chief???

They are counting on massive voter fraud?
plus they believe early voters are voting democrat. I'm voting in person on Saturday guess whom I'm voting for????
I've been hearing rumors. Have you heard anything?

There could be few better testaments to the lunacy of our electoral system than the fact that, on Wednesday, the Supreme Court, made up of the most august judges in the land, spent time considering whether one random guy somewhere should be able to decide who the next president is.

But that’s just what happened. And even if the judges take what might be the most practical course in this case — which concerns the question of “faithless electors” — it’s a good reminder that, because our system is so uniquely undemocratic, we could be heading for yet another election in which the person who gets the most votes is not the one who wins.
And that’s not even the most terrifying prospect.

This Supreme Court case asks whether, having been sent to the electoral college on the presumption they’d cast their votes for a particular candidate, electors are allowed under the Constitution to change their minds and act as free agents.

The electoral college is a ticking time bomb for November

Holy horse crap.. You ASKING electoral college abuse? You ever hear of the 14 largely BLUE states that signed a pact DEMANDING their electors IGNORE the will of their residents' votes and cast their votes for the Popular vote winner??

Seriously -- you this clueless ALL the time? This is gonna backfire on your asses like most of your schemes.. If Trump WINS the popular vote -- you'll see trainloads of lawyers running to court to REMOVE the legislation they all passed.. Otherwise NY. Cali.Illinois and 11 other Blue states would turn ALL RED on the official electoral college results..

How'd you miss this chief???

They are counting on massive voter fraud?

Actually, Democrats are trying hard to prevent massive voter fraud.
I've been hearing rumors. Have you heard anything?

There could be few better testaments to the lunacy of our electoral system than the fact that, on Wednesday, the Supreme Court, made up of the most august judges in the land, spent time considering whether one random guy somewhere should be able to decide who the next president is.

But that’s just what happened. And even if the judges take what might be the most practical course in this case — which concerns the question of “faithless electors” — it’s a good reminder that, because our system is so uniquely undemocratic, we could be heading for yet another election in which the person who gets the most votes is not the one who wins.
And that’s not even the most terrifying prospect.

This Supreme Court case asks whether, having been sent to the electoral college on the presumption they’d cast their votes for a particular candidate, electors are allowed under the Constitution to change their minds and act as free agents.

The electoral college is a ticking time bomb for November

Holy horse crap.. You ASKING electoral college abuse? You ever hear of the 14 largely BLUE states that signed a pact DEMANDING their electors IGNORE the will of their residents' votes and cast their votes for the Popular vote winner??

Seriously -- you this clueless ALL the time? This is gonna backfire on your asses like most of your schemes.. If Trump WINS the popular vote -- you'll see trainloads of lawyers running to court to REMOVE the legislation they all passed.. Otherwise NY. Cali.Illinois and 11 other Blue states would turn ALL RED on the official electoral college results..

How'd you miss this chief???

The Electoral College is a dinosaur. Popular vote reflects the real will of the people. People count - not acreage. BTW, what is wrong with BLUE states pushing for their electors to cast their votes for the Popular vote winner?
The Electoral college is a circuit breaker. A check and balance. Before we have real civil discourse. When you guys riot and destroy enough, for example there may be a charasmatic and strong person of pure ironclad dictatorial agendas person will eventually run for President and even rename his title, that is not a Prog. He being from the deplorable camp. Imagine your happiness when that person loses by the electoral college. A circuit breaker. And maybe cooler heads will prevail before the inevitable happens.
I've been hearing rumors. Have you heard anything?

There could be few better testaments to the lunacy of our electoral system than the fact that, on Wednesday, the Supreme Court, made up of the most august judges in the land, spent time considering whether one random guy somewhere should be able to decide who the next president is.

But that’s just what happened. And even if the judges take what might be the most practical course in this case — which concerns the question of “faithless electors” — it’s a good reminder that, because our system is so uniquely undemocratic, we could be heading for yet another election in which the person who gets the most votes is not the one who wins.
And that’s not even the most terrifying prospect.

This Supreme Court case asks whether, having been sent to the electoral college on the presumption they’d cast their votes for a particular candidate, electors are allowed under the Constitution to change their minds and act as free agents.

The electoral college is a ticking time bomb for November

Holy horse crap.. You ASKING electoral college abuse? You ever hear of the 14 largely BLUE states that signed a pact DEMANDING their electors IGNORE the will of their residents' votes and cast their votes for the Popular vote winner??

Seriously -- you this clueless ALL the time? This is gonna backfire on your asses like most of your schemes.. If Trump WINS the popular vote -- you'll see trainloads of lawyers running to court to REMOVE the legislation they all passed.. Otherwise NY. Cali.Illinois and 11 other Blue states would turn ALL RED on the official electoral college results..

How'd you miss this chief???

They are counting on massive voter fraud?
plus they believe early voters are voting democrat. I'm voting in person on Saturday guess whom I'm voting for????

Is it that Jorgensen chick?
I've been hearing rumors. Have you heard anything?

There could be few better testaments to the lunacy of our electoral system than the fact that, on Wednesday, the Supreme Court, made up of the most august judges in the land, spent time considering whether one random guy somewhere should be able to decide who the next president is.

But that’s just what happened. And even if the judges take what might be the most practical course in this case — which concerns the question of “faithless electors” — it’s a good reminder that, because our system is so uniquely undemocratic, we could be heading for yet another election in which the person who gets the most votes is not the one who wins.
And that’s not even the most terrifying prospect.

This Supreme Court case asks whether, having been sent to the electoral college on the presumption they’d cast their votes for a particular candidate, electors are allowed under the Constitution to change their minds and act as free agents.

The electoral college is a ticking time bomb for November

Holy horse crap.. You ASKING electoral college abuse? You ever hear of the 14 largely BLUE states that signed a pact DEMANDING their electors IGNORE the will of their residents' votes and cast their votes for the Popular vote winner??

Seriously -- you this clueless ALL the time? This is gonna backfire on your asses like most of your schemes.. If Trump WINS the popular vote -- you'll see trainloads of lawyers running to court to REMOVE the legislation they all passed.. Otherwise NY. Cali.Illinois and 11 other Blue states would turn ALL RED on the official electoral college results..

How'd you miss this chief???

The Electoral College is a dinosaur. Popular vote reflects the real will of the people. People count - not acreage. BTW, what is wrong with BLUE states pushing for their electors to cast their votes for the Popular vote winner?
The Electoral college is a circuit breaker. A check and balance. Before we have real civil discourse. When you guys riot and destroy enough, for example there may be a charasmatic and strong person of pure ironclad dictatorial agendas person will eventually run for President and even rename his title, that is not a Prog. He being from the deplorable camp. Imagine your happiness when that person loses by the electoral college. A circuit breaker. And maybe cooler heads will prevail before the inevitable happens.

Really? So how did we get Trump?
I've been hearing rumors. Have you heard anything?

There could be few better testaments to the lunacy of our electoral system than the fact that, on Wednesday, the Supreme Court, made up of the most august judges in the land, spent time considering whether one random guy somewhere should be able to decide who the next president is.

But that’s just what happened. And even if the judges take what might be the most practical course in this case — which concerns the question of “faithless electors” — it’s a good reminder that, because our system is so uniquely undemocratic, we could be heading for yet another election in which the person who gets the most votes is not the one who wins.
And that’s not even the most terrifying prospect.

This Supreme Court case asks whether, having been sent to the electoral college on the presumption they’d cast their votes for a particular candidate, electors are allowed under the Constitution to change their minds and act as free agents.

The electoral college is a ticking time bomb for November

....why people find this shocking eludes me

I'm sure you all were taught how our system works many times during your education.

Yes states matter.

Getting 51% of californian voters or 99% doesn't make a difference
I've been hearing rumors. Have you heard anything?

There could be few better testaments to the lunacy of our electoral system than the fact that, on Wednesday, the Supreme Court, made up of the most august judges in the land, spent time considering whether one random guy somewhere should be able to decide who the next president is.

But that’s just what happened. And even if the judges take what might be the most practical course in this case — which concerns the question of “faithless electors” — it’s a good reminder that, because our system is so uniquely undemocratic, we could be heading for yet another election in which the person who gets the most votes is not the one who wins.
And that’s not even the most terrifying prospect.

This Supreme Court case asks whether, having been sent to the electoral college on the presumption they’d cast their votes for a particular candidate, electors are allowed under the Constitution to change their minds and act as free agents.

The electoral college is a ticking time bomb for November

Holy horse crap.. You ASKING electoral college abuse? You ever hear of the 14 largely BLUE states that signed a pact DEMANDING their electors IGNORE the will of their residents' votes and cast their votes for the Popular vote winner??

Seriously -- you this clueless ALL the time? This is gonna backfire on your asses like most of your schemes.. If Trump WINS the popular vote -- you'll see trainloads of lawyers running to court to REMOVE the legislation they all passed.. Otherwise NY. Cali.Illinois and 11 other Blue states would turn ALL RED on the official electoral college results..

How'd you miss this chief???

The Electoral College is a dinosaur. Popular vote reflects the real will of the people. People count - not acreage. BTW, what is wrong with BLUE states pushing for their electors to cast their votes for the Popular vote winner?
The Electoral college is a circuit breaker. A check and balance. Before we have real civil discourse. When you guys riot and destroy enough, for example there may be a charasmatic and strong person of pure ironclad dictatorial agendas person will eventually run for President and even rename his title, that is not a Prog. He being from the deplorable camp. Imagine your happiness when that person loses by the electoral college. A circuit breaker. And maybe cooler heads will prevail before the inevitable happens.

Really? So how did we get Trump?

Exactly as we have gotten every President
Every state votes
A bunch more states wanted Trump instead of the Beast.

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