Will There be Riots After the Furgason Grand Jury fails to Indict Wilson?

Will There be Riots After the Furgason Grand Jury fails to Indict Wilson?

  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes ($0-$100,000 in Damages)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes ($100,000-$500,000 in Damages)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes ($500,000-$1,000,000 in Damages)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes ($1,000,000 - $5,000,000 in Damages)

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Yes ($5,000,000-$25,000,000 in Damages)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes ($25,000,000-$100,000,000 in Damages)

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Yes ($100,000,000-$500,000,000 in Damages)

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Yes ($500,000,000-$1,000,000,000 in Damages)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes ($1,000,000,000-$5,000,000,000 in Damages)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes ($5,000,000,000 + in Damages)

    Votes: 1 20.0%

  • Total voters
Of course. But guessing the amount is ludicrous.

Awww come-on. The guessing is the fun part. The winners that guesses the closest will receive one of these. From any random intercity gas station of course.


The rioters will receive those as well. At least the first few.

Indeed they will. Unfortunately for this guy they were out of 40's. Had to settle for cheap wine.


what an idiot yes. but you know they got an excuse for that. justa reaction to white privilage

To bad a bout Ferguson, maybe they should have only black cops for now on and anyone who is
not black just move away? so bad it has reached this point

White flight has already happened in Ferguson. Ferguson, Missouri went from 73.1 percent white in 1990 to 28 percent white today Stuff Black People Don t Like - SBPDL This Fact is Heartbreaking Mr. President Ferguson Missouri went from 73.1 percent white in 1990 to 28 percent white today... . Indeed, the most reliable indicator of violent crime rates is the percentage of black residence in a given area. Race Crime Report Video C-SPAN.org
I wish we could have the "dialogue on race" liberals have been calling for. I want it to be safe for scientists to explain what they have discovered about the genetic reasons for black stupidity, crime, and illegitimacy. I want whites to feel perfectly safe in expressing how we really feel about blacks.

Anti black feelings have never gone away because blacks have never improved their performance and behavior. Immigrants are more likely to despise blacks than are whites who were born here.
I recorded a video from my Ferguson Missouri Crystal Ball. Looks troubling.

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Police in Missouri are actively recruiting masochists. Only ones who can be counted on to do anything concerning the looming race riots.
That's all the Klan old men can do know: dream.

And laugh their asses off

Black victim entitlement culture has become the joke of the United States. It would be funnier if it weren't so damn sad with respect to the implications of our nations future. Dispite bleeding heart leftists giving them every leg up they could the degradation of black culture continues to get worse. This never happened to Asians, Jews, or African migrant Blacks. They came out stronger than before after years of discrimination in the U.S. and African migrants avoid American blacks and befriend whites. So as long as this self appointed entitlement driven black victimhood continues, blacks will continue to be the cultural joke of the United States.
Actually, white "victim entitlement culture" is the "joke of the United States."

I don't see any white victimhood organizations begging for a welfare state and rushing out to defend white deviance. Indeed, if Mike Brown was white and Wilson was black no one, including white people, would care. White people don't care when their thugs get killed and will give the officer the benefit of the doubt almost every time.
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That is why those like you and Protectionism and Pop23 who are arguing White Privilege does not exist yet AA hurts white people although they are doing just well is making ordinary people stare at your silliness.

They understand if that if libertarians are laughing at or condemning them, then the ordinary folks are on the right track.
That is why those like you and Protectionism and Pop23 who are arguing White Privilege does not exist yet AA hurts white people although they are doing just well is making ordinary people stare at your silliness.

They understand if that if libertarians are laughing at or condemning them, then the ordinary folks are on the right track.

Disparity does not equal racism, privilege, or the lack thereof. Ceteris Paribus, if color blind policies were adopted blacks would still underperform as compared to whites and Asians.
"Will There be Riots After the Furgason Grand Jury fails to Indict Wilson?"

Persons of good faith hope not.

You and other racists will unfortunately hope for riots perceived as 'justification' of your ignorance, fear, and hate.
Publius, you are boring as well as wrong.

Boring, perhaps. But I love the way you proved me wrong. I simply cannot defend against your sharp wit and adherence to the facts. Indeed, You and many others have made a strong case for my ignorance simply by stating "you're wrong." What's a guy to do?
"Will There be Riots After the Furgason Grand Jury fails to Indict Wilson?"

Persons of good faith hope not.

You and other racists will unfortunately hope for riots perceived as 'justification' of your ignorance, fear, and hate.

No, I'm betting there will be a riot. So is the federal government and local law enforcement (But do you call them racist for assuming there will be a riot?). If there is no riot it will be because the law enforcement presence is so large that a riot would be less possible. With that said I cannot honestly say that I wont have a few chuckles in the safety of my home well away from any city as the riots start. There is nothing better than the very people who would disagree with everything I say doing exactly what I said they would. Crying isn't an option, so I will laugh. And when I feel the need for another laugh weeks from now there will always be YouTube. Got to love the internet age. The media can no longer cover for black deviance by simply not reporting it. Colin Flaherty - YouTube The age of blindly blaming whitey is over.
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Of course there will be riots.

Now each of needs to search our souls for an answer to the only important question?

"How can I profit from this?"

I assure you, Your Kenyan Emperor already has His answer.

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