Will these be enough to wake up progressives?

Yet another bombing. Yet another mass stabbing. Proving yet again that guns are not the problem. If someone wants to kill - they will find anything at their disposal to kill with. A knife. A baseball bat. A bomb. An automobile. A rope. A hammer. The list goes on and on.

Guns are the ultimate for leveling the playing field. It makes it so that even the most helpless among us can defend themselves. It's time to put this idiotic progressive ideology to rest and start using practical measures to solve real-world problems.

Minnesota mall attack: ISIS wing claims responsibility - CNN.com

New York blast 'obviously an act of terrorism,' Cuomo says - CNN.com
After Sandy Hook we wondered if that would be enough to wake up ammosexuals. How dare you think that guns would have prevented the Chelsea bombing.
muslims use a few jetliners and thousands killed. But you guys still worry about Americans owning guns while inviting tens of thousands of muslims here to cause more trouble.
Our fellow Americans with guns are a bigger threat than terrorists
If we were a threat you would know it.

32,000 Americans killed last year by guns

Less than a hundred by terrorists
Narrow it down.

How many by the law abiding?

Every damned one is law abiding until they pull the trigger
Sorry slick.

Not buying it.
Uses a knife, no one killed. Uses a gun, many people killed.

Of course for those who hug items made of metal that project other items made of metal at 3,000 ft/sec this does not compute. A cowardly act by a POS but ask any of the people stabbed if they'd prefer he had a gun and you will get no 'yes' answers.

muslims use a few jetliners and thousands killed. But you guys still worry about Americans owning guns while inviting tens of thousands of muslims here to cause more trouble.
Our fellow Americans with guns are a bigger threat than terrorists
If we were a threat you would know it.

32,000 Americans killed last year by guns

Less than a hundred by terrorists

Can you imagine how batshit hysterical conservatives would be if 30,000 people were killed by terrorists last year. They would think it the end times.

But that many people killed by guns and they ignore it. They have to be having sex with their guns but that would mean they all have really small Johnsons. Which would explain quite a lot actually.
They are willing to ban all Muslims to save a hundred deaths a year

But suggest some reasonable constraints to save some of the 32,000 killed by guns and they go batshit crazy
Our fellow Americans with guns are a bigger threat than terrorists
If we were a threat you would know it.

32,000 Americans killed last year by guns

Less than a hundred by terrorists
Narrow it down.

How many by the law abiding?

Every damned one is law abiding until they pull the trigger
Sorry slick.

Not buying it.
That's how it works
The fact is that crimes committed and accidental deaths by guns are 7 to 1 over every other instrument or method

You're either lying your ass off or profoundly ignorant. Perhaps a bit of both.

The leading causes of accidental deaths are:
5) choking
4) fires
3) falls
2) poisoning
1) motor vehicles

And 'crimes committed'? That's complete and utter bullshit. The VAST majority of crimes committed do not involve a firearm.

But please, let's see you back up that '7 to 1' statistic. Be sure to wipe all that shit off it first, having come out of your ass and all.

The overwhelming number of deaths by guns are "on purpose" and not accidents

When you combine the two, you get 32,000 gun deaths a year

Why are you bringing up suicides? There are some 50 countries with higher suicides rates than America, and most of them are completely disarmed. You don't need a firearm to kill yourself.

Do you have a point regarding the subject at hand?
Yet another bombing. Yet another mass stabbing. Proving yet again that guns are not the problem. If someone wants to kill - they will find anything at their disposal to kill with. A knife. A baseball bat. A bomb. An automobile. A rope. A hammer. The list goes on and on.

Guns are the ultimate for leveling the playing field. It makes it so that even the most helpless among us can defend themselves. It's time to put this idiotic progressive ideology to rest and start using practical measures to solve real-world problems.

Minnesota mall attack: ISIS wing claims responsibility - CNN.com

New York blast 'obviously an act of terrorism,' Cuomo says - CNN.com
After Sandy Hook we wondered if that would be enough to wake up ammosexuals. How dare you think that guns would have prevented the Chelsea bombing.
Being armed would've stopped the mass-stabbing, you idiot. Just like it would've stopped the massacre at Sandy Hook.
They are willing to ban all Muslims to save a hundred deaths a year

But suggest some reasonable constraints to save some of the 32,000 killed by guns and they go batshit crazy
That's because your "reasonable constraints" have caused those 32,000 deaths. Unarmed people become victims. Armed people don't.
We have people in our country who hate us enough to give up their lives for the chance of killing a few Americans. That is the problem, not the tool they use for killing. So take away the guns, fine. They will use knives, machetes, trucks, bombs of all types including chemical, poison, fire and a hundred other tools to kill Americans. Yes they hate us that much.

Do you get it? It is the WILL to kill, NOT the tool. Repeat that a few times and see if it starts to make sense.

How does that justify leaving loopholes in the background check laws?
because criminals are know for following all the background checks before buying their illegal guns.
Guns kill people the same way pencils make spelling mistakes.

Guns, knives, bombs, chainsaws, acid, fire. All can kill but not unless a human being initiates it.

Weapons aren't the problem. In the attacks in the op, islam is.

There is no end to these meaningless analogies.

Sit down I have to explain something to you: people are lazy. Gun manufacturers know this. They know that killers don't want to chase people with knives, try to build a bomb, chase someone with a chainsaw, or try to set fire to them when they can simply buy a gun at Walmart and be on their way to the crime scene.

Anybody who does not understand this is just too fucking stupid to breathe.

Oh, really?

Please do elaborate.
What Walmart sells guns? I would be interested to know this
Yet another bombing. Yet another mass stabbing. Proving yet again that guns are not the problem. If someone wants to kill - they will find anything at their disposal to kill with. A knife. A baseball bat. A bomb. An automobile. A rope. A hammer. The list goes on and on.

Guns are the ultimate for leveling the playing field. It makes it so that even the most helpless among us can defend themselves. It's time to put this idiotic progressive ideology to rest and start using practical measures to solve real-world problems.

Minnesota mall attack: ISIS wing claims responsibility - CNN.com

New York blast 'obviously an act of terrorism,' Cuomo says - CNN.com
After Sandy Hook we wondered if that would be enough to wake up ammosexuals. How dare you think that guns would have prevented the Chelsea bombing.
Being armed would've stopped the mass-stabbing, you idiot. Just like it would've stopped the massacre at Sandy Hook.
An armed citizen DID stop the stabbing!, you idiot!

And an armed teacher is anathema. Unless you believe that teachers love two thing more than anything, teaching children and shooting.

March 31, 1981. Four men are wounded on the streets of Washington, D.C. Two of the four were armed. One was rendered paraplegic. The fourth was the President of the United States. And all were surrounded by the best armed, best trained cadre of security personnel in history. What can compare to the Secret Service? Mrs. Futhey's ability to draw, aim and shoot, or a Secret Service agent?

Guns do not belong in classrooms. They belong in the hands of a well regulated militia.
An armed citizen DID stop the stabbing!, you idiot!
Yeah....after 8 people were stabbed because those people weren't armed. Having trouble following along here Nosmo? Ask an adult for help.

Also, the fact that an armed citizen ultimately stopped the stabbing is proof that being armed works.
Guns do not belong in classrooms. They belong in the hands of a well regulated militia.
Pure genius. I guess we need to disarm our law enforcement across the land (because they are not a militia). Not by any definition, genius.

So I guess immediately, we need to disarm local policy, county sheriff, state highway patrols, oh - and the F.B.I. It's going to be open season on law enforcement thanks to idiots like Nosmo King.

And just in case any of the progressive nitwits on this board attempt to make the case that our law enforcement falls under the term "militia" - here is the exact definition:

  1. a military force that is raised from the civil population to supplement a regular army in an emergency.
    • a military force that engages in rebel or terrorist activities, typically in opposition to a regular army.

    • all able-bodied civilians eligible by law for military service.

Law enforcement is not military in any capacity. They are not part of the U.S. military - not even part time such as the National Guard. They are not under the department of defense and - except for the F.B.I. - they do not even fall under the jurisdiction of the federal government.
March 31, 1981. Four men are wounded on the streets of Washington, D.C. Two of the four were armed. One was rendered paraplegic. The fourth was the President of the United States. And all were surrounded by the best armed, best trained cadre of security personnel in history. What can compare to the Secret Service? Mrs. Futhey's ability to draw, aim and shoot, or a Secret Service agent?
Cute anecdotal evidence. Here's the problem cupcake:

For starters - the shooting of Ronald Reagan occurred out in public. Where security had absolutely no authority to prevent access. It was on a public sidewalk. A school on the other hand (and specifically a classroom) is locked down. There is very limited access.

In addition - the Secret Service agents tasked with protecting Ronald Reagan that day simply fell asleep at the wheel. What's your point? Had they been alert - they would have seen Hinckley's hands were not visible. You don't allow people to have their hands in their pockets or jackets when the president is near. That's basic Secret Service protocol.
Uses a knife, no one killed. Uses a gun, many people killed.

Of course for those who hug items made of metal that project other items made of metal at 3,000 ft/sec this does not compute. A cowardly act by a POS but ask any of the people stabbed if they'd prefer he had a gun and you will get no 'yes' answers.
Democrats kill many people....
The fact is that crimes committed and accidental deaths by guns are 7 to 1 over every other instrument or method

You're either lying your ass off or profoundly ignorant. Perhaps a bit of both.

The leading causes of accidental deaths are:
5) choking
4) fires
3) falls
2) poisoning
1) motor vehicles

And 'crimes committed'? That's complete and utter bullshit. The VAST majority of crimes committed do not involve a firearm.

But please, let's see you back up that '7 to 1' statistic. Be sure to wipe all that shit off it first, having come out of your ass and all.

The overwhelming number of deaths by guns are "on purpose" and not accidents

When you combine the two, you get 32,000 gun deaths a year

Why are you bringing up suicides? There are some 50 countries with higher suicides rates than America, and most of them are completely disarmed. You don't need a firearm to kill yourself.

Do you have a point regarding the subject at hand?
Guns are the preferred method of suicide in THIS country not other countries
They are willing to ban all Muslims to save a hundred deaths a year

But suggest some reasonable constraints to save some of the 32,000 killed by guns and they go batshit crazy
That's because your "reasonable constraints" have caused those 32,000 deaths. Unarmed people become victims. Armed people don't.
Reasonable constraints give other industrialized nations a murder rate of one fift of ours
The fact is that crimes committed and accidental deaths by guns are 7 to 1 over every other instrument or method

You're either lying your ass off or profoundly ignorant. Perhaps a bit of both.

The leading causes of accidental deaths are:
5) choking
4) fires
3) falls
2) poisoning
1) motor vehicles

And 'crimes committed'? That's complete and utter bullshit. The VAST majority of crimes committed do not involve a firearm.

But please, let's see you back up that '7 to 1' statistic. Be sure to wipe all that shit off it first, having come out of your ass and all.

The overwhelming number of deaths by guns are "on purpose" and not accidents

When you combine the two, you get 32,000 gun deaths a year
Indeed. they don't call it suicide and gang shootings for nothing.
The fact is that crimes committed and accidental deaths by guns are 7 to 1 over every other instrument or method

You're either lying your ass off or profoundly ignorant. Perhaps a bit of both.

The leading causes of accidental deaths are:
5) choking
4) fires
3) falls
2) poisoning
1) motor vehicles

And 'crimes committed'? That's complete and utter bullshit. The VAST majority of crimes committed do not involve a firearm.

But please, let's see you back up that '7 to 1' statistic. Be sure to wipe all that shit off it first, having come out of your ass and all.

The overwhelming number of deaths by guns are "on purpose" and not accidents

When you combine the two, you get 32,000 gun deaths a year
Indeed. they don't call it suicide and gang shootings for nothing.
Suicide, gang shootings, domestic violence, crime, mass shootings, accidents, road rage
They are willing to ban all Muslims to save a hundred deaths a year

But suggest some reasonable constraints to save some of the 32,000 killed by guns and they go batshit crazy
That's because your "reasonable constraints" have caused those 32,000 deaths. Unarmed people become victims. Armed people don't.
Reasonable constraints give other industrialized nations a murder rate of one fift of ours
So go move there then. America isn't for pussies. It's why France surrenders and we dominate wars and destroy some pretty horrific enemies (like Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussien, Osama Bin Laden, etc.). You are clearly more of a limp-wristed french guy.

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