Will these be enough to wake up progressives?

Yet another bombing. Yet another mass stabbing. Proving yet again that guns are not the problem. If someone wants to kill - they will find anything at their disposal to kill with. A knife. A baseball bat. A bomb. An automobile. A rope. A hammer. The list goes on and on.

Guns are the ultimate for leveling the playing field. It makes it so that even the most helpless among us can defend themselves. It's time to put this idiotic progressive ideology to rest and start using practical measures to solve real-world problems.

Minnesota mall attack: ISIS wing claims responsibility - CNN.com

New York blast 'obviously an act of terrorism,' Cuomo says - CNN.com

The fact is that crimes committed and accidental deaths by guns are 7 to 1 over every other instrument or method

And statistics pulled out of the ass are 7:1 compared to actual statistics.
Guns kill people the same way pencils make spelling mistakes.

Guns, knives, bombs, chainsaws, acid, fire. All can kill but not unless a human being initiates it.

Weapons aren't the problem. In the attacks in the op, islam is.

There is no end to these meaningless analogies.

Sit down I have to explain something to you: people are lazy. Gun manufacturers know this. They know that killers don't want to chase people with knives, try to build a bomb, chase someone with a chainsaw, or try to set fire to them when they can simply buy a gun at Walmart and be on their way to the crime scene.

Anybody who does not understand this is just too fucking stupid to breathe.
It's funny that oxygen thieves like you make claims like this, yet ignore that people intending to break the law in the first place won't care about breaking the law to get a gun, so they'll just buy the gun illegally. There are numerous places to do so, and everyone knows this. The Black Market can use the business, anyway, I guess?

Your argument is old, tired and out of synch with 90% of the people in this country who want more effective background checks. People like me want people like you to own a gun in hopes that some day you will just turn it on yourself in keeping with making America great again.
Yet another bombing. Yet another mass stabbing. Proving yet again that guns are not the problem. If someone wants to kill - they will find anything at their disposal to kill with. A knife. A baseball bat. A bomb. An automobile. A rope. A hammer. The list goes on and on.

Guns are the ultimate for leveling the playing field. It makes it so that even the most helpless among us can defend themselves. It's time to put this idiotic progressive ideology to rest and start using practical measures to solve real-world problems.

Minnesota mall attack: ISIS wing claims responsibility - CNN.com

New York blast 'obviously an act of terrorism,' Cuomo says - CNN.com

The fact is that crimes committed and accidental deaths by guns are 7 to 1 over every other instrument or method

And statistics pulled out of the ass are 7:1 compared to actual statistics.

Nope. You are wrong. For the year ending in 2014 there were 11,961 murders of which 8124 were committed using guns.

Duly noted that you are relying on opinion and I am posting FBI stats:
FBI | US Murders by Weapon Type
Yet another bombing. Yet another mass stabbing. Proving yet again that guns are not the problem. If someone wants to kill - they will find anything at their disposal to kill with. A knife. A baseball bat. A bomb. An automobile. A rope. A hammer. The list goes on and on.

Guns are the ultimate for leveling the playing field. It makes it so that even the most helpless among us can defend themselves. It's time to put this idiotic progressive ideology to rest and start using practical measures to solve real-world problems.

Minnesota mall attack: ISIS wing claims responsibility - CNN.com

New York blast 'obviously an act of terrorism,' Cuomo says - CNN.com

The fact is that crimes committed and accidental deaths by guns are 7 to 1 over every other instrument or method

And statistics pulled out of the ass are 7:1 compared to actual statistics.

Nope. You are wrong. For the year ending in 2014 there were 11,961 murders of which 8124 were committed using guns.

Duly noted that you are relying on opinion and I am posting FBI stats:
FBI | US Murders by Weapon Type
So what is your point? That statistic is completely and totally irrelevant. Here is the only stat that matters:

Of the alleged 11,961 murder victims you cite - how many of them were armed? I'm betting close to 0. You progressive idiots continue to manufacture victims because you refuse to give them the tools to defend themselves. It's idiotic. It's a special kind of stupid that could only come from them left.
Your argument is old, tired and out of synch with 90% of the people in this country who want more effective background checks. People like me want people like you to own a gun in hopes that some day you will just turn it on yourself in keeping with making America great again.
This is called projection. It is your argument that is old, tired, and out of sync with America. If 90% of the people wanted the restrictions you do - we'd have them already. There would literally be no way to prevent them if 90% of the population wanted it.

Thank you for illustrating what a pathological liar you are.
Guns kill people the same way pencils make spelling mistakes.

Guns, knives, bombs, chainsaws, acid, fire. All can kill but not unless a human being initiates it.

Weapons aren't the problem. In the attacks in the op, islam is.

There is no end to these meaningless analogies.

Sit down I have to explain something to you: people are lazy. Gun manufacturers know this. They know that killers don't want to chase people with knives, try to build a bomb, chase someone with a chainsaw, or try to set fire to them when they can simply buy a gun at Walmart and be on their way to the crime scene.

Anybody who does not understand this is just too fucking stupid to breathe.

:rolleyes: You should really read the news sometime.

If a gun is a bad guys weapon of choice then it should also remain available to good guys as a weapon of choice to defend themselves. More laws and regulations will do diddly and squat in making it harder for bad guys to buy guns because, despite your moronic "they [bad guys] can simply buy a gun at a Walmart", they don't get their guns from Walmart. Bad guys don't follow the law so any new law/regulation enacted will do nothing in stopping them from obtaining a gun but it will make it harder for law abiding people to obtain a gun. Why anyone would want to make it harder for law abiding people to get a gun is mystifying.
Guns kill people the same way pencils make spelling mistakes.

Guns, knives, bombs, chainsaws, acid, fire. All can kill but not unless a human being initiates it.

Weapons aren't the problem. In the attacks in the op, islam is.

There is no end to these meaningless analogies.

Sit down I have to explain something to you: people are lazy. Gun manufacturers know this. They know that killers don't want to chase people with knives, try to build a bomb, chase someone with a chainsaw, or try to set fire to them when they can simply buy a gun at Walmart and be on their way to the crime scene.

Anybody who does not understand this is just too fucking stupid to breathe.
It's funny that oxygen thieves like you make claims like this, yet ignore that people intending to break the law in the first place won't care about breaking the law to get a gun, so they'll just buy the gun illegally. There are numerous places to do so, and everyone knows this. The Black Market can use the business, anyway, I guess?

Your argument is old, tired and out of synch with 90% of the people in this country who want more effective background checks. People like me want people like you to own a gun in hopes that some day you will just turn it on yourself in keeping with making America great again.
Going to need to see a source for the 90% claim, and the argument is old and still used because it's totally valid. Background checks also won't stop first time criminals, nor will it stop people from buying guns illegally. As usual, Liberals are clueless. If strict gun control worked, Chicago wouldn't one of the most dangerous places in America. Gangs love it... because they know their victims likely won't be armed. Of course, Democrats know this, they want more victims so they can have more voters.
Guns kill people the same way pencils make spelling mistakes.

Guns, knives, bombs, chainsaws, acid, fire. All can kill but not unless a human being initiates it.

Weapons aren't the problem. In the attacks in the op, islam is.

There is no end to these meaningless analogies.

Sit down I have to explain something to you: people are lazy. Gun manufacturers know this. They know that killers don't want to chase people with knives, try to build a bomb, chase someone with a chainsaw, or try to set fire to them when they can simply buy a gun at Walmart and be on their way to the crime scene.

Anybody who does not understand this is just too fucking stupid to breathe.

Oh, really?

Please do elaborate.
Guns kill people the same way pencils make spelling mistakes.

Guns, knives, bombs, chainsaws, acid, fire. All can kill but not unless a human being initiates it.

Weapons aren't the problem. In the attacks in the op, islam is.

There is no end to these meaningless analogies.

Sit down I have to explain something to you: people are lazy. Gun manufacturers know this. They know that killers don't want to chase people with knives, try to build a bomb, chase someone with a chainsaw, or try to set fire to them when they can simply buy a gun at Walmart and be on their way to the crime scene.

Anybody who does not understand this is just too fucking stupid to breathe.
It's funny that oxygen thieves like you make claims like this, yet ignore that people intending to break the law in the first place won't care about breaking the law to get a gun, so they'll just buy the gun illegally. There are numerous places to do so, and everyone knows this. The Black Market can use the business, anyway, I guess?

Your argument is old, tired and out of synch with 90% of the people in this country who want more effective background checks. People like me want people like you to own a gun in hopes that some day you will just turn it on yourself in keeping with making America great again.
Uses a knife, no one killed. Uses a gun, many people killed.

Of course for those who hug items made of metal that project other items made of metal at 3,000 ft/sec this does not compute. A cowardly act by a POS but ask any of the people stabbed if they'd prefer he had a gun and you will get no 'yes' answers.

muslims use a few jetliners and thousands killed. But you guys still worry about Americans owning guns while inviting tens of thousands of muslims here to kill more. They usually don't do one on one either. Usually do mass killing. But keep on ranting against guns if it makes you feel better.
Uses a knife, no one killed. Uses a gun, many people killed.

Of course for those who hug items made of metal that project other items made of metal at 3,000 ft/sec this does not compute. A cowardly act by a POS but ask any of the people stabbed if they'd prefer he had a gun and you will get no 'yes' answers.

muslims use a few jetliners and thousands killed. But you guys still worry about Americans owning guns while inviting tens of thousands of muslims here to cause more trouble.
Our fellow Americans with guns are a bigger threat than terrorists
Uses a knife, no one killed. Uses a gun, many people killed.

Of course for those who hug items made of metal that project other items made of metal at 3,000 ft/sec this does not compute. A cowardly act by a POS but ask any of the people stabbed if they'd prefer he had a gun and you will get no 'yes' answers.

muslims use a few jetliners and thousands killed. But you guys still worry about Americans owning guns while inviting tens of thousands of muslims here to cause more trouble.
Our fellow Americans with guns are a bigger threat than terrorists
If we were a threat you would know it.
Uses a knife, no one killed. Uses a gun, many people killed.

Of course for those who hug items made of metal that project other items made of metal at 3,000 ft/sec this does not compute. A cowardly act by a POS but ask any of the people stabbed if they'd prefer he had a gun and you will get no 'yes' answers.

muslims use a few jetliners and thousands killed. But you guys still worry about Americans owning guns while inviting tens of thousands of muslims here to cause more trouble.
Our fellow Americans with guns are a bigger threat than terrorists
If we were a threat you would know it.

32,000 Americans killed last year by guns

Less than a hundred by terrorists
Uses a knife, no one killed. Uses a gun, many people killed.

Of course for those who hug items made of metal that project other items made of metal at 3,000 ft/sec this does not compute. A cowardly act by a POS but ask any of the people stabbed if they'd prefer he had a gun and you will get no 'yes' answers.

muslims use a few jetliners and thousands killed. But you guys still worry about Americans owning guns while inviting tens of thousands of muslims here to cause more trouble.
Our fellow Americans with guns are a bigger threat than terrorists

He's here and is already winning the hearts and minds. Trump I mean, and you are worried too. In the meantime your corrupt and unpopular clinton can barely make it on stage without falling down.
Uses a knife, no one killed. Uses a gun, many people killed.

Of course for those who hug items made of metal that project other items made of metal at 3,000 ft/sec this does not compute. A cowardly act by a POS but ask any of the people stabbed if they'd prefer he had a gun and you will get no 'yes' answers.

muslims use a few jetliners and thousands killed. But you guys still worry about Americans owning guns while inviting tens of thousands of muslims here to cause more trouble.
Our fellow Americans with guns are a bigger threat than terrorists

Not true. They save many lives a year.

Here Is How Many Times Guns Save Lives Each Year
Uses a knife, no one killed. Uses a gun, many people killed.

Of course for those who hug items made of metal that project other items made of metal at 3,000 ft/sec this does not compute. A cowardly act by a POS but ask any of the people stabbed if they'd prefer he had a gun and you will get no 'yes' answers.

muslims use a few jetliners and thousands killed. But you guys still worry about Americans owning guns while inviting tens of thousands of muslims here to cause more trouble.
Our fellow Americans with guns are a bigger threat than terrorists
If we were a threat you would know it.

32,000 Americans killed last year by guns

Less than a hundred by terrorists

Can you imagine how batshit hysterical conservatives would be if 30,000 people were killed by terrorists last year. They would think it the end times.

But that many people killed by guns and they ignore it. They have to be having sex with their guns but that would mean they all have really small Johnsons. Which would explain quite a lot actually.
All suicides
Number of deaths: 41,149
Deaths per 100,000 population: 13.0
Cause of death rank: 10

Firearm suicides
Number of deaths: 21,175
Deaths per 100,000 population: 6.7

All homicides
Number of deaths: 16,121
Deaths per 100,000 population: 5.1

Firearm homicides
Number of deaths: 11,208 *** how many inner city gang or drug killings?
Deaths per 100,000 population: 3.5
Uses a knife, no one killed. Uses a gun, many people killed.

Of course for those who hug items made of metal that project other items made of metal at 3,000 ft/sec this does not compute. A cowardly act by a POS but ask any of the people stabbed if they'd prefer he had a gun and you will get no 'yes' answers.

muslims use a few jetliners and thousands killed. But you guys still worry about Americans owning guns while inviting tens of thousands of muslims here to cause more trouble.
Our fellow Americans with guns are a bigger threat than terrorists
If we were a threat you would know it.

32,000 Americans killed last year by guns

Less than a hundred by terrorists
Narrow it down.

How many by the law abiding?
Uses a knife, no one killed. Uses a gun, many people killed.

Of course for those who hug items made of metal that project other items made of metal at 3,000 ft/sec this does not compute. A cowardly act by a POS but ask any of the people stabbed if they'd prefer he had a gun and you will get no 'yes' answers.

muslims use a few jetliners and thousands killed. But you guys still worry about Americans owning guns while inviting tens of thousands of muslims here to cause more trouble.
Our fellow Americans with guns are a bigger threat than terrorists
If we were a threat you would know it.

32,000 Americans killed last year by guns

Less than a hundred by terrorists
Narrow it down.

How many by the law abiding?

Every damned one is law abiding until they pull the trigger

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