Will these be enough to wake up progressives?

Don't have to, I'd rather vote
How's that been working out for ya? :lol:

Vintage progressivism right there. Too lazy to do anything other than pull a lever for the government to do it for them. You've been crying about this for decades. You might want to try something other than pulling your lever. That's clearly not panning out of you.
That's the way things work when you are one of We the People
We the People clearly disagree with you, the anti-American radical.
Specious logic. I have a rock that prevents tiger attacks. See! I've never been attacked by a tiger.
  1. You don't have a rock. Why do you feel the need to lie in posts? Oh yeah - because I've proven that you are wrong and you're not mature enough to admit it.
  2. Tigers only exist in the wild in Asia genius. You can't possibly be attacked by a Tiger since you haven't stepped foot in Asia.
I'm using an analogy. That's something they may have taught you in school, had you been paying attention. My tiger prevention rock is specious logic, much as your being armed prevents you from being mugged.

Learn a few things before you attempt to debate more intelligent folks.
Don't have to, I'd rather vote
How's that been working out for ya? :lol:

Vintage progressivism right there. Too lazy to do anything other than pull a lever for the government to do it for them. You've been crying about this for decades. You might want to try something other than pulling your lever. That's clearly not panning out of you.
That's the way things work when you are one of We the People
We the People clearly disagree with you, the anti-American radical.

Show us at the polls nutjob
The fact is that crimes committed and accidental deaths by guns are 7 to 1 over every other instrument or method

You're either lying your ass off or profoundly ignorant. Perhaps a bit of both.

The leading causes of accidental deaths are:
5) choking
4) fires
3) falls
2) poisoning
1) motor vehicles

And 'crimes committed'? That's complete and utter bullshit. The VAST majority of crimes committed do not involve a firearm.

But please, let's see you back up that '7 to 1' statistic. Be sure to wipe all that shit off it first, having come out of your ass and all.

The overwhelming number of deaths by guns are "on purpose" and not accidents

When you combine the two, you get 32,000 gun deaths a year

Why are you bringing up suicides? There are some 50 countries with higher suicides rates than America, and most of them are completely disarmed. You don't need a firearm to kill yourself.

Do you have a point regarding the subject at hand?
Guns are the preferred method of suicide in THIS country not other countries

Which has nothing to do with the point at hand. Try to focus.
The fact is that crimes committed and accidental deaths by guns are 7 to 1 over every other instrument or method

You're either lying your ass off or profoundly ignorant. Perhaps a bit of both.

The leading causes of accidental deaths are:
5) choking
4) fires
3) falls
2) poisoning
1) motor vehicles

And 'crimes committed'? That's complete and utter bullshit. The VAST majority of crimes committed do not involve a firearm.

But please, let's see you back up that '7 to 1' statistic. Be sure to wipe all that shit off it first, having come out of your ass and all.

The overwhelming number of deaths by guns are "on purpose" and not accidents

When you combine the two, you get 32,000 gun deaths a year

Why are you bringing up suicides? There are some 50 countries with higher suicides rates than America, and most of them are completely disarmed. You don't need a firearm to kill yourself.

Do you have a point regarding the subject at hand?
Guns are the preferred method of suicide in THIS country not other countries

Which has nothing to do with the point at hand. Try to focus.

Has everything to do with OUR country where 2 out of three suicides use guns

Has everything to do with passing legislation to keep guns out of the hands of those suffering PTSD or clinical depression.
You're either lying your ass off or profoundly ignorant. Perhaps a bit of both.

The leading causes of accidental deaths are:
5) choking
4) fires
3) falls
2) poisoning
1) motor vehicles

And 'crimes committed'? That's complete and utter bullshit. The VAST majority of crimes committed do not involve a firearm.

But please, let's see you back up that '7 to 1' statistic. Be sure to wipe all that shit off it first, having come out of your ass and all.

The overwhelming number of deaths by guns are "on purpose" and not accidents

When you combine the two, you get 32,000 gun deaths a year

Why are you bringing up suicides? There are some 50 countries with higher suicides rates than America, and most of them are completely disarmed. You don't need a firearm to kill yourself.

Do you have a point regarding the subject at hand?
Guns are the preferred method of suicide in THIS country not other countries

Which has nothing to do with the point at hand. Try to focus.

Has everything to do with OUR country where 2 out of three suicides use guns

Has everything to do with passing legislation to keep guns out of the hands of those suffering PTSD or clinical depression.

Who gives a flying shit HOW someone commits suicide? As everyone knows, many societies, cultures and countries have FAR higher suicide rates than the US and yet have no access to firearms. Clearly, if someone is going to kill themselves, they don't need a firearm.

Again, try to focus on the point at hand.

Regarding legislation that would curtail a citizen's rights because you think they're depressed, you can bet your collectivist ass the ACLU will be all over that one. Locking people up because the government says someone is unstable is the oldest trick in the book and you're falling for it hook, line and sinker.

Rather pathetic.
Don't have to, I'd rather vote
How's that been working out for ya? :lol:

Vintage progressivism right there. Too lazy to do anything other than pull a lever for the government to do it for them. You've been crying about this for decades. You might want to try something other than pulling your lever. That's clearly not panning out of you.
That's the way things work when you are one of We the People
We the People clearly disagree with you, the anti-American radical.

Show us at the polls nutjob
Show you the polls? How about I show you my small arsenal of firearms that I legally own and which you cannot prevent me from bearing?

South America is figuring out what progressives in America already know but are too immature to accept: left-wing policies end in poverty and misery.
  • With the Senate impeachment vote to remove from office former President Dilma Rousseff, Brazilians joined a lengthening line of Latin Americans who have soured on the populist, corrupting, and impoverishing policies of “21st Century Socialism.”
  • Faced with its disastrous consequences, people in some neighboring countries had already turned the page and moved on. Argentina wised up late last year and installed center-right President Mauricio Macri after more than a decade of misrule by the Peronist Kirchner family.
'Socialism of the 21st Century' Collapses in Brazil

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